#undef G_DISABLE_ASSERT #undef G_LOG_DOMAIN #include <stdarg.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <glib.h> static gint exit_status = 0; static void croak (char *format, ...) { va_list va; va_start (va, format); vfprintf (stderr, format, va); va_end (va); exit (1); } static void fail (char *format, ...) { va_list va; va_start (va, format); vfprintf (stderr, format, va); va_end (va); exit_status |= 1; } typedef enum { VALID, INCOMPLETE, NOTUNICODE, OVERLONG, MALFORMED } Status; static gboolean ucs4_equal (gunichar *a, gunichar *b) { while (*a && *b && (*a == *b)) { a++; b++; } return (*a == *b); } static gboolean utf16_equal (gunichar2 *a, gunichar2 *b) { while (*a && *b && (*a == *b)) { a++; b++; } return (*a == *b); } static gint utf16_count (gunichar2 *a) { gint result = 0; while (a[result]) result++; return result; } static void process (gint line, gchar *utf8, Status status, gunichar *ucs4, gint ucs4_len) { const gchar *end; gboolean is_valid = g_utf8_validate (utf8, -1, &end); GError *error = NULL; glong items_read, items_written; switch (status) { case VALID: if (!is_valid) { fail ("line %d: valid but g_utf8_validate returned FALSE\n", line); return; } break; case NOTUNICODE: case INCOMPLETE: case OVERLONG: case MALFORMED: if (is_valid) { fail ("line %d: invalid but g_utf8_validate returned TRUE\n", line); return; } break; } if (status == INCOMPLETE) { gunichar *ucs4_result; ucs4_result = g_utf8_to_ucs4 (utf8, -1, NULL, NULL, &error); if (!error || !g_error_matches (error, G_CONVERT_ERROR, G_CONVERT_ERROR_PARTIAL_INPUT)) { fail ("line %d: incomplete input not properly detected\n", line); return; } g_clear_error (&error); ucs4_result = g_utf8_to_ucs4 (utf8, -1, &items_read, NULL, &error); if (!ucs4_result || items_read == strlen (utf8)) { fail ("line %d: incomplete input not properly detected\n", line); return; } g_free (ucs4_result); } if (status == VALID || status == NOTUNICODE) { gunichar *ucs4_result; gchar *utf8_result; ucs4_result = g_utf8_to_ucs4 (utf8, -1, &items_read, &items_written, &error); if (!ucs4_result) { fail ("line %d: conversion to ucs4 failed: %s\n", line, error->message); return; } if (!ucs4_equal (ucs4_result, ucs4) || items_read != strlen (utf8) || items_written != ucs4_len) { fail ("line %d: results of conversion to ucs4 do not match expected.\n", line); return; } g_free (ucs4_result); ucs4_result = g_utf8_to_ucs4_fast (utf8, -1, &items_written); if (!ucs4_equal (ucs4_result, ucs4) || items_written != ucs4_len) { fail ("line %d: results of conversion to ucs4 do not match expected.\n", line); return; } utf8_result = g_ucs4_to_utf8 (ucs4_result, -1, &items_read, &items_written, &error); if (!utf8_result) { fail ("line %d: conversion back to utf8 failed: %s", line, error->message); return; } if (strcmp (utf8_result, utf8) != 0 || items_read != ucs4_len || items_written != strlen (utf8)) { fail ("line %d: conversion back to utf8 did not match original\n", line); return; } g_free (utf8_result); g_free (ucs4_result); } if (status == VALID) { gunichar2 *utf16_expected_tmp; gunichar2 *utf16_expected; gunichar2 *utf16_from_utf8; gunichar2 *utf16_from_ucs4; gunichar *ucs4_result; gsize bytes_written; gint n_chars; gchar *utf8_result; #ifdef G_PLATFORM_WIN32 #define TARGET "UTF-16LE" #else #define TARGET "UTF-16" #endif if (!(utf16_expected_tmp = (gunichar2 *)g_convert (utf8, -1, TARGET, "UTF-8", NULL, &bytes_written, NULL))) { fail ("line %d: could not convert to UTF-16 via g_convert\n", line); return; } /* zero-terminate and remove BOM */ n_chars = bytes_written / 2; if (utf16_expected_tmp[0] == 0xfeff) /* BOM */ { n_chars--; utf16_expected = g_new (gunichar2, n_chars + 1); memcpy (utf16_expected, utf16_expected_tmp + 1, sizeof(gunichar2) * n_chars); } else if (utf16_expected_tmp[0] == 0xfffe) /* ANTI-BOM */ { fail ("line %d: conversion via iconv to \"UTF-16\" is not native-endian\n", line); return; } else { utf16_expected = g_new (gunichar2, n_chars + 1); memcpy (utf16_expected, utf16_expected_tmp, sizeof(gunichar2) * n_chars); } utf16_expected[n_chars] = '\0'; if (!(utf16_from_utf8 = g_utf8_to_utf16 (utf8, -1, &items_read, &items_written, &error))) { fail ("line %d: conversion to ucs16 failed: %s\n", line, error->message); return; } if (items_read != strlen (utf8) || utf16_count (utf16_from_utf8) != items_written) { fail ("line %d: length error in conversion to ucs16\n", line); return; } if (!(utf16_from_ucs4 = g_ucs4_to_utf16 (ucs4, -1, &items_read, &items_written, &error))) { fail ("line %d: conversion to ucs16 failed: %s\n", line, error->message); return; } if (items_read != ucs4_len || utf16_count (utf16_from_ucs4) != items_written) { fail ("line %d: length error in conversion to ucs16\n", line); return; } if (!utf16_equal (utf16_from_utf8, utf16_expected) || !utf16_equal (utf16_from_ucs4, utf16_expected)) { fail ("line %d: results of conversion to ucs16 do not match\n", line); return; } if (!(utf8_result = g_utf16_to_utf8 (utf16_from_utf8, -1, &items_read, &items_written, &error))) { fail ("line %d: conversion back to utf8 failed: %s\n", line, error->message); return; } if (items_read != utf16_count (utf16_from_utf8) || items_written != strlen (utf8)) { fail ("line %d: length error in conversion from ucs16 to utf8\n", line); return; } if (!(ucs4_result = g_utf16_to_ucs4 (utf16_from_ucs4, -1, &items_read, &items_written, &error))) { fail ("line %d: conversion back to utf8/ucs4 failed\n", line); return; } if (items_read != utf16_count (utf16_from_utf8) || items_written != ucs4_len) { fail ("line %d: length error in conversion from ucs16 to ucs4\n", line); return; } if (strcmp (utf8, utf8_result) != 0 || !ucs4_equal (ucs4, ucs4_result)) { fail ("line %d: conversion back to utf8/ucs4 did not match original\n", line); return; } g_free (utf16_expected_tmp); g_free (utf16_expected); g_free (utf16_from_utf8); g_free (utf16_from_ucs4); g_free (utf8_result); g_free (ucs4_result); } } int main (int argc, char **argv) { gchar *srcdir = getenv ("srcdir"); gchar *testfile; gchar *contents; GError *error = NULL; gchar *p, *end; char *tmp; gint state = 0; gint line = 1; gint start_line = 0; /* Quiet GCC */ gchar *utf8 = NULL; /* Quiet GCC */ GArray *ucs4; Status status = VALID; /* Quiet GCC */ if (!srcdir) srcdir = "."; testfile = g_strconcat (srcdir, G_DIR_SEPARATOR_S "utf8.txt", NULL); g_file_get_contents (testfile, &contents, NULL, &error); if (error) croak ("Cannot open utf8.txt: %s", error->message); ucs4 = g_array_new (TRUE, FALSE, sizeof(gunichar)); p = contents; /* Loop over lines */ while (*p) { while (*p && (*p == ' ' || *p == '\t')) p++; end = p; while (*end && (*end != '\r' && *end != '\n')) end++; if (!*p || *p == '#' || *p == '\r' || *p == '\n') goto next_line; tmp = g_strstrip (g_strndup (p, end - p)); switch (state) { case 0: /* UTF-8 string */ start_line = line; utf8 = tmp; tmp = NULL; break; case 1: /* Status */ if (!strcmp (tmp, "VALID")) status = VALID; else if (!strcmp (tmp, "INCOMPLETE")) status = INCOMPLETE; else if (!strcmp (tmp, "NOTUNICODE")) status = NOTUNICODE; else if (!strcmp (tmp, "OVERLONG")) status = OVERLONG; else if (!strcmp (tmp, "MALFORMED")) status = MALFORMED; else croak ("Invalid status on line %d\n", line); if (status != VALID && status != NOTUNICODE) state++; /* No UCS-4 data */ break; case 2: /* UCS-4 version */ p = strtok (tmp, " \t"); while (p) { gchar *endptr; gunichar ch = strtoul (p, &endptr, 16); if (*endptr != '\0') croak ("Invalid UCS-4 character on line %d\n", line); g_array_append_val (ucs4, ch); p = strtok (NULL, " \t"); } break; } g_free (tmp); state = (state + 1) % 3; if (state == 0) { process (start_line, utf8, status, (gunichar *)ucs4->data, ucs4->len); g_array_set_size (ucs4, 0); g_free (utf8); } next_line: p = end; if (*p && *p == '\r') p++; if (*p && *p == '\n') p++; line++; } return exit_status; }