Mailing lists and bug reports
Mailing lists and bug reports
Mailing lists and bug reports
Getting help with GLib
Filing a bug report or feature request
If you encounter a bug, misfeature, or missing feature in GLib, please
file a bug report on the issue tracker at
We'd also appreciate reports of incomplete or misleading information in
the GLib documentation; file those with the ‘Documentation’ label.
Don't hesitate to file a bug report, even if you think we may know
about it already, or aren't sure of the details. Just give us as much
information as you have, and if it's already fixed or has already been
discussed, we'll add a note to that effect in the report.
The issue tracker should definitely be used for feature requests, it's
not only for bugs. We track all GLib development in GitLab, so it's
the way to be sure the GLib developers won't forget about an issue.
Code Contributions
If you develop a bugfix or enhancement for GLib, please open a merge request
for that in GitLab as well. All branches must be offered under the terms of
the GNU LGPL license, so be sure you are authorized to give us the branch
under those terms.
If you want to discuss your branch before or after developing it, mail
But be sure to create the GitLab merge request as well; if the branch is only
on the list and not in GitLab, it's likely to slip through the cracks.
Mailing lists
There are several mailing lists dedicated to GTK+ and related
libraries. Discussion of GLib generally takes place on these lists.
You can subscribe or view the archives of these lists on
gtk-list covers general GTK+ (and GLib) topics; questions about using GLib
in programs, GLib from a user standpoint, announcements of GLib-related projects
would all be on-topic. The bulk of the traffic consists of GTK+ programming
gtk-devel-list is for discussion of work on GTK+ (and GLib) itself, it is
not for asking questions about how to use GTK+ (or GLib)
in applications. gtk-devel-list is appropriate for discussion of branches,
bugs, proposed features, and so on.
gtk-doc-list is for discussion of the gtk-doc
documentation system (used to document GTK+ and Glib), and for work on the GTK+
(and GLib) documentation.