#include "compressed_seq.h" #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <assert.h> #include <limits.h> #include <string.h> #include "bitbool.h" // #define DEBUG #include "debug.h" static inline cmph_uint32 compressed_seq_i_log2(cmph_uint32 x) { register cmph_uint32 res = 0; while(x > 1) { x >>= 1; res++; } return res; }; void compressed_seq_init(compressed_seq_t * cs) { select_init(&cs->sel); cs->n = 0; cs->rem_r = 0; cs->length_rems = 0; cs->total_length = 0; cs->store_table = 0; } void compressed_seq_destroy(compressed_seq_t * cs) { free(cs->store_table); cs->store_table = 0; free(cs->length_rems); cs->length_rems = 0; select_destroy(&cs->sel); }; void compressed_seq_generate(compressed_seq_t * cs, cmph_uint32 * vals_table, cmph_uint32 n) { register cmph_uint32 i; // lengths: represents lengths of encoded values register cmph_uint32 * lengths = (cmph_uint32 *)calloc(n, sizeof(cmph_uint32)); register cmph_uint32 rems_mask; register cmph_uint32 stored_value; cs->n = n; cs->total_length = 0; for(i = 0; i < cs->n; i++) { if(vals_table[i] == 0) { lengths[i] = 0; } else { lengths[i] = compressed_seq_i_log2(vals_table[i] + 1); cs->total_length += lengths[i]; }; }; if(cs->store_table) { free(cs->store_table); } cs->store_table = (cmph_uint32 *) calloc(((cs->total_length + 31) >> 5), sizeof(cmph_uint32)); cs->total_length = 0; for(i = 0; i < cs->n; i++) { if(vals_table[i] == 0) continue; stored_value = vals_table[i] - ((1U << lengths[i]) - 1U); set_bits_at_pos(cs->store_table, cs->total_length, stored_value, lengths[i]); cs->total_length += lengths[i]; }; cs->rem_r = compressed_seq_i_log2(cs->total_length/cs->n); if(cs->rem_r == 0) { cs->rem_r = 1; } if(cs->length_rems) { free(cs->length_rems); } cs->length_rems = (cmph_uint32 *) calloc(BITS_TABLE_SIZE(cs->n, cs->rem_r), sizeof(cmph_uint32)); rems_mask = (1U << cs->rem_r) - 1U; cs->total_length = 0; for(i = 0; i < cs->n; i++) { cs->total_length += lengths[i]; set_bits_value(cs->length_rems, i, cs->total_length & rems_mask, cs->rem_r, rems_mask); lengths[i] = cs->total_length >> cs->rem_r; }; select_init(&cs->sel); // FABIANO: before it was (cs->total_length >> cs->rem_r) + 1. But I wiped out the + 1 because // I changed the select structure to work up to m, instead of up to m - 1. select_generate(&cs->sel, lengths, cs->n, (cs->total_length >> cs->rem_r)); free(lengths); }; cmph_uint32 compressed_seq_get_space_usage(compressed_seq_t * cs) { register cmph_uint32 space_usage = select_get_space_usage(&cs->sel); space_usage += ((cs->total_length + 31) >> 5) * (cmph_uint32)sizeof(cmph_uint32) * 8; space_usage += BITS_TABLE_SIZE(cs->n, cs->rem_r) * (cmph_uint32)sizeof(cmph_uint32) * 8; return 4 * (cmph_uint32)sizeof(cmph_uint32) * 8 + space_usage; } cmph_uint32 compressed_seq_query(compressed_seq_t * cs, cmph_uint32 idx) { register cmph_uint32 enc_idx, enc_length; register cmph_uint32 rems_mask; register cmph_uint32 stored_value; register cmph_uint32 sel_res; assert(idx < cs->n); // FABIANO ADDED rems_mask = (1U << cs->rem_r) - 1U; if(idx == 0) { enc_idx = 0; sel_res = select_query(&cs->sel, idx); } else { sel_res = select_query(&cs->sel, idx - 1); enc_idx = (sel_res - (idx - 1)) << cs->rem_r; enc_idx += get_bits_value(cs->length_rems, idx-1, cs->rem_r, rems_mask); sel_res = select_next_query(&cs->sel, sel_res); }; enc_length = (sel_res - idx) << cs->rem_r; enc_length += get_bits_value(cs->length_rems, idx, cs->rem_r, rems_mask); enc_length -= enc_idx; if(enc_length == 0) return 0; stored_value = get_bits_at_pos(cs->store_table, enc_idx, enc_length); return stored_value + ((1U << enc_length) - 1U); }; void compressed_seq_dump(compressed_seq_t * cs, char ** buf, cmph_uint32 * buflen) { register cmph_uint32 sel_size = select_packed_size(&(cs->sel)); register cmph_uint32 length_rems_size = BITS_TABLE_SIZE(cs->n, cs->rem_r) * 4; register cmph_uint32 store_table_size = ((cs->total_length + 31) >> 5) * 4; register cmph_uint32 pos = 0; char * buf_sel = 0; cmph_uint32 buflen_sel = 0; #ifdef DEBUG cmph_uint32 i; #endif *buflen = 4*(cmph_uint32)sizeof(cmph_uint32) + sel_size + length_rems_size + store_table_size; DEBUGP("sel_size = %u\n", sel_size); DEBUGP("length_rems_size = %u\n", length_rems_size); DEBUGP("store_table_size = %u\n", store_table_size); *buf = (char *)calloc(*buflen, sizeof(char)); if (!*buf) { *buflen = UINT_MAX; return; } // dumping n, rem_r and total_length memcpy(*buf, &(cs->n), sizeof(cmph_uint32)); pos += (cmph_uint32)sizeof(cmph_uint32); DEBUGP("n = %u\n", cs->n); memcpy(*buf + pos, &(cs->rem_r), sizeof(cmph_uint32)); pos += (cmph_uint32)sizeof(cmph_uint32); DEBUGP("rem_r = %u\n", cs->rem_r); memcpy(*buf + pos, &(cs->total_length), sizeof(cmph_uint32)); pos += (cmph_uint32)sizeof(cmph_uint32); DEBUGP("total_length = %u\n", cs->total_length); // dumping sel select_dump(&cs->sel, &buf_sel, &buflen_sel); memcpy(*buf + pos, &buflen_sel, sizeof(cmph_uint32)); pos += (cmph_uint32)sizeof(cmph_uint32); DEBUGP("buflen_sel = %u\n", buflen_sel); memcpy(*buf + pos, buf_sel, buflen_sel); #ifdef DEBUG i = 0; for(i = 0; i < buflen_sel; i++) { DEBUGP("pos = %u -- buf_sel[%u] = %u\n", pos, i, *(*buf + pos + i)); } #endif pos += buflen_sel; free(buf_sel); // dumping length_rems memcpy(*buf + pos, cs->length_rems, length_rems_size); #ifdef DEBUG for(i = 0; i < length_rems_size; i++) { DEBUGP("pos = %u -- length_rems_size = %u -- length_rems[%u] = %u\n", pos, length_rems_size, i, *(*buf + pos + i)); } #endif pos += length_rems_size; // dumping store_table memcpy(*buf + pos, cs->store_table, store_table_size); #ifdef DEBUG for(i = 0; i < store_table_size; i++) { DEBUGP("pos = %u -- store_table_size = %u -- store_table[%u] = %u\n", pos, store_table_size, i, *(*buf + pos + i)); } #endif DEBUGP("Dumped compressed sequence structure with size %u bytes\n", *buflen); } void compressed_seq_load(compressed_seq_t * cs, const char * buf, cmph_uint32 buflen) { register cmph_uint32 pos = 0; cmph_uint32 buflen_sel = 0; register cmph_uint32 length_rems_size = 0; register cmph_uint32 store_table_size = 0; #ifdef DEBUG cmph_uint32 i; #endif // loading n, rem_r and total_length memcpy(&(cs->n), buf, sizeof(cmph_uint32)); pos += (cmph_uint32)sizeof(cmph_uint32); DEBUGP("n = %u\n", cs->n); memcpy(&(cs->rem_r), buf + pos, sizeof(cmph_uint32)); pos += (cmph_uint32)sizeof(cmph_uint32); DEBUGP("rem_r = %u\n", cs->rem_r); memcpy(&(cs->total_length), buf + pos, sizeof(cmph_uint32)); pos += (cmph_uint32)sizeof(cmph_uint32); DEBUGP("total_length = %u\n", cs->total_length); // loading sel memcpy(&buflen_sel, buf + pos, sizeof(cmph_uint32)); pos += (cmph_uint32)sizeof(cmph_uint32); DEBUGP("buflen_sel = %u\n", buflen_sel); select_load(&cs->sel, buf + pos, buflen_sel); #ifdef DEBUG i = 0; for(i = 0; i < buflen_sel; i++) { DEBUGP("pos = %u -- buf_sel[%u] = %u\n", pos, i, *(buf + pos + i)); } #endif pos += buflen_sel; // loading length_rems if(cs->length_rems) { free(cs->length_rems); } length_rems_size = BITS_TABLE_SIZE(cs->n, cs->rem_r); cs->length_rems = (cmph_uint32 *) calloc(length_rems_size, sizeof(cmph_uint32)); length_rems_size *= 4; memcpy(cs->length_rems, buf + pos, length_rems_size); #ifdef DEBUG for(i = 0; i < length_rems_size; i++) { DEBUGP("pos = %u -- length_rems_size = %u -- length_rems[%u] = %u\n", pos, length_rems_size, i, *(buf + pos + i)); } #endif pos += length_rems_size; // loading store_table store_table_size = ((cs->total_length + 31) >> 5); if(cs->store_table) { free(cs->store_table); } cs->store_table = (cmph_uint32 *) calloc(store_table_size, sizeof(cmph_uint32)); store_table_size *= 4; memcpy(cs->store_table, buf + pos, store_table_size); #ifdef DEBUG for(i = 0; i < store_table_size; i++) { DEBUGP("pos = %u -- store_table_size = %u -- store_table[%u] = %u\n", pos, store_table_size, i, *(buf + pos + i)); } #endif DEBUGP("Loaded compressed sequence structure with size %u bytes\n", buflen); } void compressed_seq_pack(compressed_seq_t *cs, void *cs_packed) { if (cs && cs_packed) { char *buf = NULL; cmph_uint32 buflen = 0; compressed_seq_dump(cs, &buf, &buflen); memcpy(cs_packed, buf, buflen); free(buf); } } cmph_uint32 compressed_seq_packed_size(compressed_seq_t *cs) { register cmph_uint32 sel_size = select_packed_size(&cs->sel); register cmph_uint32 store_table_size = ((cs->total_length + 31) >> 5) * (cmph_uint32)sizeof(cmph_uint32); register cmph_uint32 length_rems_size = BITS_TABLE_SIZE(cs->n, cs->rem_r) * (cmph_uint32)sizeof(cmph_uint32); return 4 * (cmph_uint32)sizeof(cmph_uint32) + sel_size + store_table_size + length_rems_size; } cmph_uint32 compressed_seq_query_packed(void * cs_packed, cmph_uint32 idx) { // unpacking cs_packed register cmph_uint32 *ptr = (cmph_uint32 *)cs_packed; register cmph_uint32 n = *ptr++; register cmph_uint32 rem_r = *ptr++; register cmph_uint32 buflen_sel, length_rems_size, enc_idx, enc_length; // compressed sequence query computation register cmph_uint32 rems_mask, stored_value, sel_res; register cmph_uint32 *sel_packed, *length_rems, *store_table; ptr++; // skipping total_length // register cmph_uint32 total_length = *ptr++; buflen_sel = *ptr++; sel_packed = ptr; length_rems = (ptr += (buflen_sel >> 2)); length_rems_size = BITS_TABLE_SIZE(n, rem_r); store_table = (ptr += length_rems_size); rems_mask = (1U << rem_r) - 1U; if(idx == 0) { enc_idx = 0; sel_res = select_query_packed(sel_packed, idx); } else { sel_res = select_query_packed(sel_packed, idx - 1); enc_idx = (sel_res - (idx - 1)) << rem_r; enc_idx += get_bits_value(length_rems, idx-1, rem_r, rems_mask); sel_res = select_next_query_packed(sel_packed, sel_res); }; enc_length = (sel_res - idx) << rem_r; enc_length += get_bits_value(length_rems, idx, rem_r, rems_mask); enc_length -= enc_idx; if(enc_length == 0) return 0; stored_value = get_bits_at_pos(store_table, enc_idx, enc_length); return stored_value + ((1U << enc_length) - 1U); }