/* -*- Mode: C; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */ /* vim:set expandtab ts=4 shiftwidth=4: */ /* * Copyright (C) 2008 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved. * Use is subject to license terms. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General * Public License along with this library; if not, write to the * Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * * Authors: Lin Ma <lin.ma@sun.com> */ #include "config.h" #include <rctl.h> #include <strings.h> #include <errno.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <glib.h> #include "fen-kernel.h" #include "fen-dump.h" #ifdef GIO_COMPILATION #define FK_W if (fk_debug_enabled) g_warning static gboolean fk_debug_enabled = FALSE; #else #include "gam_error.h" #define FK_W(...) GAM_DEBUG(DEBUG_INFO, __VA_ARGS__) #endif G_GNUC_INTERNAL G_LOCK_DEFINE (fen_lock); #define PE_ALLOC 64 #define F_PORT(pfo) (((_f *)(pfo))->port->port) #define F_NAME(pfo) (((_f *)(pfo))->fobj->fo_name) #define FEN_ALL_EVENTS (FILE_MODIFIED | FILE_ATTRIB | FILE_NOFOLLOW) #define FEN_IGNORE_EVENTS (FILE_ACCESS) #define PROCESS_PORT_EVENTS_TIME 400 /* in milliseconds */ static GHashTable *_obj_fen_hash = NULL; /* <user_data, port> */ static ulong max_port_events = 512; static GList *pn_vq; /* the queue of ports which don't have the max objs */ static GList *pn_fq; /* the queue of ports which have the max objs */ static GQueue *g_eventq = NULL; static void (*add_event_cb) (gpointer, fnode_event_t*); typedef struct pnode { long ref; /* how many fds are associated to this port */ int port; guint port_source_id; } pnode_t; typedef struct { pnode_t* port; file_obj_t* fobj; gboolean is_active; gpointer user_data; } _f; static gboolean port_fetch_event_cb (void *arg); static pnode_t *pnode_new (); static void pnode_delete (pnode_t *pn); gboolean is_ported (gpointer f) { _f* fo = g_hash_table_lookup (_obj_fen_hash, f); if (fo) { return fo->is_active; } return FALSE; } static gchar* printevent (const char *pname, int event, const char *tag) { static gchar *event_string = NULL; GString *str; if (event_string) { g_free(event_string); } str = g_string_new (""); g_string_printf (str, "[%s] [%-20s]", tag, pname); if (event & FILE_ACCESS) { str = g_string_append (str, " ACCESS"); } if (event & FILE_MODIFIED) { str = g_string_append (str, " MODIFIED"); } if (event & FILE_ATTRIB) { str = g_string_append (str, " ATTRIB"); } if (event & FILE_DELETE) { str = g_string_append (str, " DELETE"); } if (event & FILE_RENAME_TO) { str = g_string_append (str, " RENAME_TO"); } if (event & FILE_RENAME_FROM) { str = g_string_append (str, " RENAME_FROM"); } if (event & UNMOUNTED) { str = g_string_append (str, " UNMOUNTED"); } if (event & MOUNTEDOVER) { str = g_string_append (str, " MOUNTEDOVER"); } event_string = str->str; g_string_free (str, FALSE); return event_string; } static void port_add_kevent (int e, gpointer f) { fnode_event_t *ev, *tail; GTimeVal t; gboolean has_twin = FALSE; FK_W("%s\n", printevent(F_NAME(f), e, "org")); /* * Child FILE_DELETE | FILE_RENAME_FROM will trigger parent FILE_MODIFIED. * FILE_MODIFIED will trigger FILE_ATTRIB. */ if ((e & FILE_ATTRIB) && e != FILE_ATTRIB) { e ^= FILE_ATTRIB; has_twin = TRUE; } if (e == FILE_RENAME_FROM) { e = FILE_DELETE; } if (e == FILE_RENAME_TO) { e = FILE_MODIFIED; } switch (e) { case FILE_DELETE: case FILE_RENAME_FROM: case FILE_MODIFIED: case FILE_ATTRIB: case UNMOUNTED: case MOUNTEDOVER: break; case FILE_RENAME_TO: case FILE_ACCESS: default: g_assert_not_reached (); return; } tail = (fnode_event_t*) g_queue_peek_tail (g_eventq); if (tail) { if (tail->user_data == f) { if (tail->e == e) { tail->has_twin = (has_twin | (tail->has_twin ^ has_twin)); /* skip the current */ return; } else if (e == FILE_MODIFIED && !has_twin && tail->e == FILE_ATTRIB) { tail->e = FILE_MODIFIED; tail->has_twin = TRUE; return; } else if (e == FILE_ATTRIB && tail->e == FILE_MODIFIED && !tail->has_twin) { tail->has_twin = TRUE; return; } } } if ((ev = fnode_event_new (e, has_twin, f)) != NULL) { g_queue_push_tail (g_eventq, ev); } } static void port_process_kevents () { fnode_event_t *ev; while ((ev = (fnode_event_t*)g_queue_pop_head (g_eventq)) != NULL) { FK_W ("[%s] 0x%p %s\n", __func__, ev, _event_string (ev->e)); add_event_cb (ev->user_data, ev); } } static gboolean port_fetch_event_cb (void *arg) { pnode_t *pn = (pnode_t *)arg; _f* fo; uint_t nget = 0; port_event_t pe[PE_ALLOC]; timespec_t timeout; gpointer f; gboolean ret = TRUE; /* FK_W ("IN <======== %s\n", __func__); */ G_LOCK (fen_lock); memset (&timeout, 0, sizeof (timespec_t)); do { nget = 1; if (port_getn (pn->port, pe, PE_ALLOC, &nget, &timeout) == 0) { int i; for (i = 0; i < nget; i++) { fo = (_f*)pe[i].portev_user; /* handle event */ switch (pe[i].portev_source) { case PORT_SOURCE_FILE: /* If got FILE_EXCEPTION or add to port failed, delete the pnode */ fo->is_active = FALSE; if (fo->user_data) { FK_W("%s\n", printevent(F_NAME(fo), pe[i].portev_events, "RAW")); port_add_kevent (pe[i].portev_events, fo->user_data); } else { /* fnode is deleted */ goto L_delete; } if (pe[i].portev_events & FILE_EXCEPTION) { g_hash_table_remove (_obj_fen_hash, fo->user_data); L_delete: FK_W ("[ FREE_FO ] [0x%p]\n", fo); pnode_delete (fo->port); g_free (fo); } break; default: /* case PORT_SOURCE_TIMER: */ FK_W ("[kernel] unknown portev_source %d\n", pe[i].portev_source); } } } else { FK_W ("[kernel] port_getn %s\n", g_strerror (errno)); nget = 0; } } while (nget == PE_ALLOC); /* Processing g_eventq */ port_process_kevents (); if (pn->ref == 0) { pn->port_source_id = 0; ret = FALSE; } G_UNLOCK (fen_lock); /* FK_W ("OUT ========> %s\n", __func__); */ return ret; } /* * ref - 1 if remove a watching file succeeded. */ static void pnode_delete (pnode_t *pn) { g_assert (pn->ref <= max_port_events); if (pn->ref == max_port_events) { FK_W ("PORT : move to visible queue - [pn] 0x%p [ref] %d\n", pn, pn->ref); pn_fq = g_list_remove (pn_fq, pn); pn_vq = g_list_prepend (pn_vq, pn); } if ((-- pn->ref) == 0) { /* Should dispatch the source */ } FK_W ("%s [pn] 0x%p [ref] %d\n", __func__, pn, pn->ref); } /* * malloc pnode_t and port_create, start thread at pnode_ref. * if pnode_new succeeded, the pnode_t will never * be freed. So pnode_t can be freed only in pnode_new. * Note pnode_monitor_remove_all can also free pnode_t, but currently no one * invork it. */ static pnode_t * pnode_new () { pnode_t *pn = NULL; if (pn_vq) { pn = (pnode_t*)pn_vq->data; g_assert (pn->ref < max_port_events); } else { pn = g_new0 (pnode_t, 1); if (pn != NULL) { if ((pn->port = port_create ()) >= 0) { g_assert (g_list_find (pn_vq, pn) == NULL); pn_vq = g_list_prepend (pn_vq, pn); } else { FK_W ("PORT_CREATE %s\n", g_strerror (errno)); g_free (pn); pn = NULL; } } } if (pn) { FK_W ("%s [pn] 0x%p [ref] %d\n", __func__, pn, pn->ref); pn->ref++; if (pn->ref == max_port_events) { FK_W ("PORT : move to full queue - [pn] 0x%p [ref] %d\n", pn, pn->ref); pn_vq = g_list_remove (pn_vq, pn); pn_fq = g_list_prepend (pn_fq, pn); g_assert (g_list_find (pn_vq, pn) == NULL); } /* attach the source */ if (pn->port_source_id == 0) { pn->port_source_id = g_timeout_add (PROCESS_PORT_EVENTS_TIME, port_fetch_event_cb, (void *)pn); g_assert (pn->port_source_id > 0); } } return pn; } /** * port_add_internal * * < private > * Unsafe, need lock fen_lock. */ static gboolean port_add_internal (file_obj_t* fobj, off_t* len, gpointer f, gboolean need_stat) { int ret; struct stat buf; _f* fo = NULL; g_assert (f && fobj); FK_W ("%s [0x%p] %s\n", __func__, f, fobj->fo_name); if ((fo = g_hash_table_lookup (_obj_fen_hash, f)) == NULL) { fo = g_new0 (_f, 1); fo->fobj = fobj; fo->user_data = f; g_assert (fo); FK_W ("[ NEW_FO ] [0x%p] %s\n", fo, F_NAME(fo)); g_hash_table_insert (_obj_fen_hash, f, fo); } if (fo->is_active) { return TRUE; } if (fo->port == NULL) { fo->port = pnode_new (); } if (need_stat) { if (FN_STAT (F_NAME(fo), &buf) != 0) { FK_W ("LSTAT [%-20s] %s\n", F_NAME(fo), g_strerror (errno)); goto L_exit; } g_assert (len); fo->fobj->fo_atime = buf.st_atim; fo->fobj->fo_mtime = buf.st_mtim; fo->fobj->fo_ctime = buf.st_ctim; *len = buf.st_size; } if (port_associate (F_PORT(fo), PORT_SOURCE_FILE, (uintptr_t)fo->fobj, FEN_ALL_EVENTS, (void *)fo) == 0) { fo->is_active = TRUE; FK_W ("%s %s\n", "PORT_ASSOCIATE", F_NAME(fo)); return TRUE; } else { FK_W ("PORT_ASSOCIATE [%-20s] %s\n", F_NAME(fo), g_strerror (errno)); L_exit: FK_W ("[ FREE_FO ] [0x%p]\n", fo); g_hash_table_remove (_obj_fen_hash, f); pnode_delete (fo->port); g_free (fo); } return FALSE; } gboolean port_add (file_obj_t* fobj, off_t* len, gpointer f) { return port_add_internal (fobj, len, f, TRUE); } gboolean port_add_simple (file_obj_t* fobj, gpointer f) { return port_add_internal (fobj, NULL, f, FALSE); } /** * port_remove * * < private > * Unsafe, need lock fen_lock. */ void port_remove (gpointer f) { _f* fo = NULL; FK_W ("%s\n", __func__); if ((fo = g_hash_table_lookup (_obj_fen_hash, f)) != NULL) { /* Marked */ fo->user_data = NULL; g_hash_table_remove (_obj_fen_hash, f); if (port_dissociate (F_PORT(fo), PORT_SOURCE_FILE, (uintptr_t)fo->fobj) == 0) { /* * Note, we can run foode_delete if dissociating is failed, * because there may be some pending events (mostly like * FILE_DELETE) in the port_get. If we delete the foode * the fnode may be deleted, then port_get will run on an invalid * address. */ FK_W ("[ FREE_FO ] [0x%p]\n", fo); pnode_delete (fo->port); g_free (fo); } else { FK_W ("PORT_DISSOCIATE [%-20s] %s\n", F_NAME(fo), g_strerror (errno)); } } } const gchar * _event_string (int event) { switch (event) { case FILE_DELETE: return "FILE_DELETE"; case FILE_RENAME_FROM: return "FILE_RENAME_FROM"; case FILE_MODIFIED: return "FILE_MODIFIED"; case FILE_RENAME_TO: return "FILE_RENAME_TO"; case MOUNTEDOVER: return "MOUNTEDOVER"; case FILE_ATTRIB: return "FILE_ATTRIB"; case UNMOUNTED: return "UNMOUNTED"; case FILE_ACCESS: return "FILE_ACCESS"; default: return "EVENT_UNKNOWN"; } } /** * Get Solaris resouce values. * */ extern gboolean port_class_init (void (*user_add_event) (gpointer, fnode_event_t*)) { rctlblk_t *rblk; FK_W ("%s\n", __func__); if ((rblk = malloc (rctlblk_size ())) == NULL) { FK_W ("[kernel] rblk malloc %s\n", g_strerror (errno)); return FALSE; } if (getrctl ("process.max-port-events", NULL, rblk, RCTL_FIRST) == -1) { FK_W ("[kernel] getrctl %s\n", g_strerror (errno)); free (rblk); return FALSE; } else { max_port_events = rctlblk_get_value(rblk); FK_W ("[kernel] max_port_events = %u\n", max_port_events); free (rblk); } if ((_obj_fen_hash = g_hash_table_new(g_direct_hash, g_direct_equal)) == NULL) { FK_W ("[kernel] fobj hash initializing faild\n"); return FALSE; } if ((g_eventq = g_queue_new ()) == NULL) { FK_W ("[kernel] FEN global event queue initializing faild\n"); } if (user_add_event == NULL) { return FALSE; } add_event_cb = user_add_event; return TRUE; } fnode_event_t* fnode_event_new (int event, gboolean has_twin, gpointer user_data) { fnode_event_t *ev; if ((ev = g_new (fnode_event_t, 1)) != NULL) { g_assert (ev); ev->e = event; ev->user_data = user_data; ev->has_twin = has_twin; /* Default isn't a pending event. */ ev->is_pending = FALSE; } return ev; } void fnode_event_delete (fnode_event_t* ev) { g_free (ev); }