Parameter Specifications @Returns: @pspec: @value: @parent_instance: The predefined identifiers of the reserved fundamental types. @G_TYPE_INVALID: Usually a return value indicating an error. @G_TYPE_NONE: A synonym for the "void" type in C. @G_TYPE_INTERFACE: Root type of all interface types. @G_TYPE_CHAR: Identifier for the built-in type "gchar". @G_TYPE_UCHAR: Identifier for the built-in type "guchar". @G_TYPE_BOOLEAN: Identifier for the built-in type "gboolean". @G_TYPE_INT: Identifier for the built-in type "gint". @G_TYPE_UINT: Identifier for the built-in type "guint". @G_TYPE_LONG: Identifier for the built-in type "glong". @G_TYPE_ULONG: Identifier for the built-in type "gulong". @G_TYPE_INT64: @G_TYPE_UINT64: @G_TYPE_ENUM: Identifier for the "#GEnum" type. @G_TYPE_FLAGS: Identifier for the "#GFlags" type. @G_TYPE_FLOAT: Identifier for the built-in type "gfloat". @G_TYPE_DOUBLE: Identifier for the built-in type "gdouble". @G_TYPE_STRING: Identifier for a pointer to a null-terminated string "gchar*". @G_TYPE_POINTER: Identifier for anonymous pointers "void*". @G_TYPE_BOXED: Identifier for the "#GBoxed" type. @G_TYPE_PARAM: Identifier for the "#GParam" type. @G_TYPE_OBJECT: Identifier for the "#GObject" type. @G_TYPE_RESERVED_BSE_FIRST: First fundamental type ID reserved for BSE. @G_TYPE_RESERVED_BSE_LAST: Last fundamental type ID reserved for BSE. @G_TYPE_RESERVED_LAST_FUNDAMENTAL: @G_TYPE_CONSTANT_TYPES: @G_TYPE_CLOSURE: @G_TYPE_VALUE: @G_TYPE_VALUE_ARRAY: @G_TYPE_GSTRING: @G_TYPE_PARAM_CHAR: @G_TYPE_PARAM_UCHAR: @G_TYPE_PARAM_BOOLEAN: @G_TYPE_PARAM_INT: @G_TYPE_PARAM_UINT: @G_TYPE_PARAM_LONG: @G_TYPE_PARAM_ULONG: @G_TYPE_PARAM_INT64: @G_TYPE_PARAM_UINT64: @G_TYPE_PARAM_UNICHAR: @G_TYPE_PARAM_ENUM: @G_TYPE_PARAM_FLAGS: @G_TYPE_PARAM_FLOAT: @G_TYPE_PARAM_DOUBLE: @G_TYPE_PARAM_STRING: @G_TYPE_PARAM_PARAM: @G_TYPE_PARAM_BOXED: @G_TYPE_PARAM_POINTER: @G_TYPE_PARAM_VALUE_ARRAY: @G_TYPE_PARAM_CLOSURE: @G_TYPE_PARAM_OBJECT: @pspec: @pspec: Shift value used in converting numbers to type IDs. @closure: @notify_data: @notify_func: @closure: @notify_data: @notify_func: @closure: @notify_data: @notify_func: @closure: @notify_data: @notify_func: @name: @nick: @blurb: @flags: @Returns: @name: @nick: @blurb: @default_value: @flags: @Returns: @signal_id: @closure: @Returns: @Returns: @signal_name: @itype: @signal_flags: @class_offset: @accumulator: @accu_data: @c_marshaller: @return_type: @n_params: @Varargs: @g_class: @is_a_type: @Returns: Determines whether a given set of #GTypeFlags and #GTypeFundamentalFlags are set for @type. @type: The type to check for flags. @flags: Bitwise combination of #GTypeFlags and #GTypeFundamentalFlags. @Returns: #TRUE if all @flags are set for @type, #FALSE otherwise. Private helper function to aid implementation of the G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE() macro. @instance: A valid #GTypeInstance structure. @Returns: #TRUE if @instance is valid, #FALSE otherwise. @instance: @iface_type: @Returns: @value: @Returns: @g_class: @is_a_type: @Returns: @Returns: Determines if @instance adheres to the interface exported by @iface_type. @iface_type is either a type that @instance is derived from, or an interface type that is supported by the anchestry of @instance. @instance: A valid #GTypeInstance structure. @iface_type: A #GType value. @Returns: #TRUE if @instance conforms to @iface_type, #FALSE otherwise. @type: @flags: @Returns: Determines if @value is a #GValue whose type conforms to @type. @value: A valid #GValue structure. @type: A #GType value. @Returns: #TRUE if @value is a #GValue of @type or #FALSE if not. @src_value: @dest_value: @Returns: @value_type1: @value_type2: @func: @value_type1: @value_type2: @Returns: @value1: @value2: @Returns: