subdir('performance') marshalers_h = custom_target('marshalers_h', output : 'marshalers.h', input : 'marshalers.list', command : [ python, glib_genmarshal, '--prefix=test', '--valist-marshallers', '--output=@OUTPUT@', '--quiet', '--header', '@INPUT@', ], ) marshalers_c = custom_target('marshalers_c', output : 'marshalers.c', input : 'marshalers.list', command : [ python, glib_genmarshal, '--prefix=test', '--valist-marshallers', '--include-header=marshalers.h', '--output=@OUTPUT@', '--quiet', '--body', '@INPUT@', ], ) gobject_tests = { 'notify-init' : {}, 'notify-init2' : {}, 'custom-dispatch' : {}, 'qdata' : {}, 'accumulator' : { 'source' : ['accumulator.c', marshalers_h, marshalers_c], }, 'basics-gobject' : {}, 'boxed' : {}, 'defaultiface' : { 'source' : ['defaultiface.c', 'testmodule.c'], }, 'deftype' : {}, 'deprecated-properties' : {}, 'dynamictype' : { 'source' : ['dynamictype.c', 'testmodule.c'], }, 'enums' : {}, 'max-version' : {'install': false}, 'override' : {}, 'param' : {}, 'references' : {}, 'basic-signals' : {}, 'singleton' : {}, 'threadtests' : {}, 'dynamictests' : {}, 'binding' : {}, 'bindinggroup' : {}, 'properties' : {}, 'reference' : {}, 'flags' : {}, 'value' : {}, 'type' : {}, 'gobject-private' : { 'source' : 'private.c', }, 'closure' : {}, 'closure-refcount' : { 'suite': ['slow'] }, 'object' : {}, 'signal-handler' : {}, 'ifaceproperties' : {}, 'signals' : { 'source' : ['signals.c', marshalers_h, marshalers_c], }, 'signalgroup' : {}, 'testing' : {}, 'type-flags' : {}, 'objects-refcount1' : {}, 'objects-refcount2' : {'suite' : ['slow']}, 'properties-refcount1' : {}, 'properties-refcount2' : {'suite' : ['slow']}, 'properties-refcount3' : {'suite' : ['slow']}, 'properties-refcount4' : {}, 'signals-refcount1' : { 'source' : 'signals-refcount.c', 'c_args' : ['-DTESTNUM=1'], }, 'signals-refcount2' : { 'source' : 'signals-refcount.c', 'c_args' : ['-DTESTNUM=2'], }, 'signals-refcount3' : { 'source' : 'signals-refcount.c', 'c_args' : ['-DTESTNUM=3'], }, 'signals-refcount4' : { 'source' : 'signals-refcount.c', 'c_args' : ['-DTESTNUM=4'], }, } if have_cxx gobject_tests += { 'cxx' : { 'source' : ['cxx.cpp'], 'suite' : ['cpp'], }, } foreach std, arg: cxx_standards gobject_tests += { 'cxx-@0@'.format(std) : { 'source' : ['cxx.cpp'], 'suite' : ['cpp'], 'cpp_args' : [arg], }, } endforeach endif if cc.get_id() != 'msvc' gobject_tests += {'autoptr' : {}} endif python_tests = [ '', '', '', ] test_env = environment(common_test_env) test_env.set('G_TEST_SRCDIR', meson.current_source_dir()) test_env.set('G_TEST_BUILDDIR', meson.current_build_dir()) test_deps = [libm, thread_dep, libglib_dep, libgobject_dep] test_cargs = ['-DG_LOG_DOMAIN="GLib-GObject"', '-UG_DISABLE_ASSERT'] test_cpp_args = test_cargs foreach test_name, extra_args : gobject_tests source = extra_args.get('source', test_name + '.c') install = installed_tests_enabled and extra_args.get('install', true) if install test_conf = configuration_data() test_conf.set('installed_tests_dir', installed_tests_execdir) test_conf.set('program', test_name) test_conf.set('env', '') configure_file( input: installed_tests_template_tap, output: test_name + '.test', install_dir: installed_tests_metadir, install_tag: 'tests', configuration: test_conf ) endif exe = executable(test_name, source, c_args : test_cargs + extra_args.get('c_args', []), cpp_args : test_cpp_args + extra_args.get('cpp_args', []), dependencies : test_deps + extra_args.get('dependencies', []), install_dir: installed_tests_execdir, install_tag: 'tests', install: install, ) suite = ['gobject'] + extra_args.get('suite', []) timeout = suite.contains('slow') ? test_timeout_slow : test_timeout # FIXME: # aka if test_name == 'closure-refcount' and ['arm', 'aarch64'].contains(host_machine.cpu_family()) timeout = timeout * 10 endif test(test_name, exe, env : test_env, timeout : timeout, suite : suite) endforeach foreach test_name : python_tests test( test_name, python, args: ['-B', files(test_name)], env: test_env, suite: ['gobject', 'no-valgrind'], ) if installed_tests_enabled install_data( files(test_name), install_dir: installed_tests_execdir, install_tag: 'tests', install_mode: 'rwxr-xr-x', ) test_conf = configuration_data() test_conf.set('installed_tests_dir', installed_tests_execdir) test_conf.set('program', test_name) test_conf.set('env', '') configure_file( input: installed_tests_template_tap, output: test_name + '.test', install_dir: installed_tests_metadir, install_tag: 'tests', configuration: test_conf, ) endif endforeach # TAP test runner for Python tests if installed_tests_enabled install_data( files(''), install_dir: installed_tests_execdir, install_tag: 'tests', ) endif