/* GLIB - Library of useful routines for C programming * Copyright (C) 1995-1997 Peter Mattis, Spencer Kimball and Josh MacDonald * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Library General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free * Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */ #include "glib.h" #include #include typedef struct _GRealRelation GRealRelation; typedef struct _GRealTuples GRealTuples; struct _GRealRelation { gint fields; gint current_field; GHashTable *all_tuples; GHashTable **hashed_tuple_tables; GMemChunk *tuple_chunk; gint count; }; struct _GRealTuples { gint len; gint width; gpointer *data; }; gboolean tuple_equal_2 (gconstpointer v_a, gconstpointer v_b) { gpointer* a = (gpointer*) v_a; gpointer* b = (gpointer*) v_b; return a[0] == b[0] && a[1] == b[1]; } guint tuple_hash_2 (gconstpointer v_a) { gpointer* a = (gpointer*) v_a; return (gulong)a[0] ^ (gulong)a[1]; } GHashFunc tuple_hash (gint fields) { switch (fields) { case 2: return tuple_hash_2; default: g_error ("no tuple hash for %d", fields); } return NULL; } GCompareFunc tuple_equal (gint fields) { switch (fields) { case 2: return tuple_equal_2; default: g_error ("no tuple equal for %d", fields); } return NULL; } GRelation* g_relation_new (gint fields) { GRealRelation* rel = g_new0 (GRealRelation, 1); rel->fields = fields; rel->tuple_chunk = g_mem_chunk_new ("Relation Chunk", fields * sizeof (gpointer), fields * sizeof (gpointer) * 128, G_ALLOC_AND_FREE); rel->all_tuples = g_hash_table_new (tuple_hash (fields), tuple_equal (fields)); rel->hashed_tuple_tables = g_new0 (GHashTable*, fields); return (GRelation*) rel; } static void g_relation_free_array (gpointer key, gpointer value, gpointer user_data) { g_hash_table_destroy ((GHashTable*) value); } void g_relation_destroy (GRelation *relation) { GRealRelation *rel = (GRealRelation *) relation; gint i; if (rel) { g_hash_table_destroy (rel->all_tuples); g_mem_chunk_destroy (rel->tuple_chunk); for (i = 0; i < rel->fields; i += 1) { if (rel->hashed_tuple_tables[i]) { g_hash_table_foreach (rel->hashed_tuple_tables[i], g_relation_free_array, NULL); g_hash_table_destroy (rel->hashed_tuple_tables[i]); } } g_free (rel->hashed_tuple_tables); g_free (rel); } } void g_relation_index (GRelation *relation, gint field, GHashFunc hash_func, GCompareFunc key_compare_func) { GRealRelation *rel = (GRealRelation *) relation; g_assert (rel->count == 0 && rel->hashed_tuple_tables[field] == NULL); rel->hashed_tuple_tables[field] = g_hash_table_new (hash_func, key_compare_func); } void g_relation_insert (GRelation *relation, ...) { GRealRelation *rel = (GRealRelation *) relation; gpointer* tuple = g_chunk_new (gpointer, rel->tuple_chunk); va_list args; gint i; va_start(args, relation); for (i = 0; i < rel->fields; i += 1) tuple[i] = va_arg(args, gpointer); va_end(args); g_hash_table_insert (rel->all_tuples, tuple, tuple); rel->count += 1; for (i = 0; i < rel->fields; i += 1) { GHashTable *table; gpointer key; GHashTable *per_key_table; table = rel->hashed_tuple_tables[i]; if (table == NULL) continue; key = tuple[i]; per_key_table = g_hash_table_lookup (table, key); if (per_key_table == NULL) { per_key_table = g_hash_table_new (tuple_hash (rel->fields), tuple_equal (rel->fields)); g_hash_table_insert (table, key, per_key_table); } g_hash_table_insert (per_key_table, tuple, tuple); } } static void g_relation_delete_tuple (gpointer tuple_key, gpointer tuple_value, gpointer user_data) { gpointer *tuple = (gpointer*) tuple_value; GRealRelation *rel = (GRealRelation *) user_data; gint j; g_assert (tuple_key == tuple_value); for (j = 0; j < rel->fields; j += 1) { GHashTable *one_table = rel->hashed_tuple_tables[j]; gpointer one_key; GHashTable *per_key_table; if (one_table == NULL) continue; if (j == rel->current_field) /* can't delete from the table we're foreaching in */ continue; one_key = tuple[j]; per_key_table = g_hash_table_lookup (one_table, one_key); g_hash_table_remove (per_key_table, tuple); } g_hash_table_remove (rel->all_tuples, tuple); rel->count -= 1; } gint g_relation_delete (GRelation *relation, gconstpointer key, gint field) { GRealRelation *rel = (GRealRelation *) relation; GHashTable *table = rel->hashed_tuple_tables[field]; GHashTable *key_table; gint count = rel->count; g_assert (table); key_table = g_hash_table_lookup (table, key); if (!key_table) return 0; rel->current_field = field; g_hash_table_foreach (key_table, g_relation_delete_tuple, rel); g_hash_table_remove (table, key); g_hash_table_destroy (key_table); /* @@@ Remove empty hash tables. */ return count - rel->count; } static void g_relation_select_tuple (gpointer tuple_key, gpointer tuple_value, gpointer user_data) { gpointer *tuple = (gpointer*) tuple_value; GRealTuples *tuples = (GRealTuples*) user_data; gint stride = sizeof (gpointer) * tuples->width; g_assert (tuple_key == tuple_value); memcpy (tuples->data + (tuples->len * tuples->width), tuple, stride); tuples->len += 1; } GTuples* g_relation_select (GRelation *relation, gconstpointer key, gint field) { GRealRelation *rel = (GRealRelation *) relation; GHashTable *table = rel->hashed_tuple_tables[field]; GHashTable *key_table; GRealTuples *tuples = g_new0 (GRealTuples, 1); gint count; g_assert (table); key_table = g_hash_table_lookup (table, key); if (!key_table) return (GTuples*)tuples; count = g_relation_count (relation, key, field); tuples->data = g_malloc (sizeof (gpointer) * rel->fields * count); tuples->width = rel->fields; g_hash_table_foreach (key_table, g_relation_select_tuple, tuples); g_assert (count == tuples->len); return (GTuples*)tuples; } gint g_relation_count (GRelation *relation, gconstpointer key, gint field) { GRealRelation *rel = (GRealRelation *) relation; GHashTable *table = rel->hashed_tuple_tables[field]; GHashTable *key_table; g_assert (table); key_table = g_hash_table_lookup (table, key); if (!key_table) return 0; return g_hash_table_size (key_table); } gboolean g_relation_exists (GRelation *relation, ...) { GRealRelation *rel = (GRealRelation *) relation; gpointer* tuple = g_chunk_new (gpointer, rel->tuple_chunk); va_list args; gint i; gboolean result; va_start(args, relation); for (i = 0; i < rel->fields; i += 1) tuple[i] = va_arg(args, gpointer); va_end(args); result = g_hash_table_lookup (rel->all_tuples, tuple) != NULL; g_mem_chunk_free (rel->tuple_chunk, tuple); return result; } void g_tuples_destroy (GTuples *tuples0) { GRealTuples *tuples = (GRealTuples*) tuples0; if (tuples) { g_free (tuples->data); g_free (tuples); } } gpointer g_tuples_index (GTuples *tuples0, gint index, gint field) { GRealTuples *tuples = (GRealTuples*) tuples0; g_assert (field < tuples->width); return tuples->data[index * tuples->width + field]; } /* Print */ void g_relation_print_one (gpointer tuple_key, gpointer tuple_value, gpointer user_data) { gint i; GRealRelation* rel = (GRealRelation*) user_data; gpointer* tuples = (gpointer*) tuple_value; g_print ("["); for (i = 0; i < rel->fields; i += 1) { g_print ("%p", tuples[i]); if (i < (rel->fields - 1)) g_print (","); } g_print ("]\n"); } void g_relation_print_index (gpointer tuple_key, gpointer tuple_value, gpointer user_data) { GRealRelation* rel = (GRealRelation*) user_data; GHashTable* table = (GHashTable*) tuple_value; g_print ("*** key %p\n", tuple_key); g_hash_table_foreach (table, g_relation_print_one, rel); } void g_relation_print (GRelation *relation) { gint i; GRealRelation* rel = (GRealRelation*) relation; g_print ("*** all tuples (%d)\n", rel->count); g_hash_table_foreach (rel->all_tuples, g_relation_print_one, rel); for (i = 0; i < rel->fields; i += 1) { if (rel->hashed_tuple_tables[i] == NULL) continue; g_print ("*** index %d\n", i); g_hash_table_foreach (rel->hashed_tuple_tables[i], g_relation_print_index, rel); } }