/* GLib testing framework examples and tests * * Copyright 2014 Red Hat, Inc. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, see * <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ #include <gio/gio.h> static void active_notify_cb (GSocketService *service, GParamSpec *pspec, gpointer data) { gboolean *success = (gboolean *)data; if (g_socket_service_is_active (service)) *success = TRUE; } static void connected_cb (GObject *client, GAsyncResult *result, gpointer user_data) { GSocketService *service = G_SOCKET_SERVICE (user_data); GSocketConnection *conn; GError *error = NULL; g_assert_true (g_socket_service_is_active (service)); conn = g_socket_client_connect_finish (G_SOCKET_CLIENT (client), result, &error); g_assert_no_error (error); g_object_unref (conn); g_socket_service_stop (service); g_assert_false (g_socket_service_is_active (service)); } static void test_start_stop (void) { gboolean success = FALSE; GInetAddress *iaddr; GSocketAddress *saddr, *listening_addr; GSocketService *service; GError *error = NULL; GSocketClient *client; iaddr = g_inet_address_new_loopback (G_SOCKET_FAMILY_IPV4); saddr = g_inet_socket_address_new (iaddr, 0); g_object_unref (iaddr); /* instanciate with g_object_new so we can pass active = false */ service = g_object_new (G_TYPE_SOCKET_SERVICE, "active", FALSE, NULL); g_assert_false (g_socket_service_is_active (service)); g_signal_connect (service, "notify::active", G_CALLBACK (active_notify_cb), &success); g_socket_listener_add_address (G_SOCKET_LISTENER (service), saddr, G_SOCKET_TYPE_STREAM, G_SOCKET_PROTOCOL_TCP, NULL, &listening_addr, &error); g_assert_no_error (error); g_object_unref (saddr); client = g_socket_client_new (); g_socket_client_connect_async (client, G_SOCKET_CONNECTABLE (listening_addr), NULL, connected_cb, service); g_object_unref (client); g_object_unref (listening_addr); g_socket_service_start (service); g_assert_true (g_socket_service_is_active (service)); do g_main_context_iteration (NULL, TRUE); while (!success); g_object_unref (service); } GMutex mutex_712570; GCond cond_712570; volatile gboolean finalized; GType test_threaded_socket_service_get_type (void); typedef GThreadedSocketService TestThreadedSocketService; typedef GThreadedSocketServiceClass TestThreadedSocketServiceClass; G_DEFINE_TYPE (TestThreadedSocketService, test_threaded_socket_service, G_TYPE_THREADED_SOCKET_SERVICE) static void test_threaded_socket_service_init (TestThreadedSocketService *service) { } static void test_threaded_socket_service_finalize (GObject *object) { G_OBJECT_CLASS (test_threaded_socket_service_parent_class)->finalize (object); /* Signal the main thread that finalization completed successfully * rather than hanging. */ finalized = TRUE; g_cond_signal (&cond_712570); g_mutex_unlock (&mutex_712570); } static void test_threaded_socket_service_class_init (TestThreadedSocketServiceClass *klass) { GObjectClass *object_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass); object_class->finalize = test_threaded_socket_service_finalize; } static gboolean connection_cb (GThreadedSocketService *service, GSocketConnection *connection, GObject *source_object, gpointer user_data) { /* Block until the main thread has dropped its ref to @service, so that we * will drop the final ref from this thread. */ g_mutex_lock (&mutex_712570); /* The service should now have 1 ref owned by the current "run" * signal emission, and another added by GThreadedSocketService for * this thread. Both will be dropped after we return. */ g_assert_cmpint (G_OBJECT (service)->ref_count, ==, 2); return FALSE; } static void client_connected_cb (GObject *client, GAsyncResult *result, gpointer user_data) { GMainLoop *loop = user_data; GSocketConnection *conn; GError *error = NULL; conn = g_socket_client_connect_finish (G_SOCKET_CLIENT (client), result, &error); g_assert_no_error (error); g_object_unref (conn); g_main_loop_quit (loop); } static void test_threaded_712570 (void) { GSocketService *service; GSocketAddress *addr, *listening_addr; GMainLoop *loop; GSocketClient *client; GError *error = NULL; g_test_bug ("712570"); g_mutex_lock (&mutex_712570); service = g_object_new (test_threaded_socket_service_get_type (), NULL); addr = g_inet_socket_address_new_from_string ("", 0); g_socket_listener_add_address (G_SOCKET_LISTENER (service), addr, G_SOCKET_TYPE_STREAM, G_SOCKET_PROTOCOL_TCP, NULL, &listening_addr, &error); g_assert_no_error (error); g_object_unref (addr); g_signal_connect (service, "run", G_CALLBACK (connection_cb), NULL); loop = g_main_loop_new (NULL, FALSE); client = g_socket_client_new (); g_socket_client_connect_async (client, G_SOCKET_CONNECTABLE (listening_addr), NULL, client_connected_cb, loop); g_object_unref (client); g_object_unref (listening_addr); g_main_loop_run (loop); g_main_loop_unref (loop); /* Stop the service and then wait for it to asynchronously cancel * its outstanding accept() call (and drop the associated ref). * At least one main context iteration is required in some circumstances * to ensure that the cancellation actually happens. */ g_socket_service_stop (G_SOCKET_SERVICE (service)); g_assert_false (g_socket_service_is_active (G_SOCKET_SERVICE (service))); do g_main_context_iteration (NULL, TRUE); while (G_OBJECT (service)->ref_count > 3); /* Drop our ref, then unlock the mutex and wait for the service to be * finalized. (Without the fix for 712570 it would hang forever here.) */ g_object_unref (service); while (!finalized) g_cond_wait (&cond_712570, &mutex_712570); g_mutex_unlock (&mutex_712570); } int main (int argc, char *argv[]) { g_test_init (&argc, &argv, NULL); g_test_bug_base ("http://bugzilla.gnome.org/"); g_test_add_func ("/socket-service/start-stop", test_start_stop); g_test_add_func ("/socket-service/threaded/712570", test_threaded_712570); return g_test_run(); }