schema org.gtk.test:
  gettext-domain: test
  path: /tests/

  key greeting = @s "Hello, earthlings"
    l10n: messages
    summary: A greeting
    description: Greeting of the invading martians
  key farewell = @s "So long"
    l10n: messages

  child basic-types:
    key test-boolean = @b true
    key test-byte = @y 25
    key test-int16 = @n -1234
    key test-uint16 = @q 1234
    key test-int32 = @i -123456
    key test-uint32 = @u 123456
    key test-int64 = @x -123456789
    key test-uint64 = @t 123456789
    key test-double = @d 123.456
    key test-string = @s "a string, it seems"
    key test-objectpath = @o "/a/object/path"

  child complex-types:
    key test-tuple = @(s(ii)) ("one",(2,3))
    key test-array = @ai [0,1,2,3,4,5]

  child localized:
    gettext-domain: glib20

    key error-message = @s "Unnamed"
      l10n: messages

  child binding:
    key bool = @b false
    key int = @i 0
    key double = @d 0
    key string = @s ""