<!ELEMENT schemalist (schema|enum|flags)* > <!ATTLIST schemalist gettext-domain CDATA #IMPLIED > <!ELEMENT schema (key|child|override)* > <!ATTLIST schema id CDATA #REQUIRED path CDATA #IMPLIED gettext-domain CDATA #IMPLIED extends CDATA #IMPLIED list-of CDATA #IMPLIED > <!-- enumerated and flags types --> <!-- each value element maps a nick to a numeric value --> <!ELEMENT enum (value*) > <!ATTLIST enum id CDATA #REQUIRED > <!ELEMENT flags (value*) > <!ATTLIST flags id CDATA #REQUIRED > <!ELEMENT value EMPTY > <!-- nick must be at least 2 characters long --> <!-- value must be parsable as a 32-bit integer --> <!ATTLIST value nick CDATA #REQUIRED value CDATA #REQUIRED > <!ELEMENT key (default|summary?|description?|range?|choices?|aliases?)* > <!-- name can only contain lowercase letters, numbers and '-' --> <!-- type must be a GVariant type string --> <!-- enum must be the id of an enum type that has been defined earlier --> <!-- flags must be the id of a flags type that has been defined earlier --> <!-- exactly one of type, enum or flags must be given --> <!ATTLIST key name CDATA #REQUIRED type CDATA #IMPLIED enum CDATA #IMPLIED flags CDATA #IMPLIED > <!-- the default value is specified a a serialized GVariant, i.e. you have to include the quotes when specifying a string --> <!ELEMENT default (#PCDATA) > <!-- the presence of the l10n attribute marks a default value for translation, its value is the gettext category to use --> <!-- if context is present, it specifies msgctxt to use --> <!ATTLIST default l10n (messages|time) #IMPLIED context CDATA #IMPLIED > <!ELEMENT summary (#PCDATA) > <!ELEMENT description (#PCDATA) > <!-- range is only allowed for keys with numeric type --> <!ELEMENT range EMPTY > <!-- min and max must be parseable as values of the key type and min must be less than or equal to max --> <!ATTLIST range min CDATA #IMPLIED max CDATA #IMPLIED > <!-- choices is only allowed for keys with string or string array type --> <!ELEMENT choices (choice+) > <!-- each choice element specifies one possible value --> <!ELEMENT choice EMPTY > <!ATTLIST choice value CDATA #REQUIRED > <!-- aliases is only allowed for keys with enumerated type or with choices --> <!ELEMENT aliases (alias+) > <!-- each alias element specifies an alias for one of the possible values --> <!ELEMENT alias EMPTY > <!ATTLIST alias value CDATA #REQUIRED > <!ELEMENT child EMPTY > <!ATTLIST child name CDATA #REQUIRED schema CDATA #REQUIRED > <!ELEMENT override (#PCDATA) > <!ATTLIST override name CDATA #REQUIRED l10n CDATA #IMPLIED context CDATA #IMPLIED >