/* GLib testing framework examples and tests * * Copyright (C) 2008-2010 Red Hat, Inc. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General * Public License along with this library; if not, write to the * Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * * Author: David Zeuthen */ #include #include #include /* for open(2) */ #include #include #include #include /* for g_unlink() */ #include #include #include #include /* used in test_overflow */ #ifdef G_OS_UNIX #include #include #endif #include "gdbus-tests.h" #ifdef G_OS_UNIX static gboolean is_unix = TRUE; #else static gboolean is_unix = FALSE; #endif static gchar *test_guid = NULL; static GMainLoop *service_loop = NULL; static GDBusServer *server = NULL; static GMainLoop *loop = NULL; /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Test that peer-to-peer connections work */ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ typedef struct { gboolean accept_connection; gint num_connection_attempts; GPtrArray *current_connections; guint num_method_calls; gboolean signal_received; } PeerData; static const gchar *test_interface_introspection_xml = "" " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " ""; static GDBusInterfaceInfo *test_interface_introspection_data = NULL; static void test_interface_method_call (GDBusConnection *connection, const gchar *sender, const gchar *object_path, const gchar *interface_name, const gchar *method_name, GVariant *parameters, GDBusMethodInvocation *invocation, gpointer user_data) { PeerData *data = user_data; const GDBusMethodInfo *info; data->num_method_calls++; g_assert_cmpstr (object_path, ==, "/org/gtk/GDBus/PeerTestObject"); g_assert_cmpstr (interface_name, ==, "org.gtk.GDBus.PeerTestInterface"); info = g_dbus_method_invocation_get_method_info (invocation); g_assert_cmpstr (info->name, ==, method_name); if (g_strcmp0 (method_name, "HelloPeer") == 0) { const gchar *greeting; gchar *response; g_variant_get (parameters, "(&s)", &greeting); response = g_strdup_printf ("You greeted me with '%s'.", greeting); g_dbus_method_invocation_return_value (invocation, g_variant_new ("(s)", response)); g_free (response); } else if (g_strcmp0 (method_name, "EmitSignal") == 0) { GError *error; error = NULL; g_dbus_connection_emit_signal (connection, NULL, "/org/gtk/GDBus/PeerTestObject", "org.gtk.GDBus.PeerTestInterface", "PeerSignal", NULL, &error); g_assert_no_error (error); g_dbus_method_invocation_return_value (invocation, NULL); } else if (g_strcmp0 (method_name, "EmitSignalWithNameSet") == 0) { GError *error; gboolean ret; GDBusMessage *message; message = g_dbus_message_new_signal ("/org/gtk/GDBus/PeerTestObject", "org.gtk.GDBus.PeerTestInterface", "PeerSignalWithNameSet"); g_dbus_message_set_sender (message, ":1.42"); error = NULL; ret = g_dbus_connection_send_message (connection, message, G_DBUS_SEND_MESSAGE_FLAGS_NONE, NULL, &error); g_assert_no_error (error); g_assert (ret); g_object_unref (message); g_dbus_method_invocation_return_value (invocation, NULL); } else if (g_strcmp0 (method_name, "OpenFile") == 0) { #ifdef G_OS_UNIX const gchar *path; GDBusMessage *reply; GError *error; gint fd; GUnixFDList *fd_list; g_variant_get (parameters, "(&s)", &path); fd_list = g_unix_fd_list_new (); error = NULL; fd = open (path, O_RDONLY); g_unix_fd_list_append (fd_list, fd, &error); g_assert_no_error (error); close (fd); reply = g_dbus_message_new_method_reply (g_dbus_method_invocation_get_message (invocation)); g_dbus_message_set_unix_fd_list (reply, fd_list); g_object_unref (fd_list); g_object_unref (invocation); error = NULL; g_dbus_connection_send_message (connection, reply, G_DBUS_SEND_MESSAGE_FLAGS_NONE, NULL, /* out_serial */ &error); g_assert_no_error (error); g_object_unref (reply); #else g_dbus_method_invocation_return_dbus_error (invocation, "org.gtk.GDBus.NotOnUnix", "Your OS does not support file descriptor passing"); #endif } else { g_assert_not_reached (); } } static GVariant * test_interface_get_property (GDBusConnection *connection, const gchar *sender, const gchar *object_path, const gchar *interface_name, const gchar *property_name, GError **error, gpointer user_data) { g_assert_cmpstr (object_path, ==, "/org/gtk/GDBus/PeerTestObject"); g_assert_cmpstr (interface_name, ==, "org.gtk.GDBus.PeerTestInterface"); g_assert_cmpstr (property_name, ==, "PeerProperty"); return g_variant_new_string ("ThePropertyValue"); } static const GDBusInterfaceVTable test_interface_vtable = { test_interface_method_call, test_interface_get_property, NULL /* set_property */ }; static void on_proxy_signal_received (GDBusProxy *proxy, gchar *sender_name, gchar *signal_name, GVariant *parameters, gpointer user_data) { PeerData *data = user_data; data->signal_received = TRUE; g_assert (sender_name == NULL); g_assert_cmpstr (signal_name, ==, "PeerSignal"); g_main_loop_quit (loop); } static void on_proxy_signal_received_with_name_set (GDBusProxy *proxy, gchar *sender_name, gchar *signal_name, GVariant *parameters, gpointer user_data) { PeerData *data = user_data; data->signal_received = TRUE; g_assert_cmpstr (sender_name, ==, ":1.42"); g_assert_cmpstr (signal_name, ==, "PeerSignalWithNameSet"); g_main_loop_quit (loop); } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static gboolean on_authorize_authenticated_peer (GDBusAuthObserver *observer, GIOStream *stream, GCredentials *credentials, gpointer user_data) { PeerData *data = user_data; gboolean authorized; data->num_connection_attempts++; authorized = TRUE; if (!data->accept_connection) { authorized = FALSE; g_main_loop_quit (loop); } return authorized; } /* Runs in thread we created GDBusServer in (since we didn't pass G_DBUS_SERVER_FLAGS_RUN_IN_THREAD) */ static void on_new_connection (GDBusServer *server, GDBusConnection *connection, gpointer user_data) { PeerData *data = user_data; GError *error; guint reg_id; //g_print ("Client connected.\n" // "Negotiated capabilities: unix-fd-passing=%d\n", // g_dbus_connection_get_capabilities (connection) & G_DBUS_CAPABILITY_FLAGS_UNIX_FD_PASSING); g_ptr_array_add (data->current_connections, g_object_ref (connection)); /* export object on the newly established connection */ error = NULL; reg_id = g_dbus_connection_register_object (connection, "/org/gtk/GDBus/PeerTestObject", test_interface_introspection_data, &test_interface_vtable, data, NULL, /* GDestroyNotify for data */ &error); g_assert_no_error (error); g_assert (reg_id > 0); g_main_loop_quit (loop); } static gpointer service_thread_func (gpointer user_data) { PeerData *data = user_data; GMainContext *service_context; GDBusAuthObserver *observer; GError *error; service_context = g_main_context_new (); g_main_context_push_thread_default (service_context); error = NULL; observer = g_dbus_auth_observer_new (); server = g_dbus_server_new_sync (is_unix ? "unix:tmpdir=/tmp/gdbus-test-" : "nonce-tcp:", G_DBUS_SERVER_FLAGS_NONE, test_guid, observer, NULL, /* cancellable */ &error); g_assert_no_error (error); g_signal_connect (server, "new-connection", G_CALLBACK (on_new_connection), data); g_signal_connect (observer, "authorize-authenticated-peer", G_CALLBACK (on_authorize_authenticated_peer), data); g_object_unref (observer); g_dbus_server_start (server); service_loop = g_main_loop_new (service_context, FALSE); g_main_loop_run (service_loop); g_main_context_pop_thread_default (service_context); g_main_loop_unref (service_loop); g_main_context_unref (service_context); /* test code specifically unrefs the server - see below */ g_assert (server == NULL); return NULL; } #if 0 static gboolean on_incoming_connection (GSocketService *service, GSocketConnection *socket_connection, GObject *source_object, gpointer user_data) { PeerData *data = user_data; if (data->accept_connection) { GError *error; guint reg_id; GDBusConnection *connection; error = NULL; connection = g_dbus_connection_new_sync (G_IO_STREAM (socket_connection), test_guid, G_DBUS_CONNECTION_FLAGS_AUTHENTICATION_SERVER, NULL, /* cancellable */ &error); g_assert_no_error (error); g_ptr_array_add (data->current_connections, connection); /* export object on the newly established connection */ error = NULL; reg_id = g_dbus_connection_register_object (connection, "/org/gtk/GDBus/PeerTestObject", &test_interface_introspection_data, &test_interface_vtable, data, NULL, /* GDestroyNotify for data */ &error); g_assert_no_error (error); g_assert (reg_id > 0); } else { /* don't do anything */ } data->num_connection_attempts++; g_main_loop_quit (loop); /* stops other signal handlers from being invoked */ return TRUE; } static gpointer service_thread_func (gpointer data) { GMainContext *service_context; gchar *socket_path; GSocketAddress *address; GError *error; service_context = g_main_context_new (); g_main_context_push_thread_default (service_context); socket_path = g_strdup_printf ("/tmp/gdbus-test-pid-%d", getpid ()); address = g_unix_socket_address_new (socket_path); service = g_socket_service_new (); error = NULL; g_socket_listener_add_address (G_SOCKET_LISTENER (service), address, G_SOCKET_TYPE_STREAM, G_SOCKET_PROTOCOL_DEFAULT, NULL, /* source_object */ NULL, /* effective_address */ &error); g_assert_no_error (error); g_signal_connect (service, "incoming", G_CALLBACK (on_incoming_connection), data); g_socket_service_start (service); service_loop = g_main_loop_new (service_context, FALSE); g_main_loop_run (service_loop); g_main_context_pop_thread_default (service_context); g_main_loop_unref (service_loop); g_main_context_unref (service_context); g_object_unref (address); g_free (socket_path); return NULL; } #endif /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #if 0 static gboolean check_connection (gpointer user_data) { PeerData *data = user_data; guint n; for (n = 0; n < data->current_connections->len; n++) { GDBusConnection *c; GIOStream *stream; c = G_DBUS_CONNECTION (data->current_connections->pdata[n]); stream = g_dbus_connection_get_stream (c); g_debug ("In check_connection for %d: connection %p, stream %p", n, c, stream); g_debug ("closed = %d", g_io_stream_is_closed (stream)); GSocket *socket; socket = g_socket_connection_get_socket (G_SOCKET_CONNECTION (stream)); g_debug ("socket_closed = %d", g_socket_is_closed (socket)); g_debug ("socket_condition_check = %d", g_socket_condition_check (socket, G_IO_IN|G_IO_OUT|G_IO_ERR|G_IO_HUP)); gchar buf[128]; GError *error; gssize num_read; error = NULL; num_read = g_input_stream_read (g_io_stream_get_input_stream (stream), buf, 128, NULL, &error); if (num_read < 0) { g_debug ("error: %s", error->message); g_error_free (error); } else { g_debug ("no error, read %d bytes", (gint) num_read); } } return FALSE; } static gboolean on_do_disconnect_in_idle (gpointer data) { GDBusConnection *c = G_DBUS_CONNECTION (data); g_debug ("GDC %p has ref_count %d", c, G_OBJECT (c)->ref_count); g_dbus_connection_disconnect (c); g_object_unref (c); return FALSE; } #endif #ifdef G_OS_UNIX static gchar * read_all_from_fd (gint fd, gsize *out_len, GError **error) { GString *str; gchar buf[64]; gssize num_read; str = g_string_new (NULL); do { num_read = read (fd, buf, sizeof (buf)); if (num_read == -1) { if (errno == EAGAIN || errno == EWOULDBLOCK) continue; g_set_error (error, G_IO_ERROR, g_io_error_from_errno (errno), "Failed reading %d bytes into offset %d: %s", (gint) sizeof (buf), (gint) str->len, strerror (errno)); goto error; } else if (num_read > 0) { g_string_append_len (str, buf, num_read); } else if (num_read == 0) { break; } } while (TRUE); if (out_len != NULL) *out_len = str->len; return g_string_free (str, FALSE); error: if (out_len != NULL) out_len = 0; g_string_free (str, TRUE); return NULL; } #endif static void test_peer (void) { GDBusConnection *c; GDBusConnection *c2; GDBusProxy *proxy; GError *error; PeerData data; GVariant *value; GVariant *result; const gchar *s; GThread *service_thread; gulong signal_handler_id; memset (&data, '\0', sizeof (PeerData)); data.current_connections = g_ptr_array_new_with_free_func (g_object_unref); /* first try to connect when there is no server */ error = NULL; c = g_dbus_connection_new_for_address_sync (is_unix ? "unix:path=/tmp/gdbus-test-does-not-exist-pid" : /* NOTE: Even if something is listening on port 12345 the connection * will fail because the nonce file doesn't exist */ "nonce-tcp:host=localhost,port=12345,noncefile=this-does-not-exist-gdbus", G_DBUS_CONNECTION_FLAGS_AUTHENTICATION_CLIENT, NULL, /* GDBusAuthObserver */ NULL, /* cancellable */ &error); _g_assert_error_domain (error, G_IO_ERROR); g_assert (!g_dbus_error_is_remote_error (error)); g_clear_error (&error); g_assert (c == NULL); /* bring up a server - we run the server in a different thread to avoid deadlocks */ error = NULL; service_thread = g_thread_create (service_thread_func, &data, TRUE, &error); while (service_loop == NULL) g_thread_yield (); g_assert (server != NULL); /* bring up a connection and accept it */ data.accept_connection = TRUE; error = NULL; c = g_dbus_connection_new_for_address_sync (g_dbus_server_get_client_address (server), G_DBUS_CONNECTION_FLAGS_AUTHENTICATION_CLIENT, NULL, /* GDBusAuthObserver */ NULL, /* cancellable */ &error); g_assert_no_error (error); g_assert (c != NULL); while (data.current_connections->len < 1) g_main_loop_run (loop); g_assert_cmpint (data.current_connections->len, ==, 1); g_assert_cmpint (data.num_connection_attempts, ==, 1); g_assert (g_dbus_connection_get_unique_name (c) == NULL); g_assert_cmpstr (g_dbus_connection_get_guid (c), ==, test_guid); /* check that we create a proxy, read properties, receive signals and invoke * the HelloPeer() method. Since the server runs in another thread it's fine * to use synchronous blocking API here. */ error = NULL; proxy = g_dbus_proxy_new_sync (c, G_DBUS_PROXY_FLAGS_NONE, NULL, NULL, /* bus_name */ "/org/gtk/GDBus/PeerTestObject", "org.gtk.GDBus.PeerTestInterface", NULL, /* GCancellable */ &error); g_assert_no_error (error); g_assert (proxy != NULL); error = NULL; value = g_dbus_proxy_get_cached_property (proxy, "PeerProperty"); g_assert_cmpstr (g_variant_get_string (value, NULL), ==, "ThePropertyValue"); /* try invoking a method */ error = NULL; result = g_dbus_proxy_call_sync (proxy, "HelloPeer", g_variant_new ("(s)", "Hey Peer!"), G_DBUS_CALL_FLAGS_NONE, -1, NULL, /* GCancellable */ &error); g_assert_no_error (error); g_variant_get (result, "(&s)", &s); g_assert_cmpstr (s, ==, "You greeted me with 'Hey Peer!'."); g_variant_unref (result); g_assert_cmpint (data.num_method_calls, ==, 1); /* make the other peer emit a signal - catch it */ signal_handler_id = g_signal_connect (proxy, "g-signal", G_CALLBACK (on_proxy_signal_received), &data); g_assert (!data.signal_received); g_dbus_proxy_call (proxy, "EmitSignal", NULL, /* no arguments */ G_DBUS_CALL_FLAGS_NONE, -1, NULL, /* GCancellable */ NULL, /* GAsyncReadyCallback - we don't care about the result */ NULL); /* user_data */ g_main_loop_run (loop); g_assert (data.signal_received); g_assert_cmpint (data.num_method_calls, ==, 2); g_signal_handler_disconnect (proxy, signal_handler_id); /* Also ensure that messages with the sender header-field set gets * delivered to the proxy - note that this doesn't really make sense * e.g. names are meaning-less in a peer-to-peer case... but we * support it because it makes sense in certain bridging * applications - see e.g. #623815. */ signal_handler_id = g_signal_connect (proxy, "g-signal", G_CALLBACK (on_proxy_signal_received_with_name_set), &data); data.signal_received = FALSE; g_dbus_proxy_call (proxy, "EmitSignalWithNameSet", NULL, /* no arguments */ G_DBUS_CALL_FLAGS_NONE, -1, NULL, /* GCancellable */ NULL, /* GAsyncReadyCallback - we don't care about the result */ NULL); /* user_data */ g_main_loop_run (loop); g_assert (data.signal_received); g_assert_cmpint (data.num_method_calls, ==, 3); g_signal_handler_disconnect (proxy, signal_handler_id); /* check for UNIX fd passing */ #ifdef G_OS_UNIX { GDBusMessage *method_call_message; GDBusMessage *method_reply_message; GUnixFDList *fd_list; gint fd; gchar *buf; gsize len; gchar *buf2; gsize len2; method_call_message = g_dbus_message_new_method_call (NULL, /* name */ "/org/gtk/GDBus/PeerTestObject", "org.gtk.GDBus.PeerTestInterface", "OpenFile"); g_dbus_message_set_body (method_call_message, g_variant_new ("(s)", "/etc/hosts")); error = NULL; method_reply_message = g_dbus_connection_send_message_with_reply_sync (c, method_call_message, G_DBUS_SEND_MESSAGE_FLAGS_NONE, -1, NULL, /* out_serial */ NULL, /* cancellable */ &error); g_assert_no_error (error); g_assert (g_dbus_message_get_message_type (method_reply_message) == G_DBUS_MESSAGE_TYPE_METHOD_RETURN); fd_list = g_dbus_message_get_unix_fd_list (method_reply_message); g_assert (fd_list != NULL); g_assert_cmpint (g_unix_fd_list_get_length (fd_list), ==, 1); error = NULL; fd = g_unix_fd_list_get (fd_list, 0, &error); g_assert_no_error (error); g_object_unref (method_call_message); g_object_unref (method_reply_message); error = NULL; len = 0; buf = read_all_from_fd (fd, &len, &error); g_assert_no_error (error); g_assert (buf != NULL); close (fd); error = NULL; g_file_get_contents ("/etc/hosts", &buf2, &len2, &error); g_assert_no_error (error); g_assert_cmpint (len, ==, len2); g_assert (memcmp (buf, buf2, len) == 0); g_free (buf2); g_free (buf); } #else error = NULL; result = g_dbus_proxy_call_sync (proxy, "OpenFile", g_variant_new ("(s)", "boo"), G_DBUS_CALL_FLAGS_NONE, -1, NULL, /* GCancellable */ &error); g_assert_error (error, G_IO_ERROR, G_IO_ERROR_DBUS_ERROR); g_assert (result == NULL); g_error_free (error); #endif /* G_OS_UNIX */ /* Check that g_socket_get_credentials() work - this really should * be in a GSocket-specific test suite but no such test suite exists * right now. */ { GSocket *socket; GCredentials *credentials; socket = g_socket_connection_get_socket (G_SOCKET_CONNECTION (g_dbus_connection_get_stream (c))); g_assert (G_IS_SOCKET (socket)); error = NULL; credentials = g_socket_get_credentials (socket, &error); #ifdef __linux__ { struct ucred *native_creds; g_assert_no_error (error); g_assert (G_IS_CREDENTIALS (credentials)); native_creds = g_credentials_get_native (credentials, G_CREDENTIALS_TYPE_LINUX_UCRED); g_assert (native_creds != NULL); g_assert (native_creds->uid == getuid ()); g_assert (native_creds->gid == getgid ()); g_assert (native_creds->pid == getpid ()); } g_object_unref (credentials); #else g_assert_error (error, G_IO_ERROR, G_IO_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED); g_assert (credentials == NULL); #endif } /* bring up a connection - don't accept it - this should fail */ data.accept_connection = FALSE; error = NULL; c2 = g_dbus_connection_new_for_address_sync (g_dbus_server_get_client_address (server), G_DBUS_CONNECTION_FLAGS_AUTHENTICATION_CLIENT, NULL, /* GDBusAuthObserver */ NULL, /* cancellable */ &error); _g_assert_error_domain (error, G_IO_ERROR); g_error_free (error); g_assert (c2 == NULL); #if 0 /* TODO: THIS TEST DOESN'T WORK YET */ /* bring up a connection - accept it.. then disconnect from the client side - check * that the server side gets the disconnect signal. */ error = NULL; data.accept_connection = TRUE; c2 = g_dbus_connection_new_for_address_sync (g_dbus_server_get_client_address (server), G_DBUS_CONNECTION_FLAGS_AUTHENTICATION_CLIENT, NULL, /* GDBusAuthObserver */ NULL, /* cancellable */ &error); g_assert_no_error (error); g_assert (c2 != NULL); g_assert (!g_dbus_connection_get_is_disconnected (c2)); while (data.num_connection_attempts < 3) g_main_loop_run (loop); g_assert_cmpint (data.current_connections->len, ==, 2); g_assert_cmpint (data.num_connection_attempts, ==, 3); g_assert (!g_dbus_connection_get_is_disconnected (G_DBUS_CONNECTION (data.current_connections->pdata[1]))); g_idle_add (on_do_disconnect_in_idle, c2); g_debug ("=================================================="); g_debug ("=================================================="); g_debug ("=================================================="); g_debug ("waiting for disconnect on connection %p, stream %p", data.current_connections->pdata[1], g_dbus_connection_get_stream (data.current_connections->pdata[1])); g_timeout_add (2000, check_connection, &data); //_g_assert_signal_received (G_DBUS_CONNECTION (data.current_connections->pdata[1]), "closed"); g_main_loop_run (loop); g_assert (g_dbus_connection_get_is_disconnected (G_DBUS_CONNECTION (data.current_connections->pdata[1]))); g_ptr_array_set_size (data.current_connections, 1); /* remove disconnected connection object */ #endif /* unref the server and stop listening for new connections * * This won't bring down the established connections - check that c is still connected * by invoking a method */ //g_socket_service_stop (service); //g_object_unref (service); g_dbus_server_stop (server); g_object_unref (server); server = NULL; error = NULL; result = g_dbus_proxy_call_sync (proxy, "HelloPeer", g_variant_new ("(s)", "Hey Again Peer!"), G_DBUS_CALL_FLAGS_NONE, -1, NULL, /* GCancellable */ &error); g_assert_no_error (error); g_variant_get (result, "(&s)", &s); g_assert_cmpstr (s, ==, "You greeted me with 'Hey Again Peer!'."); g_variant_unref (result); g_assert_cmpint (data.num_method_calls, ==, 5); #if 0 /* TODO: THIS TEST DOESN'T WORK YET */ /* now disconnect from the server side - check that the client side gets the signal */ g_assert_cmpint (data.current_connections->len, ==, 1); g_assert (G_DBUS_CONNECTION (data.current_connections->pdata[0]) != c); g_dbus_connection_disconnect (G_DBUS_CONNECTION (data.current_connections->pdata[0])); if (!g_dbus_connection_get_is_disconnected (c)) _g_assert_signal_received (c, "closed"); g_assert (g_dbus_connection_get_is_disconnected (c)); #endif g_object_unref (c); g_ptr_array_unref (data.current_connections); g_object_unref (proxy); g_main_loop_quit (service_loop); g_thread_join (service_thread); } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ typedef struct { GDBusServer *server; GMainContext *context; GMainLoop *loop; GList *connections; } DmpData; static void dmp_data_free (DmpData *data) { g_main_loop_unref (data->loop); g_main_context_unref (data->context); g_object_unref (data->server); g_list_foreach (data->connections, (GFunc) g_object_unref, NULL); g_list_free (data->connections); g_free (data); } static void dmp_on_method_call (GDBusConnection *connection, const gchar *sender, const gchar *object_path, const gchar *interface_name, const gchar *method_name, GVariant *parameters, GDBusMethodInvocation *invocation, gpointer user_data) { //DmpData *data = user_data; gint32 first; gint32 second; g_variant_get (parameters, "(ii)", &first, &second); g_dbus_method_invocation_return_value (invocation, g_variant_new ("(i)", first + second)); } static const GDBusInterfaceVTable dmp_interface_vtable = { dmp_on_method_call, NULL, /* get_property */ NULL /* set_property */ }; /* Runs in thread we created GDBusServer in (since we didn't pass G_DBUS_SERVER_FLAGS_RUN_IN_THREAD) */ static void dmp_on_new_connection (GDBusServer *server, GDBusConnection *connection, gpointer user_data) { DmpData *data = user_data; GDBusNodeInfo *node; GError *error; /* accept the connection */ data->connections = g_list_prepend (data->connections, g_object_ref (connection)); error = NULL; node = g_dbus_node_info_new_for_xml ("" " " " " " " " " " " " " " " "", &error); g_assert_no_error (error); /* sleep 100ms before exporting an object - this is to test that * G_DBUS_CONNECTION_FLAGS_DELAY_MESSAGE_PROCESSING really works * (GDBusServer uses this feature). */ usleep (100 * 1000); /* export an object */ error = NULL; g_dbus_connection_register_object (connection, "/dmp/test", node->interfaces[0], &dmp_interface_vtable, data, NULL, &error); g_dbus_node_info_unref (node); } static gpointer dmp_thread_func (gpointer user_data) { DmpData *data = user_data; GError *error; gchar *guid; data->context = g_main_context_new (); g_main_context_push_thread_default (data->context); error = NULL; guid = g_dbus_generate_guid (); data->server = g_dbus_server_new_sync ("unix:tmpdir=/tmp/gdbus-test-", G_DBUS_SERVER_FLAGS_NONE, guid, NULL, /* GDBusAuthObserver */ NULL, /* GCancellable */ &error); g_assert_no_error (error); g_signal_connect (data->server, "new-connection", G_CALLBACK (dmp_on_new_connection), data); g_dbus_server_start (data->server); data->loop = g_main_loop_new (data->context, FALSE); g_main_loop_run (data->loop); g_main_context_pop_thread_default (data->context); g_free (guid); return NULL; } static void delayed_message_processing (void) { GError *error; DmpData *data; GThread *service_thread; guint n; data = g_new0 (DmpData, 1); error = NULL; service_thread = g_thread_create (dmp_thread_func, data, TRUE, &error); while (data->server == NULL || !g_dbus_server_is_active (data->server)) g_thread_yield (); for (n = 0; n < 5; n++) { GDBusConnection *c; GVariant *res; gint32 val; error = NULL; c = g_dbus_connection_new_for_address_sync (g_dbus_server_get_client_address (data->server), G_DBUS_CONNECTION_FLAGS_AUTHENTICATION_CLIENT, NULL, /* GDBusAuthObserver */ NULL, /* GCancellable */ &error); g_assert_no_error (error); error = NULL; res = g_dbus_connection_call_sync (c, NULL, /* bus name */ "/dmp/test", "org.gtk.GDBus.DmpInterface", "AddPair", g_variant_new ("(ii)", 2, n), G_VARIANT_TYPE ("(i)"), G_DBUS_CALL_FLAGS_NONE, -1, /* timeout_msec */ NULL, /* GCancellable */ &error); g_assert_no_error (error); g_variant_get (res, "(i)", &val); g_assert_cmpint (val, ==, 2 + n); g_variant_unref (res); g_object_unref (c); } g_main_loop_quit (data->loop); g_thread_join (service_thread); dmp_data_free (data); } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static gboolean nonce_tcp_on_authorize_authenticated_peer (GDBusAuthObserver *observer, GIOStream *stream, GCredentials *credentials, gpointer user_data) { PeerData *data = user_data; gboolean authorized; data->num_connection_attempts++; authorized = TRUE; if (!data->accept_connection) { authorized = FALSE; g_main_loop_quit (loop); } return authorized; } /* Runs in thread we created GDBusServer in (since we didn't pass G_DBUS_SERVER_FLAGS_RUN_IN_THREAD) */ static void nonce_tcp_on_new_connection (GDBusServer *server, GDBusConnection *connection, gpointer user_data) { PeerData *data = user_data; g_ptr_array_add (data->current_connections, g_object_ref (connection)); g_main_loop_quit (loop); } static gpointer nonce_tcp_service_thread_func (gpointer user_data) { PeerData *data = user_data; GMainContext *service_context; GDBusAuthObserver *observer; GError *error; service_context = g_main_context_new (); g_main_context_push_thread_default (service_context); error = NULL; observer = g_dbus_auth_observer_new (); server = g_dbus_server_new_sync ("nonce-tcp:", G_DBUS_SERVER_FLAGS_NONE, test_guid, observer, NULL, /* cancellable */ &error); g_assert_no_error (error); g_signal_connect (server, "new-connection", G_CALLBACK (nonce_tcp_on_new_connection), data); g_signal_connect (observer, "authorize-authenticated-peer", G_CALLBACK (nonce_tcp_on_authorize_authenticated_peer), data); g_object_unref (observer); g_dbus_server_start (server); service_loop = g_main_loop_new (service_context, FALSE); g_main_loop_run (service_loop); g_main_context_pop_thread_default (service_context); g_main_loop_unref (service_loop); g_main_context_unref (service_context); /* test code specifically unrefs the server - see below */ g_assert (server == NULL); return NULL; } static void test_nonce_tcp (void) { PeerData data; GError *error; GThread *service_thread; GDBusConnection *c; gchar *s; gchar *nonce_file; gboolean res; const gchar *address; memset (&data, '\0', sizeof (PeerData)); data.current_connections = g_ptr_array_new_with_free_func (g_object_unref); error = NULL; server = NULL; service_loop = NULL; service_thread = g_thread_create (nonce_tcp_service_thread_func, &data, TRUE, &error); while (service_loop == NULL) g_thread_yield (); g_assert (server != NULL); /* bring up a connection and accept it */ data.accept_connection = TRUE; error = NULL; c = g_dbus_connection_new_for_address_sync (g_dbus_server_get_client_address (server), G_DBUS_CONNECTION_FLAGS_AUTHENTICATION_CLIENT, NULL, /* GDBusAuthObserver */ NULL, /* cancellable */ &error); g_assert_no_error (error); g_assert (c != NULL); while (data.current_connections->len < 1) g_main_loop_run (loop); g_assert_cmpint (data.current_connections->len, ==, 1); g_assert_cmpint (data.num_connection_attempts, ==, 1); g_assert (g_dbus_connection_get_unique_name (c) == NULL); g_assert_cmpstr (g_dbus_connection_get_guid (c), ==, test_guid); g_object_unref (c); /* now, try to subvert the nonce file (this assumes noncefile is the last key/value pair) */ address = g_dbus_server_get_client_address (server); s = strstr (address, "noncefile="); g_assert (s != NULL); s += sizeof "noncefile=" - 1; nonce_file = g_strdup (s); /* First try invalid data in the nonce file - this will actually * make the client send this and the server will reject it. The way * it works is that if the nonce doesn't match, the server will * simply close the connection. So, from the client point of view, * we can see a variety of errors. */ error = NULL; res = g_file_set_contents (nonce_file, "0123456789012345", -1, &error); g_assert_no_error (error); g_assert (res); c = g_dbus_connection_new_for_address_sync (address, G_DBUS_CONNECTION_FLAGS_AUTHENTICATION_CLIENT, NULL, /* GDBusAuthObserver */ NULL, /* cancellable */ &error); _g_assert_error_domain (error, G_IO_ERROR); g_error_free (error); g_assert (c == NULL); /* Then try with a nonce-file of incorrect length - this will make * the client complain - we won't even try connecting to the server * for this */ error = NULL; res = g_file_set_contents (nonce_file, "0123456789012345_", -1, &error); g_assert_no_error (error); g_assert (res); c = g_dbus_connection_new_for_address_sync (address, G_DBUS_CONNECTION_FLAGS_AUTHENTICATION_CLIENT, NULL, /* GDBusAuthObserver */ NULL, /* cancellable */ &error); g_assert_error (error, G_IO_ERROR, G_IO_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT); g_error_free (error); g_assert (c == NULL); /* Finally try with no nonce-file at all */ g_assert_cmpint (g_unlink (nonce_file), ==, 0); error = NULL; c = g_dbus_connection_new_for_address_sync (address, G_DBUS_CONNECTION_FLAGS_AUTHENTICATION_CLIENT, NULL, /* GDBusAuthObserver */ NULL, /* cancellable */ &error); g_assert_error (error, G_IO_ERROR, G_IO_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT); g_error_free (error); g_assert (c == NULL); g_free (nonce_file); g_dbus_server_stop (server); g_object_unref (server); server = NULL; g_main_loop_quit (service_loop); g_thread_join (service_thread); } static void test_credentials (void) { GCredentials *c1, *c2; GError *error; gchar *desc; c1 = g_credentials_new (); c2 = g_credentials_new (); error = NULL; if (g_credentials_set_unix_user (c2, getuid (), &error)) g_assert_no_error (error); g_clear_error (&error); g_assert (g_credentials_is_same_user (c1, c2, &error)); g_assert_no_error (error); desc = g_credentials_to_string (c1); g_assert (desc != NULL); g_free (desc); g_object_unref (c1); g_object_unref (c2); } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #ifdef G_OS_UNIX /* Chosen to be big enough to overflow the socket buffer */ #define OVERFLOW_NUM_SIGNALS 5000 #define OVERFLOW_TIMEOUT_SEC 10 static GDBusMessageFilterResult overflow_filter_func (GDBusConnection *connection, GDBusMessage *message, gboolean incoming, gpointer user_data) { volatile gint *counter = user_data; *counter += 1; return G_DBUS_MESSAGE_FILTER_RESULT_NO_EFFECT; } static gboolean overflow_on_500ms_later_func (gpointer user_data) { g_main_loop_quit (loop); return FALSE; /* don't keep the idle */ } static void test_overflow (void) { gint sv[2]; gint n; GSocket *socket; GSocketConnection *socket_connection; GDBusConnection *producer, *consumer; GError *error; GTimer *timer; volatile gint n_messages_received; volatile gint n_messages_sent; g_assert_cmpint (socketpair (AF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, 0, sv), ==, 0); error = NULL; socket = g_socket_new_from_fd (sv[0], &error); g_assert_no_error (error); socket_connection = g_socket_connection_factory_create_connection (socket); g_assert (socket_connection != NULL); g_object_unref (socket); producer = g_dbus_connection_new_sync (G_IO_STREAM (socket_connection), NULL, /* guid */ G_DBUS_CONNECTION_FLAGS_NONE, NULL, /* GDBusAuthObserver */ NULL, /* GCancellable */ &error); g_dbus_connection_set_exit_on_close (producer, TRUE); g_assert_no_error (error); g_object_unref (socket_connection); n_messages_sent = 0; g_dbus_connection_add_filter (producer, overflow_filter_func, (gpointer) &n_messages_sent, NULL); /* send enough data that we get an EAGAIN */ for (n = 0; n < OVERFLOW_NUM_SIGNALS; n++) { error = NULL; g_dbus_connection_emit_signal (producer, NULL, /* destination */ "/org/foo/Object", "org.foo.Interface", "Member", g_variant_new ("(s)", "a string"), &error); g_assert_no_error (error); } /* sleep for 0.5 sec (to allow the GDBus IO thread to fill up the * kernel buffers) and verify that n_messages_sent < * OVERFLOW_NUM_SIGNALS * * This is to verify that not all the submitted messages have been * sent to the underlying transport. */ g_timeout_add (500, overflow_on_500ms_later_func, NULL); g_main_loop_run (loop); g_assert_cmpint (n_messages_sent, <, OVERFLOW_NUM_SIGNALS); /* now suck it all out as a client, and add it up */ socket = g_socket_new_from_fd (sv[1], &error); g_assert_no_error (error); socket_connection = g_socket_connection_factory_create_connection (socket); g_assert (socket_connection != NULL); g_object_unref (socket); consumer = g_dbus_connection_new_sync (G_IO_STREAM (socket_connection), NULL, /* guid */ G_DBUS_CONNECTION_FLAGS_DELAY_MESSAGE_PROCESSING, NULL, /* GDBusAuthObserver */ NULL, /* GCancellable */ &error); g_assert_no_error (error); g_object_unref (socket_connection); n_messages_received = 0; g_dbus_connection_add_filter (consumer, overflow_filter_func, (gpointer) &n_messages_received, NULL); g_dbus_connection_start_message_processing (consumer); timer = g_timer_new (); g_timer_start (timer); while (n_messages_received < OVERFLOW_NUM_SIGNALS && g_timer_elapsed (timer, NULL) < OVERFLOW_TIMEOUT_SEC) g_main_context_iteration (NULL, FALSE); g_assert_cmpint (n_messages_sent, ==, OVERFLOW_NUM_SIGNALS); g_assert_cmpint (n_messages_received, ==, OVERFLOW_NUM_SIGNALS); g_timer_destroy (timer); g_object_unref (consumer); g_object_unref (producer); } #else static void test_overflow (void) { /* TODO: test this with e.g. GWin32InputStream/GWin32OutputStream */ } #endif /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ int main (int argc, char *argv[]) { gint ret; GDBusNodeInfo *introspection_data = NULL; g_type_init (); g_thread_init (NULL); g_test_init (&argc, &argv, NULL); introspection_data = g_dbus_node_info_new_for_xml (test_interface_introspection_xml, NULL); g_assert (introspection_data != NULL); test_interface_introspection_data = introspection_data->interfaces[0]; test_guid = g_dbus_generate_guid (); /* all the tests rely on a shared main loop */ loop = g_main_loop_new (NULL, FALSE); g_test_add_func ("/gdbus/peer-to-peer", test_peer); g_test_add_func ("/gdbus/delayed-message-processing", delayed_message_processing); g_test_add_func ("/gdbus/nonce-tcp", test_nonce_tcp); g_test_add_func ("/gdbus/credentials", test_credentials); g_test_add_func ("/gdbus/overflow", test_overflow); ret = g_test_run(); g_main_loop_unref (loop); g_free (test_guid); g_dbus_node_info_unref (introspection_data); return ret; }