/* GLIB - Library of useful routines for C programming * Copyright (C) 2001 Matthias Clasen <matthiasc@poet.de> * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the * Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #undef G_DISABLE_ASSERT #undef G_LOG_DOMAIN #include <string.h> #include "glib.h" #include "glib/gpattern.h" static gboolean noisy = FALSE; static void verbose (const gchar *format, ...) { gchar *msg; va_list args; va_start (args, format); msg = g_strdup_vprintf (format, args); va_end (args); if (noisy) g_print (msg); g_free (msg); } /* keep enum and structure of gpattern.c and patterntest.c in sync */ typedef enum { G_MATCH_ALL, /* "*A?A*" */ G_MATCH_ALL_TAIL, /* "*A?AA" */ G_MATCH_HEAD, /* "AAAA*" */ G_MATCH_TAIL, /* "*AAAA" */ G_MATCH_EXACT, /* "AAAAA" */ G_MATCH_LAST } GMatchType; struct _GPatternSpec { GMatchType match_type; guint pattern_length; guint min_length; guint max_length; gchar *pattern; }; static gchar * match_type_name (GMatchType match_type) { switch (match_type) { case G_MATCH_ALL: return "G_MATCH_ALL"; break; case G_MATCH_ALL_TAIL: return "G_MATCH_ALL_TAIL"; break; case G_MATCH_HEAD: return "G_MATCH_HEAD"; break; case G_MATCH_TAIL: return "G_MATCH_TAIL"; break; case G_MATCH_EXACT: return "G_MATCH_EXACT"; break; default: return "unknown GMatchType"; break; } } static gboolean test_compilation (gchar *src, GMatchType match_type, gchar *pattern, guint min) { GPatternSpec *spec; verbose ("compiling \"%s\" \t", src); spec = g_pattern_spec_new (src); if (spec->match_type != match_type) { g_print ("failed \t(match_type: %s, expected %s)\n", match_type_name (spec->match_type), match_type_name (match_type)); g_pattern_spec_free (spec); return FALSE; } if (strcmp (spec->pattern, pattern) != 0) { g_print ("failed \t(pattern: \"%s\", expected \"%s\")\n", spec->pattern, pattern); g_pattern_spec_free (spec); return FALSE; } if (spec->pattern_length != strlen (spec->pattern)) { g_print ("failed \t(pattern_length: %d, expected %d)\n", spec->pattern_length, (gint)strlen (spec->pattern)); g_pattern_spec_free (spec); return FALSE; } if (spec->min_length != min) { g_print ("failed \t(min_length: %d, expected %d)\n", spec->min_length, min); g_pattern_spec_free (spec); return FALSE; } verbose ("passed (%s: \"%s\")\n", match_type_name (spec->match_type), spec->pattern); g_pattern_spec_free (spec); return TRUE; } static gboolean test_match (gchar *pattern, gchar *string, gboolean match) { verbose ("matching \"%s\" against \"%s\" \t", string, pattern); if (g_pattern_match_simple (pattern, string) != match) { g_print ("failed \t(unexpected %s)\n", (match ? "mismatch" : "match")); return FALSE; } verbose ("passed (%s)\n", match ? "match" : "nomatch"); return TRUE; } static gboolean test_equal (gchar *pattern1, gchar *pattern2, gboolean expected) { GPatternSpec *p1 = g_pattern_spec_new (pattern1); GPatternSpec *p2 = g_pattern_spec_new (pattern2); gboolean equal = g_pattern_spec_equal (p1, p2); verbose ("comparing \"%s\" with \"%s\" \t", pattern1, pattern2); if (expected != equal) { g_print ("failed \t{%s, %u, \"%s\"} %s {%s, %u, \"%s\"}\n", match_type_name (p1->match_type), p1->pattern_length, p1->pattern, expected ? "!=" : "==", match_type_name (p2->match_type), p2->pattern_length, p2->pattern); } else verbose ("passed (%s)\n", equal ? "equal" : "unequal"); g_pattern_spec_free (p1); g_pattern_spec_free (p2); return expected == equal; } #define TEST_COMPILATION(src, type, pattern, min) { \ total++; \ if (test_compilation (src, type, pattern, min)) \ passed++; \ else \ failed++; \ } #define TEST_MATCH(pattern, string, match) { \ total++; \ if (test_match (pattern, string, match)) \ passed++; \ else \ failed++; \ } #define TEST_EQUAL(pattern1, pattern2, match) { \ total++; \ if (test_equal (pattern1, pattern2, match)) \ passed++; \ else \ failed++; \ } int main (int argc, char** argv) { gint total = 0; gint passed = 0; gint failed = 0; gint i; for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) if (strcmp ("--noisy", argv[i]) == 0) noisy = TRUE; TEST_COMPILATION("*A?B*", G_MATCH_ALL, "*A?B*", 3); TEST_COMPILATION("ABC*DEFGH", G_MATCH_ALL_TAIL, "HGFED*CBA", 8); TEST_COMPILATION("ABCDEF*GH", G_MATCH_ALL, "ABCDEF*GH", 8); TEST_COMPILATION("ABC**?***??**DEF*GH", G_MATCH_ALL, "ABC*???DEF*GH", 11); TEST_COMPILATION("*A?AA", G_MATCH_ALL_TAIL, "AA?A*", 4); TEST_COMPILATION("ABCD*", G_MATCH_HEAD, "ABCD", 4); TEST_COMPILATION("*ABCD", G_MATCH_TAIL, "ABCD", 4); TEST_COMPILATION("ABCDE", G_MATCH_EXACT, "ABCDE", 5); TEST_COMPILATION("A?C?E", G_MATCH_ALL, "A?C?E", 5); TEST_COMPILATION("*?x", G_MATCH_ALL_TAIL, "x?*", 2); TEST_COMPILATION("?*x", G_MATCH_ALL_TAIL, "x?*", 2); TEST_COMPILATION("*?*x", G_MATCH_ALL_TAIL, "x?*", 2); TEST_COMPILATION("x*??", G_MATCH_ALL_TAIL, "??*x", 3); TEST_EQUAL("*A?B*", "*A?B*", TRUE); TEST_EQUAL("A*BCD", "A*BCD", TRUE); TEST_EQUAL("ABCD*", "ABCD****", TRUE); TEST_EQUAL("A1*", "A1*", TRUE); TEST_EQUAL("*YZ", "*YZ", TRUE); TEST_EQUAL("A1x", "A1x", TRUE); TEST_EQUAL("AB*CD", "AB**CD", TRUE); TEST_EQUAL("AB*?*CD", "AB*?CD", TRUE); TEST_EQUAL("AB*?CD", "AB?*CD", TRUE); TEST_EQUAL("AB*CD", "AB*?*CD", FALSE); TEST_EQUAL("ABC*", "ABC?", FALSE); TEST_MATCH("*x", "x", TRUE); TEST_MATCH("*x", "xx", TRUE); TEST_MATCH("*x", "yyyx", TRUE); TEST_MATCH("*x", "yyxy", FALSE); TEST_MATCH("?x", "x", FALSE); TEST_MATCH("?x", "xx", TRUE); TEST_MATCH("?x", "yyyx", FALSE); TEST_MATCH("?x", "yyxy", FALSE); TEST_MATCH("*?x", "xx", TRUE); TEST_MATCH("?*x", "xx", TRUE); TEST_MATCH("*?x", "x", FALSE); TEST_MATCH("?*x", "x", FALSE); TEST_MATCH("*?*x", "yx", TRUE); TEST_MATCH("*?*x", "xxxx", TRUE); TEST_MATCH("x*??", "xyzw", TRUE); TEST_MATCH("*x", "\xc3\x84x", TRUE); TEST_MATCH("?x", "\xc3\x84x", TRUE); TEST_MATCH("??x", "\xc3\x84x", FALSE); TEST_MATCH("ab\xc3\xa4\xc3\xb6", "ab\xc3\xa4\xc3\xb6", TRUE); TEST_MATCH("ab\xc3\xa4\xc3\xb6", "abao", FALSE); TEST_MATCH("ab?\xc3\xb6", "ab\xc3\xa4\xc3\xb6", TRUE); TEST_MATCH("ab?\xc3\xb6", "abao", FALSE); TEST_MATCH("ab\xc3\xa4?", "ab\xc3\xa4\xc3\xb6", TRUE); TEST_MATCH("ab\xc3\xa4?", "abao", FALSE); TEST_MATCH("ab??", "ab\xc3\xa4\xc3\xb6", TRUE); TEST_MATCH("ab*", "ab\xc3\xa4\xc3\xb6", TRUE); TEST_MATCH("ab*\xc3\xb6", "ab\xc3\xa4\xc3\xb6", TRUE); TEST_MATCH("ab*\xc3\xb6", "aba\xc3\xb6x\xc3\xb6", TRUE); TEST_MATCH("", "abc", FALSE); TEST_MATCH("", "", TRUE); TEST_MATCH("abc", "abc", TRUE); TEST_MATCH("*fo1*bar", "yyyfoxfo1bar", TRUE); TEST_MATCH("12*fo1g*bar", "12yyyfoxfo1gbar", TRUE); TEST_MATCH("__________:*fo1g*bar", "__________:yyyfoxfo1gbar", TRUE); TEST_MATCH("*abc*cde", "abcde", FALSE); TEST_MATCH("*abc*cde", "abccde", TRUE); TEST_MATCH("*abc*cde", "abcxcde", TRUE); TEST_MATCH("*abc*?cde", "abccde", FALSE); TEST_MATCH("*abc*?cde", "abcxcde", TRUE); TEST_MATCH("*abc*def", "abababcdededef", TRUE); TEST_MATCH("*abc*def", "abcbcbcdededef", TRUE); TEST_MATCH("*acbc*def", "acbcbcbcdededef", TRUE); TEST_MATCH("*a?bc*def", "acbcbcbcdededef", TRUE); TEST_MATCH("*abc*def", "bcbcbcdefdef", FALSE); TEST_MATCH("*abc*def*ghi", "abcbcbcbcbcbcdefefdefdefghi", TRUE); TEST_MATCH("*abc*def*ghi", "bcbcbcbcbcbcdefdefdefdefghi", FALSE); TEST_MATCH("_1_2_3_4_5_6_7_8_9_0_1_2_3_4_5_*abc*def*ghi", "_1_2_3_4_5_6_7_8_9_0_1_2_3_4_5_abcbcbcbcbcbcdefefdefdefghi", TRUE); TEST_MATCH("fooooooo*a*bc", "fooooooo_a_bd_a_bc", TRUE); verbose ("\n%u tests passed, %u failed\n", passed, failed); return failed; }