#include "hash_state.h" #include <stdlib.h> #include <assert.h> #include <limits.h> #include <string.h> //#define DEBUG #include "debug.h" const char *cmph_hash_names[] = { "jenkins", NULL }; hash_state_t *hash_state_new(CMPH_HASH hashfunc, cmph_uint32 hashsize) { hash_state_t *state = NULL; switch (hashfunc) { case CMPH_HASH_JENKINS: DEBUGP("Jenkins function - %u\n", hashsize); state = (hash_state_t *)jenkins_state_new(hashsize); DEBUGP("Jenkins function created\n"); break; default: assert(0); } state->hashfunc = hashfunc; return state; } cmph_uint32 hash(hash_state_t *state, const char *key, cmph_uint32 keylen) { switch (state->hashfunc) { case CMPH_HASH_JENKINS: return jenkins_hash((jenkins_state_t *)state, key, keylen); default: assert(0); } assert(0); return 0; } void hash_vector(hash_state_t *state, const char *key, cmph_uint32 keylen, cmph_uint32 * hashes) { switch (state->hashfunc) { case CMPH_HASH_JENKINS: jenkins_hash_vector_((jenkins_state_t *)state, key, keylen, hashes); break; default: assert(0); } } void hash_state_dump(hash_state_t *state, char **buf, cmph_uint32 *buflen) { char *algobuf; size_t len; switch (state->hashfunc) { case CMPH_HASH_JENKINS: jenkins_state_dump((jenkins_state_t *)state, &algobuf, buflen); if (*buflen == UINT_MAX) return; break; default: assert(0); } *buf = (char *)malloc(strlen(cmph_hash_names[state->hashfunc]) + 1 + *buflen); memcpy(*buf, cmph_hash_names[state->hashfunc], strlen(cmph_hash_names[state->hashfunc]) + 1); DEBUGP("Algobuf is %u\n", *(cmph_uint32 *)algobuf); len = *buflen; memcpy(*buf + strlen(cmph_hash_names[state->hashfunc]) + 1, algobuf, len); *buflen = (cmph_uint32)strlen(cmph_hash_names[state->hashfunc]) + 1 + *buflen; free(algobuf); return; } hash_state_t * hash_state_copy(hash_state_t *src_state) { hash_state_t *dest_state = NULL; switch (src_state->hashfunc) { case CMPH_HASH_JENKINS: dest_state = (hash_state_t *)jenkins_state_copy((jenkins_state_t *)src_state); break; default: assert(0); } dest_state->hashfunc = src_state->hashfunc; return dest_state; } hash_state_t *hash_state_load(const char *buf, cmph_uint32 buflen) { cmph_uint32 i; cmph_uint32 offset; CMPH_HASH hashfunc = CMPH_HASH_COUNT; for (i = 0; i < CMPH_HASH_COUNT; ++i) { if (strcmp(buf, cmph_hash_names[i]) == 0) { hashfunc = i; break; } } if (hashfunc == CMPH_HASH_COUNT) return NULL; offset = (cmph_uint32)strlen(cmph_hash_names[hashfunc]) + 1; switch (hashfunc) { case CMPH_HASH_JENKINS: return (hash_state_t *)jenkins_state_load(buf + offset, buflen - offset); default: return NULL; } return NULL; } void hash_state_destroy(hash_state_t *state) { switch (state->hashfunc) { case CMPH_HASH_JENKINS: jenkins_state_destroy((jenkins_state_t *)state); break; default: assert(0); } return; } /** \fn void hash_state_pack(hash_state_t *state, void *hash_packed) * \brief Support the ability to pack a hash function into a preallocated contiguous memory space pointed by hash_packed. * \param state points to the hash function * \param hash_packed pointer to the contiguous memory area used to store the hash function. The size of hash_packed must be at least hash_state_packed_size() * * Support the ability to pack a hash function into a preallocated contiguous memory space pointed by hash_packed. * However, the hash function type must be packed outside. */ void hash_state_pack(hash_state_t *state, void *hash_packed) { switch (state->hashfunc) { case CMPH_HASH_JENKINS: // pack the jenkins hash function jenkins_state_pack((jenkins_state_t *)state, hash_packed); break; default: assert(0); } return; } /** \fn cmph_uint32 hash_state_packed_size(CMPH_HASH hashfunc) * \brief Return the amount of space needed to pack a hash function. * \param hashfunc function type * \return the size of the packed function or zero for failures */ cmph_uint32 hash_state_packed_size(CMPH_HASH hashfunc) { cmph_uint32 size = 0; switch (hashfunc) { case CMPH_HASH_JENKINS: size += jenkins_state_packed_size(); break; default: assert(0); } return size; } /** \fn cmph_uint32 hash_packed(void *hash_packed, CMPH_HASH hashfunc, const char *k, cmph_uint32 keylen) * \param hash_packed is a pointer to a contiguous memory area * \param hashfunc is the type of the hash function packed in hash_packed * \param key is a pointer to a key * \param keylen is the key length * \return an integer that represents a hash value of 32 bits. */ cmph_uint32 hash_packed(void *hash_packed, CMPH_HASH hashfunc, const char *k, cmph_uint32 keylen) { switch (hashfunc) { case CMPH_HASH_JENKINS: return jenkins_hash_packed(hash_packed, k, keylen); default: assert(0); } assert(0); return 0; } /** \fn hash_vector_packed(void *hash_packed, CMPH_HASH hashfunc, const char *k, cmph_uint32 keylen, cmph_uint32 * hashes) * \param hash_packed is a pointer to a contiguous memory area * \param key is a pointer to a key * \param keylen is the key length * \param hashes is a pointer to a memory large enough to fit three 32-bit integers. */ void hash_vector_packed(void *hash_packed, CMPH_HASH hashfunc, const char *k, cmph_uint32 keylen, cmph_uint32 * hashes) { switch (hashfunc) { case CMPH_HASH_JENKINS: jenkins_hash_vector_packed(hash_packed, k, keylen, hashes); break; default: assert(0); } } /** \fn CMPH_HASH hash_get_type(hash_state_t *state); * \param state is a pointer to a hash_state_t structure * \return the hash function type pointed by state */ CMPH_HASH hash_get_type(hash_state_t *state) { return state->hashfunc; }