/* Copyright (C) 2005 John McCutchan The Gnome Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. The Gnome Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with the Gnome Library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. Authors:. John McCutchan <john@johnmccutchan.com> */ #include "config.h" #include <stdio.h> #include <sys/ioctl.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <errno.h> #include <string.h> #include <glib.h> #include "inotify-kernel.h" #include <sys/inotify.h> /* Timings for pairing MOVED_TO / MOVED_FROM events */ #define PROCESS_EVENTS_TIME 1000 /* 1000 milliseconds (1 hz) */ #define DEFAULT_HOLD_UNTIL_TIME 0 /* 0 millisecond */ #define MOVE_HOLD_UNTIL_TIME 500 /* 500 microseconds or 0.5 milliseconds */ static int inotify_instance_fd = -1; static GQueue *events_to_process = NULL; static GQueue *event_queue = NULL; static GHashTable * cookie_hash = NULL; static GIOChannel *inotify_read_ioc; static GPollFD ik_poll_fd; static gboolean ik_poll_fd_enabled = TRUE; static void (*user_cb)(ik_event_t *event); static gboolean ik_read_callback (gpointer user_data); static gboolean ik_process_eq_callback (gpointer user_data); static guint32 ik_move_matches = 0; static guint32 ik_move_misses = 0; static gboolean process_eq_running = FALSE; /* We use the lock from inotify-helper.c * * There are two places that we take this lock * * 1) In ik_read_callback * * 2) ik_process_eq_callback. * * * The rest of locking is taken care of in inotify-helper.c */ G_LOCK_EXTERN (inotify_lock); typedef struct ik_event_internal { ik_event_t *event; gboolean seen; gboolean sent; GTimeVal hold_until; struct ik_event_internal *pair; } ik_event_internal_t; /* In order to perform non-sleeping inotify event chunking we need * a custom GSource */ static gboolean ik_source_prepare (GSource *source, gint *timeout) { return FALSE; } static gboolean ik_source_timeout (gpointer data) { GSource *source = (GSource *)data; /* Re-active the PollFD */ g_source_add_poll (source, &ik_poll_fd); g_source_unref (source); ik_poll_fd_enabled = TRUE; return FALSE; } #define MAX_PENDING_COUNT 2 #define PENDING_THRESHOLD(qsize) ((qsize) >> 1) #define PENDING_MARGINAL_COST(p) ((unsigned int)(1 << (p))) #define MAX_QUEUED_EVENTS 2048 #define AVERAGE_EVENT_SIZE sizeof (struct inotify_event) + 16 #define TIMEOUT_MILLISECONDS 10 static gboolean ik_source_check (GSource *source) { static int prev_pending = 0, pending_count = 0; /* We already disabled the PollFD or * nothing to be read from inotify */ if (!ik_poll_fd_enabled || !(ik_poll_fd.revents & G_IO_IN)) return FALSE; if (pending_count < MAX_PENDING_COUNT) { unsigned int pending; if (ioctl (inotify_instance_fd, FIONREAD, &pending) == -1) goto do_read; pending /= AVERAGE_EVENT_SIZE; /* Don't wait if the number of pending events is too close * to the maximum queue size. */ if (pending > PENDING_THRESHOLD (MAX_QUEUED_EVENTS)) goto do_read; /* With each successive iteration, the minimum rate for * further sleep doubles. */ if (pending-prev_pending < PENDING_MARGINAL_COST (pending_count)) goto do_read; prev_pending = pending; pending_count++; /* We are going to wait to read the events: */ /* Remove the PollFD from the source */ g_source_remove_poll (source, &ik_poll_fd); /* To avoid threading issues we need to flag that we've done that */ ik_poll_fd_enabled = FALSE; /* Set a timeout to re-add the PollFD to the source */ g_source_ref (source); g_timeout_add (TIMEOUT_MILLISECONDS, ik_source_timeout, source); return FALSE; } do_read: /* We are ready to read events from inotify */ prev_pending = 0; pending_count = 0; return TRUE; } static gboolean ik_source_dispatch (GSource *source, GSourceFunc callback, gpointer user_data) { if (callback) return callback (user_data); return TRUE; } static GSourceFuncs ik_source_funcs = { ik_source_prepare, ik_source_check, ik_source_dispatch, NULL }; gboolean _ik_startup (void (*cb)(ik_event_t *event)) { static gboolean initialized = FALSE; GSource *source; user_cb = cb; /* Ignore multi-calls */ if (initialized) return inotify_instance_fd >= 0; initialized = TRUE; #ifdef HAVE_INOTIFY_INIT1 inotify_instance_fd = inotify_init1 (IN_CLOEXEC); #else inotify_instance_fd = -1; #endif if (inotify_instance_fd < 0) inotify_instance_fd = inotify_init (); if (inotify_instance_fd < 0) return FALSE; inotify_read_ioc = g_io_channel_unix_new (inotify_instance_fd); ik_poll_fd.fd = inotify_instance_fd; ik_poll_fd.events = G_IO_IN | G_IO_HUP | G_IO_ERR; g_io_channel_set_encoding (inotify_read_ioc, NULL, NULL); g_io_channel_set_flags (inotify_read_ioc, G_IO_FLAG_NONBLOCK, NULL); source = g_source_new (&ik_source_funcs, sizeof (GSource)); g_source_set_name (source, "GIO Inotify"); g_source_add_poll (source, &ik_poll_fd); g_source_set_callback (source, ik_read_callback, NULL, NULL); g_source_attach (source, NULL); g_source_unref (source); cookie_hash = g_hash_table_new (g_direct_hash, g_direct_equal); event_queue = g_queue_new (); events_to_process = g_queue_new (); return TRUE; } static ik_event_internal_t * ik_event_internal_new (ik_event_t *event) { ik_event_internal_t *internal_event = g_new0 (ik_event_internal_t, 1); GTimeVal tv; g_assert (event); g_get_current_time (&tv); g_time_val_add (&tv, DEFAULT_HOLD_UNTIL_TIME); internal_event->event = event; internal_event->hold_until = tv; return internal_event; } static ik_event_t * ik_event_new (char *buffer) { struct inotify_event *kevent = (struct inotify_event *)buffer; ik_event_t *event = g_new0 (ik_event_t, 1); g_assert (buffer); event->wd = kevent->wd; event->mask = kevent->mask; event->cookie = kevent->cookie; event->len = kevent->len; if (event->len) event->name = g_strdup (kevent->name); else event->name = g_strdup (""); return event; } ik_event_t * _ik_event_new_dummy (const char *name, gint32 wd, guint32 mask) { ik_event_t *event = g_new0 (ik_event_t, 1); event->wd = wd; event->mask = mask; event->cookie = 0; if (name) event->name = g_strdup (name); else event->name = g_strdup(""); event->len = strlen (event->name); return event; } void _ik_event_free (ik_event_t *event) { if (event->pair) _ik_event_free (event->pair); g_free (event->name); g_free (event); } gint32 _ik_watch (const char *path, guint32 mask, int *err) { gint32 wd = -1; g_assert (path != NULL); g_assert (inotify_instance_fd >= 0); wd = inotify_add_watch (inotify_instance_fd, path, mask); if (wd < 0) { int e = errno; /* FIXME: debug msg failed to add watch */ if (err) *err = e; return wd; } g_assert (wd >= 0); return wd; } int _ik_ignore (const char *path, gint32 wd) { g_assert (wd >= 0); g_assert (inotify_instance_fd >= 0); if (inotify_rm_watch (inotify_instance_fd, wd) < 0) { /* int e = errno; */ /* failed to rm watch */ return -1; } return 0; } void _ik_move_stats (guint32 *matches, guint32 *misses) { if (matches) *matches = ik_move_matches; if (misses) *misses = ik_move_misses; } const char * _ik_mask_to_string (guint32 mask) { gboolean is_dir = mask & IN_ISDIR; mask &= ~IN_ISDIR; if (is_dir) { switch (mask) { case IN_ACCESS: return "ACCESS (dir)"; case IN_MODIFY: return "MODIFY (dir)"; case IN_ATTRIB: return "ATTRIB (dir)"; case IN_CLOSE_WRITE: return "CLOSE_WRITE (dir)"; case IN_CLOSE_NOWRITE: return "CLOSE_NOWRITE (dir)"; case IN_OPEN: return "OPEN (dir)"; case IN_MOVED_FROM: return "MOVED_FROM (dir)"; case IN_MOVED_TO: return "MOVED_TO (dir)"; case IN_DELETE: return "DELETE (dir)"; case IN_CREATE: return "CREATE (dir)"; case IN_DELETE_SELF: return "DELETE_SELF (dir)"; case IN_UNMOUNT: return "UNMOUNT (dir)"; case IN_Q_OVERFLOW: return "Q_OVERFLOW (dir)"; case IN_IGNORED: return "IGNORED (dir)"; default: return "UNKNOWN_EVENT (dir)"; } } else { switch (mask) { case IN_ACCESS: return "ACCESS"; case IN_MODIFY: return "MODIFY"; case IN_ATTRIB: return "ATTRIB"; case IN_CLOSE_WRITE: return "CLOSE_WRITE"; case IN_CLOSE_NOWRITE: return "CLOSE_NOWRITE"; case IN_OPEN: return "OPEN"; case IN_MOVED_FROM: return "MOVED_FROM"; case IN_MOVED_TO: return "MOVED_TO"; case IN_DELETE: return "DELETE"; case IN_CREATE: return "CREATE"; case IN_DELETE_SELF: return "DELETE_SELF"; case IN_UNMOUNT: return "UNMOUNT"; case IN_Q_OVERFLOW: return "Q_OVERFLOW"; case IN_IGNORED: return "IGNORED"; default: return "UNKNOWN_EVENT"; } } } static void ik_read_events (gsize *buffer_size_out, gchar **buffer_out) { static gchar *buffer = NULL; static gsize buffer_size; /* Initialize the buffer on our first call */ if (buffer == NULL) { buffer_size = AVERAGE_EVENT_SIZE; buffer_size *= MAX_QUEUED_EVENTS; buffer = g_malloc (buffer_size); } *buffer_size_out = 0; *buffer_out = NULL; memset (buffer, 0, buffer_size); if (g_io_channel_read_chars (inotify_read_ioc, (char *)buffer, buffer_size, buffer_size_out, NULL) != G_IO_STATUS_NORMAL) { /* error reading */ } *buffer_out = buffer; } static gboolean ik_read_callback (gpointer user_data) { gchar *buffer; gsize buffer_size, buffer_i, events; G_LOCK (inotify_lock); ik_read_events (&buffer_size, &buffer); buffer_i = 0; events = 0; while (buffer_i < buffer_size) { struct inotify_event *event; gsize event_size; event = (struct inotify_event *)&buffer[buffer_i]; event_size = sizeof(struct inotify_event) + event->len; g_queue_push_tail (events_to_process, ik_event_internal_new (ik_event_new (&buffer[buffer_i]))); buffer_i += event_size; events++; } /* If the event process callback is off, turn it back on */ if (!process_eq_running && events) { process_eq_running = TRUE; g_timeout_add (PROCESS_EVENTS_TIME, ik_process_eq_callback, NULL); } G_UNLOCK (inotify_lock); return TRUE; } static gboolean g_timeval_lt (GTimeVal *val1, GTimeVal *val2) { if (val1->tv_sec < val2->tv_sec) return TRUE; if (val1->tv_sec > val2->tv_sec) return FALSE; /* val1->tv_sec == val2->tv_sec */ if (val1->tv_usec < val2->tv_usec) return TRUE; return FALSE; } static gboolean g_timeval_eq (GTimeVal *val1, GTimeVal *val2) { return (val1->tv_sec == val2->tv_sec) && (val1->tv_usec == val2->tv_usec); } static void ik_pair_events (ik_event_internal_t *event1, ik_event_internal_t *event2) { g_assert (event1 && event2); /* We should only be pairing events that have the same cookie */ g_assert (event1->event->cookie == event2->event->cookie); /* We shouldn't pair an event that already is paired */ g_assert (event1->pair == NULL && event2->pair == NULL); /* Pair the internal structures and the ik_event_t structures */ event1->pair = event2; event1->event->pair = event2->event; event2->event->is_second_in_pair = TRUE; if (g_timeval_lt (&event1->hold_until, &event2->hold_until)) event1->hold_until = event2->hold_until; event2->hold_until = event1->hold_until; } static void ik_event_add_microseconds (ik_event_internal_t *event, glong ms) { g_assert (event); g_time_val_add (&event->hold_until, ms); } static gboolean ik_event_ready (ik_event_internal_t *event) { GTimeVal tv; g_assert (event); g_get_current_time (&tv); /* An event is ready if, * * it has no cookie -- there is nothing to be gained by holding it * or, it is already paired -- we don't need to hold it anymore * or, we have held it long enough */ return event->event->cookie == 0 || event->pair != NULL || g_timeval_lt (&event->hold_until, &tv) || g_timeval_eq (&event->hold_until, &tv); } static void ik_pair_moves (gpointer data, gpointer user_data) { ik_event_internal_t *event = (ik_event_internal_t *)data; if (event->seen == TRUE || event->sent == TRUE) return; if (event->event->cookie != 0) { /* When we get a MOVED_FROM event we delay sending the event by * MOVE_HOLD_UNTIL_TIME microseconds. We need to do this because a * MOVED_TO pair _might_ be coming in the near future */ if (event->event->mask & IN_MOVED_FROM) { g_hash_table_insert (cookie_hash, GINT_TO_POINTER (event->event->cookie), event); /* because we don't deliver move events there is no point in waiting for the match right now. */ ik_event_add_microseconds (event, MOVE_HOLD_UNTIL_TIME); } else if (event->event->mask & IN_MOVED_TO) { /* We need to check if we are waiting for this MOVED_TO events cookie to pair it with * a MOVED_FROM */ ik_event_internal_t *match = NULL; match = g_hash_table_lookup (cookie_hash, GINT_TO_POINTER (event->event->cookie)); if (match) { g_hash_table_remove (cookie_hash, GINT_TO_POINTER (event->event->cookie)); ik_pair_events (match, event); } } } event->seen = TRUE; } static void ik_process_events (void) { g_queue_foreach (events_to_process, ik_pair_moves, NULL); while (!g_queue_is_empty (events_to_process)) { ik_event_internal_t *event = g_queue_peek_head (events_to_process); /* This must have been sent as part of a MOVED_TO/MOVED_FROM */ if (event->sent) { /* Pop event */ g_queue_pop_head (events_to_process); /* Free the internal event structure */ g_free (event); continue; } /* The event isn't ready yet */ if (!ik_event_ready (event)) break; /* Pop it */ event = g_queue_pop_head (events_to_process); /* Check if this is a MOVED_FROM that is also sitting in the cookie_hash */ if (event->event->cookie && event->pair == NULL && g_hash_table_lookup (cookie_hash, GINT_TO_POINTER (event->event->cookie))) g_hash_table_remove (cookie_hash, GINT_TO_POINTER (event->event->cookie)); if (event->pair) { /* We send out paired MOVED_FROM/MOVED_TO events in the same event buffer */ /* g_assert (event->event->mask == IN_MOVED_FROM && event->pair->event->mask == IN_MOVED_TO); */ /* Copy the paired data */ event->pair->sent = TRUE; event->sent = TRUE; ik_move_matches++; } else if (event->event->cookie) { /* If we couldn't pair a MOVED_FROM and MOVED_TO together, we change * the event masks */ /* Changeing MOVED_FROM to DELETE and MOVED_TO to create lets us make * the gaurantee that you will never see a non-matched MOVE event */ event->event->original_mask = event->event->mask; if (event->event->mask & IN_MOVED_FROM) { event->event->mask = IN_DELETE|(event->event->mask & IN_ISDIR); ik_move_misses++; /* not super accurate, if we aren't watching the destination it still counts as a miss */ } if (event->event->mask & IN_MOVED_TO) event->event->mask = IN_CREATE|(event->event->mask & IN_ISDIR); } /* Push the ik_event_t onto the event queue */ g_queue_push_tail (event_queue, event->event); /* Free the internal event structure */ g_free (event); } } static gboolean ik_process_eq_callback (gpointer user_data) { gboolean res; /* Try and move as many events to the event queue */ G_LOCK (inotify_lock); ik_process_events (); while (!g_queue_is_empty (event_queue)) { ik_event_t *event = g_queue_pop_head (event_queue); user_cb (event); } res = TRUE; if (g_queue_get_length (events_to_process) == 0) { process_eq_running = FALSE; res = FALSE; } G_UNLOCK (inotify_lock); return res; }