# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright © 2018, 2019 Endless Mobile, Inc.
# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
# version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston,
# MA  02110-1301  USA

"""Integration tests for gdbus-codegen utility."""

import collections
import os
import shutil
import subprocess
import sys
import tempfile
import unittest

import taptestrunner

# Disable line length warnings as wrapping the C code templates would be hard
# flake8: noqa: E501

Result = collections.namedtuple("Result", ("info", "out", "err", "subs"))

class TestCodegen(unittest.TestCase):
    """Integration test for running gdbus-codegen.

    This can be run when installed or uninstalled. When uninstalled, it
    requires G_TEST_BUILDDIR and G_TEST_SRCDIR to be set.

    The idea with this test harness is to test the gdbus-codegen utility, its
    handling of command line arguments, its exit statuses, and its handling of
    various C source codes. In future we could split out tests for the core
    parsing and generation code of gdbus-codegen into separate unit tests, and
    just test command line behaviour in this integration test.

    # Track the cwd, we want to back out to that to clean up our tempdir
    cwd = ""

    def setUp(self):
        self.timeout_seconds = 100  # seconds per test
        self.tmpdir = tempfile.TemporaryDirectory()
        self.cwd = os.getcwd()
        print("tmpdir:", self.tmpdir.name)
        if "G_TEST_BUILDDIR" in os.environ:
            self.__codegen = os.path.join(
            self.__codegen = shutil.which("gdbus-codegen")
        print("codegen:", self.__codegen)

    def tearDown(self):

    def runCodegen(self, *args):
        argv = [self.__codegen]

        # shebang lines are not supported on native
        # Windows consoles
        if os.name == "nt":
            argv.insert(0, sys.executable)

        print("Running:", argv)

        env = os.environ.copy()
        env["LC_ALL"] = "C.UTF-8"
        print("Environment:", env)

        # We want to ensure consistent line endings...
        info = subprocess.run(
        out = info.stdout.strip()
        err = info.stderr.strip()

        # Known substitutions for standard boilerplate
        subs = {
            "standard_top_comment": "/*\n"
            " * This file is generated by gdbus-codegen, do not modify it.\n"
            " *\n"
            " * The license of this code is the same as for the D-Bus interface description\n"
            " * it was derived from. Note that it links to GLib, so must comply with the\n"
            " * LGPL linking clauses.\n"
            " */",
            "standard_config_h_include": "#ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H\n"
            '#  include "config.h"\n'
            "standard_header_includes": "#include <string.h>\n"
            "#ifdef G_OS_UNIX\n"
            "#  include <gio/gunixfdlist.h>\n"
            "standard_typedefs_and_helpers": "typedef struct\n"
            "  GDBusArgInfo parent_struct;\n"
            "  gboolean use_gvariant;\n"
            "} _ExtendedGDBusArgInfo;\n"
            "typedef struct\n"
            "  GDBusMethodInfo parent_struct;\n"
            "  const gchar *signal_name;\n"
            "  gboolean pass_fdlist;\n"
            "} _ExtendedGDBusMethodInfo;\n"
            "typedef struct\n"
            "  GDBusSignalInfo parent_struct;\n"
            "  const gchar *signal_name;\n"
            "} _ExtendedGDBusSignalInfo;\n"
            "typedef struct\n"
            "  GDBusPropertyInfo parent_struct;\n"
            "  const gchar *hyphen_name;\n"
            "  guint use_gvariant : 1;\n"
            "  guint emits_changed_signal : 1;\n"
            "} _ExtendedGDBusPropertyInfo;\n"
            "typedef struct\n"
            "  GDBusInterfaceInfo parent_struct;\n"
            "  const gchar *hyphen_name;\n"
            "} _ExtendedGDBusInterfaceInfo;\n"
            "typedef struct\n"
            "  const _ExtendedGDBusPropertyInfo *info;\n"
            "  guint prop_id;\n"
            "  GValue orig_value; /* the value before the change */\n"
            "} ChangedProperty;\n"
            "static void\n"
            "_changed_property_free (ChangedProperty *data)\n"
            "  g_value_unset (&data->orig_value);\n"
            "  g_free (data);\n"
            "static gboolean\n"
            "_g_strv_equal0 (gchar **a, gchar **b)\n"
            "  gboolean ret = FALSE;\n"
            "  guint n;\n"
            "  if (a == NULL && b == NULL)\n"
            "    {\n"
            "      ret = TRUE;\n"
            "      goto out;\n"
            "    }\n"
            "  if (a == NULL || b == NULL)\n"
            "    goto out;\n"
            "  if (g_strv_length (a) != g_strv_length (b))\n"
            "    goto out;\n"
            "  for (n = 0; a[n] != NULL; n++)\n"
            "    if (g_strcmp0 (a[n], b[n]) != 0)\n"
            "      goto out;\n"
            "  ret = TRUE;\n"
            "  return ret;\n"
            "static gboolean\n"
            "_g_variant_equal0 (GVariant *a, GVariant *b)\n"
            "  gboolean ret = FALSE;\n"
            "  if (a == NULL && b == NULL)\n"
            "    {\n"
            "      ret = TRUE;\n"
            "      goto out;\n"
            "    }\n"
            "  if (a == NULL || b == NULL)\n"
            "    goto out;\n"
            "  ret = g_variant_equal (a, b);\n"
            "  return ret;\n"
            "G_GNUC_UNUSED static gboolean\n"
            "_g_value_equal (const GValue *a, const GValue *b)\n"
            "  gboolean ret = FALSE;\n"
            "  g_assert (G_VALUE_TYPE (a) == G_VALUE_TYPE (b));\n"
            "  switch (G_VALUE_TYPE (a))\n"
            "    {\n"
            "      case G_TYPE_BOOLEAN:\n"
            "        ret = (g_value_get_boolean (a) == g_value_get_boolean (b));\n"
            "        break;\n"
            "      case G_TYPE_UCHAR:\n"
            "        ret = (g_value_get_uchar (a) == g_value_get_uchar (b));\n"
            "        break;\n"
            "      case G_TYPE_INT:\n"
            "        ret = (g_value_get_int (a) == g_value_get_int (b));\n"
            "        break;\n"
            "      case G_TYPE_UINT:\n"
            "        ret = (g_value_get_uint (a) == g_value_get_uint (b));\n"
            "        break;\n"
            "      case G_TYPE_INT64:\n"
            "        ret = (g_value_get_int64 (a) == g_value_get_int64 (b));\n"
            "        break;\n"
            "      case G_TYPE_UINT64:\n"
            "        ret = (g_value_get_uint64 (a) == g_value_get_uint64 (b));\n"
            "        break;\n"
            "      case G_TYPE_DOUBLE:\n"
            "        {\n"
            "          /* Avoid -Wfloat-equal warnings by doing a direct bit compare */\n"
            "          gdouble da = g_value_get_double (a);\n"
            "          gdouble db = g_value_get_double (b);\n"
            "          ret = memcmp (&da, &db, sizeof (gdouble)) == 0;\n"
            "        }\n"
            "        break;\n"
            "      case G_TYPE_STRING:\n"
            "        ret = (g_strcmp0 (g_value_get_string (a), g_value_get_string (b)) == 0);\n"
            "        break;\n"
            "      case G_TYPE_VARIANT:\n"
            "        ret = _g_variant_equal0 (g_value_get_variant (a), g_value_get_variant (b));\n"
            "        break;\n"
            "      default:\n"
            "        if (G_VALUE_TYPE (a) == G_TYPE_STRV)\n"
            "          ret = _g_strv_equal0 (g_value_get_boxed (a), g_value_get_boxed (b));\n"
            "        else\n"
            '          g_critical ("_g_value_equal() does not handle type %s", g_type_name (G_VALUE_TYPE (a)));\n'
            "        break;\n"
            "    }\n"
            "  return ret;\n"

        result = Result(info, out, err, subs)

        print("Output:", result.out)
        return result

    def runCodegenWithInterface(self, interface_contents, *args):
        with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(
            dir=self.tmpdir.name, suffix=".xml", delete=False
        ) as interface_file:
            # Write out the interface.
            print(interface_file.name + ":", interface_contents)

            return self.runCodegen(interface_file.name, *args)

    def test_help(self):
        """Test the --help argument."""
        result = self.runCodegen("--help")
        self.assertIn("usage: gdbus-codegen", result.out)

    def test_no_args(self):
        """Test running with no arguments at all."""
        with self.assertRaises(subprocess.CalledProcessError):

    def test_empty_interface_header(self):
        """Test generating a header with an empty interface file."""
        result = self.runCodegenWithInterface("", "--output", "/dev/stdout", "--header")
        self.assertEqual("", result.err)

#ifndef __STDOUT__
#define __STDOUT__

#include <gio/gio.h>



#endif /* __STDOUT__ */""".format(

    def test_empty_interface_body(self):
        """Test generating a body with an empty interface file."""
        result = self.runCodegenWithInterface("", "--output", "/dev/stdout", "--body")
        self.assertEqual("", result.err)


#include "stdout.h"



    def test_reproducible(self):
        """Test builds are reproducible regardless of file ordering."""
        xml_contents1 = """
          <interface name="com.acme.Coyote">
            <method name="Run"/>
            <method name="Sleep"/>
            <method name="Attack"/>
            <signal name="Surprised"/>
            <property name="Mood" type="s" access="read"/>

        xml_contents2 = """
          <interface name="org.project.Bar.Frobnicator">
            <method name="RandomMethod"/>

        with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(
            dir=self.tmpdir.name, suffix="1.xml", delete=False
        ) as xml_file1, tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(
            dir=self.tmpdir.name, suffix="2.xml", delete=False
        ) as xml_file2:
            # Write out the interfaces.


            # Repeat this for headers and bodies.
            for header_or_body in ["--header", "--body"]:
                # Run gdbus-codegen with the interfaces in one order, and then
                # again in another order.
                result1 = self.runCodegen(
                self.assertEqual("", result1.err)

                result2 = self.runCodegen(
                self.assertEqual("", result2.err)

                # The output should be the same.
                self.assertEqual(result1.out, result2.out)

    def test_glib_min_required_invalid(self):
        """Test running with an invalid --glib-min-required."""
        with self.assertRaises(subprocess.CalledProcessError):
                "hello mum",

    def test_glib_min_required_too_low(self):
        """Test running with a --glib-min-required which is too low (and hence
        probably a typo)."""
        with self.assertRaises(subprocess.CalledProcessError):
                "", "--output", "/dev/stdout", "--body", "--glib-min-required", "2.6"

    def test_glib_min_required_major_only(self):
        """Test running with a --glib-min-required which contains only a major version."""
        result = self.runCodegenWithInterface(
        self.assertEqual("", result.err)
        self.assertNotEqual("", result.out.strip())

    def test_glib_min_required_with_micro(self):
        """Test running with a --glib-min-required which contains a micro version."""
        result = self.runCodegenWithInterface(
            "", "--output", "/dev/stdout", "--header", "--glib-min-required", "2.46.2"
        self.assertEqual("", result.err)
        self.assertNotEqual("", result.out.strip())

    def test_glib_max_allowed_too_low(self):
        """Test running with a --glib-max-allowed which is too low (and hence
        probably a typo)."""
        with self.assertRaises(subprocess.CalledProcessError):
                "", "--output", "/dev/stdout", "--body", "--glib-max-allowed", "2.6"

    def test_glib_max_allowed_major_only(self):
        """Test running with a --glib-max-allowed which contains only a major version."""
        result = self.runCodegenWithInterface(
            "", "--output", "/dev/stdout", "--header", "--glib-max-allowed", "3"
        self.assertEqual("", result.err)
        self.assertNotEqual("", result.out.strip())

    def test_glib_max_allowed_with_micro(self):
        """Test running with a --glib-max-allowed which contains a micro version."""
        result = self.runCodegenWithInterface(
            "", "--output", "/dev/stdout", "--header", "--glib-max-allowed", "2.46.2"
        self.assertEqual("", result.err)
        self.assertNotEqual("", result.out.strip())

    def test_glib_max_allowed_unstable(self):
        """Test running with a --glib-max-allowed which is unstable. It should
        be rounded up to the next stable version number, and hence should not
        end up less than --glib-min-required."""
        result = self.runCodegenWithInterface(
        self.assertEqual("", result.err)
        self.assertNotEqual("", result.out.strip())

    def test_glib_max_allowed_less_than_min_required(self):
        """Test running with a --glib-max-allowed which is less than
        with self.assertRaises(subprocess.CalledProcessError):

    def test_unix_fd_types_and_annotations(self):
        """Test an interface with `h` arguments, no annotation, and GLib < 2.64.

        See issue #1726.
        interface_xml = """
              <interface name="FDPassing">
                <method name="HelloFD">
                  <annotation name="org.gtk.GDBus.C.UnixFD" value="1"/>
                  <arg name="greeting" direction="in" type="s"/>
                  <arg name="response" direction="out" type="s"/>
                <method name="NoAnnotation">
                  <arg name="greeting" direction="in" type="h"/>
                  <arg name="greeting_locale" direction="in" type="s"/>
                  <arg name="response" direction="out" type="h"/>
                  <arg name="response_locale" direction="out" type="s"/>
                <method name="NoAnnotationNested">
                  <arg name="files" type="a{sh}" direction="in"/>

        # Try without specifying --glib-min-required.
        result = self.runCodegenWithInterface(
            interface_xml, "--output", "/dev/stdout", "--header"
        self.assertEqual("", result.err)
        self.assertEqual(result.out.strip().count("GUnixFDList"), 6)

        # Specify an old --glib-min-required.
        result = self.runCodegenWithInterface(
        self.assertEqual("", result.err)
        self.assertEqual(result.out.strip().count("GUnixFDList"), 6)

        # Specify a --glib-min-required ≥ 2.64. There should be more
        # mentions of `GUnixFDList` now, since the annotation is not needed to
        # trigger its use.
        result = self.runCodegenWithInterface(
        self.assertEqual("", result.err)
        self.assertEqual(result.out.strip().count("GUnixFDList"), 18)

    def test_call_flags_and_timeout_method_args(self):
        """Test that generated method call functions have @call_flags and
        @timeout_msec args if and only if GLib >= 2.64.
        interface_xml = """
              <interface name="org.project.UsefulInterface">
                <method name="UsefulMethod"/>

        # Try without specifying --glib-min-required.
        result = self.runCodegenWithInterface(
            interface_xml, "--output", "/dev/stdout", "--header"
        self.assertEqual("", result.err)
        self.assertEqual(result.out.strip().count("GDBusCallFlags call_flags,"), 0)
        self.assertEqual(result.out.strip().count("gint timeout_msec,"), 0)

        # Specify an old --glib-min-required.
        result = self.runCodegenWithInterface(
        self.assertEqual("", result.err)
        self.assertEqual(result.out.strip().count("GDBusCallFlags call_flags,"), 0)
        self.assertEqual(result.out.strip().count("gint timeout_msec,"), 0)

        # Specify a --glib-min-required ≥ 2.64. The two arguments should be
        # present for both the async and sync method call functions.
        result = self.runCodegenWithInterface(
        self.assertEqual("", result.err)
        self.assertEqual(result.out.strip().count("GDBusCallFlags call_flags,"), 2)
        self.assertEqual(result.out.strip().count("gint timeout_msec,"), 2)

if __name__ == "__main__":