common_gio_tests_deps = [ libglib_dep, libgmodule_dep, libgobject_dep, libgio_dep, ] test_c_args = [ '-DG_LOG_DOMAIN="GLib-GIO"', '-DGLIB_MKENUMS="@0@"'.format(glib_mkenums.full_path()), '-DGLIB_COMPILE_SCHEMAS="@0@"'.format(glib_compile_schemas.full_path()), '-UG_DISABLE_ASSERT', ] libutil_dep = dependency('', required : false) if cc.has_header('pty.h') have_openpty = cc.has_function('openpty', prefix : '#include ') if host_machine.system() == 'linux' and not have_openpty libutil_dep = cc.find_library('util', required : false) have_openpty = cc.has_function('openpty', dependencies : libutil_dep, prefix : '#include ') endif if have_openpty test_c_args += '-DHAVE_OPENPTY' endif endif test_cpp_args = test_c_args if host_machine.system() == 'windows' common_gio_tests_deps += [iphlpapi_dep, winsock2, cc.find_library ('secur32')] endif subdir('gdbus-object-manager-example') gengiotypefuncs_prog = find_program('') giotypefuncs_inc = custom_target( '', output : '', input : gio_headers + [gioenumtypes_h] + gobject_install_headers, command: [gengiotypefuncs_prog, '@OUTPUT@', '@INPUT@']) if glib_build_shared subdir('modules') endif # Test programs buildable on all platforms gio_tests = { 'application-command-line': {}, 'appmonitor' : { # FIXME: # FIXME: 'can_fail' : host_system in ['darwin', 'gnu'], }, 'async-close-output-stream' : {}, 'async-splice-output-stream' : {}, 'buffered-input-stream' : {}, 'buffered-output-stream' : {}, 'cancellable' : {}, 'contexts' : {}, 'contenttype' : {}, 'converter-stream' : { # musl: charset tests fail due to missing collation support in musl libc # From # "LC_COLLATE support for collation orders other than simple codepoint order" 'can_fail' : linux_libc == 'musl', }, 'converter' : {}, 'credentials' : {}, 'data-input-stream' : {}, 'data-output-stream' : {}, 'error': {}, 'file-thumbnail' : {}, 'fileattributematcher' : {}, 'filter-streams' : {}, 'giomodule' : { 'depends' : glib_build_shared ? [libtestmodulea, libtestmoduleb] : [], }, 'gsubprocess' : { 'suite': host_system == 'windows' ? ['flaky'] : [], 'extra_programs': ['gsubprocess-testprog'], }, 'g-file' : {}, 'g-file-info' : { # FIXME: # FIXME: 'can_fail' : host_system in ['darwin', 'gnu'] or host_system == 'windows' and cc.get_id() != 'gcc', }, 'g-icon' : {}, 'gdbus-addresses' : {}, 'gdbus-message' : {}, 'gdbus-peer' : { 'dependencies' : [libgdbus_example_objectmanager_dep], 'install_rpath' : installed_tests_execdir, # FIXME: # FIXME: 'can_fail' : host_system in ['darwin', 'windows', 'gnu'], }, 'inet-address' : {}, 'io-stream' : {}, 'max-version' : {'install' : false}, 'memory-input-stream' : {}, 'memory-monitor' : {}, 'memory-output-stream' : {}, 'memory-settings-backend' : {}, 'mount-operation' : {}, 'network-address' : {'extra_sources': ['mock-resolver.c']}, 'network-monitor' : {}, 'network-monitor-race' : {}, 'null-settings-backend' : {}, 'permission' : {}, 'pollable' : {'dependencies' : [libutil_dep]}, 'power-profile-monitor' : {}, 'proxy-test' : {}, 'readwrite' : {}, 'sandbox' : { 'extra_sources': ['../gsandbox.c', 'portal-support-utils.c'], 'c_args': ['-DG_PORTAL_SUPPORT_TEST'], }, 'simple-async-result' : {}, 'simple-proxy' : {}, 'sleepy-stream' : {}, 'socket' : { # FIXME: # FIXME: 'can_fail' : host_system in ['darwin', 'gnu'], }, 'socket-listener' : {}, 'socket-service' : {}, 'srvtarget' : {}, 'task' : {}, 'vfs' : {}, 'volumemonitor' : {}, 'glistmodel' : {}, 'testfilemonitor' : { 'suite' : ['slow'], # FIXME: 'can_fail' : host_system in ['darwin'], }, 'thumbnail-verification' : {}, 'tls-certificate' : {'extra_sources' : ['gtesttlsbackend.c']}, 'tls-interaction' : {'extra_sources' : ['gtesttlsbackend.c']}, 'tls-database' : {'extra_sources' : ['gtesttlsbackend.c']}, 'tls-bindings' : {'extra_sources' : ['gtesttlsbackend.c']}, 'unix-fd' : {}, 'gdbus-address-get-session' : { 'extra_programs': host_system != 'windows' ? ['dbus-launch'] : [], # FIXME: # FIXME: 'can_fail' : host_system in ['darwin', 'gnu'], }, 'win32-appinfo' : {}, } if glib_have_cocoa gio_tests += { 'osx-appinfo' : {} } endif if have_cxx gio_tests += { 'cxx' : { 'protocol': 'exitcode', 'source' : ['cxx.cpp'], 'suite': ['cpp'], }, } foreach std, arg: cxx_standards gio_tests += { 'cxx-@0@'.format(std) : { 'protocol': 'exitcode', 'source' : ['cxx.cpp'], 'suite' : ['cpp'], 'cpp_args' : [arg], }, } endforeach endif test_extra_programs = { 'gdbus-connection-flush-helper' : {}, 'gdbus-testserver' : {}, 'gsubprocess-testprog' : {}, } python_tests = { # FIXME: '' : { 'env': {'_G_TEST_PROGRAM_RUNNER_PATH': fs.parent(gdbus_codegen.full_path())}, 'can_fail' : host_system == 'freebsd', 'suite': ['gdbus-codegen', 'slow'], 'timeout': 90, }, '' : { 'depends' : gio_tool, 'env': {'_G_TEST_PROGRAM_RUNNER_PATH': fs.parent(gio_tool.full_path())}, 'can_fail' : host_system == 'windows', }, } test_env = environment() test_env.set('G_TEST_SRCDIR', meson.current_source_dir()) test_env.set('G_TEST_BUILDDIR', meson.current_build_dir()) test_env.set('GIO_MODULE_DIR', '') if host_system != 'windows' and not glib_have_cocoa test_env.set('GIO_LAUNCH_DESKTOP', gio_launch_desktop.full_path()) endif # Check for libdbus1 - Optional - is only used in the GDBus test cases # 1.2.14 required for dbus_message_set_serial dbus1_dep = dependency('dbus-1', required : false, version : '>= 1.2.14') if not dbus1_dep.found() if cc.get_id() == 'msvc' or cc.get_id() == 'clang-cl' # MSVC: Search for the DBus library by the configuration, which corresponds # to the output of CMake builds of DBus. Note that debugoptimized # is really a Release build with .PDB files. if vs_crt == 'debug' dbus1_dep = cc.find_library('dbus-1d', required : false) else dbus1_dep = cc.find_library('dbus-1', required : false) endif endif endif if dbus1_dep.found() glib_conf.set('HAVE_DBUS1', 1) gio_tests += { 'gdbus-serialization' : { 'extra_sources' : ['gdbus-tests.c'], 'dependencies' : [dbus1_dep], }, 'gdbus-server-auth' : { 'dependencies' : [dbus1_dep], }, } else # We can build a cut-down version of this test without libdbus gio_tests += { 'gdbus-server-auth' : {}, } endif have_dbus_daemon = find_program('dbus-daemon', required : false).found() if have_dbus_daemon gio_tests += { 'debugcontroller' : {}, 'defaultvalue' : {'extra_sources' : [giotypefuncs_inc]}, } endif # Test programs buildable on UNIX only if host_machine.system() != 'windows' gio_tests += { 'file' : { # FIXME: 'can_fail' : host_system == 'gnu', }, 'gdbus-peer-object-manager' : {}, 'gdbus-sasl' : {}, 'live-g-file' : {}, 'portal-support-flatpak-none' : { 'extra_sources': ['../gportalsupport.c', '../gsandbox.c', 'portal-support-utils.c'], 'c_args': ['-DG_PORTAL_SUPPORT_TEST'], 'suite': ['portal-support'], }, 'portal-support-flatpak-full' : { 'extra_sources': ['../gportalsupport.c', '../gsandbox.c', 'portal-support-utils.c'], 'c_args': ['-DG_PORTAL_SUPPORT_TEST'], 'suite': ['portal-support'], }, 'portal-support-flatpak-network-only' : { 'extra_sources': ['../gportalsupport.c', '../gsandbox.c', 'portal-support-utils.c'], 'c_args': ['-DG_PORTAL_SUPPORT_TEST'], 'suite': ['portal-support'], }, 'portal-support-flatpak-gsettings-only' : { 'extra_sources': ['../gportalsupport.c', '../gsandbox.c', 'portal-support-utils.c'], 'c_args': ['-DG_PORTAL_SUPPORT_TEST'], 'suite': ['portal-support'], }, 'portal-support-none' : { 'extra_sources': ['../gportalsupport.c', '../gsandbox.c'], 'c_args': ['-DG_PORTAL_SUPPORT_TEST'], 'suite': ['portal-support'], }, 'portal-support-env-var' : { 'extra_sources': ['../gportalsupport.c', '../gsandbox.c'], 'suite': ['portal-support'], }, 'portal-support-snap' : { 'extra_sources': ['../gportalsupport.c', '../gsandbox.c', 'portal-support-utils.c'], 'c_args': ['-DG_PORTAL_SUPPORT_TEST'], 'suite': ['portal-support'], }, 'portal-support-snap-classic' : { 'extra_sources': ['../gportalsupport.c', '../gsandbox.c', 'portal-support-utils.c'], 'c_args': ['-DG_PORTAL_SUPPORT_TEST'], 'suite': ['portal-support'], }, 'resolver-parsing' : {'dependencies' : [network_libs]}, 'socket-address' : {}, 'stream-rw_all' : { # FIXME: 'can_fail' : host_system == 'gnu', }, 'unix-mounts' : {}, 'unix-streams' : {}, 'g-file-info-filesystem-readonly' : {}, 'gschema-compile' : {'install' : false}, 'trash' : { # FIXME: 'can_fail' : host_system == 'darwin', }, } if have_rtld_next and glib_build_shared asan_env = {} if 'address' in glib_sanitizers asan_env = {'ASAN_OPTIONS': 'verify_asan_link_order=0'} endif gio_tests += { 'gsocketclient-slow' : { 'depends' : [ shared_library('slow-connect-preload', 'slow-connect-preload.c', name_prefix : '', dependencies: libdl_dep, install_dir : installed_tests_execdir, install_tag : 'tests', install: installed_tests_enabled, ) ], 'env' : { 'LD_PRELOAD': '@0@/'.format(meson.current_build_dir()) } + asan_env, 'installed_tests_env' : { 'LD_PRELOAD': '@0@/'.format(installed_tests_execdir), } + asan_env, }, } endif # Uninstalled because of the check-for-executable logic in DesktopAppInfo # unable to find the installed executable if not glib_have_cocoa gio_tests += { 'appinfo' : { 'install' : false, 'extra_programs' : ['appinfo-test'], }, 'desktop-app-info' : { 'install' : false, 'depends' : gio_launch_desktop, 'extra_programs' : ['apps', 'appinfo-test'], # FIXME: 'can_fail' : host_system == 'gnu', }, } endif test_extra_programs += { 'basic-application' : {}, 'dbus-launch' : {}, 'appinfo-test' : {}, } if not glib_have_cocoa test_extra_programs += { 'apps' : {}, } gio_tests += { 'mimeapps' : {}, } endif if have_dbus_daemon annotate_args = [ '--annotate', 'org.project.Bar', 'Key1', 'Value1', '--annotate', 'org.project.Bar', 'org.gtk.GDBus.Internal', 'Value2', '--annotate', 'org.project.Bar.HelloWorld()', 'Key3', 'Value3', '--annotate', 'org.project.Bar::TestSignal', 'Key4', 'Value4', '--annotate', 'org.project.Bar:ay', 'Key5', 'Value5', '--annotate', 'org.project.Bar.TestPrimitiveTypes()[val_int32]', 'Key6', 'Value6', '--annotate', 'org.project.Bar.TestPrimitiveTypes()[ret_uint32]', 'Key7', 'Value7', '--annotate', 'org.project.Bar::TestSignal[array_of_strings]', 'Key8', 'Value8', ] # Generate gdbus-test-codegen-generated.{c,h} gdbus_test_codegen_generated = custom_target('gdbus-test-codegen-generated', input : ['test-codegen.xml'], output : ['gdbus-test-codegen-generated.h', 'gdbus-test-codegen-generated.c'], depend_files : gdbus_codegen_built_files, depends : gdbus_codegen_built_targets, command : [python, gdbus_codegen, '--interface-prefix', 'org.project.', '--output-directory', '@OUTDIR@', '--generate-c-code', 'gdbus-test-codegen-generated', '--c-generate-object-manager', '--c-generate-autocleanup', 'all', '--c-namespace', 'Foo_iGen', '--generate-docbook', 'gdbus-test-codegen-generated-doc', annotate_args, '@INPUT@']) # Generate gdbus-test-codegen-generated-min-required-2-64.{c,h} gdbus_test_codegen_generated_min_required_2_64 = custom_target('gdbus-test-codegen-generated-min-required-2-64', input : ['test-codegen.xml'], output : ['gdbus-test-codegen-generated-min-required-2-64.h', 'gdbus-test-codegen-generated-min-required-2-64.c'], depend_files : gdbus_codegen_built_files, depends : gdbus_codegen_built_targets, command : [python, gdbus_codegen, '--glib-min-required', '2.64', '--interface-prefix', 'org.project.', '--output-directory', '@OUTDIR@', '--generate-c-code', 'gdbus-test-codegen-generated-min-required-2-64', '--c-generate-object-manager', '--c-generate-autocleanup', 'all', '--c-namespace', 'Foo_iGen', '--generate-docbook', 'gdbus-test-codegen-generated-doc', annotate_args, '@INPUT@']) gdbus_test_codegen_generated_interface_info = [ custom_target('gdbus-test-codegen-generated-interface-info-h', input : ['test-codegen.xml'], output : ['gdbus-test-codegen-generated-interface-info.h'], depend_files : gdbus_codegen_built_files, depends : gdbus_codegen_built_targets, command : [python, gdbus_codegen, '--interface-info-header', annotate_args, '--output', '@OUTPUT@', '@INPUT@']), custom_target('gdbus-test-codegen-generated-interface-info-c', input : ['test-codegen.xml'], output : ['gdbus-test-codegen-generated-interface-info.c'], depend_files : gdbus_codegen_built_files, depends : gdbus_codegen_built_targets, command : [python, gdbus_codegen, '--interface-info-body', annotate_args, '--output', '@OUTPUT@', '@INPUT@']), ] extra_sources = ['gdbus-sessionbus.c', 'gdbus-tests.c'] extra_programs = ['gdbus-testserver'] gio_tests += { 'actions' : { 'extra_sources' : extra_sources, 'suite' : ['slow'], }, 'fdo-notification-backend': {}, 'gdbus-auth' : {'extra_sources' : extra_sources}, 'gdbus-bz627724' : {'extra_sources' : extra_sources}, 'gdbus-close-pending' : {'extra_sources' : extra_sources}, 'gdbus-connection' : { 'extra_sources' : extra_sources, 'extra_programs': extra_programs, }, 'gdbus-connection-loss' : { 'extra_sources' : extra_sources, 'extra_programs': extra_programs, }, 'gdbus-connection-slow' : { 'extra_sources' : extra_sources, 'extra_programs': extra_programs + ['gdbus-connection-flush-helper'], # FIXME: 'can_fail' : host_system == 'gnu', }, 'gdbus-error' : {'extra_sources' : extra_sources}, 'gdbus-exit-on-close' : {'extra_sources' : extra_sources}, 'gdbus-export' : { 'extra_sources' : extra_sources, 'suite' : ['slow'], }, 'gdbus-introspection' : { 'extra_sources' : extra_sources, 'extra_programs': extra_programs, }, 'gdbus-method-invocation' : {'extra_sources' : extra_sources}, 'gdbus-names' : { 'extra_sources' : extra_sources, 'extra_programs' : ['fake-service-name'], }, 'gdbus-proxy' : { 'extra_sources' : extra_sources, 'extra_programs': extra_programs, }, 'gdbus-proxy-threads' : { 'extra_sources' : extra_sources, 'dependencies' : [dbus1_dep], # FIXME: 'can_fail' : host_system == 'gnu', }, 'gdbus-proxy-unique-name' : { 'extra_sources' : extra_sources, 'extra_programs': extra_programs, }, 'gdbus-proxy-well-known-name' : { 'extra_sources' : extra_sources, 'extra_programs': extra_programs, }, 'gdbus-subscribe' : { 'extra_sources' : extra_sources, 'extra_programs': extra_programs, }, 'gdbus-test-codegen' : { 'extra_sources' : [extra_sources, gdbus_test_codegen_generated, gdbus_test_codegen_generated_interface_info], 'c_args' : ['-DGLIB_VERSION_MIN_REQUIRED=GLIB_VERSION_2_32'], 'suite': ['gdbus-codegen'], }, 'gdbus-threading' : { 'extra_sources' : extra_sources, 'extra_programs': extra_programs, 'suite' : ['slow'], }, 'gmenumodel' : { 'extra_sources' : extra_sources, 'suite' : ['slow'], }, 'gnotification' : { 'extra_sources' : [extra_sources, 'gnotification-server.c'], }, 'gdbus-test-codegen-old' : { 'source' : 'gdbus-test-codegen.c', 'extra_sources' : [extra_sources, gdbus_test_codegen_generated, gdbus_test_codegen_generated_interface_info], 'c_args' : ['-DGLIB_VERSION_MIN_REQUIRED=GLIB_VERSION_2_36', '-DGLIB_VERSION_MAX_ALLOWED=GLIB_VERSION_2_36'], 'suite': ['gdbus-codegen'], }, 'gdbus-test-codegen-min-required-2-64' : { 'source' : 'gdbus-test-codegen.c', 'extra_sources' : [extra_sources, gdbus_test_codegen_generated_min_required_2_64, gdbus_test_codegen_generated_interface_info], 'c_args' : ['-DGLIB_VERSION_MIN_REQUIRED=GLIB_VERSION_2_64'], 'suite': ['gdbus-codegen'], }, 'gapplication' : { 'extra_sources' : extra_sources, 'extra_programs': ['basic-application'], }, } fake_document_portal_generated = custom_target('fake-document-portal-generated', input : ['../org.freedesktop.portal.Documents.xml'], output : ['fake-document-portal-generated.h', 'fake-document-portal-generated.c'], depend_files : gdbus_codegen_built_files, depends : gdbus_codegen_built_targets, command : [python, gdbus_codegen, '--interface-prefix', 'org.freedesktop.portal.', '--output-directory', '@OUTDIR@', '--generate-c-code', 'fake-document-portal-generated', '--c-namespace', 'Fake', '@INPUT@']) fake_openuri_portal_generated = custom_target('fake-openuri-portal-generated', input : ['../org.freedesktop.portal.OpenURI.xml'], output : ['fake-openuri-portal-generated.h', 'fake-openuri-portal-generated.c'], depend_files : gdbus_codegen_built_files, depends : gdbus_codegen_built_targets, command : [python, gdbus_codegen, '--interface-prefix', 'org.freedesktop.portal.', '--output-directory', '@OUTDIR@', '--generate-c-code', 'fake-openuri-portal-generated', '--c-namespace', 'Fake', '@INPUT@']) fake_request_portal_generated = custom_target('fake-request-portal-generated', input : ['../org.freedesktop.portal.Request.xml'], output : ['fake-request-portal-generated.h', 'fake-request-portal-generated.c'], depend_files : gdbus_codegen_built_files, depends : gdbus_codegen_built_targets, command : [python, gdbus_codegen, '--interface-prefix', 'org.freedesktop.portal.', '--output-directory', '@OUTDIR@', '--generate-c-code', 'fake-request-portal-generated', '--c-namespace', 'Fake', '@INPUT@']) if not glib_have_cocoa gio_tests += { 'dbus-appinfo' : { 'extra_sources' : [extra_sources, 'fake-document-portal.c', fake_document_portal_generated, 'fake-desktop-portal.c', fake_openuri_portal_generated, fake_request_portal_generated], }, } endif test_extra_programs += { 'fake-service-name' : {} } endif # have_dbus_daemon # This test is currently unreliable executable('gdbus-overflow', 'gdbus-overflow.c', c_args : test_c_args, dependencies : common_gio_tests_deps, install_dir : installed_tests_execdir, install_tag : 'tests', install : installed_tests_enabled) gio_tests += { 'gdbus-connection-flush' : { 'extra_sources' : ['test-io-stream.c', 'test-pipe-unix.c'], }, 'gdbus-non-socket' : { 'extra_sources' : ['gdbus-tests.c', 'test-io-stream.c', 'test-pipe-unix.c'], }, } # Generate from de.po using msgfmt msgfmt = find_program('msgfmt', required : false) if msgfmt.found() subdir('de/LC_MESSAGES') gio_tests += { 'gsettings' : { 'extra_sources' : [test_mo], 'c_args' : ['-DSRCDIR="@0@"'.format(meson.current_source_dir()), '-DTEST_LOCALE_PATH="@0@"'.format(test_mo_dir)], 'install' : false, 'depends' : glib_compile_schemas, # FIXME: 'can_fail' : host_system == 'gnu', }, } endif endif # unix # Test programs buildable on Windows only if host_machine.system() == 'windows' gio_tests += {'win32-streams' : {}} endif if cc.get_id() != 'msvc' gio_tests += { 'autoptr-gio' : { 'source' : 'autoptr.c', }, } endif test_extra_programs += { 'gio-du' : {'install' : false}, 'echo-server' : {'install' : false}, 'filter-cat' : {'install' : false}, 'gapplication-example-actions' : {'install' : false}, 'gapplication-example-cmdline' : {'install' : false}, 'gapplication-example-cmdline2' : {'install' : false}, 'gapplication-example-cmdline3' : {'install' : false}, 'gapplication-example-cmdline4' : {'install' : false}, 'gapplication-example-dbushooks' : {'install' : false}, 'gapplication-example-open' : {'install' : false}, 'gdbus-daemon' : { 'extra_sources' : gdbus_daemon_sources, 'install' : false, }, 'gdbus-example-export' : {'install' : false}, 'gdbus-example-own-name' : {'install' : false}, 'gdbus-example-peer' : {'install' : false}, 'gdbus-example-proxy-subclass' : {'install' : false}, 'gdbus-example-server' : {'install' : false}, 'gdbus-example-subtree' : {'install' : false}, 'gdbus-example-watch-name' : {'install' : false}, 'gdbus-example-watch-proxy' : {'install' : false}, 'httpd' : {'install' : false}, 'proxy' : {'install' : false}, 'resolver' : {'install' : false}, 'send-data' : {'install' : false}, 'socket-testserver' : {'install' : false}, 'socket-testclient' : { 'extra_sources' : ['gtlsconsoleinteraction.c'], 'install' : false, }, } gdbus_example_objectmanager_sources = files( 'gdbus-example-objectmanager-client.c', 'gdbus-example-objectmanager-server.c', ) if cc.get_id() != 'msvc' and cc.get_id() != 'clang-cl' test_extra_programs += { # These three are manual-run tests because they need a session bus but don't bring one up themselves # FIXME: these build but don't seem to work! 'gdbus-example-objectmanager-client' : { 'dependencies' : [libgdbus_example_objectmanager_dep], 'install' : false, }, 'gdbus-example-objectmanager-server' : { 'dependencies' : [libgdbus_example_objectmanager_dep], 'install' : false, }, 'gdbus-test-fixture' : { 'dependencies' : [libgdbus_example_objectmanager_dep], 'install' : false, }, } endif if host_machine.system() != 'windows' test_extra_programs += { 'gdbus-example-unix-fd-client' : { 'install' : false, }, } endif appinfo_test_desktop_files = [ 'appinfo-test-gnome', 'appinfo-test-notgnome', 'appinfo-test-path', 'appinfo-test', 'appinfo-test2', ] foreach appinfo_test_desktop_file : appinfo_test_desktop_files input_desktop_file = appinfo_test_desktop_file + '' output_desktop_file = appinfo_test_desktop_file + '.desktop' configure_file( input: input_desktop_file, output: output_desktop_file, configuration: { 'installed_tests_dir' : meson.current_build_dir(), }, ) if installed_tests_enabled installed_desktop = configure_file( input: input_desktop_file, output: appinfo_test_desktop_file + '-installed.desktop', configuration: { 'installed_tests_dir' : installed_tests_execdir, }, ) install_data(installed_desktop, install_dir: installed_tests_execdir, install_tag: 'tests', rename: output_desktop_file, ) endif endforeach if installed_tests_enabled install_data( 'contexts.c', 'g-icon.c', 'appinfo-test-actions.desktop', 'appinfo-test-static.desktop', 'file.c', 'org.gtk.test.dbusappinfo.desktop', 'org.gtk.test.dbusappinfo.flatpak.desktop', 'test1.overlay', install_dir : installed_tests_execdir, install_tag : 'tests', ) install_subdir('x-content', install_dir : installed_tests_execdir, install_tag : 'tests', ) install_subdir('desktop-files', install_dir : installed_tests_execdir, install_tag : 'tests', ) install_subdir('thumbnails', install_dir : installed_tests_execdir, install_tag : 'tests', ) install_subdir('cert-tests', install_dir : installed_tests_execdir, install_tag : 'tests', ) cdata = configuration_data() cdata.set('installed_tests_dir', installed_tests_execdir) cdata.set('program', ' ' + glib_pkgconfigreldir) configure_file( input: installed_tests_template, output: 'static-link.test', install_dir: installed_tests_metadir, install_tag: 'tests', configuration: cdata ) install_subdir('static-link', install_dir : installed_tests_execdir, install_tag : 'tests', ) install_data('', install_dir : installed_tests_execdir, install_tag : 'tests', ) monitor_tests = [ 'memory-monitor-dbus', 'memory-monitor-portal', 'power-profile-monitor-dbus', 'power-profile-monitor-portal' ] foreach monitor_test : monitor_tests cdata = configuration_data() cdata.set('installed_tests_dir', installed_tests_execdir) cdata.set('program', monitor_test + '.py') cdata.set('env', '') configure_file( input: installed_tests_template_tap, output: monitor_test + '.test', install_dir: installed_tests_metadir, install_tag: 'tests', configuration: cdata ) cdata = configuration_data() cdata.set('libexecdir', join_paths(glib_prefix, get_option('libexecdir'))) configure_file( input: monitor_test + '', output: monitor_test + '.py', install_dir : installed_tests_execdir, install_tag : 'tests', configuration: cdata, ) endforeach endif # FIXME: Work around Meson not automatically using exe_wrapper around glib_compile_resources # if not meson.is_cross_build() resource_plugin = [] compiler_type = '--compiler=@0@'.format(cc.get_id()) if glib_build_shared plugin_resources_c = custom_target('plugin-resources.c', input : 'test4.gresource.xml', output : 'plugin-resources.c', command : [glib_compile_resources, compiler_type, '--target=@OUTPUT@', '--sourcedir=' + meson.current_source_dir(), '--internal', '--generate-source', '--c-name', '_g_plugin', '@INPUT@']) resource_plugin += shared_module('resourceplugin', sources: ['resourceplugin.c', plugin_resources_c], link_args : export_dynamic_ldflags, dependencies : common_gio_tests_deps, install_dir : installed_tests_execdir, install_tag : 'tests', install : installed_tests_enabled ) endif # referenced by test2.gresource.xml big_test_resource = custom_target( 'gresource-big-test.txt', input : [''], output : ['gresource-big-test.txt'], command : [python, '@INPUT0@', '@OUTPUT@']) # referenced by test.gresource.xml test_generated_txt = fs.copyfile('test1.txt', 'test-generated.txt') test_gresource = custom_target('test.gresource', input : 'test.gresource.xml', depends : [test_generated_txt, gspawn_helpers], output : 'test.gresource', command : [glib_compile_resources, compiler_type, '--target=@OUTPUT@', '--sourcedir=' + meson.current_source_dir(), '--sourcedir=' + meson.current_build_dir(), '--internal', '@INPUT@'], install_dir : installed_tests_execdir, install_tag : 'tests', install : installed_tests_enabled) test6_gresource = custom_target('test6.gresource', input : 'test6.gresource.xml', depends : [gspawn_helpers], output : 'test6.gresource', command : [glib_compile_resources, compiler_type, '--target=@OUTPUT@', '--sourcedir=' + meson.current_source_dir(), '--sourcedir=' + meson.current_build_dir(), '--internal', '@INPUT@'], install_dir : installed_tests_execdir, install_tag : 'tests', install : installed_tests_enabled) test_resources2_c = custom_target('test_resources2.c', input : 'test3.gresource.xml', depends : [gspawn_helpers], output : 'test_resources2.c', command : [glib_compile_resources, compiler_type, '--target=@OUTPUT@', '--sourcedir=' + meson.current_source_dir(), '--internal', '--generate', '--c-name', '_g_test2', '--manual-register', '@INPUT@']) test_resources2_h = custom_target('test_resources2.h', input : 'test3.gresource.xml', depends : [gspawn_helpers], output : 'test_resources2.h', command : [glib_compile_resources, compiler_type, '--target=@OUTPUT@', '--sourcedir=' + meson.current_source_dir(), '--internal', '--generate', '--c-name', '_g_test2', '--manual-register', '@INPUT@']) test_resources_c = custom_target('test_resources.c', input : 'test2.gresource.xml', depends : [big_test_resource, gspawn_helpers], output : 'test_resources.c', command : [glib_compile_resources, compiler_type, '--target=@OUTPUT@', '--sourcedir=' + meson.current_source_dir(), '--sourcedir=' + meson.current_build_dir(), '--internal', '--generate-source', '--c-name', '_g_test1', '@INPUT@']) digit_test_resources_c = custom_target('digit_test_resources.c', input : '111_digit_test.gresource.xml', depends : [gspawn_helpers], output : 'digit_test_resources.c', command : [glib_compile_resources, compiler_type, '--target=@OUTPUT@', '--sourcedir=' + meson.current_source_dir(), '--sourcedir=' + meson.current_build_dir(), '--internal', '--generate-source', '--manual-register', '@INPUT@']) digit_test_resources_h = custom_target('digit_test_resources.h', input : '111_digit_test.gresource.xml', depends : [gspawn_helpers], output : 'digit_test_resources.h', command : [glib_compile_resources, compiler_type, '--target=@OUTPUT@', '--sourcedir=' + meson.current_source_dir(), '--internal', '--generate', '--manual-register', '@INPUT@']) resources_extra_sources = [ test_gresource, test6_gresource, test_resources_c, test_resources2_c, test_resources2_h, digit_test_resources_c, digit_test_resources_h, ] # Create object file containing resource data for testing the --external-data # option. Currently only GNU ld and objcopy, or (as of 2019) LLVM ld and # objcopy, support the right options. objcopy_supports_add_symbol = false objcopy = find_program('objcopy', required : false) if objcopy.found() # FIXME: This should be `check: true` because we never really expect # `objcopy --help` to fail, given that `objcopy` exists. However, it does # fail on FreeBSD because ELF Tool Chain has # [a bug]( # This can be changed back to `check: true` once our CI uses a FreeBSD # version which includes the fix. # See objcopy_supports_add_symbol = run_command(objcopy, '--help', check: false).stdout().contains('--add-symbol') endif ld = find_program('ld', required : false) if build_machine.system() != 'linux' why_no_external_data = 'only works on Linux' elif not objcopy.found() why_no_external_data = 'objcopy not found' elif not objcopy_supports_add_symbol why_no_external_data = 'objcopy does not support --add-symbol' elif not ld.found() why_no_external_data = 'ld not found' elif build_machine.cpu_family() in ['mips', 'mips64'] why_no_external_data = 'cc -r can produce a mismatched MIPS ABI family, see GNOME/glib!3640' else why_no_external_data = '' test_gresource_binary = custom_target('test5.gresource', input : 'test5.gresource.xml', depends : [gspawn_helpers], output : 'test5.gresource', command : [glib_compile_resources, compiler_type, '--target=@OUTPUT@', '--sourcedir=' + meson.current_source_dir(), '--sourcedir=' + meson.current_build_dir(), '--internal', '@INPUT@'], install_dir : installed_tests_execdir, install_tag : 'tests', install : installed_tests_enabled) # Create resource data file test_resources_binary_c = custom_target('test_resources_binary.c', input : 'test5.gresource.xml', depends : [gspawn_helpers], output : 'test_resources_binary.c', command : [glib_compile_resources, compiler_type, '--target=@OUTPUT@', '--sourcedir=' + meson.current_source_dir(), '--sourcedir=' + meson.current_build_dir(), '--internal', '--generate-source', '--external-data', '--c-name', '_g_binary_test1', '@INPUT@']) # Create object file containing resource data test_resources_binary = custom_target('test_resources.o', input : test_gresource_binary, output : 'test_resources.o', command : cc.cmd_array() + ['-Wl,-z,noexecstack', '-r', '-Wl,-b,binary', '-nostdlib', '@INPUT@', '-o','@OUTPUT@']) # Rename symbol to match the one in the C file if cc.get_id() == 'gcc' and host_system == 'windows' underscore = '_' else underscore = '' endif test_resources_binary2 = custom_target('test_resources2.o', input : test_resources_binary, output : 'test_resources2.o', command : [objcopy, '--strip-debug', '--add-symbol', underscore + '', '@INPUT@', '@OUTPUT@']) resources_extra_sources += [ test_resources_binary_c, test_resources_binary2, ] endif resources_c_args = [] if why_no_external_data != '' resources_c_args += '-DNO_EXTERNAL_DATA="@0@"'.format(why_no_external_data) endif gio_tests += { 'resources' : { 'c_args' : resources_c_args, 'extra_sources' : resources_extra_sources, 'depends' : resource_plugin, # FIXME: musl: 'can_fail' : linux_libc == 'musl', }, } endif test_extra_programs_targets = {} foreach program_name, extra_args : test_extra_programs source = extra_args.get('source', program_name + '.c') extra_sources = extra_args.get('extra_sources', []) install = installed_tests_enabled and extra_args.get('install', true) test_extra_programs_targets += { program_name : executable(program_name, sources: [source, extra_sources], c_args : test_c_args, dependencies : common_gio_tests_deps + extra_args.get('dependencies', []), install_dir : installed_tests_execdir, install_tag : 'tests', install : install, ) } endforeach foreach test_name, extra_args : gio_tests source = extra_args.get('source', test_name + '.c') extra_sources = extra_args.get('extra_sources', []) install = installed_tests_enabled and extra_args.get('install', true) installed_tests_env = extra_args.get('installed_tests_env', {}) if install test_conf = configuration_data() test_conf.set('installed_tests_dir', installed_tests_execdir) test_conf.set('program', test_name) test_env_override = '' if installed_tests_env != {} envs = [] foreach var, value : installed_tests_env envs += '@0@=@1@'.format(var, value) endforeach test_env_override = '@0@ @1@ '.format(env_program.full_path(), ' '.join(envs)) endif test_conf.set('env', test_env_override) configure_file( input: installed_tests_template_tap, output: test_name + '.test', install_dir: installed_tests_metadir, install_tag: 'tests', configuration: test_conf ) endif exe = executable(test_name, [source, extra_sources], c_args : test_c_args + extra_args.get('c_args', []), cpp_args : test_cpp_args + extra_args.get('cpp_args', []), dependencies : common_gio_tests_deps + extra_args.get('dependencies', []), install_rpath : extra_args.get('install_rpath', ''), install_dir: installed_tests_execdir, install_tag: 'tests', install: install, ) suite = ['gio'] + extra_args.get('suite', []) timeout = suite.contains('slow') ? test_timeout_slow : test_timeout local_test_env = test_env depends = [extra_args.get('depends', []), gspawn_helpers] foreach program : extra_args.get('extra_programs', []) depends += test_extra_programs_targets[program] endforeach foreach var, value : extra_args.get('env', {}) local_test_env.append(var, value) endforeach if extra_args.get('can_fail', false) suite += 'failing' endif test(test_name, exe, protocol : extra_args.get('protocol', test_protocol), env : local_test_env, timeout : timeout, suite : suite, is_parallel : extra_args.get('is_parallel', true), depends : depends, should_fail : extra_args.get('should_fail', false), ) endforeach python_test_env = test_env python_test_env.prepend('PYTHONPATH', python_test_libraries_path) python_test_env.prepend('PYTHONPATH', python_test_libraries_built) foreach test_name, extra_args : python_tests depends = [extra_args.get('depends', [])] suite = ['gio', 'no-valgrind'] + extra_args.get('suite', []) timeout = extra_args.get('timeout', test_timeout) if extra_args.get('can_fail', false) suite += 'failing' endif foreach program : extra_args.get('extra_programs', []) depends += test_extra_programs_targets[program] endforeach local_test_env = python_test_env foreach var, value : extra_args.get('env', {}) local_test_env.append(var, value) endforeach test( test_name, python, protocol : extra_args.get('protocol', test_protocol), depends: depends, args: ['-B', files(test_name)], env: local_test_env, timeout: timeout, suite: suite, ) if installed_tests_enabled install_data( files(test_name), install_dir: installed_tests_execdir, install_tag: 'tests', install_mode: 'rwxr-xr-x', ) test_conf = configuration_data() test_conf.set('installed_tests_dir', installed_tests_execdir) test_conf.set('program', test_name) test_conf.set('env', '') configure_file( input: installed_tests_template_tap, output: test_name + '.test', install_dir: installed_tests_metadir, install_tag: 'tests', configuration: test_conf, ) endif endforeach if have_bash and have_pkg_config prefix = get_option('prefix') if prefix.endswith(':/') prefix += '/' endif pkg_config_tests = [ 'pkg-config --validate gio-2.0', 'test "$(pkg-config --modversion gio-2.0)" = "@0@"'.format(glib_version), 'test "$(pkg-config --variable=prefix gio-2.0)" = "@0@"'.format( get_option('prefix')), 'test "$(pkg-config --variable=datadir gio-2.0)" = "@0@"'.format( prefix / get_option('datadir')), 'test "$(pkg-config --variable=schemasdir gio-2.0)" = "@0@"'.format( prefix / get_option('datadir') / schemas_subdir), 'test "$(pkg-config --variable=giomoduledir gio-2.0)" = "@0@"'.format( get_option('gio_module_dir') != '' ? prefix / get_option('gio_module_dir') : prefix / get_option('libdir') / 'gio' / 'modules'), ] gio_binaries = [ 'gio', 'glib-compile-resources', 'gdbus', 'gdbus-codegen', 'gresource', 'gsettings', ] gio_multiarch_binaries = [ 'gio-querymodules', 'glib-compile-schemas', ] foreach binary: gio_binaries pkg_config_tests += [ 'test "$(pkg-config --variable=@0@ gio-2.0)" = "@1@"'.format( binary.underscorify(), prefix / get_option('bindir') / binary) ] endforeach foreach binary: gio_multiarch_binaries pkg_config_tests += [ 'test "$(pkg-config --variable=@0@ gio-2.0)" = "@1@"'.format( binary.underscorify(), prefix / multiarch_bindir / binary) ] endforeach test('gio-2.0-pkg-config', bash, args: [ '-xe', '-c', '\n'.join(pkg_config_tests) ], suite: ['gio', 'no-valgrind', 'pkg-config'], env: { 'PKG_CONFIG_PATH': meson.project_build_root() / 'meson-private', }, ) platform_module = host_system == 'windows' ? 'gio-windows-2.0' : 'gio-unix-2.0' pkg_config_tests = [ 'pkg-config --validate ' + platform_module, 'test "$(pkg-config --modversion @0@)" = "@1@"'.format(platform_module, glib_version), 'test "$(pkg-config --variable=prefix @0@)" = "@1@"'.format(platform_module, get_option('prefix')), ] test(platform_module + '-pkg-config', bash, args: [ '-xe', '-c', '\n'.join(pkg_config_tests) ], suite: ['gio', 'no-valgrind', 'pkg-config'], env: { 'PKG_CONFIG_PATH': meson.project_build_root() / 'meson-private', }, ) endif subdir('services')