/* * Copyright (C) 2005 - 2006, Marco Barisione <marco@barisione.org> * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the * Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #undef G_DISABLE_ASSERT #undef G_LOG_DOMAIN #include <string.h> #include <locale.h> #include "glib.h" #ifdef ENABLE_REGEX /* U+20AC EURO SIGN (symbol, currency) */ #define EURO "\xe2\x82\xac" /* U+00E0 LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH GRAVE (letter, lowercase) */ #define AGRAVE "\xc3\xa0" /* U+00C0 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH GRAVE (letter, uppercase) */ #define AGRAVE_UPPER "\xc3\x80" /* U+00E8 LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH GRAVE (letter, lowercase) */ #define EGRAVE "\xc3\xa8" /* U+00F2 LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH GRAVE (letter, lowercase) */ #define OGRAVE "\xc3\xb2" /* U+014B LATIN SMALL LETTER ENG (letter, lowercase) */ #define ENG "\xc5\x8b" /* U+0127 LATIN SMALL LETTER H WITH STROKE (letter, lowercase) */ #define HSTROKE "\xc4\xa7" /* U+0634 ARABIC LETTER SHEEN (letter, other) */ #define SHEEN "\xd8\xb4" /* U+1374 ETHIOPIC NUMBER THIRTY (number, other) */ #define ETH30 "\xe1\x8d\xb4" /* A random value use to mark untouched integer variables. */ #define UNTOUCHED -559038737 static gboolean noisy = FALSE; static gboolean abort_on_fail = FALSE; #define PASS passed++ #define FAIL \ G_STMT_START \ { \ failed++; \ if (abort_on_fail) \ goto end; \ } \ G_STMT_END /* A replacement for strcmp that doesn't crash with null pointers. */ static gboolean streq (const gchar *s1, const gchar *s2) { if (s1 == NULL && s2 == NULL) return TRUE; else if (s1 == NULL) return FALSE; else if (s2 == NULL) return FALSE; else return strcmp (s1, s2) == 0; } static void verbose (const gchar *format, ...) { /* Function copied from glib/tests/patterntest.c by Matthias Clasen. */ gchar *msg; va_list args; va_start (args, format); msg = g_strdup_vprintf (format, args); va_end (args); if (noisy) g_print ("%s", msg); g_free (msg); } static gboolean test_new (const gchar *pattern, GRegexCompileFlags compile_opts, GRegexMatchFlags match_opts) { GRegex *regex; verbose ("compiling \"%s\" \t", pattern); regex = g_regex_new (pattern, compile_opts, match_opts, NULL); if (regex == NULL) { g_print ("failed \t(pattern: \"%s\", compile: %d, match %d)\n", pattern, compile_opts, match_opts); return FALSE; } if (!g_regex_optimize (regex, NULL)) { g_print ("failed optimization \t(pattern: \"%s\", compile: %d, match %d)\n", pattern, compile_opts, match_opts); return FALSE; } if (!streq (g_regex_get_pattern (regex), pattern)) { g_print ("failed \t(pattern: \"%s\")\n", pattern); g_regex_free (regex); return FALSE; } g_regex_free (regex); /* Free a null string. */ g_regex_free (NULL); verbose ("passed\n"); return TRUE; } #define TEST_NEW(pattern, compile_opts, match_opts) { \ total++; \ if (test_new (pattern, compile_opts, match_opts)) \ PASS; \ else \ FAIL; \ } static gboolean test_new_fail (const gchar *pattern, GRegexCompileFlags compile_opts) { GRegex *regex; verbose ("compiling \"%s\" (expected a failure) \t", pattern); regex = g_regex_new (pattern, compile_opts, 0, NULL); if (regex != NULL) { g_print ("failed \t(pattern: \"%s\", compile: %d)\n", pattern, compile_opts); g_regex_free (regex); return FALSE; } verbose ("passed\n"); return TRUE; } #define TEST_NEW_FAIL(pattern, compile_opts) { \ total++; \ if (test_new_fail (pattern, compile_opts)) \ PASS; \ else \ FAIL; \ } static gboolean test_copy (const gchar *pattern) { GRegex *regex1, *regex2, *regex3; verbose ("copying \"%s\" \t", pattern); regex1 = g_regex_new (pattern, 0, 0, NULL); if (regex1 != NULL) /* pattern can be not valid as we want to test what happens * when the regex passed to g_regex_copy() is null */ g_regex_optimize (regex1, NULL); regex2 = g_regex_copy (regex1); if (regex1 != NULL && !streq (g_regex_get_pattern (regex1), g_regex_get_pattern(regex2))) { g_print ("failed \t(pattern: \"%s\")\n", pattern); g_regex_free (regex1); g_regex_free (regex2); return FALSE; } g_regex_free (regex1); /* force the creation of the internal GRegexMatch */ if (regex2 != NULL) g_regex_match (regex2, "a", 0); regex3 = g_regex_copy (regex2); g_regex_free (regex2); if (regex3 != NULL && !streq (g_regex_get_pattern (regex3), pattern)) { g_print ("failed \t(pattern: \"%s\")\n", pattern); g_regex_free (regex3); return FALSE; } g_regex_free (regex3); verbose ("passed\n"); return TRUE; } #define TEST_COPY(pattern) { \ total++; \ if (test_copy (pattern)) \ PASS; \ else \ FAIL; \ } static gboolean test_match_simple (const gchar *pattern, const gchar *string, GRegexCompileFlags compile_opts, GRegexMatchFlags match_opts, gboolean expected) { gboolean match; verbose ("matching \"%s\" against \"%s\" \t", string, pattern); match = g_regex_match_simple (pattern, string, compile_opts, match_opts); if (match != expected) { g_print ("failed \t(unexpected %s)\n", match ? "match" : "mismatch"); return FALSE; } else { verbose ("passed (%s)\n", match ? "match" : "nomatch"); return TRUE; } } #define TEST_MATCH_SIMPLE(pattern, string, compile_opts, match_opts, expected) { \ total++; \ if (test_match_simple (pattern, string, compile_opts, match_opts, expected)) \ PASS; \ else \ FAIL; \ } static gboolean test_match (const gchar *pattern, GRegexCompileFlags compile_opts, GRegexMatchFlags match_opts, const gchar *string, gssize string_len, gint start_position, GRegexMatchFlags match_opts2, gboolean expected) { GRegex *regex; gboolean match; verbose ("matching \"%s\" against \"%s\" (start: %d, len: %d) \t", string, pattern, start_position, string_len); regex = g_regex_new (pattern, compile_opts, match_opts, NULL); match = g_regex_match_full (regex, string, string_len, start_position, match_opts2, NULL); if (match != expected) { gchar *e1 = g_strescape (pattern, NULL); gchar *e2 = g_strescape (string, NULL); g_print ("failed \t(unexpected %s) '%s' against '%s'\n", match ? "match" : "mismatch", e1, e2); g_free (e1); g_free (e2); g_regex_free (regex); return FALSE; } /* Repeat the test to verify that g_regex_clear() is not needed. */ match = g_regex_match_full (regex, string, string_len, start_position, match_opts2, NULL); if (match != expected) { g_print ("failed \t(second match != first match)\n"); g_regex_free (regex); return FALSE; } if (string_len == -1 && start_position == 0) { match = g_regex_match (regex, string, match_opts2); if (match != expected) { g_print ("failed \t(pattern: \"%s\", string: \"%s\")\n", pattern, string); g_regex_free (regex); return FALSE; } } g_regex_free (regex); verbose ("passed (%s)\n", match ? "match" : "nomatch"); return TRUE; } #define TEST_MATCH(pattern, compile_opts, match_opts, string, \ string_len, start_position, match_opts2, expected) { \ total++; \ if (test_match (pattern, compile_opts, match_opts, string, \ string_len, start_position, match_opts2, expected)) \ PASS; \ else \ FAIL; \ } struct _Match { gchar *string; gint start, end; }; typedef struct _Match Match; static void free_match (gpointer data, gpointer user_data) { Match *match = data; if (match == NULL) return; g_free (match->string); g_free (match); } static gboolean test_match_next_full (const gchar *pattern, const gchar *string, gssize string_len, gint start_position, ...) { GRegex *regex; va_list args; GSList *matches = NULL; GSList *expected = NULL; GSList *l_exp, *l_match; gboolean ret = TRUE; verbose ("matching \"%s\" against \"%s\" (start: %d, len: %d) \t", string, pattern, start_position, string_len); /* The va_list is a NULL-terminated sequence of: extected matched string, * expected start and expected end. */ va_start (args, start_position); while (TRUE) { Match *match; const gchar *expected_string = va_arg (args, const gchar *); if (expected_string == NULL) break; match = g_new0 (Match, 1); match->string = g_strdup (expected_string); match->start = va_arg (args, gint); match->end = va_arg (args, gint); expected = g_slist_prepend (expected, match); } expected = g_slist_reverse (expected); va_end (args); regex = g_regex_new (pattern, 0, 0, NULL); while (g_regex_match_next_full (regex, string, string_len, start_position, 0, NULL)) { Match *match = g_new0 (Match, 1); match->string = g_regex_fetch (regex, 0, string); match->start = UNTOUCHED; match->end = UNTOUCHED; g_regex_fetch_pos (regex, 0, &match->start, &match->end); matches = g_slist_prepend (matches, match); } matches = g_slist_reverse (matches); if (g_slist_length (matches) != g_slist_length (expected)) { gint match_count = g_slist_length (matches); g_print ("failed \t(got %d %s, expected %d)\n", match_count, match_count == 1 ? "match" : "matches", g_slist_length (expected)); ret = FALSE; goto exit; } l_exp = expected; l_match = matches; while (l_exp != NULL) { Match *exp = l_exp->data; Match *match = l_match->data; if (!streq(exp->string, match->string)) { g_print ("failed \t(got \"%s\", expected \"%s\")\n", match->string, exp->string); ret = FALSE; goto exit; } if (exp->start != match->start || exp->end != match->end) { g_print ("failed \t(got [%d, %d], expected [%d, %d])\n", match->start, match->end, exp->start, exp->end); ret = FALSE; goto exit; } l_exp = g_slist_next (l_exp); l_match = g_slist_next (l_match); } exit: if (ret) { gint count = g_slist_length (matches); verbose ("passed (%d %s)\n", count, count == 1 ? "match" : "matches"); } g_regex_free (regex); g_slist_foreach (expected, free_match, NULL); g_slist_free (expected); g_slist_foreach (matches, free_match, NULL); g_slist_free (matches); return ret; } static gboolean test_match_next (const gchar *pattern, const gchar *string, ...) { GRegex *regex; va_list args; GSList *matches = NULL; GSList *expected = NULL; GSList *l_exp, *l_match; gboolean ret = TRUE; verbose ("matching \"%s\" against \"%s\" \t", string, pattern); /* The va_list is a NULL-terminated sequence of: extected matched string, * expected start and expected end. */ va_start (args, string); while (TRUE) { Match *match; const gchar *expected_string = va_arg (args, const gchar *); if (expected_string == NULL) break; match = g_new0 (Match, 1); match->string = g_strdup (expected_string); match->start = va_arg (args, gint); match->end = va_arg (args, gint); expected = g_slist_prepend (expected, match); } expected = g_slist_reverse (expected); va_end (args); regex = g_regex_new (pattern, 0, 0, NULL); while (g_regex_match_next (regex, string, 0)) { Match *match = g_new0 (Match, 1); match->string = g_regex_fetch (regex, 0, string); match->start = UNTOUCHED; match->end = UNTOUCHED; g_regex_fetch_pos (regex, 0, &match->start, &match->end); matches = g_slist_prepend (matches, match); } matches = g_slist_reverse (matches); if (g_slist_length (matches) != g_slist_length (expected)) { gint match_count = g_slist_length (matches); g_print ("failed \t(got %d %s, expected %d)\n", match_count, match_count == 1 ? "match" : "matches", g_slist_length (expected)); ret = FALSE; goto exit; } l_exp = expected; l_match = matches; while (l_exp != NULL) { Match *exp = l_exp->data; Match *match = l_match->data; if (!streq(exp->string, match->string)) { g_print ("failed \t(got \"%s\", expected \"%s\")\n", match->string, exp->string); ret = FALSE; goto exit; } if (exp->start != match->start || exp->end != match->end) { g_print ("failed \t(got [%d, %d], expected [%d, %d])\n", match->start, match->end, exp->start, exp->end); ret = FALSE; goto exit; } l_exp = g_slist_next (l_exp); l_match = g_slist_next (l_match); } exit: if (ret) { gint count = g_slist_length (matches); verbose ("passed (%d %s)\n", count, count == 1 ? "match" : "matches"); } g_regex_free (regex); g_slist_foreach (expected, free_match, NULL); g_slist_free (expected); g_slist_foreach (matches, free_match, NULL); g_slist_free (matches); return ret; } #define TEST_MATCH_NEXT0(pattern, string, string_len, start_position) { \ total++; \ if (test_match_next_full (pattern, string, string_len, start_position, NULL)) \ PASS; \ else \ FAIL; \ if (string_len == -1 && start_position == 0) \ { \ total++; \ if (test_match_next (pattern, string, NULL)) \ PASS; \ else \ FAIL; \ } \ } #define TEST_MATCH_NEXT1(pattern, string, string_len, start_position, \ t1, s1, e1) { \ total++; \ if (test_match_next_full (pattern, string, string_len, start_position, \ t1, s1, e1, NULL)) \ PASS; \ else \ FAIL; \ if (string_len == -1 && start_position == 0) \ { \ total++; \ if (test_match_next (pattern, string, t1, s1, e1, NULL)) \ PASS; \ else \ FAIL; \ } \ } #define TEST_MATCH_NEXT2(pattern, string, string_len, start_position, \ t1, s1, e1, t2, s2, e2) { \ total++; \ if (test_match_next_full (pattern, string, string_len, start_position, \ t1, s1, e1, t2, s2, e2, NULL)) \ PASS; \ else \ FAIL; \ if (string_len == -1 && start_position == 0) \ { \ total++; \ if (test_match_next (pattern, string, t1, s1, e1, t2, s2, e2, NULL)) \ PASS; \ else \ FAIL; \ } \ } #define TEST_MATCH_NEXT3(pattern, string, string_len, start_position, \ t1, s1, e1, t2, s2, e2, t3, s3, e3) { \ total++; \ if (test_match_next_full (pattern, string, string_len, start_position, \ t1, s1, e1, t2, s2, e2, t3, s3, e3, NULL)) \ PASS; \ else \ FAIL; \ if (string_len == -1 && start_position == 0) \ { \ total++; \ if (test_match_next (pattern, string, t1, s1, e1, t2, s2, e2, t3, s3, e3, NULL)) \ PASS; \ else \ FAIL; \ } \ } #define TEST_MATCH_NEXT4(pattern, string, string_len, start_position, \ t1, s1, e1, t2, s2, e2, t3, s3, e3, t4, s4, e4) { \ total++; \ if (test_match_next_full (pattern, string, string_len, start_position, \ t1, s1, e1, t2, s2, e2, t3, s3, e3, t4, s4, e4, NULL)) \ PASS; \ else \ FAIL; \ if (string_len == -1 && start_position == 0) \ { \ total++;\ if (test_match_next (pattern, string, t1, s1, e1, t2, s2, e2, t3, s3, e3, \ t4, s4, e4, NULL)) \ PASS; \ else \ FAIL; \ } \ } static gboolean test_match_count (const gchar *pattern, const gchar *string, gint start_position, GRegexMatchFlags match_opts, gint expected_count) { GRegex *regex; gint count; verbose ("fetching match count (string: \"%s\", pattern: \"%s\", start: %d) \t", string, pattern, start_position); regex = g_regex_new (pattern, 0, 0, NULL); g_regex_match_next_full (regex, string, -1, start_position, match_opts, NULL); count = g_regex_get_match_count (regex); if (count != expected_count) { g_print ("failed \t(got %d, expected: %d)\n", count, expected_count); return FALSE; } g_regex_free (regex); verbose ("passed\n"); return TRUE; } #define TEST_MATCH_COUNT(pattern, string, start_position, match_opts, expected_count) { \ total++; \ if (test_match_count (pattern, string, start_position, match_opts, expected_count)) \ PASS; \ else \ FAIL; \ } static gboolean test_partial (const gchar *pattern, const gchar *string, gboolean expected) { GRegex *regex; verbose ("partial matching (string: \"%s\", pattern: \"%s\") \t", string, pattern); regex = g_regex_new (pattern, 0, 0, NULL); g_regex_match (regex, string, G_REGEX_MATCH_PARTIAL); if (expected != g_regex_is_partial_match (regex)) { g_print ("failed \t(got %d, expected: %d)\n", !expected, expected); g_regex_free (regex); return FALSE; } if (expected && g_regex_fetch_pos (regex, 0, NULL, NULL)) { g_print ("failed \t(got sub-pattern 0)\n"); g_regex_free (regex); return FALSE; } if (expected && g_regex_fetch_pos (regex, 1, NULL, NULL)) { g_print ("failed \t(got sub-pattern 1)\n"); g_regex_free (regex); return FALSE; } g_regex_free (regex); verbose ("passed\n"); return TRUE; } #define TEST_PARTIAL(pattern, string, expected) { \ total++; \ if (test_partial (pattern, string, expected)) \ PASS; \ else \ FAIL; \ } static gboolean test_clear (const gchar *pattern, const gchar *string, gint start_position) { GRegex *regex; gboolean match1, match2; gint start1 = UNTOUCHED; gint end1 = UNTOUCHED; gint start2 = UNTOUCHED; gint end2 = UNTOUCHED; gchar *text1 = NULL; gchar *text2 = NULL; gboolean ret = TRUE; verbose ("testing clear with \"%s\" against \"%s\" (start: %d) \t", string, pattern, start_position); regex = g_regex_new (pattern, 0, 0, NULL); match1 = g_regex_match_next_full (regex, string, UNTOUCHED, start_position, 0, NULL); if (match1) { text1 = g_regex_fetch (regex, 0, string); g_regex_fetch_pos (regex, 0, &start1, &end1); } g_regex_clear (regex); match2 = g_regex_match_next_full (regex, string, UNTOUCHED, start_position, 0, NULL); if (match2) { text2 = g_regex_fetch (regex, 0, string); g_regex_fetch_pos (regex, 0, &start2, &end2); } if (match1 != match2) { g_print ("failed \t(different matches)\n"); ret = FALSE; } else if (match1) { if (!streq (text1, text2)) { g_print ("failed \t(first: \"%s\", second: \"%s\")\n", text1, text2); ret = FALSE; } if (start1 != start2 || end1 != end2) { g_print ("failed \t(first: [%d, %d], second: [%d, %d])\n", start1, end1, start2, end2); ret = FALSE; } } g_regex_free (regex); g_free (text1); g_free (text2); if (ret) verbose ("passed\n"); return ret; } #define TEST_CLEAR(pattern, string, start_position) { \ total++; \ if (test_clear (pattern, string, start_position)) \ PASS; \ else \ FAIL; \ } static gboolean test_sub_pattern (const gchar *pattern, const gchar *string, gint start_position, gint sub_n, const gchar *expected_sub, gint expected_start, gint expected_end) { GRegex *regex; gchar *sub_expr; gint start = UNTOUCHED, end = UNTOUCHED; verbose ("fetching sub-pattern %d from \"%s\" (pattern: \"%s\") \t", sub_n, string, pattern); regex = g_regex_new (pattern, 0, 0, NULL); g_regex_match_full (regex, string, -1, start_position, 0, NULL); sub_expr = g_regex_fetch (regex, sub_n, string); if (!streq(sub_expr, expected_sub)) { g_print ("failed \t(got \"%s\", expected \"%s\")\n", sub_expr, expected_sub); g_free (sub_expr); g_regex_free (regex); return FALSE; } g_free (sub_expr); g_regex_fetch_pos (regex, sub_n, &start, &end); if (start != expected_start || end != expected_end) { g_print ("failed \t(got [%d, %d], expected [%d, %d])\n", start, end, expected_start, expected_end); g_regex_free (regex); return FALSE; } /* Repeat the test to verify that g_regex_clear() is not needed. */ g_regex_match_full (regex, string, -1, start_position, 0, NULL); sub_expr = g_regex_fetch (regex, sub_n, string); if (!streq(sub_expr, expected_sub)) { g_print ("failed \t(second match != first matchs)\n"); g_free (sub_expr); g_regex_free (regex); return FALSE; } g_free (sub_expr); g_regex_fetch_pos (regex, sub_n, &start, &end); if (start != expected_start || end != expected_end) { g_print ("failed \t(second match != first matchs)\n"); g_regex_free (regex); return FALSE; } g_regex_free (regex); verbose ("passed\n"); return TRUE; } #define TEST_SUB_PATTERN(pattern, string, start_position, sub_n, expected_sub, \ expected_start, expected_end) { \ total++; \ if (test_sub_pattern (pattern, string, start_position, sub_n, expected_sub, \ expected_start, expected_end)) \ PASS; \ else \ FAIL; \ } static gboolean test_named_sub_pattern (const gchar *pattern, const gchar *string, gint start_position, const gchar *sub_name, const gchar *expected_sub, gint expected_start, gint expected_end) { GRegex *regex; gint start = UNTOUCHED, end = UNTOUCHED; gchar *sub_expr; verbose ("fetching sub-pattern \"%s\" from \"%s\" (pattern: \"%s\") \t", sub_name, string, pattern); regex = g_regex_new (pattern, 0, 0, NULL); g_regex_match_full (regex, string, -1, start_position, 0, NULL); sub_expr = g_regex_fetch_named (regex, sub_name, string); if (!streq (sub_expr, expected_sub)) { g_print ("failed \t(got \"%s\", expected \"%s\")\n", sub_expr, expected_sub); g_free (sub_expr); g_regex_free (regex); return FALSE; } g_free (sub_expr); g_regex_fetch_named_pos (regex, sub_name, &start, &end); if (start != expected_start || end != expected_end) { g_print ("failed \t(got [%d, %d], expected [%d, %d])\n", start, end, expected_start, expected_end); g_regex_free (regex); return FALSE; } g_regex_free (regex); verbose ("passed\n"); return TRUE; } #define TEST_NAMED_SUB_PATTERN(pattern, string, start_position, sub_name, \ expected_sub, expected_start, expected_end) { \ total++; \ if (test_named_sub_pattern (pattern, string, start_position, sub_name, \ expected_sub, expected_start, expected_end)) \ PASS; \ else \ FAIL; \ } static gboolean test_fetch_all (const gchar *pattern, const gchar *string, ...) { GRegex *regex; va_list args; GSList *expected = NULL; GSList *l_exp; gchar **matches; gint match_count; gboolean ret = TRUE; gint i; verbose ("fetching all sub-patterns from \"%s\" (pattern: \"%s\") \t", string, pattern); /* The va_list is a NULL-terminated sequence of extected strings. */ va_start (args, string); while (TRUE) { gchar *expected_string = va_arg (args, gchar *); if (expected_string == NULL) break; else expected = g_slist_prepend (expected, g_strdup (expected_string)); } expected = g_slist_reverse (expected); va_end (args); regex = g_regex_new (pattern, 0, 0, NULL); g_regex_match (regex, string, 0); matches = g_regex_fetch_all (regex, string); if (matches) match_count = g_strv_length (matches); else match_count = 0; if (match_count != g_slist_length (expected)) { g_print ("failed \t(got %d %s, expected %d)\n", match_count, match_count == 1 ? "match" : "matches", g_slist_length (expected)); ret = FALSE; goto exit; } l_exp = expected; for (i = 0; l_exp != NULL; i++, l_exp = g_slist_next (l_exp)) { if (!streq(l_exp->data, matches [i])) { g_print ("failed \t(got \"%s\", expected \"%s\")\n", matches [i], (gchar *)l_exp->data); ret = FALSE; goto exit; } } verbose ("passed (%d %s)\n", match_count, match_count == 1 ? "match" : "matches"); exit: g_regex_free (regex); g_slist_foreach (expected, (GFunc)g_free, NULL); g_slist_free (expected); g_strfreev (matches); return ret; } #define TEST_FETCH_ALL0(pattern, string) { \ total++; \ if (test_fetch_all (pattern, string, NULL)) \ PASS; \ else \ FAIL; \ } #define TEST_FETCH_ALL1(pattern, string, e1) { \ total++; \ if (test_fetch_all (pattern, string, e1, NULL)) \ PASS; \ else \ FAIL; \ } #define TEST_FETCH_ALL2(pattern, string, e1, e2) { \ total++; \ if (test_fetch_all (pattern, string, e1, e2, NULL)) \ PASS; \ else \ FAIL; \ } #define TEST_FETCH_ALL3(pattern, string, e1, e2, e3) { \ total++; \ if (test_fetch_all (pattern, string, e1, e2, e3, NULL)) \ PASS; \ else \ FAIL; \ } static gboolean test_split_simple (const gchar *pattern, const gchar *string, ...) { va_list args; GSList *expected = NULL; GSList *l_exp; gchar **tokens; gint token_count; gboolean ret = TRUE; gint i; verbose ("splitting \"%s\" against \"%s\" \t", string, pattern); /* The va_list is a NULL-terminated sequence of extected strings. */ va_start (args, string); while (TRUE) { gchar *expected_string = va_arg (args, gchar *); if (expected_string == NULL) break; else expected = g_slist_prepend (expected, g_strdup (expected_string)); } expected = g_slist_reverse (expected); va_end (args); tokens = g_regex_split_simple (pattern, string, 0, 0); if (tokens) token_count = g_strv_length (tokens); else token_count = 0; if (token_count != g_slist_length (expected)) { g_print ("failed \t(got %d %s, expected %d)\n", token_count, token_count == 1 ? "match" : "matches", g_slist_length (expected)); ret = FALSE; goto exit; } l_exp = expected; for (i = 0; l_exp != NULL; i++, l_exp = g_slist_next (l_exp)) { if (!streq(l_exp->data, tokens [i])) { g_print ("failed \t(got \"%s\", expected \"%s\")\n", tokens[i], (gchar *)l_exp->data); ret = FALSE; goto exit; } } verbose ("passed (%d %s)\n", token_count, token_count == 1 ? "token" : "tokens"); exit: g_slist_foreach (expected, (GFunc)g_free, NULL); g_slist_free (expected); g_strfreev (tokens); return ret; } #define TEST_SPLIT_SIMPLE0(pattern, string) { \ total++; \ if (test_split_simple (pattern, string, NULL)) \ PASS; \ else \ FAIL; \ } #define TEST_SPLIT_SIMPLE1(pattern, string, e1) { \ total++; \ if (test_split_simple (pattern, string, e1, NULL)) \ PASS; \ else \ FAIL; \ } #define TEST_SPLIT_SIMPLE2(pattern, string, e1, e2) { \ total++; \ if (test_split_simple (pattern, string, e1, e2, NULL)) \ PASS; \ else \ FAIL; \ } #define TEST_SPLIT_SIMPLE3(pattern, string, e1, e2, e3) { \ total++; \ if (test_split_simple (pattern, string, e1, e2, e3, NULL)) \ PASS; \ else \ FAIL; \ } static gboolean test_split_full (const gchar *pattern, const gchar *string, gint start_position, gint max_tokens, ...) { GRegex *regex; va_list args; GSList *expected = NULL; GSList *l_exp; gchar **tokens; gint token_count; gboolean ret = TRUE; gint i; verbose ("splitting \"%s\" against \"%s\" (start: %d, max: %d) \t", string, pattern, start_position, max_tokens); /* The va_list is a NULL-terminated sequence of extected strings. */ va_start (args, max_tokens); while (TRUE) { gchar *expected_string = va_arg (args, gchar *); if (expected_string == NULL) break; else expected = g_slist_prepend (expected, g_strdup (expected_string)); } expected = g_slist_reverse (expected); va_end (args); regex = g_regex_new (pattern, 0, 0, NULL); tokens = g_regex_split_full (regex, string, -1, start_position, 0, max_tokens, NULL); if (tokens) token_count = g_strv_length (tokens); else token_count = 0; if (token_count != g_slist_length (expected)) { g_print ("failed \t(got %d %s, expected %d)\n", token_count, token_count == 1 ? "match" : "matches", g_slist_length (expected)); ret = FALSE; goto exit; } l_exp = expected; for (i = 0; l_exp != NULL; i++, l_exp = g_slist_next (l_exp)) { if (!streq(l_exp->data, tokens [i])) { g_print ("failed \t(got \"%s\", expected \"%s\")\n", tokens[i], (gchar *)l_exp->data); ret = FALSE; goto exit; } } verbose ("passed (%d %s)\n", token_count, token_count == 1 ? "token" : "tokens"); exit: g_regex_free (regex); g_slist_foreach (expected, (GFunc)g_free, NULL); g_slist_free (expected); g_strfreev (tokens); return ret; } static gboolean test_split (const gchar *pattern, const gchar *string, ...) { GRegex *regex; va_list args; GSList *expected = NULL; GSList *l_exp; gchar **tokens; gint token_count; gboolean ret = TRUE; gint i; verbose ("splitting \"%s\" against \"%s\" \t", string, pattern); /* The va_list is a NULL-terminated sequence of extected strings. */ va_start (args, string); while (TRUE) { gchar *expected_string = va_arg (args, gchar *); if (expected_string == NULL) break; else expected = g_slist_prepend (expected, g_strdup (expected_string)); } expected = g_slist_reverse (expected); va_end (args); regex = g_regex_new (pattern, 0, 0, NULL); tokens = g_regex_split (regex, string, 0); if (tokens) token_count = g_strv_length (tokens); else token_count = 0; if (token_count != g_slist_length (expected)) { g_print ("failed \t(got %d %s, expected %d)\n", token_count, token_count == 1 ? "match" : "matches", g_slist_length (expected)); ret = FALSE; goto exit; } l_exp = expected; for (i = 0; l_exp != NULL; i++, l_exp = g_slist_next (l_exp)) { if (!streq(l_exp->data, tokens [i])) { g_print ("failed \t(got \"%s\", expected \"%s\")\n", tokens[i], (gchar *)l_exp->data); ret = FALSE; goto exit; } } verbose ("passed (%d %s)\n", token_count, token_count == 1 ? "token" : "tokens"); exit: g_regex_free (regex); g_slist_foreach (expected, (GFunc)g_free, NULL); g_slist_free (expected); g_strfreev (tokens); return ret; } #define TEST_SPLIT0(pattern, string, start_position, max_tokens) { \ total++; \ if (test_split_full (pattern, string, start_position, max_tokens, NULL)) \ PASS; \ else \ FAIL; \ if (start_position == 0 && max_tokens <= 0) \ { \ total++; \ if (test_split (pattern, string, NULL)) \ PASS; \ else \ FAIL; \ } \ } #define TEST_SPLIT1(pattern, string, start_position, max_tokens, e1) { \ total++; \ if (test_split_full (pattern, string, start_position, max_tokens, e1, NULL)) \ PASS; \ else \ FAIL; \ if (start_position == 0 && max_tokens <= 0) \ { \ total++; \ if (test_split (pattern, string, e1, NULL)) \ PASS; \ else \ FAIL; \ } \ } #define TEST_SPLIT2(pattern, string, start_position, max_tokens, e1, e2) { \ total++; \ if (test_split_full (pattern, string, start_position, max_tokens, e1, e2, NULL)) \ PASS; \ else \ FAIL; \ if (start_position == 0 && max_tokens <= 0) \ { \ total++; \ if (test_split (pattern, string, e1, e2, NULL)) \ PASS; \ else \ FAIL; \ } \ } #define TEST_SPLIT3(pattern, string, start_position, max_tokens, e1, e2, e3) { \ total++; \ if (test_split_full (pattern, string, start_position, max_tokens, e1, e2, e3, NULL)) \ PASS; \ else \ FAIL; \ if (start_position == 0 && max_tokens <= 0) \ { \ total++; \ if (test_split (pattern, string, e1, e2, e3, NULL)) \ PASS; \ else \ FAIL; \ } \ } static gboolean test_split_next_full (const gchar *pattern, const gchar *string, gint start_position, ...) { GRegex *regex; va_list args; GSList *expected = NULL; GSList *tokens; GSList *l_exp, *l_token; gint token_count; gchar *token; gboolean ret = TRUE; verbose ("splitting \"%s\" against \"%s\" (start: %d) \t", string, pattern, start_position); /* The va_list is a NULL-terminated sequence of extected strings. */ va_start (args, start_position); while (TRUE) { gchar *expected_string = va_arg (args, gchar *); if (expected_string == NULL) break; else expected = g_slist_prepend (expected, g_strdup (expected_string)); } expected = g_slist_reverse (expected); va_end (args); regex = g_regex_new (pattern, 0, 0, NULL); tokens = NULL; while ((token = g_regex_split_next_full (regex, string, -1, start_position, 0, NULL))) { tokens = g_slist_prepend (tokens, token); } tokens = g_slist_reverse (tokens); token_count = g_slist_length (tokens); if (token_count != g_slist_length (expected)) { g_print ("failed \t(got %d %s, expected %d)\n", token_count, token_count == 1 ? "match" : "matches", g_slist_length (expected)); ret = FALSE; goto exit; } l_exp = expected; l_token = tokens; while (l_exp != NULL) { if (!streq(l_exp->data, l_token->data)) { g_print ("failed \t(got \"%s\", expected \"%s\")\n", (gchar *)l_token->data, (gchar *)l_exp->data); ret = FALSE; goto exit; } l_exp = g_slist_next (l_exp); l_token = g_slist_next (l_token); } verbose ("passed (%d %s)\n", token_count, token_count == 1 ? "token" : "tokens"); exit: g_regex_free (regex); g_slist_foreach (expected, (GFunc)g_free, NULL); g_slist_free (expected); g_slist_foreach (tokens, (GFunc)g_free, NULL); g_slist_free (tokens); return ret; } static gboolean test_split_next (const gchar *pattern, const gchar *string, ...) { GRegex *regex; va_list args; GSList *expected = NULL; GSList *tokens; GSList *l_exp, *l_token; gint token_count; gchar *token; gboolean ret = TRUE; verbose ("splitting \"%s\" against \"%s\" \t", string, pattern); /* The va_list is a NULL-terminated sequence of extected strings. */ va_start (args, string); while (TRUE) { gchar *expected_string = va_arg (args, gchar *); if (expected_string == NULL) break; else expected = g_slist_prepend (expected, g_strdup (expected_string)); } expected = g_slist_reverse (expected); va_end (args); regex = g_regex_new (pattern, 0, 0, NULL); tokens = NULL; while ((token = g_regex_split_next (regex, string, 0))) { tokens = g_slist_prepend (tokens, token); } tokens = g_slist_reverse (tokens); token_count = g_slist_length (tokens); if (token_count != g_slist_length (expected)) { g_print ("failed \t(got %d %s, expected %d)\n", token_count, token_count == 1 ? "match" : "matches", g_slist_length (expected)); ret = FALSE; goto exit; } l_exp = expected; l_token = tokens; while (l_exp != NULL) { if (!streq(l_exp->data, l_token->data)) { g_print ("failed \t(got \"%s\", expected \"%s\")\n", (gchar *)l_token->data, (gchar *)l_exp->data); ret = FALSE; goto exit; } l_exp = g_slist_next (l_exp); l_token = g_slist_next (l_token); } verbose ("passed (%d %s)\n", token_count, token_count == 1 ? "token" : "tokens"); exit: g_regex_free (regex); g_slist_foreach (expected, (GFunc)g_free, NULL); g_slist_free (expected); g_slist_foreach (tokens, (GFunc)g_free, NULL); g_slist_free (tokens); return ret; } #define TEST_SPLIT_NEXT1(pattern, string, start_position, e1) { \ total++; \ if (test_split_next_full (pattern, string, start_position, e1, NULL)) \ PASS; \ else \ FAIL; \ if (start_position == 0) \ { \ total++; \ if (test_split_next (pattern, string, e1, NULL)) \ PASS; \ else \ FAIL; \ } \ } #define TEST_SPLIT_NEXT2(pattern, string, start_position, e1, e2) { \ total++; \ if (test_split_next_full (pattern, string, start_position, e1, e2, NULL)) \ PASS; \ else \ FAIL; \ if (start_position == 0) \ { \ total++; \ if (test_split_next (pattern, string, e1, e2, NULL)) \ PASS; \ else \ FAIL; \ } \ } #define TEST_SPLIT_NEXT3(pattern, string, start_position, e1, e2, e3) { \ total++; \ if (test_split_next_full (pattern, string, start_position, e1, e2, e3, NULL)) \ PASS; \ else \ FAIL; \ if (start_position == 0) \ { \ total++; \ if (test_split_next (pattern, string, e1, e2, e3, NULL)) \ PASS; \ else \ FAIL; \ } \ } static gboolean test_expand (const gchar *pattern, const gchar *string, const gchar *string_to_expand, gboolean raw, const gchar *expected) { GRegex *regex; gchar *res; verbose ("expanding the references in \"%s\" (pattern: \"%s\", string: \"%s\") \t", string_to_expand, pattern, string); regex = g_regex_new (pattern, raw ? G_REGEX_RAW : 0, 0, NULL); g_regex_match (regex, string, 0); res = g_regex_expand_references (regex, string, string_to_expand, NULL); if (!streq (res, expected)) { g_print ("failed \t(got \"%s\", expected \"%s\")\n", res, expected); g_free (res); g_regex_free (regex); return FALSE; } g_free (res); g_regex_free (regex); verbose ("passed\n"); return TRUE; } #define TEST_EXPAND(pattern, string, string_to_expand, raw, expected) { \ total++; \ if (test_expand (pattern, string, string_to_expand, raw, expected)) \ PASS; \ else \ FAIL; \ } static gboolean test_replace (const gchar *pattern, const gchar *string, gint start_position, const gchar *replacement, const gchar *expected) { GRegex *regex; gchar *res; verbose ("replacing \"%s\" in \"%s\" (pattern: \"%s\", start: %d) \t", replacement, string, pattern, start_position); regex = g_regex_new (pattern, 0, 0, NULL); res = g_regex_replace (regex, string, -1, start_position, replacement, 0, NULL); if (!streq (res, expected)) { g_print ("failed \t(got \"%s\", expected \"%s\")\n", res, expected); g_free (res); g_regex_free (regex); return FALSE; } g_free (res); g_regex_free (regex); verbose ("passed\n"); return TRUE; } #define TEST_REPLACE(pattern, string, start_position, replacement, expected) { \ total++; \ if (test_replace (pattern, string, start_position, replacement, expected)) \ PASS; \ else \ FAIL; \ } static gboolean test_replace_lit (const gchar *pattern, const gchar *string, gint start_position, const gchar *replacement, const gchar *expected) { GRegex *regex; gchar *res; verbose ("replacing literally \"%s\" in \"%s\" (pattern: \"%s\", start: %d) \t", replacement, string, pattern, start_position); regex = g_regex_new (pattern, 0, 0, NULL); res = g_regex_replace_literal (regex, string, -1, start_position, replacement, 0, NULL); if (!streq (res, expected)) { g_print ("failed \t(got \"%s\", expected \"%s\")\n", res, expected); g_free (res); g_regex_free (regex); return FALSE; } g_free (res); g_regex_free (regex); verbose ("passed\n"); return TRUE; } #define TEST_REPLACE_LIT(pattern, string, start_position, replacement, expected) { \ total++; \ if (test_replace_lit (pattern, string, start_position, replacement, expected)) \ PASS; \ else \ FAIL; \ } static gboolean test_get_string_number (const gchar *pattern, const gchar *name, gint expected_num) { GRegex *regex; gint num; verbose ("getting the number of \"%s\" (pattern: \"%s\") \t", name, pattern); regex = g_regex_new (pattern, 0, 0, NULL); num = g_regex_get_string_number (regex, name); g_regex_free (regex); if (num != expected_num) { g_print ("failed \t(got %d, expected %d)\n", num, expected_num); return FALSE; } else { verbose ("passed\n"); return TRUE; } } #define TEST_GET_STRING_NUMBER(pattern, name, expected_num) { \ total++; \ if (test_get_string_number (pattern, name, expected_num)) \ PASS; \ else \ FAIL; \ } static gboolean test_escape (const gchar *string, gint length, const gchar *expected) { gchar *escaped; verbose ("escaping \"%s\" (len: %d) \t", string, length); escaped = g_regex_escape_string (string, length); if (!streq (escaped, expected)) { g_print ("failed \t(got \"%s\", expected \"%s\")\n", escaped, expected); g_free (escaped); return FALSE; } g_free (escaped); verbose ("passed\n"); return TRUE; } #define TEST_ESCAPE(string, length, expected) { \ total++; \ if (test_escape (string, length, expected)) \ PASS; \ else \ FAIL; \ } static gboolean test_match_all_full (const gchar *pattern, const gchar *string, gssize string_len, gint start_position, ...) { GRegex *regex; va_list args; GSList *expected = NULL; GSList *l_exp; gboolean match_ok; gboolean ret = TRUE; gint match_count; gint i; verbose ("matching all in \"%s\" against \"%s\" (start: %d, len: %d) \t", string, pattern, start_position, string_len); /* The va_list is a NULL-terminated sequence of: extected matched string, * expected start and expected end. */ va_start (args, start_position); while (TRUE) { Match *match; const gchar *expected_string = va_arg (args, const gchar *); if (expected_string == NULL) break; match = g_new0 (Match, 1); match->string = g_strdup (expected_string); match->start = va_arg (args, gint); match->end = va_arg (args, gint); expected = g_slist_prepend (expected, match); } expected = g_slist_reverse (expected); va_end (args); regex = g_regex_new (pattern, 0, 0, NULL); match_ok = g_regex_match_all_full (regex, string, string_len, start_position, 0, NULL); if (match_ok && g_slist_length (expected) == 0) { g_print ("failed\n"); ret = FALSE; goto exit; } if (!match_ok && g_slist_length (expected) != 0) { g_print ("failed\n"); ret = FALSE; goto exit; } match_count = g_regex_get_match_count (regex); if (match_count != g_slist_length (expected)) { g_print ("failed \t(got %d %s, expected %d)\n", match_count, match_count == 1 ? "match" : "matches", g_slist_length (expected)); ret = FALSE; goto exit; } l_exp = expected; for (i = 0; i < match_count; i++) { gint start, end; gchar *matched_string; Match *exp = l_exp->data; matched_string = g_regex_fetch (regex, i, string); g_regex_fetch_pos (regex, i, &start, &end); if (!streq(exp->string, matched_string)) { g_print ("failed \t(got \"%s\", expected \"%s\")\n", matched_string, exp->string); g_free (matched_string); ret = FALSE; goto exit; } g_free (matched_string); if (exp->start != start || exp->end != end) { g_print ("failed \t(got [%d, %d], expected [%d, %d])\n", start, end, exp->start, exp->end); ret = FALSE; goto exit; } l_exp = g_slist_next (l_exp); } exit: if (ret) { verbose ("passed (%d %s)\n", match_count, match_count == 1 ? "match" : "matches"); } g_regex_free (regex); g_slist_foreach (expected, free_match, NULL); g_slist_free (expected); return ret; } static gboolean test_match_all (const gchar *pattern, const gchar *string, ...) { GRegex *regex; va_list args; GSList *expected = NULL; GSList *l_exp; gboolean match_ok; gboolean ret = TRUE; gint match_count; gint i; verbose ("matching all in \"%s\" against \"%s\" \t", string, pattern); /* The va_list is a NULL-terminated sequence of: extected matched string, * expected start and expected end. */ va_start (args, string); while (TRUE) { Match *match; const gchar *expected_string = va_arg (args, const gchar *); if (expected_string == NULL) break; match = g_new0 (Match, 1); match->string = g_strdup (expected_string); match->start = va_arg (args, gint); match->end = va_arg (args, gint); expected = g_slist_prepend (expected, match); } expected = g_slist_reverse (expected); va_end (args); regex = g_regex_new (pattern, 0, 0, NULL); match_ok = g_regex_match_all (regex, string, 0); if (match_ok && g_slist_length (expected) == 0) { g_print ("failed\n"); ret = FALSE; goto exit; } if (!match_ok && g_slist_length (expected) != 0) { g_print ("failed\n"); ret = FALSE; goto exit; } match_count = g_regex_get_match_count (regex); if (match_count != g_slist_length (expected)) { g_print ("failed \t(got %d %s, expected %d)\n", match_count, match_count == 1 ? "match" : "matches", g_slist_length (expected)); ret = FALSE; goto exit; } l_exp = expected; for (i = 0; i < match_count; i++) { gint start, end; gchar *matched_string; Match *exp = l_exp->data; matched_string = g_regex_fetch (regex, i, string); g_regex_fetch_pos (regex, i, &start, &end); if (!streq(exp->string, matched_string)) { g_print ("failed \t(got \"%s\", expected \"%s\")\n", matched_string, exp->string); g_free (matched_string); ret = FALSE; goto exit; } g_free (matched_string); if (exp->start != start || exp->end != end) { g_print ("failed \t(got [%d, %d], expected [%d, %d])\n", start, end, exp->start, exp->end); ret = FALSE; goto exit; } l_exp = g_slist_next (l_exp); } exit: if (ret) { verbose ("passed (%d %s)\n", match_count, match_count == 1 ? "match" : "matches"); } g_regex_free (regex); g_slist_foreach (expected, free_match, NULL); g_slist_free (expected); return ret; } #define TEST_MATCH_ALL0(pattern, string, string_len, start_position) { \ total++; \ if (test_match_all_full (pattern, string, string_len, start_position, NULL)) \ PASS; \ else \ FAIL; \ if (string_len == -1 && start_position == 0) \ { \ total++; \ if (test_match_all (pattern, string, NULL)) \ PASS; \ else \ FAIL; \ } \ } #define TEST_MATCH_ALL1(pattern, string, string_len, start_position, \ t1, s1, e1) { \ total++; \ if (test_match_all_full (pattern, string, string_len, start_position, \ t1, s1, e1, NULL)) \ PASS; \ else \ FAIL; \ if (string_len == -1 && start_position == 0) \ { \ total++; \ if (test_match_all (pattern, string, t1, s1, e1, NULL)) \ PASS; \ else \ FAIL; \ } \ } #define TEST_MATCH_ALL2(pattern, string, string_len, start_position, \ t1, s1, e1, t2, s2, e2) { \ total++; \ if (test_match_all_full (pattern, string, string_len, start_position, \ t1, s1, e1, t2, s2, e2, NULL)) \ PASS; \ else \ FAIL; \ if (string_len == -1 && start_position == 0) \ { \ total++; \ if (test_match_all (pattern, string, t1, s1, e1, t2, s2, e2, NULL)) \ PASS; \ else \ FAIL; \ } \ } #define TEST_MATCH_ALL3(pattern, string, string_len, start_position, \ t1, s1, e1, t2, s2, e2, t3, s3, e3) { \ total++; \ if (test_match_all_full (pattern, string, string_len, start_position, \ t1, s1, e1, t2, s2, e2, t3, s3, e3, NULL)) \ PASS; \ else \ FAIL; \ if (string_len == -1 && start_position == 0) \ { \ total++; \ if (test_match_all (pattern, string, t1, s1, e1, t2, s2, e2, t3, s3, e3, NULL)) \ PASS; \ else \ FAIL; \ } \ } #define TEST_NULL_MATCH(code) \ G_STMT_START \ { \ GRegex *re = g_regex_new ("a", 0, 0, NULL); \ verbose ("trying '" #code "' on a clean regex \t"); \ code; \ g_regex_free (re); \ re = g_regex_new ("a", 0, 0, NULL); \ g_regex_match (re, "b", 0); \ g_regex_clear (re); \ code; \ g_regex_free (re); \ /* this test always passes if the code does not crash */ \ PASS; \ verbose ("passed\n"); \ } \ G_STMT_END #define TEST_NULL_MATCH_RET(code, expected, type, format) \ G_STMT_START \ { \ type ret; \ GRegex *re = g_regex_new ("a", 0, 0, NULL); \ verbose ("trying '" #code "' on a clean regex \t"); \ ret = code; \ g_regex_free (re); \ if (ret != expected) \ { \ g_print ("failed \t(got '" format "', expected '" format \ "', with a newly created regex)\n", ret, expected); \ FAIL; \ } \ else \ { \ re = g_regex_new ("a", 0, 0, NULL); \ g_regex_match (re, "a", 0); \ g_regex_clear (re); \ ret = code; \ g_regex_free (re); \ if (ret != expected) \ { \ g_print ("failed \t(got " format ", expected " format \ ", with a cleared regex)\n", ret, expected); \ FAIL; \ } \ else \ { \ verbose ("passed\n"); \ PASS; \ } \ } \ } \ G_STMT_END int main (int argc, char *argv[]) { gint total = 0; gint passed = 0; gint failed = 0; gint i = 0; setlocale (LC_ALL, ""); for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) { if (streq ("--noisy", argv[i])) noisy = TRUE; else if (streq ("--abort", argv[i])) abort_on_fail = TRUE; } g_setenv ("G_DEBUG", "fatal_warnings", TRUE); /* TEST_NEW(pattern, compile_opts, match_opts) */ TEST_NEW("", 0, 0); TEST_NEW(".*", 0, 0); TEST_NEW(".*", G_REGEX_MULTILINE, 0); TEST_NEW(".*", G_REGEX_DOTALL, 0); TEST_NEW(".*", G_REGEX_DOTALL, G_REGEX_MATCH_NOTBOL); TEST_NEW("(123\\d*)[a-zA-Z]+(?P<hello>.*)", 0, 0); TEST_NEW("(123\\d*)[a-zA-Z]+(?P<hello>.*)", G_REGEX_CASELESS, 0); TEST_NEW("(?P<A>x)|(?P<A>y)", G_REGEX_DUPNAMES, 0); /* This gives "internal error: code overflow" with pcre 6.0 */ TEST_NEW("(?i)(?-i)", 0, 0); /* TEST_NEW_FAIL(pattern, compile_opts) */ TEST_NEW_FAIL("(", 0); TEST_NEW_FAIL(")", 0); TEST_NEW_FAIL("[", 0); TEST_NEW_FAIL("*", 0); TEST_NEW_FAIL("?", 0); TEST_NEW_FAIL("(?P<A>x)|(?P<A>y)", 0); /* TEST_COPY(pattern) */ TEST_COPY(""); TEST_COPY(".*"); TEST_COPY("a|b"); TEST_COPY("(123\\d*)[a-zA-Z]+(?P<hello>.*)"); /* Test if g_regex_copy() works with null regexes. */ TEST_COPY("("); /* TEST_MATCH_SIMPLE(pattern, string, compile_opts, match_opts, expected) */ TEST_MATCH_SIMPLE("a", "", 0, 0, FALSE); TEST_MATCH_SIMPLE("a", "a", 0, 0, TRUE); TEST_MATCH_SIMPLE("a", "ba", 0, 0, TRUE); TEST_MATCH_SIMPLE("^a", "ba", 0, 0, FALSE); TEST_MATCH_SIMPLE("a", "ba", G_REGEX_ANCHORED, 0, FALSE); TEST_MATCH_SIMPLE("a", "ba", 0, G_REGEX_MATCH_ANCHORED, FALSE); TEST_MATCH_SIMPLE("a", "ab", G_REGEX_ANCHORED, 0, TRUE); TEST_MATCH_SIMPLE("a", "ab", 0, G_REGEX_MATCH_ANCHORED, TRUE); TEST_MATCH_SIMPLE("a", "a", G_REGEX_CASELESS, 0, TRUE); TEST_MATCH_SIMPLE("a", "A", G_REGEX_CASELESS, 0, TRUE); /* These are needed to test extended properties. */ TEST_MATCH_SIMPLE(AGRAVE, AGRAVE, G_REGEX_CASELESS, 0, TRUE); TEST_MATCH_SIMPLE(AGRAVE, AGRAVE_UPPER, G_REGEX_CASELESS, 0, TRUE); TEST_MATCH_SIMPLE("\\p{L}", "a", 0, 0, TRUE); TEST_MATCH_SIMPLE("\\p{L}", "1", 0, 0, FALSE); TEST_MATCH_SIMPLE("\\p{L}", AGRAVE, 0, 0, TRUE); TEST_MATCH_SIMPLE("\\p{L}", AGRAVE_UPPER, 0, 0, TRUE); TEST_MATCH_SIMPLE("\\p{L}", SHEEN, 0, 0, TRUE); TEST_MATCH_SIMPLE("\\p{L}", ETH30, 0, 0, FALSE); TEST_MATCH_SIMPLE("\\p{Ll}", "a", 0, 0, TRUE); TEST_MATCH_SIMPLE("\\p{Ll}", AGRAVE, 0, 0, TRUE); TEST_MATCH_SIMPLE("\\p{Ll}", AGRAVE_UPPER, 0, 0, FALSE); TEST_MATCH_SIMPLE("\\p{Ll}", ETH30, 0, 0, FALSE); TEST_MATCH_SIMPLE("\\p{Sc}", AGRAVE, 0, 0, FALSE); TEST_MATCH_SIMPLE("\\p{Sc}", EURO, 0, 0, TRUE); TEST_MATCH_SIMPLE("\\p{Sc}", ETH30, 0, 0, FALSE); TEST_MATCH_SIMPLE("\\p{N}", "a", 0, 0, FALSE); TEST_MATCH_SIMPLE("\\p{N}", "1", 0, 0, TRUE); TEST_MATCH_SIMPLE("\\p{N}", AGRAVE, 0, 0, FALSE); TEST_MATCH_SIMPLE("\\p{N}", AGRAVE_UPPER, 0, 0, FALSE); TEST_MATCH_SIMPLE("\\p{N}", SHEEN, 0, 0, FALSE); TEST_MATCH_SIMPLE("\\p{N}", ETH30, 0, 0, TRUE); TEST_MATCH_SIMPLE("\\p{Nd}", "a", 0, 0, FALSE); TEST_MATCH_SIMPLE("\\p{Nd}", "1", 0, 0, TRUE); TEST_MATCH_SIMPLE("\\p{Nd}", AGRAVE, 0, 0, FALSE); TEST_MATCH_SIMPLE("\\p{Nd}", AGRAVE_UPPER, 0, 0, FALSE); TEST_MATCH_SIMPLE("\\p{Nd}", SHEEN, 0, 0, FALSE); TEST_MATCH_SIMPLE("\\p{Nd}", ETH30, 0, 0, FALSE); TEST_MATCH_SIMPLE("\\p{Common}", SHEEN, 0, 0, FALSE); TEST_MATCH_SIMPLE("\\p{Common}", "a", 0, 0, FALSE); TEST_MATCH_SIMPLE("\\p{Common}", AGRAVE, 0, 0, FALSE); TEST_MATCH_SIMPLE("\\p{Common}", AGRAVE_UPPER, 0, 0, FALSE); TEST_MATCH_SIMPLE("\\p{Common}", ETH30, 0, 0, FALSE); TEST_MATCH_SIMPLE("\\p{Common}", "%", 0, 0, TRUE); TEST_MATCH_SIMPLE("\\p{Common}", "1", 0, 0, TRUE); TEST_MATCH_SIMPLE("\\p{Arabic}", SHEEN, 0, 0, TRUE); TEST_MATCH_SIMPLE("\\p{Arabic}", "a", 0, 0, FALSE); TEST_MATCH_SIMPLE("\\p{Arabic}", AGRAVE, 0, 0, FALSE); TEST_MATCH_SIMPLE("\\p{Arabic}", AGRAVE_UPPER, 0, 0, FALSE); TEST_MATCH_SIMPLE("\\p{Arabic}", ETH30, 0, 0, FALSE); TEST_MATCH_SIMPLE("\\p{Arabic}", "%", 0, 0, FALSE); TEST_MATCH_SIMPLE("\\p{Arabic}", "1", 0, 0, FALSE); TEST_MATCH_SIMPLE("\\p{Latin}", SHEEN, 0, 0, FALSE); TEST_MATCH_SIMPLE("\\p{Latin}", "a", 0, 0, TRUE); TEST_MATCH_SIMPLE("\\p{Latin}", AGRAVE, 0, 0, TRUE); TEST_MATCH_SIMPLE("\\p{Latin}", AGRAVE_UPPER, 0, 0, TRUE); TEST_MATCH_SIMPLE("\\p{Latin}", ETH30, 0, 0, FALSE); TEST_MATCH_SIMPLE("\\p{Latin}", "%", 0, 0, FALSE); TEST_MATCH_SIMPLE("\\p{Latin}", "1", 0, 0, FALSE); TEST_MATCH_SIMPLE("\\p{Ethiopic}", SHEEN, 0, 0, FALSE); TEST_MATCH_SIMPLE("\\p{Ethiopic}", "a", 0, 0, FALSE); TEST_MATCH_SIMPLE("\\p{Ethiopic}", AGRAVE, 0, 0, FALSE); TEST_MATCH_SIMPLE("\\p{Ethiopic}", AGRAVE_UPPER, 0, 0, FALSE); TEST_MATCH_SIMPLE("\\p{Ethiopic}", ETH30, 0, 0, TRUE); TEST_MATCH_SIMPLE("\\p{Ethiopic}", "%", 0, 0, FALSE); TEST_MATCH_SIMPLE("\\p{Ethiopic}", "1", 0, 0, FALSE); TEST_MATCH_SIMPLE("\\p{L}(?<=\\p{Arabic})", SHEEN, 0, 0, TRUE); TEST_MATCH_SIMPLE("\\p{L}(?<=\\p{Latin})", SHEEN, 0, 0, FALSE); /* Invalid patterns. */ TEST_MATCH_SIMPLE("\\", "a", 0, 0, FALSE); TEST_MATCH_SIMPLE("[", "", 0, 0, FALSE); /* TEST_MATCH(pattern, compile_opts, match_opts, string, * string_len, start_position, match_opts2, expected) */ TEST_MATCH("a", 0, 0, "a", -1, 0, 0, TRUE); TEST_MATCH("a", 0, 0, "A", -1, 0, 0, FALSE); TEST_MATCH("a", G_REGEX_CASELESS, 0, "A", -1, 0, 0, TRUE); TEST_MATCH("a", 0, 0, "ab", -1, 1, 0, FALSE); TEST_MATCH("a", 0, 0, "ba", 1, 0, 0, FALSE); TEST_MATCH("a", 0, 0, "bab", -1, 0, 0, TRUE); TEST_MATCH("a", 0, 0, "b", -1, 0, 0, FALSE); TEST_MATCH("a", 0, G_REGEX_ANCHORED, "a", -1, 0, 0, TRUE); TEST_MATCH("a", 0, G_REGEX_ANCHORED, "ab", -1, 1, 0, FALSE); TEST_MATCH("a", 0, G_REGEX_ANCHORED, "ba", 1, 0, 0, FALSE); TEST_MATCH("a", 0, G_REGEX_ANCHORED, "bab", -1, 0, 0, FALSE); TEST_MATCH("a", 0, G_REGEX_ANCHORED, "b", -1, 0, 0, FALSE); TEST_MATCH("a", 0, 0, "a", -1, 0, G_REGEX_ANCHORED, TRUE); TEST_MATCH("a", 0, 0, "ab", -1, 1, G_REGEX_ANCHORED, FALSE); TEST_MATCH("a", 0, 0, "ba", 1, 0, G_REGEX_ANCHORED, FALSE); TEST_MATCH("a", 0, 0, "bab", -1, 0, G_REGEX_ANCHORED, FALSE); TEST_MATCH("a", 0, 0, "b", -1, 0, G_REGEX_ANCHORED, FALSE); TEST_MATCH("a|b", 0, 0, "a", -1, 0, 0, TRUE); TEST_MATCH("\\d", 0, 0, EURO, -1, 0, 0, FALSE); TEST_MATCH("^.$", 0, 0, EURO, -1, 0, 0, TRUE); TEST_MATCH("^.{3}$", 0, 0, EURO, -1, 0, 0, FALSE); TEST_MATCH("^.$", G_REGEX_RAW, 0, EURO, -1, 0, 0, FALSE); TEST_MATCH("^.{3}$", G_REGEX_RAW, 0, EURO, -1, 0, 0, TRUE); TEST_MATCH(AGRAVE, G_REGEX_CASELESS, 0, AGRAVE_UPPER, -1, 0, 0, TRUE); /* New lines handling. */ TEST_MATCH("^a\\Rb$", 0, 0, "a\r\nb", -1, 0, 0, TRUE); TEST_MATCH("^a\\Rb$", 0, 0, "a\nb", -1, 0, 0, TRUE); TEST_MATCH("^a\\Rb$", 0, 0, "a\rb", -1, 0, 0, TRUE); TEST_MATCH("^a\\Rb$", 0, 0, "a\n\rb", -1, 0, 0, FALSE); TEST_MATCH("^a\\R\\Rb$", 0, 0, "a\n\rb", -1, 0, 0, TRUE); TEST_MATCH("^a\\nb$", 0, 0, "a\r\nb", -1, 0, 0, FALSE); TEST_MATCH("^a\\r\\nb$", 0, 0, "a\r\nb", -1, 0, 0, TRUE); TEST_MATCH("^b$", 0, 0, "a\nb\nc", -1, 0, 0, FALSE); TEST_MATCH("^b$", G_REGEX_MULTILINE, 0, "a\nb\nc", -1, 0, 0, TRUE); TEST_MATCH("^b$", G_REGEX_MULTILINE, 0, "a\r\nb\r\nc", -1, 0, 0, TRUE); TEST_MATCH("^b$", G_REGEX_MULTILINE, 0, "a\rb\rc", -1, 0, 0, TRUE); TEST_MATCH("^b$", G_REGEX_MULTILINE | G_REGEX_NEWLINE_CR, 0, "a\nb\nc", -1, 0, 0, FALSE); TEST_MATCH("^b$", G_REGEX_MULTILINE | G_REGEX_NEWLINE_LF, 0, "a\nb\nc", -1, 0, 0, TRUE); TEST_MATCH("^b$", G_REGEX_MULTILINE | G_REGEX_NEWLINE_CRLF, 0, "a\nb\nc", -1, 0, 0, FALSE); TEST_MATCH("^b$", G_REGEX_MULTILINE | G_REGEX_NEWLINE_CR, 0, "a\r\nb\r\nc", -1, 0, 0, FALSE); TEST_MATCH("^b$", G_REGEX_MULTILINE | G_REGEX_NEWLINE_LF, 0, "a\r\nb\r\nc", -1, 0, 0, FALSE); TEST_MATCH("^b$", G_REGEX_MULTILINE | G_REGEX_NEWLINE_CRLF, 0, "a\r\nb\r\nc", -1, 0, 0, TRUE); TEST_MATCH("^b$", G_REGEX_MULTILINE | G_REGEX_NEWLINE_CR, 0, "a\rb\rc", -1, 0, 0, TRUE); TEST_MATCH("^b$", G_REGEX_MULTILINE | G_REGEX_NEWLINE_LF, 0, "a\rb\rc", -1, 0, 0, FALSE); TEST_MATCH("^b$", G_REGEX_MULTILINE | G_REGEX_NEWLINE_CRLF, 0, "a\rb\rc", -1, 0, 0, FALSE); TEST_MATCH("^b$", G_REGEX_MULTILINE, G_REGEX_MATCH_NEWLINE_CR, "a\nb\nc", -1, 0, 0, FALSE); TEST_MATCH("^b$", G_REGEX_MULTILINE, G_REGEX_MATCH_NEWLINE_LF, "a\nb\nc", -1, 0, 0, TRUE); TEST_MATCH("^b$", G_REGEX_MULTILINE, G_REGEX_MATCH_NEWLINE_CRLF, "a\nb\nc", -1, 0, 0, FALSE); TEST_MATCH("^b$", G_REGEX_MULTILINE, G_REGEX_MATCH_NEWLINE_CR, "a\r\nb\r\nc", -1, 0, 0, FALSE); TEST_MATCH("^b$", G_REGEX_MULTILINE, G_REGEX_MATCH_NEWLINE_LF, "a\r\nb\r\nc", -1, 0, 0, FALSE); TEST_MATCH("^b$", G_REGEX_MULTILINE, G_REGEX_MATCH_NEWLINE_CRLF, "a\r\nb\r\nc", -1, 0, 0, TRUE); TEST_MATCH("^b$", G_REGEX_MULTILINE, G_REGEX_MATCH_NEWLINE_CR, "a\rb\rc", -1, 0, 0, TRUE); TEST_MATCH("^b$", G_REGEX_MULTILINE, G_REGEX_MATCH_NEWLINE_LF, "a\rb\rc", -1, 0, 0, FALSE); TEST_MATCH("^b$", G_REGEX_MULTILINE, G_REGEX_MATCH_NEWLINE_CRLF, "a\rb\rc", -1, 0, 0, FALSE); TEST_MATCH("^b$", G_REGEX_MULTILINE | G_REGEX_NEWLINE_CR, G_REGEX_MATCH_NEWLINE_ANY, "a\nb\nc", -1, 0, 0, TRUE); TEST_MATCH("^b$", G_REGEX_MULTILINE | G_REGEX_NEWLINE_CR, G_REGEX_MATCH_NEWLINE_ANY, "a\rb\rc", -1, 0, 0, TRUE); TEST_MATCH("^b$", G_REGEX_MULTILINE | G_REGEX_NEWLINE_CR, G_REGEX_MATCH_NEWLINE_ANY, "a\r\nb\r\nc", -1, 0, 0, TRUE); TEST_MATCH("^b$", G_REGEX_MULTILINE | G_REGEX_NEWLINE_CR, G_REGEX_MATCH_NEWLINE_LF, "a\nb\nc", -1, 0, 0, TRUE); TEST_MATCH("^b$", G_REGEX_MULTILINE | G_REGEX_NEWLINE_CR, G_REGEX_MATCH_NEWLINE_LF, "a\rb\rc", -1, 0, 0, FALSE); TEST_MATCH("^b$", G_REGEX_MULTILINE | G_REGEX_NEWLINE_CR, G_REGEX_MATCH_NEWLINE_CRLF, "a\r\nb\r\nc", -1, 0, 0, TRUE); TEST_MATCH("^b$", G_REGEX_MULTILINE | G_REGEX_NEWLINE_CR, G_REGEX_MATCH_NEWLINE_CRLF, "a\rb\rc", -1, 0, 0, FALSE); TEST_MATCH("a#\nb", G_REGEX_EXTENDED, 0, "a", -1, 0, 0, FALSE); TEST_MATCH("a#\r\nb", G_REGEX_EXTENDED, 0, "a", -1, 0, 0, FALSE); TEST_MATCH("a#\rb", G_REGEX_EXTENDED, 0, "a", -1, 0, 0, FALSE); TEST_MATCH("a#\nb", G_REGEX_EXTENDED, G_REGEX_MATCH_NEWLINE_CR, "a", -1, 0, 0, FALSE); TEST_MATCH("a#\nb", G_REGEX_EXTENDED | G_REGEX_NEWLINE_CR, 0, "a", -1, 0, 0, TRUE); /* TEST_MATCH_NEXT#(pattern, string, string_len, start_position, ...) */ TEST_MATCH_NEXT0("a", "x", -1, 0); TEST_MATCH_NEXT0("a", "ax", -1, 1); TEST_MATCH_NEXT0("a", "xa", 1, 0); TEST_MATCH_NEXT0("a", "axa", 1, 2); TEST_MATCH_NEXT1("a", "a", -1, 0, "a", 0, 1); TEST_MATCH_NEXT1("a", "xax", -1, 0, "a", 1, 2); TEST_MATCH_NEXT1(EURO, ENG EURO, -1, 0, EURO, 2, 5); TEST_MATCH_NEXT1("a*", "", -1, 0, "", 0, 0); TEST_MATCH_NEXT2("a*", "aa", -1, 0, "aa", 0, 2, "", 2, 2); TEST_MATCH_NEXT2(EURO "*", EURO EURO, -1, 0, EURO EURO, 0, 6, "", 6, 6); TEST_MATCH_NEXT2("a", "axa", -1, 0, "a", 0, 1, "a", 2, 3); TEST_MATCH_NEXT2("a+", "aaxa", -1, 0, "aa", 0, 2, "a", 3, 4); TEST_MATCH_NEXT2("a", "aa", -1, 0, "a", 0, 1, "a", 1, 2); TEST_MATCH_NEXT2("a", "ababa", -1, 2, "a", 2, 3, "a", 4, 5); TEST_MATCH_NEXT2(EURO "+", EURO "-" EURO, -1, 0, EURO, 0, 3, EURO, 4, 7); TEST_MATCH_NEXT3("", "ab", -1, 0, "", 0, 0, "", 1, 1, "", 2, 2); TEST_MATCH_NEXT3("", AGRAVE "b", -1, 0, "", 0, 0, "", 2, 2, "", 3, 3); TEST_MATCH_NEXT3("a", "aaxa", -1, 0, "a", 0, 1, "a", 1, 2, "a", 3, 4); TEST_MATCH_NEXT3("a", "aa" OGRAVE "a", -1, 0, "a", 0, 1, "a", 1, 2, "a", 4, 5); TEST_MATCH_NEXT3("a*", "aax", -1, 0, "aa", 0, 2, "", 2, 2, "", 3, 3); TEST_MATCH_NEXT4("a*", "aaxa", -1, 0, "aa", 0, 2, "", 2, 2, "a", 3, 4, "", 4, 4); /* TEST_MATCH_COUNT(pattern, string, start_position, match_opts, expected_count) */ TEST_MATCH_COUNT("a", "", 0, 0, 0); TEST_MATCH_COUNT("a", "a", 0, 0, 1); TEST_MATCH_COUNT("a", "a", 1, 0, 0); TEST_MATCH_COUNT("(.)", "a", 0, 0, 2); TEST_MATCH_COUNT("(.)", EURO, 0, 0, 2); TEST_MATCH_COUNT("(?:.)", "a", 0, 0, 1); TEST_MATCH_COUNT("(?P<A>.)", "a", 0, 0, 2); TEST_MATCH_COUNT("a$", "a", 0, G_REGEX_MATCH_NOTEOL, 0); TEST_MATCH_COUNT("(a)?(b)", "b", 0, 0, 3); TEST_MATCH_COUNT("(a)?(b)", "ab", 0, 0, 3); /* TEST_PARTIAL(pattern, string, expected) */ TEST_PARTIAL("^ab", "a", TRUE); TEST_PARTIAL("^ab", "xa", FALSE); TEST_PARTIAL("ab", "xa", TRUE); TEST_PARTIAL("ab", "ab", FALSE); /* normal match. */ TEST_PARTIAL("a+b", "aa", FALSE); /* PCRE_ERROR_BAD_PARTIAL */ TEST_PARTIAL("(a)+b", "aa", TRUE); TEST_PARTIAL("a?b", "a", TRUE); /* TEST_CLEAR(pattern, string, start_position) */ TEST_CLEAR("$^", "aaa", 0); TEST_CLEAR("a", "xax", 0); TEST_CLEAR("a", "xax", 1); TEST_CLEAR("a", "xax", 2); TEST_CLEAR("a", "aa", 0); TEST_CLEAR(HSTROKE, HSTROKE, 0); /* TEST_SUB_PATTERN(pattern, string, start_position, sub_n, expected_sub, * expected_start, expected_end) */ TEST_SUB_PATTERN("a", "a", 0, 0, "a", 0, 1); TEST_SUB_PATTERN("a(.)", "ab", 0, 1, "b", 1, 2); TEST_SUB_PATTERN("a(.)", "a" EURO, 0, 1, EURO, 1, 4); TEST_SUB_PATTERN("(?:.*)(a)(.)", "xxa" ENG, 0, 2, ENG, 3, 5); TEST_SUB_PATTERN("(" HSTROKE ")", "a" HSTROKE ENG, 0, 1, HSTROKE, 1, 3); TEST_SUB_PATTERN("a", "a", 0, 1, NULL, UNTOUCHED, UNTOUCHED); TEST_SUB_PATTERN("a", "a", 0, 1, NULL, UNTOUCHED, UNTOUCHED); TEST_SUB_PATTERN("(a)?(b)", "b", 0, 0, "b", 0, 1); TEST_SUB_PATTERN("(a)?(b)", "b", 0, 1, "", -1, -1); TEST_SUB_PATTERN("(a)?(b)", "b", 0, 2, "b", 0, 1); /* TEST_NAMED_SUB_PATTERN(pattern, string, start_position, sub_name, * expected_sub, expected_start, expected_end) */ TEST_NAMED_SUB_PATTERN("a(?P<A>.)(?P<B>.)?", "ab", 0, "A", "b", 1, 2); TEST_NAMED_SUB_PATTERN("a(?P<A>.)(?P<B>.)?", "aab", 1, "A", "b", 2, 3); TEST_NAMED_SUB_PATTERN("a(?P<A>.)(?P<B>.)?", EURO "ab", 0, "A", "b", 4, 5); TEST_NAMED_SUB_PATTERN("a(?P<A>.)(?P<B>.)?", EURO "ab", 0, "B", NULL, UNTOUCHED, UNTOUCHED); TEST_NAMED_SUB_PATTERN("a(?P<A>.)(?P<B>.)?", EURO "ab", 0, "C", NULL, UNTOUCHED, UNTOUCHED); TEST_NAMED_SUB_PATTERN("a(?P<A>.)(?P<B>.)?", "a" EGRAVE "x", 0, "A", EGRAVE, 1, 3); TEST_NAMED_SUB_PATTERN("a(?P<A>.)(?P<B>.)?", "a" EGRAVE "x", 0, "B", "x", 3, 4); TEST_NAMED_SUB_PATTERN("(?P<A>a)?(?P<B>b)", "b", 0, "A", "", -1, -1); TEST_NAMED_SUB_PATTERN("(?P<A>a)?(?P<B>b)", "b", 0, "B", "b", 0, 1); /* TEST_FETCH_ALL#(pattern, string, ...) */ TEST_FETCH_ALL0("a", ""); TEST_FETCH_ALL0("a", "b"); TEST_FETCH_ALL1("a", "a", "a"); TEST_FETCH_ALL1("a+", "aa", "aa"); TEST_FETCH_ALL1("(?:a)", "a", "a"); TEST_FETCH_ALL2("(a)", "a", "a", "a"); TEST_FETCH_ALL2("a(.)", "ab", "ab", "b"); TEST_FETCH_ALL2("a(.)", "a" HSTROKE, "a" HSTROKE, HSTROKE); TEST_FETCH_ALL3("(?:.*)(a)(.)", "xyazk", "xyaz", "a", "z"); TEST_FETCH_ALL3("(?P<A>.)(a)", "xa", "xa", "x", "a"); TEST_FETCH_ALL3("(?P<A>.)(a)", ENG "a", ENG "a", ENG, "a"); TEST_FETCH_ALL3("(a)?(b)", "b", "b", "", "b"); TEST_FETCH_ALL3("(a)?(b)", "ab", "ab", "a", "b"); /* TEST_SPLIT_SIMPLE#(pattern, string, ...) */ TEST_SPLIT_SIMPLE0("", ""); TEST_SPLIT_SIMPLE0("a", ""); TEST_SPLIT_SIMPLE1(",", "a", "a"); TEST_SPLIT_SIMPLE1("(,)\\s*", "a", "a"); TEST_SPLIT_SIMPLE2(",", "a,b", "a", "b"); TEST_SPLIT_SIMPLE3(",", "a,b,c", "a", "b", "c"); TEST_SPLIT_SIMPLE3(",\\s*", "a,b,c", "a", "b", "c"); TEST_SPLIT_SIMPLE3(",\\s*", "a, b, c", "a", "b", "c"); TEST_SPLIT_SIMPLE3("(,)\\s*", "a,b", "a", ",", "b"); TEST_SPLIT_SIMPLE3("(,)\\s*", "a, b", "a", ",", "b"); /* Not matched sub-strings. */ TEST_SPLIT_SIMPLE2("a|(b)", "xay", "x", "y"); TEST_SPLIT_SIMPLE3("a|(b)", "xby", "x", "b", "y"); /* Empty matches. */ TEST_SPLIT_SIMPLE3("", "abc", "a", "b", "c"); TEST_SPLIT_SIMPLE3(" *", "ab c", "a", "b", "c"); /* Invalid patterns. */ TEST_SPLIT_SIMPLE0("\\", ""); TEST_SPLIT_SIMPLE0("[", ""); /* TEST_SPLIT#(pattern, string, start_position, max_tokens, ...) */ TEST_SPLIT0("", "", 0, 0); TEST_SPLIT0("a", "", 0, 0); TEST_SPLIT0("a", "", 0, 1); TEST_SPLIT0("a", "", 0, 2); TEST_SPLIT0("a", "a", 1, 0); TEST_SPLIT1(",", "a", 0, 0, "a"); TEST_SPLIT1(",", "a,b", 0, 1, "a,b"); TEST_SPLIT1("(,)\\s*", "a", 0, 0, "a"); TEST_SPLIT1(",", "a,b", 2, 0, "b"); TEST_SPLIT2(",", "a,b", 0, 0, "a", "b"); TEST_SPLIT2(",", "a,b,c", 0, 2, "a", "b,c"); TEST_SPLIT2(",", "a,b", 1, 0, "", "b"); TEST_SPLIT2(",", "a,", 0, 0, "a", ""); TEST_SPLIT3(",", "a,b,c", 0, 0, "a", "b", "c"); TEST_SPLIT3(",\\s*", "a,b,c", 0, 0, "a", "b", "c"); TEST_SPLIT3(",\\s*", "a, b, c", 0, 0, "a", "b", "c"); TEST_SPLIT3("(,)\\s*", "a,b", 0, 0, "a", ",", "b"); TEST_SPLIT3("(,)\\s*", "a, b", 0, 0, "a", ",", "b"); /* Not matched sub-strings. */ TEST_SPLIT2("a|(b)", "xay", 0, 0, "x", "y"); TEST_SPLIT3("a|(b)", "xby", 0, -1, "x", "b", "y"); /* Empty matches. */ TEST_SPLIT2(" *", "ab c", 1, 0, "b", "c"); TEST_SPLIT3("", "abc", 0, 0, "a", "b", "c"); TEST_SPLIT3(" *", "ab c", 0, 0, "a", "b", "c"); TEST_SPLIT1(" *", "ab c", 0, 1, "ab c"); TEST_SPLIT2(" *", "ab c", 0, 2, "a", "b c"); TEST_SPLIT3(" *", "ab c", 0, 3, "a", "b", "c"); TEST_SPLIT3(" *", "ab c", 0, 4, "a", "b", "c"); /* TEST_SPLIT_NEXT#(pattern, string, start_position, ...) */ TEST_SPLIT_NEXT1(",", "a", 0, "a"); TEST_SPLIT_NEXT1("(,)\\s*", "a", 0, "a"); TEST_SPLIT_NEXT1(",", "a,b", 2, "b"); TEST_SPLIT_NEXT2(",", "a,b", 0, "a", "b"); TEST_SPLIT_NEXT2(",", "a,b", 1, "", "b"); TEST_SPLIT_NEXT2(",", "a,", 0, "a", ""); TEST_SPLIT_NEXT3(",", "a,b,c", 0, "a", "b", "c"); TEST_SPLIT_NEXT3(",\\s*", "a,b,c", 0, "a", "b", "c"); TEST_SPLIT_NEXT3(",\\s*", "a, b, c", 0, "a", "b", "c"); TEST_SPLIT_NEXT3("(,)\\s*", "a,b", 0, "a", ",", "b"); TEST_SPLIT_NEXT3("(,)\\s*", "a, b", 0, "a", ",", "b"); /* Not matched sub-strings. */ TEST_SPLIT_NEXT2("a|(b)", "xay", 0, "x", "y"); TEST_SPLIT_NEXT3("a|(b)", "xby", 0, "x", "b", "y"); /* Empty matches. */ TEST_SPLIT_NEXT2(" *", "ab c", 1, "b", "c"); TEST_SPLIT_NEXT3("", "abc", 0, "a", "b", "c"); TEST_SPLIT_NEXT3(" *", "ab c", 0, "a", "b", "c"); /* TEST_EXPAND(pattern, string, string_to_expand, raw, expected) */ TEST_EXPAND("a", "a", "", FALSE, ""); TEST_EXPAND("a", "a", "\\0", FALSE, "a"); TEST_EXPAND("a", "a", "\\1", FALSE, ""); TEST_EXPAND("(a)", "ab", "\\1", FALSE, "a"); TEST_EXPAND("(a)", "a", "\\1", FALSE, "a"); TEST_EXPAND("(a)", "a", "\\g<1>", FALSE, "a"); TEST_EXPAND("a", "a", "\\0130", FALSE, "X"); TEST_EXPAND("a", "a", "\\\\\\0", FALSE, "\\a"); TEST_EXPAND("a(?P<G>.)c", "xabcy", "X\\g<G>X", FALSE, "XbX"); TEST_EXPAND("(.)(?P<1>.)", "ab", "\\1", FALSE, "a"); TEST_EXPAND("(.)(?P<1>.)", "ab", "\\g<1>", FALSE, "a"); TEST_EXPAND(".", EURO, "\\0", FALSE, EURO); TEST_EXPAND("(.)", EURO, "\\1", FALSE, EURO); TEST_EXPAND("(?P<G>.)", EURO, "\\g<G>", FALSE, EURO); TEST_EXPAND(".", "a", EURO, FALSE, EURO); TEST_EXPAND(".", "a", EURO "\\0", FALSE, EURO "a"); TEST_EXPAND(".", "", "\\Lab\\Ec", FALSE, "abc"); TEST_EXPAND(".", "", "\\LaB\\EC", FALSE, "abC"); TEST_EXPAND(".", "", "\\Uab\\Ec", FALSE, "ABc"); TEST_EXPAND(".", "", "a\\ubc", FALSE, "aBc"); TEST_EXPAND(".", "", "a\\lbc", FALSE, "abc"); TEST_EXPAND(".", "", "A\\uBC", FALSE, "ABC"); TEST_EXPAND(".", "", "A\\lBC", FALSE, "AbC"); TEST_EXPAND(".", "", "A\\l\\\\BC", FALSE, "A\\BC"); TEST_EXPAND(".", "", "\\L" AGRAVE "\\E", FALSE, AGRAVE); TEST_EXPAND(".", "", "\\U" AGRAVE "\\E", FALSE, AGRAVE_UPPER); TEST_EXPAND(".", "", "\\u" AGRAVE "a", FALSE, AGRAVE_UPPER "a"); TEST_EXPAND(".", "ab", "x\\U\\0y\\Ez", FALSE, "xAYz"); TEST_EXPAND(".(.)", "AB", "x\\L\\1y\\Ez", FALSE, "xbyz"); TEST_EXPAND(".", "ab", "x\\u\\0y\\Ez", FALSE, "xAyz"); TEST_EXPAND(".(.)", "AB", "x\\l\\1y\\Ez", FALSE, "xbyz"); TEST_EXPAND(".(.)", "a" AGRAVE_UPPER, "x\\l\\1y", FALSE, "x" AGRAVE "y"); TEST_EXPAND("a", "bab", "\\x{61}", FALSE, "a"); TEST_EXPAND("a", "bab", "\\x61", FALSE, "a"); TEST_EXPAND("a", "bab", "\\x5a", FALSE, "Z"); TEST_EXPAND("a", "bab", "\\0\\x5A", FALSE, "aZ"); TEST_EXPAND("a", "bab", "\\1\\x{5A}", FALSE, "Z"); TEST_EXPAND("a", "bab", "\\x{00E0}", FALSE, AGRAVE); TEST_EXPAND("", "bab", "\\x{0634}", FALSE, SHEEN); TEST_EXPAND("", "bab", "\\x{634}", FALSE, SHEEN); TEST_EXPAND("", "", "\\t", FALSE, "\t"); TEST_EXPAND("", "", "\\v", FALSE, "\v"); TEST_EXPAND("", "", "\\r", FALSE, "\r"); TEST_EXPAND("", "", "\\n", FALSE, "\n"); TEST_EXPAND("", "", "\\f", FALSE, "\f"); TEST_EXPAND("", "", "\\a", FALSE, "\a"); TEST_EXPAND("", "", "\\b", FALSE, "\b"); TEST_EXPAND("a(.)", "abc", "\\0\\b\\1", FALSE, "ab\bb"); TEST_EXPAND("a(.)", "abc", "\\0141", FALSE, "a"); TEST_EXPAND("a(.)", "abc", "\\078", FALSE, "\a8"); TEST_EXPAND("a(.)", "abc", "\\077", FALSE, "?"); TEST_EXPAND("a(.)", "abc", "\\0778", FALSE, "?8"); TEST_EXPAND("a(.)", "a" AGRAVE "b", "\\1", FALSE, AGRAVE); TEST_EXPAND("a(.)", "a" AGRAVE "b", "\\1", TRUE, "\xc3"); TEST_EXPAND("a(.)", "a" AGRAVE "b", "\\0", TRUE, "a\xc3"); /* Invalid strings. */ TEST_EXPAND("", "", "\\Q", FALSE, NULL); TEST_EXPAND("", "", "x\\Ay", FALSE, NULL); TEST_EXPAND("", "", "\\g<", FALSE, NULL); TEST_EXPAND("", "", "\\g<>", FALSE, NULL); TEST_EXPAND("", "", "\\g<1a>", FALSE, NULL); TEST_EXPAND("", "", "\\g<a$>", FALSE, NULL); TEST_EXPAND("", "", "\\", FALSE, NULL); TEST_EXPAND("a", "a", "\\x{61", FALSE, NULL); TEST_EXPAND("a", "a", "\\x6X", FALSE, NULL); /* TEST_REPLACE(pattern, string, start_position, replacement, expected) */ TEST_REPLACE("a", "ababa", 0, "A", "AbAbA"); TEST_REPLACE("a", "ababa", 1, "A", "abAbA"); TEST_REPLACE("a", "ababa", 2, "A", "abAbA"); TEST_REPLACE("a", "ababa", 3, "A", "ababA"); TEST_REPLACE("a", "ababa", 4, "A", "ababA"); TEST_REPLACE("a", "abababa", 2, "A", "abAbAbA"); TEST_REPLACE("$^", "abc", 0, "X", "abc"); TEST_REPLACE("(.)a", "ciao", 0, "a\\1", "caio"); TEST_REPLACE("a.", "abc", 0, "\\0\\0", "ababc"); TEST_REPLACE("a", "asd", 0, "\\0101", "Asd"); TEST_REPLACE("(a).\\1", "aba cda", 0, "\\1\\n", "a\n cda"); TEST_REPLACE("a" AGRAVE "a", "a" AGRAVE "a", 0, "x", "x"); TEST_REPLACE("a" AGRAVE "a", "a" AGRAVE "a", 0, OGRAVE, OGRAVE); TEST_REPLACE("[^-]", "-" EURO "-x-" HSTROKE, 0, "a", "-a-a-a"); TEST_REPLACE("[^-]", "-" EURO "-" HSTROKE, 0, "a\\g<0>a", "-a" EURO "a-a" HSTROKE "a"); TEST_REPLACE("-", "-" EURO "-" HSTROKE, 0, "", EURO HSTROKE); TEST_REPLACE(".*", "hello", 0, "\\U\\0\\E", "HELLO"); TEST_REPLACE(".*", "hello", 0, "\\u\\0", "Hello"); TEST_REPLACE("\\S+", "hello world", 0, "\\U-\\0-", "-HELLO- -WORLD-"); TEST_REPLACE(".", "a", 0, "\\A", NULL); TEST_REPLACE(".", "a", 0, "\\g", NULL); /* TEST_REPLACE_LIT(pattern, string, start_position, replacement, expected) */ TEST_REPLACE_LIT("a", "ababa", 0, "A", "AbAbA"); TEST_REPLACE_LIT("a", "ababa", 1, "A", "abAbA"); TEST_REPLACE_LIT("a", "ababa", 2, "A", "abAbA"); TEST_REPLACE_LIT("a", "ababa", 3, "A", "ababA"); TEST_REPLACE_LIT("a", "ababa", 4, "A", "ababA"); TEST_REPLACE_LIT("a", "abababa", 2, "A", "abAbAbA"); TEST_REPLACE_LIT("a", "abcadaa", 0, "A", "AbcAdAA"); TEST_REPLACE_LIT("$^", "abc", 0, "X", "abc"); TEST_REPLACE_LIT("(.)a", "ciao", 0, "a\\1", "ca\\1o"); TEST_REPLACE_LIT("a.", "abc", 0, "\\0\\0\\n", "\\0\\0\\nc"); TEST_REPLACE_LIT("a" AGRAVE "a", "a" AGRAVE "a", 0, "x", "x"); TEST_REPLACE_LIT("a" AGRAVE "a", "a" AGRAVE "a", 0, OGRAVE, OGRAVE); TEST_REPLACE_LIT(AGRAVE, "-" AGRAVE "-" HSTROKE, 0, "a" ENG "a", "-a" ENG "a-" HSTROKE); TEST_REPLACE_LIT("[^-]", "-" EURO "-" AGRAVE "-" HSTROKE, 0, "a", "-a-a-a"); TEST_REPLACE_LIT("[^-]", "-" EURO "-" AGRAVE, 0, "a\\g<0>a", "-a\\g<0>a-a\\g<0>a"); TEST_REPLACE_LIT("-", "-" EURO "-" AGRAVE "-" HSTROKE, 0, "", EURO AGRAVE HSTROKE); /* TEST_GET_STRING_NUMBER(pattern, name, expected_num) */ TEST_GET_STRING_NUMBER("", "A", -1); TEST_GET_STRING_NUMBER("(?P<A>.)", "A", 1); TEST_GET_STRING_NUMBER("(?P<A>.)", "B", -1); TEST_GET_STRING_NUMBER("(?P<A>.)(?P<B>a)", "A", 1); TEST_GET_STRING_NUMBER("(?P<A>.)(?P<B>a)", "B", 2); TEST_GET_STRING_NUMBER("(?P<A>.)(?P<B>a)", "C", -1); TEST_GET_STRING_NUMBER("(?P<A>.)(.)(?P<B>a)", "A", 1); TEST_GET_STRING_NUMBER("(?P<A>.)(.)(?P<B>a)", "B", 3); TEST_GET_STRING_NUMBER("(?P<A>.)(.)(?P<B>a)", "C", -1); TEST_GET_STRING_NUMBER("(?:a)(?P<A>.)", "A", 1); TEST_GET_STRING_NUMBER("(?:a)(?P<A>.)", "B", -1); /* TEST_ESCAPE(string, length, expected) */ TEST_ESCAPE("hello world", -1, "hello world"); TEST_ESCAPE("hello world", 5, "hello"); TEST_ESCAPE("hello.world", -1, "hello\\.world"); TEST_ESCAPE("a(b\\b.$", -1, "a\\(b\\\\b\\.\\$"); TEST_ESCAPE("hello\0world", -1, "hello"); TEST_ESCAPE("hello\0world", 11, "hello\\0world"); TEST_ESCAPE(EURO "*" ENG, -1, EURO "\\*" ENG); TEST_ESCAPE("a$", -1, "a\\$"); TEST_ESCAPE("$a", -1, "\\$a"); TEST_ESCAPE("a$a", -1, "a\\$a"); TEST_ESCAPE("$a$", -1, "\\$a\\$"); TEST_ESCAPE("$a$", 0, ""); TEST_ESCAPE("$a$", 1, "\\$"); TEST_ESCAPE("$a$", 2, "\\$a"); TEST_ESCAPE("$a$", 3, "\\$a\\$"); TEST_ESCAPE("$a$", 4, "\\$a\\$\\0"); TEST_ESCAPE("|()[]{}^$*+?.", -1, "\\|\\(\\)\\[\\]\\{\\}\\^\\$\\*\\+\\?\\."); TEST_ESCAPE("a|a(a)a[a]a{a}a^a$a*a+a?a.a", -1, "a\\|a\\(a\\)a\\[a\\]a\\{a\\}a\\^a\\$a\\*a\\+a\\?a\\.a"); /* TEST_MATCH_ALL#(pattern, string, string_len, start_position, ...) */ TEST_MATCH_ALL0("<.*>", "", -1, 0); TEST_MATCH_ALL0("a+", "", -1, 0); TEST_MATCH_ALL0("a+", "a", 0, 0); TEST_MATCH_ALL0("a+", "a", -1, 1); TEST_MATCH_ALL1("<.*>", "<a>", -1, 0, "<a>", 0, 3); TEST_MATCH_ALL1("a+", "a", -1, 0, "a", 0, 1); TEST_MATCH_ALL1("a+", "aa", 1, 0, "a", 0, 1); TEST_MATCH_ALL1("a+", "aa", -1, 1, "a", 1, 2); TEST_MATCH_ALL1("a+", "aa", 2, 1, "a", 1, 2); TEST_MATCH_ALL1(".+", ENG, -1, 0, ENG, 0, 2); TEST_MATCH_ALL2("<.*>", "<a><b>", -1, 0, "<a><b>", 0, 6, "<a>", 0, 3); TEST_MATCH_ALL2("a+", "aa", -1, 0, "aa", 0, 2, "a", 0, 1); TEST_MATCH_ALL2(".+", ENG EURO, -1, 0, ENG EURO, 0, 5, ENG, 0, 2); TEST_MATCH_ALL3("<.*>", "<a><b><c>", -1, 0, "<a><b><c>", 0, 9, "<a><b>", 0, 6, "<a>", 0, 3); TEST_MATCH_ALL3("a+", "aaa", -1, 0, "aaa", 0, 3, "aa", 0, 2, "a", 0, 1); /* TEST_NULL_MATCH(code) */ /* TEST_NULL_MATCH_RET(code, expected, type) */ /* Test to see what happens if a function needing GRegexMatch is called * when GRegexMatch is NULL. The result should be the same when the function * is called after g_regex_clear. * "re" is a GRegex, the pattern is "a". */ TEST_NULL_MATCH(g_regex_clear (re)); TEST_NULL_MATCH(g_regex_get_pattern (re)); TEST_NULL_MATCH_RET(g_regex_optimize (re, NULL), TRUE, gboolean, "%d"); TEST_NULL_MATCH_RET(g_regex_match (re, "a", 0), TRUE, gboolean, "%d"); TEST_NULL_MATCH_RET(g_regex_match (re, "b", 0), FALSE, gboolean, "%d"); TEST_NULL_MATCH_RET(g_regex_match_full (re, "a", -1, 0, 0, NULL), TRUE, gboolean, "%d"); TEST_NULL_MATCH_RET(g_regex_match_full (re, "a", -1, 1, 0, NULL), FALSE, gboolean, "%d"); TEST_NULL_MATCH_RET(g_regex_match_full (re, "b", -1, 0, 0, NULL), FALSE, gboolean, "%d"); TEST_NULL_MATCH_RET(g_regex_get_match_count (re), -1, gint, "%d"); TEST_NULL_MATCH_RET(g_regex_is_partial_match (re), FALSE, gboolean, "%d"); TEST_NULL_MATCH_RET(g_regex_fetch (re, 0, "abc"), NULL, gchar *, "%p"); TEST_NULL_MATCH_RET(g_regex_fetch_pos (re, 0, NULL, NULL), FALSE, gboolean, "%d"); TEST_NULL_MATCH_RET(g_regex_fetch_all (re, "b"), NULL, gchar **, "%p"); TEST_NULL_MATCH_RET(g_regex_get_string_number (re, "X"), -1, gint, "%d"); end: /* if abort_on_fail is TRUE the flow passes to this label. */ verbose ("\n%u tests passed, %u failed\n", passed, failed); return failed; } #else /* ENABLE_REGEX false */ int main (int argc, char *argv[]) { g_print ("GRegex is disabled.\n"); return 0; } #endif /* ENABLE_REGEX */