/* GDBus - GLib D-Bus Library
 * Copyright (C) 2008-2010 Red Hat, Inc.
 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
 * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * Lesser General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General
 * Public License along with this library; if not, write to the
 * Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330,
 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
 * Author: David Zeuthen <davidz@redhat.com>

#if !defined (__GIO_GIO_H_INSIDE__) && !defined (GIO_COMPILATION)
#error "Only <gio/gio.h> can be included directly."


#include <gio/giotypes.h>


#define G_TYPE_DBUS_CONNECTION         (g_dbus_connection_get_type ())

typedef struct _GDBusConnectionClass   GDBusConnectionClass;
typedef struct _GDBusConnectionPrivate GDBusConnectionPrivate;

 * GDBusConnection:
 * The #GDBusConnection structure contains only private data and
 * should only be accessed using the provided API.
 * Since: 2.26
struct _GDBusConnection
  /*< private >*/
  GObject parent_instance;
  GDBusConnectionPrivate *priv;

 * GDBusConnectionClass:
 * @closed: Signal class handler for the #GDBusConnection::closed signal.
 * Class structure for #GDBusConnection.
 * Since: 2.26
struct _GDBusConnectionClass
  /*< private >*/
  GObjectClass parent_class;

  /*< public >*/
  /* Signals */
  void (*closed) (GDBusConnection *connection,
                  gboolean         remote_peer_vanished,
                  GError          *error);

  /*< private >*/
  /* Padding for future expansion */
  void (*_g_reserved1) (void);
  void (*_g_reserved2) (void);
  void (*_g_reserved3) (void);
  void (*_g_reserved4) (void);
  void (*_g_reserved5) (void);
  void (*_g_reserved6) (void);
  void (*_g_reserved7) (void);
  void (*_g_reserved8) (void);

GType            g_dbus_connection_get_type                   (void) G_GNUC_CONST;

/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */

void              g_bus_get                    (GBusType             bus_type,
                                                GCancellable        *cancellable,
                                                GAsyncReadyCallback  callback,
                                                gpointer             user_data);
GDBusConnection  *g_bus_get_finish             (GAsyncResult        *res,
                                                GError             **error);
GDBusConnection  *g_bus_get_sync               (GBusType            bus_type,
                                                GCancellable       *cancellable,
                                                GError            **error);

/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */

void             g_dbus_connection_new                        (GIOStream              *stream,
                                                               const gchar            *guid,
                                                               GDBusConnectionFlags    flags,
                                                               GDBusAuthObserver      *observer,
                                                               GCancellable           *cancellable,
                                                               GAsyncReadyCallback     callback,
                                                               gpointer                user_data);
GDBusConnection *g_dbus_connection_new_finish                 (GAsyncResult           *res,
                                                               GError                **error);
GDBusConnection *g_dbus_connection_new_sync                   (GIOStream              *stream,
                                                               const gchar            *guid,
                                                               GDBusConnectionFlags    flags,
                                                               GDBusAuthObserver      *observer,
                                                               GCancellable           *cancellable,
                                                               GError                **error);

void             g_dbus_connection_new_for_address            (const gchar            *address,
                                                               GDBusConnectionFlags    flags,
                                                               GDBusAuthObserver      *observer,
                                                               GCancellable           *cancellable,
                                                               GAsyncReadyCallback     callback,
                                                               gpointer                user_data);
GDBusConnection *g_dbus_connection_new_for_address_finish     (GAsyncResult           *res,
                                                               GError                **error);
GDBusConnection *g_dbus_connection_new_for_address_sync       (const gchar            *address,
                                                               GDBusConnectionFlags    flags,
                                                               GDBusAuthObserver      *observer,
                                                               GCancellable           *cancellable,
                                                               GError                **error);

/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */

gboolean         g_dbus_connection_is_closed                  (GDBusConnection    *connection);
void             g_dbus_connection_close                      (GDBusConnection    *connection);
GIOStream       *g_dbus_connection_get_stream                 (GDBusConnection    *connection);
const gchar     *g_dbus_connection_get_guid                   (GDBusConnection    *connection);
const gchar     *g_dbus_connection_get_unique_name            (GDBusConnection    *connection);
GCredentials    *g_dbus_connection_get_peer_credentials       (GDBusConnection    *connection);
gboolean         g_dbus_connection_get_exit_on_close          (GDBusConnection    *connection);
void             g_dbus_connection_set_exit_on_close          (GDBusConnection    *connection,
                                                               gboolean            exit_on_close);
GDBusCapabilityFlags  g_dbus_connection_get_capabilities      (GDBusConnection    *connection);
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */

gboolean         g_dbus_connection_send_message                   (GDBusConnection     *connection,
                                                                   GDBusMessage        *message,
                                                                   volatile guint32    *out_serial,
                                                                   GError             **error);
void             g_dbus_connection_send_message_with_reply        (GDBusConnection     *connection,
                                                                   GDBusMessage        *message,
                                                                   gint                 timeout_msec,
                                                                   volatile guint32    *out_serial,
                                                                   GCancellable        *cancellable,
                                                                   GAsyncReadyCallback  callback,
                                                                   gpointer             user_data);
GDBusMessage    *g_dbus_connection_send_message_with_reply_finish (GDBusConnection     *connection,
                                                                   GAsyncResult        *res,
                                                                   GError             **error);
GDBusMessage    *g_dbus_connection_send_message_with_reply_sync   (GDBusConnection     *connection,
                                                                   GDBusMessage        *message,
                                                                   gint                 timeout_msec,
                                                                   volatile guint32    *out_serial,
                                                                   GCancellable        *cancellable,
                                                                   GError             **error);

/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */

gboolean  g_dbus_connection_emit_signal                       (GDBusConnection    *connection,
                                                               const gchar        *destination_bus_name,
                                                               const gchar        *object_path,
                                                               const gchar        *interface_name,
                                                               const gchar        *signal_name,
                                                               GVariant           *parameters,
                                                               GError            **error);
void      g_dbus_connection_call                              (GDBusConnection    *connection,
                                                               const gchar        *bus_name,
                                                               const gchar        *object_path,
                                                               const gchar        *interface_name,
                                                               const gchar        *method_name,
                                                               GVariant           *parameters,
                                                               const GVariantType *reply_type,
                                                               GDBusCallFlags      flags,
                                                               gint                timeout_msec,
                                                               GCancellable       *cancellable,
                                                               GAsyncReadyCallback callback,
                                                               gpointer            user_data);
GVariant *g_dbus_connection_call_finish                       (GDBusConnection    *connection,
                                                               GAsyncResult       *res,
                                                               GError            **error);
GVariant *g_dbus_connection_call_sync                         (GDBusConnection    *connection,
                                                               const gchar        *bus_name,
                                                               const gchar        *object_path,
                                                               const gchar        *interface_name,
                                                               const gchar        *method_name,
                                                               GVariant           *parameters,
                                                               const GVariantType *reply_type,
                                                               GDBusCallFlags      flags,
                                                               gint                timeout_msec,
                                                               GCancellable       *cancellable,
                                                               GError            **error);

/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */

 * GDBusInterfaceMethodCallFunc:
 * @connection: A #GDBusConnection.
 * @sender: The unique bus name of the remote caller.
 * @object_path: The object path that the method was invoked on.
 * @interface_name: The D-Bus interface name the method was invoked on.
 * @method_name: The name of the method that was invoked.
 * @parameters: A #GVariant tuple with parameters.
 * @invocation: A #GDBusMethodInvocation object that can be used to return a value or error.
 * @user_data: The @user_data #gpointer passed to g_dbus_connection_register_object().
 * The type of the @method_call function in #GDBusInterfaceVTable.
 * Since: 2.26
typedef void (*GDBusInterfaceMethodCallFunc) (GDBusConnection       *connection,
                                              const gchar           *sender,
                                              const gchar           *object_path,
                                              const gchar           *interface_name,
                                              const gchar           *method_name,
                                              GVariant              *parameters,
                                              GDBusMethodInvocation *invocation,
                                              gpointer               user_data);

 * GDBusInterfaceGetPropertyFunc:
 * @connection: A #GDBusConnection.
 * @sender: The unique bus name of the remote caller.
 * @object_path: The object path that the method was invoked on.
 * @interface_name: The D-Bus interface name for the property.
 * @property_name: The name of the property to get the value of.
 * @error: Return location for error.
 * @user_data: The @user_data #gpointer passed to g_dbus_connection_register_object().
 * The type of the @get_property function in #GDBusInterfaceVTable.
 * Returns: A newly-allocated #GVariant with the value for @property_name or %NULL if @error is set.
 * Since: 2.26
typedef GVariant *(*GDBusInterfaceGetPropertyFunc) (GDBusConnection       *connection,
                                                    const gchar           *sender,
                                                    const gchar           *object_path,
                                                    const gchar           *interface_name,
                                                    const gchar           *property_name,
                                                    GError               **error,
                                                    gpointer               user_data);

 * GDBusInterfaceSetPropertyFunc:
 * @connection: A #GDBusConnection.
 * @sender: The unique bus name of the remote caller.
 * @object_path: The object path that the method was invoked on.
 * @interface_name: The D-Bus interface name for the property.
 * @property_name: The name of the property to get the value of.
 * @value: The value to set the property to.
 * @error: Return location for error.
 * @user_data: The @user_data #gpointer passed to g_dbus_connection_register_object().
 * The type of the @set_property function in #GDBusInterfaceVTable.
 * Returns: %TRUE if the property was set to @value, %FALSE if @error is set.
 * Since: 2.26
typedef gboolean  (*GDBusInterfaceSetPropertyFunc) (GDBusConnection       *connection,
                                                    const gchar           *sender,
                                                    const gchar           *object_path,
                                                    const gchar           *interface_name,
                                                    const gchar           *property_name,
                                                    GVariant              *value,
                                                    GError               **error,
                                                    gpointer               user_data);

 * GDBusInterfaceVTable:
 * @method_call: Function for handling incoming method calls.
 * @get_property: Function for getting a property.
 * @set_property: Function for setting a property.
 * Virtual table for handling properties and method calls for a D-Bus
 * interface.
 * If you want to handle getting/setting D-Bus properties asynchronously, simply
 * register an object with the <literal>org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties</literal>
 * D-Bus interface using g_dbus_connection_register_object().
 * Since: 2.26
struct _GDBusInterfaceVTable
  GDBusInterfaceMethodCallFunc  method_call;
  GDBusInterfaceGetPropertyFunc get_property;
  GDBusInterfaceSetPropertyFunc set_property;

  /*< private >*/
  /* Padding for future expansion */
  void (*_g_reserved1) (void);
  void (*_g_reserved2) (void);
  void (*_g_reserved3) (void);
  void (*_g_reserved4) (void);
  void (*_g_reserved5) (void);
  void (*_g_reserved6) (void);
  void (*_g_reserved7) (void);
  void (*_g_reserved8) (void);

guint            g_dbus_connection_register_object            (GDBusConnection            *connection,
                                                               const gchar                *object_path,
                                                               const GDBusInterfaceInfo   *introspection_data,
                                                               const GDBusInterfaceVTable *vtable,
                                                               gpointer                    user_data,
                                                               GDestroyNotify              user_data_free_func,
                                                               GError                    **error);
gboolean         g_dbus_connection_unregister_object          (GDBusConnection            *connection,
                                                               guint                       registration_id);

/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */

 * GDBusSubtreeEnumerateFunc:
 * @connection: A #GDBusConnection.
 * @sender: The unique bus name of the remote caller.
 * @object_path: The object path that was registered with g_dbus_connection_register_subtree().
 * @user_data: The @user_data #gpointer passed to g_dbus_connection_register_subtree().
 * The type of the @enumerate function in #GDBusSubtreeVTable.
 * Returns: A newly allocated array of strings for node names that are children of @object_path.
 * Since: 2.26
typedef gchar** (*GDBusSubtreeEnumerateFunc) (GDBusConnection       *connection,
                                              const gchar           *sender,
                                              const gchar           *object_path,
                                              gpointer               user_data);

 * GDBusSubtreeIntrospectFunc:
 * @connection: A #GDBusConnection.
 * @sender: The unique bus name of the remote caller.
 * @object_path: The object path that was registered with g_dbus_connection_register_subtree().
 * @node: A node that is a child of @object_path (relative to @object_path) or <quote>/</quote> for the root of the subtree.
 * @user_data: The @user_data #gpointer passed to g_dbus_connection_register_subtree().
 * The type of the @introspect function in #GDBusSubtreeVTable.
 * Returns: A newly-allocated #GPtrArray with pointers to #GDBusInterfaceInfo describing
 * the interfaces implemented by @node.
 * Since: 2.26
typedef GPtrArray *(*GDBusSubtreeIntrospectFunc) (GDBusConnection       *connection,
                                                  const gchar           *sender,
                                                  const gchar           *object_path,
                                                  const gchar           *node,
                                                  gpointer               user_data);

 * GDBusSubtreeDispatchFunc:
 * @connection: A #GDBusConnection.
 * @sender: The unique bus name of the remote caller.
 * @object_path: The object path that was registered with g_dbus_connection_register_subtree().
 * @interface_name: The D-Bus interface name that the method call or property access is for.
 * @node: A node that is a child of @object_path (relative to @object_path) or <quote>/</quote> for the root of the subtree.
 * @out_user_data: Return location for user data to pass to functions in the returned #GDBusInterfaceVTable (never %NULL).
 * @user_data: The @user_data #gpointer passed to g_dbus_connection_register_subtree().
 * The type of the @dispatch function in #GDBusSubtreeVTable.
 * Returns: A #GDBusInterfaceVTable or %NULL if you don't want to handle the methods.
 * Since: 2.26
typedef const GDBusInterfaceVTable * (*GDBusSubtreeDispatchFunc) (GDBusConnection             *connection,
                                                                  const gchar                 *sender,
                                                                  const gchar                 *object_path,
                                                                  const gchar                 *interface_name,
                                                                  const gchar                 *node,
                                                                  gpointer                    *out_user_data,
                                                                  gpointer                     user_data);

 * GDBusSubtreeVTable:
 * @enumerate: Function for enumerating child nodes.
 * @introspect: Function for introspecting a child node.
 * @dispatch: Function for dispatching a remote call on a child node.
 * Virtual table for handling subtrees registered with g_dbus_connection_register_subtree().
 * Since: 2.26
struct _GDBusSubtreeVTable
  GDBusSubtreeEnumerateFunc  enumerate;
  GDBusSubtreeIntrospectFunc introspect;
  GDBusSubtreeDispatchFunc   dispatch;

  /*< private >*/
  /* Padding for future expansion */
  void (*_g_reserved1) (void);
  void (*_g_reserved2) (void);
  void (*_g_reserved3) (void);
  void (*_g_reserved4) (void);
  void (*_g_reserved5) (void);
  void (*_g_reserved6) (void);
  void (*_g_reserved7) (void);
  void (*_g_reserved8) (void);

guint            g_dbus_connection_register_subtree           (GDBusConnection            *connection,
                                                               const gchar                *object_path,
                                                               const GDBusSubtreeVTable   *vtable,
                                                               GDBusSubtreeFlags           flags,
                                                               gpointer                    user_data,
                                                               GDestroyNotify              user_data_free_func,
                                                               GError                    **error);
gboolean         g_dbus_connection_unregister_subtree         (GDBusConnection            *connection,
                                                               guint                       registration_id);

/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */

 * GDBusSignalCallback:
 * @connection: A #GDBusConnection.
 * @sender_name: The unique bus name of the sender of the signal.
 * @object_path: The object path that the signal was emitted on.
 * @interface_name: The name of the interface.
 * @signal_name: The name of the signal.
 * @parameters: A #GVariant tuple with parameters for the signal.
 * @user_data: User data passed when subscribing to the signal.
 * Signature for callback function used in g_dbus_connection_signal_subscribe().
 * Since: 2.26
typedef void (*GDBusSignalCallback) (GDBusConnection  *connection,
                                     const gchar      *sender_name,
                                     const gchar      *object_path,
                                     const gchar      *interface_name,
                                     const gchar      *signal_name,
                                     GVariant         *parameters,
                                     gpointer          user_data);

guint            g_dbus_connection_signal_subscribe           (GDBusConnection     *connection,
                                                               const gchar         *sender,
                                                               const gchar         *interface_name,
                                                               const gchar         *member,
                                                               const gchar         *object_path,
                                                               const gchar         *arg0,
                                                               GDBusSignalCallback  callback,
                                                               gpointer             user_data,
                                                               GDestroyNotify       user_data_free_func);
void             g_dbus_connection_signal_unsubscribe         (GDBusConnection     *connection,
                                                               guint                subscription_id);

/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */

 * GDBusMessageFilterFunction:
 * @connection: A #GDBusConnection.
 * @message: A #GDBusMessage.
 * @user_data: User data passed when adding the filter.
 * Signature for function used in g_dbus_connection_add_filter().
 * Returns: %TRUE if the filter handled @message, %FALSE to let other
 * handlers run.
 * Since: 2.26
typedef gboolean (*GDBusMessageFilterFunction) (GDBusConnection *connection,
                                                GDBusMessage    *message,
                                                gpointer         user_data);

guint g_dbus_connection_add_filter (GDBusConnection            *connection,
                                    GDBusMessageFilterFunction  filter_function,
                                    gpointer                    user_data,
                                    GDestroyNotify              user_data_free_func);

void  g_dbus_connection_remove_filter (GDBusConnection    *connection,
                                       guint               filter_id);

/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */


#endif /* __G_DBUS_CONNECTION_H__ */