/* * Copyright © 2010 Codethink Limited * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the licence, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the * Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * * Author: Ryan Lortie */ /* Prologue {{{1 */ #include "config.h" #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef HAVE_UNISTD_H #include #endif #include "gvdb/gvdb-builder.h" #include "strinfo.c" /* Handling of {{{1 */ typedef struct { GString *strinfo; gboolean is_flags; } EnumState; static void enum_state_free (gpointer data) { EnumState *state = data; g_string_free (state->strinfo, TRUE); g_slice_free (EnumState, state); } EnumState * enum_state_new (gboolean is_flags) { EnumState *state; state = g_slice_new (EnumState); state->strinfo = g_string_new (NULL); state->is_flags = is_flags; return state; } static void enum_state_add_value (EnumState *state, const gchar *nick, const gchar *valuestr, GError **error) { gint64 value; gchar *end; if (nick[0] == '\0' || nick[1] == '\0') { g_set_error (error, G_MARKUP_ERROR, G_MARKUP_ERROR_INVALID_CONTENT, "nick must be a minimum of 2 characters"); return; } value = g_ascii_strtoll (valuestr, &end, 0); if (*end || state->is_flags ? (value > G_MAXUINT32 || value < 0) : (value > G_MAXINT32 || value < G_MININT32)) { g_set_error (error, G_MARKUP_ERROR, G_MARKUP_ERROR_INVALID_CONTENT, "invalid numeric value"); return; } if (strinfo_builder_contains (state->strinfo, nick)) { g_set_error (error, G_MARKUP_ERROR, G_MARKUP_ERROR_INVALID_CONTENT, " already specified", nick); return; } if (strinfo_builder_contains_value (state->strinfo, value)) { g_set_error (error, G_MARKUP_ERROR, G_MARKUP_ERROR_INVALID_CONTENT, "value='%s' already specified", valuestr); return; } /* Silently drop the null case if it is mentioned. * It is properly denoted with an empty array. */ if (state->is_flags && value == 0) return; if (state->is_flags && (value & (value - 1))) { g_set_error (error, G_MARKUP_ERROR, G_MARKUP_ERROR_INVALID_CONTENT, "flags values must have at most 1 bit set"); return; } /* Since we reject exact duplicates of value='' and we only allow one * bit to be set, it's not possible to have overlaps. * * If we loosen the one-bit-set restriction we need an overlap check. */ strinfo_builder_append_item (state->strinfo, nick, value); } static void enum_state_end (EnumState **state_ptr, GError **error) { EnumState *state; state = *state_ptr; *state_ptr = NULL; if (state->strinfo->len == 0) g_set_error (error, G_MARKUP_ERROR, G_MARKUP_ERROR_INVALID_CONTENT, "<%s> must contain at least one ", state->is_flags ? "flags" : "enum"); } /* Handling of {{{1 */ typedef struct { /* for , @child_schema will be set. * for , everything else will be set. */ gchar *child_schema; GVariantType *type; gboolean have_gettext_domain; gchar l10n; gchar *l10n_context; GString *unparsed_default_value; GVariant *default_value; GString *strinfo; gboolean is_enum; gboolean is_flags; GVariant *minimum; GVariant *maximum; gboolean has_choices; gboolean has_aliases; gboolean is_override; gboolean checked; GVariant *serialised; } KeyState; static KeyState * key_state_new (const gchar *type_string, const gchar *gettext_domain, gboolean is_enum, gboolean is_flags, GString *strinfo) { KeyState *state; state = g_slice_new0 (KeyState); state->type = g_variant_type_new (type_string); state->have_gettext_domain = gettext_domain != NULL; state->is_enum = is_enum; state->is_flags = is_flags; if (strinfo) state->strinfo = g_string_new_len (strinfo->str, strinfo->len); else state->strinfo = g_string_new (NULL); return state; } static KeyState * key_state_override (KeyState *state, const gchar *gettext_domain) { KeyState *copy; copy = g_slice_new0 (KeyState); copy->type = g_variant_type_copy (state->type); copy->have_gettext_domain = gettext_domain != NULL; copy->strinfo = g_string_new_len (state->strinfo->str, state->strinfo->len); copy->is_enum = state->is_enum; copy->is_flags = state->is_flags; copy->is_override = TRUE; if (state->minimum) { copy->minimum = g_variant_ref (state->minimum); copy->maximum = g_variant_ref (state->maximum); } return copy; } static KeyState * key_state_new_child (const gchar *child_schema) { KeyState *state; state = g_slice_new0 (KeyState); state->child_schema = g_strdup (child_schema); return state; } static gboolean is_valid_choices (GVariant *variant, GString *strinfo) { switch (g_variant_classify (variant)) { case G_VARIANT_CLASS_MAYBE: case G_VARIANT_CLASS_ARRAY: { gboolean valid = TRUE; GVariantIter iter; g_variant_iter_init (&iter, variant); while (valid && (variant = g_variant_iter_next_value (&iter))) { valid = is_valid_choices (variant, strinfo); g_variant_unref (variant); } return valid; } case G_VARIANT_CLASS_STRING: return strinfo_is_string_valid ((const guint32 *) strinfo->str, strinfo->len / 4, g_variant_get_string (variant, NULL)); default: g_assert_not_reached (); } } /* Gets called at or to check for * validity of the default value so that any inconsistency is * reported as soon as it is encountered. */ static void key_state_check_range (KeyState *state, GError **error) { if (state->default_value) { const gchar *tag; tag = state->is_override ? "override" : "default"; if (state->minimum) { if (g_variant_compare (state->default_value, state->minimum) < 0 || g_variant_compare (state->default_value, state->maximum) > 0) { g_set_error (error, G_MARKUP_ERROR, G_MARKUP_ERROR_INVALID_CONTENT, "<%s> is not contained in " "the specified range", tag); } } else if (state->strinfo->len) { if (!is_valid_choices (state->default_value, state->strinfo)) { if (state->is_enum) g_set_error (error, G_MARKUP_ERROR, G_MARKUP_ERROR_INVALID_CONTENT, "<%s> is not a valid member of " "the specified enumerated type", tag); else if (state->is_flags) g_set_error (error, G_MARKUP_ERROR, G_MARKUP_ERROR_INVALID_CONTENT, "<%s> contains string not in the " "specified flags type", tag); else g_set_error (error, G_MARKUP_ERROR, G_MARKUP_ERROR_INVALID_CONTENT, "<%s> contains string not in " "", tag); } } } } static void key_state_set_range (KeyState *state, const gchar *min_str, const gchar *max_str, GError **error) { const struct { const gchar type; const gchar *min; const gchar *max; } table[] = { { 'y', "0", "255" }, { 'n', "-32768", "32767" }, { 'q', "0", "65535" }, { 'i', "-2147483648", "2147483647" }, { 'u', "0", "4294967295" }, { 'x', "-9223372036854775808", "9223372036854775807" }, { 't', "0", "18446744073709551615" }, { 'd', "-inf", "inf" }, }; gboolean type_ok = FALSE; gint i; if (state->minimum) { g_set_error_literal (error, G_MARKUP_ERROR, G_MARKUP_ERROR_INVALID_CONTENT, " already specified for this key"); return; } for (i = 0; i < G_N_ELEMENTS (table); i++) if (*(char *) state->type == table[i].type) { min_str = min_str ? min_str : table[i].min; max_str = max_str ? max_str : table[i].max; type_ok = TRUE; break; } if (!type_ok) { gchar *type = g_variant_type_dup_string (state->type); g_set_error (error, G_MARKUP_ERROR, G_MARKUP_ERROR_INVALID_CONTENT, " not allowed for keys of type '%s'", type); g_free (type); return; } state->minimum = g_variant_parse (state->type, min_str, NULL, NULL, error); if (state->minimum == NULL) return; state->maximum = g_variant_parse (state->type, max_str, NULL, NULL, error); if (state->maximum == NULL) return; if (g_variant_compare (state->minimum, state->maximum) > 0) { g_set_error (error, G_MARKUP_ERROR, G_MARKUP_ERROR_INVALID_CONTENT, " specified minimum is greater than maxmimum"); return; } key_state_check_range (state, error); } static GString * key_state_start_default (KeyState *state, const gchar *l10n, const gchar *context, GError **error) { if (l10n != NULL) { if (strcmp (l10n, "messages") == 0) state->l10n = 'm'; else if (strcmp (l10n, "time") == 0) state->l10n = 't'; else { g_set_error (error, G_MARKUP_ERROR, G_MARKUP_ERROR_INVALID_CONTENT, "unsupported l10n category: %s", l10n); return NULL; } if (!state->have_gettext_domain) { g_set_error_literal (error, G_MARKUP_ERROR, G_MARKUP_ERROR_INVALID_CONTENT, "l10n requested, but no " "gettext domain given"); return NULL; } state->l10n_context = g_strdup (context); } else if (context != NULL) { g_set_error_literal (error, G_MARKUP_ERROR, G_MARKUP_ERROR_INVALID_CONTENT, "translation context given for " " value without l10n enabled"); return NULL; } return g_string_new (NULL); } static void key_state_end_default (KeyState *state, GString **string, GError **error) { state->unparsed_default_value = *string; *string = NULL; state->default_value = g_variant_parse (state->type, state->unparsed_default_value->str, NULL, NULL, error); key_state_check_range (state, error); } static void key_state_start_choices (KeyState *state, GError **error) { const GVariantType *type = state->type; if (state->is_enum) { g_set_error_literal (error, G_MARKUP_ERROR, G_MARKUP_ERROR_INVALID_CONTENT, " cannot be specified for keys " "tagged as having an enumerated type"); return; } if (state->has_choices) { g_set_error_literal (error, G_MARKUP_ERROR, G_MARKUP_ERROR_INVALID_CONTENT, " already specified for this key"); return; } while (g_variant_type_is_maybe (type) || g_variant_type_is_array (type)) type = g_variant_type_element (type); if (!g_variant_type_equal (type, G_VARIANT_TYPE_STRING)) { gchar *type_string = g_variant_type_dup_string (state->type); g_set_error (error, G_MARKUP_ERROR, G_MARKUP_ERROR_INVALID_CONTENT, " not allowed for keys of type '%s'", type_string); g_free (type_string); return; } } static void key_state_add_choice (KeyState *state, const gchar *choice, GError **error) { if (strinfo_builder_contains (state->strinfo, choice)) { g_set_error (error, G_MARKUP_ERROR, G_MARKUP_ERROR_INVALID_CONTENT, " already given", choice); return; } strinfo_builder_append_item (state->strinfo, choice, 0); state->has_choices = TRUE; } static void key_state_end_choices (KeyState *state, GError **error) { if (!state->has_choices) { g_set_error (error, G_MARKUP_ERROR, G_MARKUP_ERROR_INVALID_CONTENT, " must contain at least one "); return; } key_state_check_range (state, error); } static void key_state_start_aliases (KeyState *state, GError **error) { if (state->has_aliases) g_set_error_literal (error, G_MARKUP_ERROR, G_MARKUP_ERROR_INVALID_CONTENT, " already specified for this key"); else if (!state->is_flags && !state->is_enum && !state->has_choices) g_set_error_literal (error, G_MARKUP_ERROR, G_MARKUP_ERROR_INVALID_CONTENT, " can only be specified for keys with " "enumerated or flags types or after "); } static void key_state_add_alias (KeyState *state, const gchar *alias, const gchar *target, GError **error) { if (strinfo_builder_contains (state->strinfo, alias)) { if (strinfo_is_string_valid ((guint32 *) state->strinfo->str, state->strinfo->len / 4, alias)) { if (state->is_enum) g_set_error (error, G_MARKUP_ERROR, G_MARKUP_ERROR_INVALID_CONTENT, " given when '%s' is already " "a member of the enumerated type", alias, alias); else g_set_error (error, G_MARKUP_ERROR, G_MARKUP_ERROR_INVALID_CONTENT, " given when " " was already given", alias, alias); } else g_set_error (error, G_MARKUP_ERROR, G_MARKUP_ERROR_INVALID_CONTENT, " already specified", alias); return; } if (!strinfo_builder_append_alias (state->strinfo, alias, target)) { g_set_error (error, G_MARKUP_ERROR, G_MARKUP_ERROR_INVALID_CONTENT, "alias target '%s' is not in %s", target, state->is_enum ? "enumerated type" : ""); return; } state->has_aliases = TRUE; } static void key_state_end_aliases (KeyState *state, GError **error) { if (!state->has_aliases) { g_set_error (error, G_MARKUP_ERROR, G_MARKUP_ERROR_INVALID_CONTENT, " must contain at least one "); return; } } static gboolean key_state_check (KeyState *state, GError **error) { if (state->checked) return TRUE; return state->checked = TRUE; } static GVariant * key_state_serialise (KeyState *state) { if (state->serialised == NULL) { if (state->child_schema) { state->serialised = g_variant_new_string (state->child_schema); } else { GVariantBuilder builder; g_assert (key_state_check (state, NULL)); g_variant_builder_init (&builder, G_VARIANT_TYPE_TUPLE); /* default value */ g_variant_builder_add_value (&builder, state->default_value); /* translation */ if (state->l10n) { if (state->l10n_context) { gint len; /* Contextified messages are supported by prepending * the context, followed by '\004' to the start of the * message string. We do that here to save GSettings * the work later on. */ len = strlen (state->l10n_context); state->l10n_context[len] = '\004'; g_string_prepend_len (state->unparsed_default_value, state->l10n_context, len + 1); g_free (state->l10n_context); state->l10n_context = NULL; } g_variant_builder_add (&builder, "(y(y&s))", 'l', state->l10n, state->unparsed_default_value->str); g_string_free (state->unparsed_default_value, TRUE); state->unparsed_default_value = NULL; } /* choice, aliases, enums */ if (state->strinfo->len) { GVariant *array; guint32 *words; gpointer data; gsize size; gint i; data = state->strinfo->str; size = state->strinfo->len; words = data; for (i = 0; i < size / sizeof (guint32); i++) words[i] = GUINT32_TO_LE (words[i]); array = g_variant_new_from_data (G_VARIANT_TYPE ("au"), data, size, TRUE, g_free, data); g_string_free (state->strinfo, FALSE); state->strinfo = NULL; g_variant_builder_add (&builder, "(y@au)", state->is_flags ? 'f' : state->is_enum ? 'e' : 'c', array); } /* range */ if (state->minimum || state->maximum) g_variant_builder_add (&builder, "(y(**))", 'r', state->minimum, state->maximum); state->serialised = g_variant_builder_end (&builder); } g_variant_ref_sink (state->serialised); } return g_variant_ref (state->serialised); } static void key_state_free (gpointer data) { KeyState *state = data; if (state->type) g_variant_type_free (state->type); g_free (state->l10n_context); if (state->unparsed_default_value) g_string_free (state->unparsed_default_value, TRUE); if (state->default_value) g_variant_unref (state->default_value); if (state->strinfo) g_string_free (state->strinfo, TRUE); if (state->minimum) g_variant_unref (state->minimum); if (state->maximum) g_variant_unref (state->maximum); if (state->serialised) g_variant_unref (state->serialised); g_slice_free (KeyState, state); } /* Key name validity {{{1 */ static gboolean allow_any_name = FALSE; static gboolean is_valid_keyname (const gchar *key, GError **error) { gint i; if (key[0] == '\0') { g_set_error_literal (error, G_MARKUP_ERROR, G_MARKUP_ERROR_INVALID_CONTENT, _("empty names are not permitted")); return FALSE; } if (allow_any_name) return TRUE; if (!g_ascii_islower (key[0])) { g_set_error (error, G_MARKUP_ERROR, G_MARKUP_ERROR_INVALID_CONTENT, _("invalid name '%s': names must begin " "with a lowercase letter"), key); return FALSE; } for (i = 1; key[i]; i++) { if (key[i] != '-' && !g_ascii_islower (key[i]) && !g_ascii_isdigit (key[i])) { g_set_error (error, G_MARKUP_ERROR, G_MARKUP_ERROR_INVALID_CONTENT, _("invalid name '%s': invalid character '%c'; " "only lowercase letters, numbers and dash ('-') " "are permitted."), key, key[i]); return FALSE; } if (key[i] == '-' && key[i + 1] == '-') { g_set_error (error, G_MARKUP_ERROR, G_MARKUP_ERROR_INVALID_CONTENT, _("invalid name '%s': two successive dashes ('--') " "are not permitted."), key); return FALSE; } } if (key[i - 1] == '-') { g_set_error (error, G_MARKUP_ERROR, G_MARKUP_ERROR_INVALID_CONTENT, _("invalid name '%s': the last character may not be a " "dash ('-')."), key); return FALSE; } if (i > 1024) { g_set_error (error, G_MARKUP_ERROR, G_MARKUP_ERROR_INVALID_CONTENT, _("invalid name '%s': maximum length is 1024"), key); return FALSE; } return TRUE; } /* Handling of {{{1 */ typedef struct _SchemaState SchemaState; struct _SchemaState { SchemaState *extends; gchar *path; gchar *gettext_domain; gchar *extends_name; gchar *list_of; GHashTable *keys; }; static SchemaState * schema_state_new (const gchar *path, const gchar *gettext_domain, SchemaState *extends, const gchar *extends_name, const gchar *list_of) { SchemaState *state; state = g_slice_new (SchemaState); state->path = g_strdup (path); state->gettext_domain = g_strdup (gettext_domain); state->extends = extends; state->extends_name = g_strdup (extends_name); state->list_of = g_strdup (list_of); state->keys = g_hash_table_new_full (g_str_hash, g_str_equal, g_free, key_state_free); return state; } static void schema_state_free (gpointer data) { SchemaState *state = data; g_free (state->path); g_free (state->gettext_domain); g_hash_table_unref (state->keys); } static void schema_state_add_child (SchemaState *state, const gchar *name, const gchar *schema, GError **error) { gchar *childname; if (!is_valid_keyname (name, error)) return; childname = g_strconcat (name, "/", NULL); if (g_hash_table_lookup (state->keys, childname)) { g_set_error (error, G_MARKUP_ERROR, G_MARKUP_ERROR_INVALID_CONTENT, _(" already specified"), name); return; } g_hash_table_insert (state->keys, childname, key_state_new_child (schema)); } static KeyState * schema_state_add_key (SchemaState *state, GHashTable *enum_table, GHashTable *flags_table, const gchar *name, const gchar *type_string, const gchar *enum_type, const gchar *flags_type, GError **error) { SchemaState *node; GString *strinfo; KeyState *key; if (state->list_of) { g_set_error_literal (error, G_MARKUP_ERROR, G_MARKUP_ERROR_INVALID_CONTENT, _("cannot add keys to a 'list-of' schema")); return NULL; } if (!is_valid_keyname (name, error)) return NULL; if (g_hash_table_lookup (state->keys, name)) { g_set_error (error, G_MARKUP_ERROR, G_MARKUP_ERROR_INVALID_CONTENT, _(" already specified"), name); return NULL; } for (node = state; node; node = node->extends) if (node->extends) { KeyState *shadow; shadow = g_hash_table_lookup (node->extends->keys, name); /* in case of make sure we report the * location of the original , not the . */ if (shadow && !shadow->is_override) { g_set_error (error, G_MARKUP_ERROR, G_MARKUP_ERROR_INVALID_CONTENT, _(" shadows in " "; use to modify value"), name, name, node->extends_name); return NULL; } } if ((type_string != NULL) + (enum_type != NULL) + (flags_type != NULL) != 1) { g_set_error (error, G_MARKUP_ERROR, G_MARKUP_ERROR_MISSING_ATTRIBUTE, _("exactly one of 'type', 'enum' or 'flags' must " "be specified as an attribute to ")); return NULL; } if (type_string == NULL) /* flags or enums was specified */ { EnumState *enum_state; if (enum_type) enum_state = g_hash_table_lookup (enum_table, enum_type); else enum_state = g_hash_table_lookup (flags_table, flags_type); if (enum_state == NULL) { g_set_error (error, G_MARKUP_ERROR, G_MARKUP_ERROR_INVALID_CONTENT, _("<%s id='%s'> not (yet) defined."), flags_type ? "flags" : "enum", flags_type ? flags_type : enum_type); return NULL; } type_string = flags_type ? "as" : "s"; strinfo = enum_state->strinfo; } else { if (!g_variant_type_string_is_valid (type_string)) { g_set_error (error, G_MARKUP_ERROR, G_MARKUP_ERROR_INVALID_CONTENT, _("invalid GVariant type string '%s'"), type_string); return NULL; } strinfo = NULL; } key = key_state_new (type_string, state->gettext_domain, enum_type != NULL, flags_type != NULL, strinfo); g_hash_table_insert (state->keys, g_strdup (name), key); return key; } static void schema_state_add_override (SchemaState *state, KeyState **key_state, GString **string, const gchar *key, const gchar *l10n, const gchar *context, GError **error) { SchemaState *parent; KeyState *original; if (state->extends == NULL) { g_set_error_literal (error, G_MARKUP_ERROR, G_MARKUP_ERROR_INVALID_CONTENT, _(" given but schema isn't " "extending anything")); return; } for (parent = state->extends; parent; parent = parent->extends) if ((original = g_hash_table_lookup (parent->keys, key))) break; if (original == NULL) { g_set_error (error, G_MARKUP_ERROR, G_MARKUP_ERROR_INVALID_CONTENT, _("no to override"), key); return; } if (g_hash_table_lookup (state->keys, key)) { g_set_error (error, G_MARKUP_ERROR, G_MARKUP_ERROR_INVALID_CONTENT, _(" already specified"), key); return; } *key_state = key_state_override (original, state->gettext_domain); *string = key_state_start_default (*key_state, l10n, context, error); g_hash_table_insert (state->keys, g_strdup (key), *key_state); } static void override_state_end (KeyState **key_state, GString **string, GError **error) { key_state_end_default (*key_state, string, error); *key_state = NULL; } /* Handling of toplevel state {{{1 */ typedef struct { GHashTable *schema_table; /* string -> SchemaState */ GHashTable *flags_table; /* string -> EnumState */ GHashTable *enum_table; /* string -> EnumState */ GSList *this_file_schemas; /* strings: s in this file */ GSList *this_file_flagss; /* strings: s in this file */ GSList *this_file_enums; /* strings: s in this file */ gchar *schemalist_domain; /* the gettext domain */ SchemaState *schema_state; /* non-NULL when inside */ KeyState *key_state; /* non-NULL when inside */ EnumState *enum_state; /* non-NULL when inside */ GString *string; /* non-NULL when accepting text */ } ParseState; static gboolean is_subclass (const gchar *class_name, const gchar *possible_parent, GHashTable *schema_table) { SchemaState *class; if (strcmp (class_name, possible_parent) == 0) return TRUE; class = g_hash_table_lookup (schema_table, class_name); g_assert (class != NULL); return class->extends_name && is_subclass (class->extends_name, possible_parent, schema_table); } static void parse_state_start_schema (ParseState *state, const gchar *id, const gchar *path, const gchar *gettext_domain, const gchar *extends_name, const gchar *list_of, GError **error) { SchemaState *extends; gchar *my_id; if (g_hash_table_lookup (state->schema_table, id)) { g_set_error (error, G_MARKUP_ERROR, G_MARKUP_ERROR_INVALID_CONTENT, _(" already specified"), id); return; } if (extends_name) { extends = g_hash_table_lookup (state->schema_table, extends_name); if (extends == NULL) { g_set_error (error, G_MARKUP_ERROR, G_MARKUP_ERROR_INVALID_CONTENT, _(" extends not yet " "existing schema '%s'"), id, extends_name); return; } } else extends = NULL; if (list_of) { SchemaState *tmp; if (!(tmp = g_hash_table_lookup (state->schema_table, list_of))) { g_set_error (error, G_MARKUP_ERROR, G_MARKUP_ERROR_INVALID_CONTENT, _(" is list of not yet " "existing schema '%s'"), id, list_of); return; } if (tmp->path) { g_set_error (error, G_MARKUP_ERROR, G_MARKUP_ERROR_INVALID_CONTENT, _("Can not be a list of a schema with a path")); return; } } if (extends) { if (extends->path) { g_set_error (error, G_MARKUP_ERROR, G_MARKUP_ERROR_INVALID_CONTENT, _("Can not extend a schema with a path")); return; } if (list_of) { if (extends->list_of == NULL) { g_set_error (error, G_MARKUP_ERROR, G_MARKUP_ERROR_INVALID_CONTENT, _(" is a list, extending " " which is not a list"), id, extends_name); return; } if (!is_subclass (list_of, extends->list_of, state->schema_table)) { g_set_error (error, G_MARKUP_ERROR, G_MARKUP_ERROR_INVALID_CONTENT, _(" extends but '%s' does not " "extend '%s'"), id, list_of, extends_name, extends->list_of, list_of, extends->list_of); return; } } else /* by default we are a list of the same thing that the schema * we are extending is a list of (which might be nothing) */ list_of = extends->list_of; } if (path && !(g_str_has_prefix (path, "/") && g_str_has_suffix (path, "/"))) { g_set_error (error, G_MARKUP_ERROR, G_MARKUP_ERROR_INVALID_CONTENT, _("a path, if given, must begin and end with a slash")); return; } if (path && list_of && !g_str_has_suffix (path, ":/")) { g_set_error (error, G_MARKUP_ERROR, G_MARKUP_ERROR_INVALID_CONTENT, _("the path of a list must end with ':/'")); return; } state->schema_state = schema_state_new (path, gettext_domain, extends, extends_name, list_of); my_id = g_strdup (id); state->this_file_schemas = g_slist_prepend (state->this_file_schemas, my_id); g_hash_table_insert (state->schema_table, my_id, state->schema_state); } static void parse_state_start_enum (ParseState *state, const gchar *id, gboolean is_flags, GError **error) { GSList **list = is_flags ? &state->this_file_flagss : &state->this_file_enums; GHashTable *table = is_flags ? state->flags_table : state->enum_table; gchar *my_id; if (g_hash_table_lookup (table, id)) { g_set_error (error, G_MARKUP_ERROR, G_MARKUP_ERROR_INVALID_CONTENT, _("<%s id='%s'> already specified"), is_flags ? "flags" : "enum", id); return; } state->enum_state = enum_state_new (is_flags); my_id = g_strdup (id); *list = g_slist_prepend (*list, my_id); g_hash_table_insert (table, my_id, state->enum_state); } /* GMarkup Parser Functions {{{1 */ /* Start element {{{2 */ static void start_element (GMarkupParseContext *context, const gchar *element_name, const gchar **attribute_names, const gchar **attribute_values, gpointer user_data, GError **error) { ParseState *state = user_data; const GSList *element_stack; const gchar *container; element_stack = g_markup_parse_context_get_element_stack (context); container = element_stack->next ? element_stack->next->data : NULL; #define COLLECT(first, ...) \ g_markup_collect_attributes (element_name, \ attribute_names, attribute_values, error, \ first, __VA_ARGS__, G_MARKUP_COLLECT_INVALID) #define OPTIONAL G_MARKUP_COLLECT_OPTIONAL #define STRDUP G_MARKUP_COLLECT_STRDUP #define STRING G_MARKUP_COLLECT_STRING #define NO_ATTRS() COLLECT (G_MARKUP_COLLECT_INVALID, NULL) /* Toplevel items {{{3 */ if (container == NULL) { if (strcmp (element_name, "schemalist") == 0) { COLLECT (OPTIONAL | STRDUP, "gettext-domain", &state->schemalist_domain); return; } } /* children of {{{3 */ else if (strcmp (container, "schemalist") == 0) { if (strcmp (element_name, "schema") == 0) { const gchar *id, *path, *gettext_domain, *extends, *list_of; if (COLLECT (STRING, "id", &id, OPTIONAL | STRING, "path", &path, OPTIONAL | STRING, "gettext-domain", &gettext_domain, OPTIONAL | STRING, "extends", &extends, OPTIONAL | STRING, "list-of", &list_of)) parse_state_start_schema (state, id, path, gettext_domain ? gettext_domain : state->schemalist_domain, extends, list_of, error); return; } else if (strcmp (element_name, "enum") == 0) { const gchar *id; if (COLLECT (STRING, "id", &id)) parse_state_start_enum (state, id, FALSE, error); return; } else if (strcmp (element_name, "flags") == 0) { const gchar *id; if (COLLECT (STRING, "id", &id)) parse_state_start_enum (state, id, TRUE, error); return; } } /* children of {{{3 */ else if (strcmp (container, "schema") == 0) { if (strcmp (element_name, "key") == 0) { const gchar *name, *type_string, *enum_type, *flags_type; if (COLLECT (STRING, "name", &name, OPTIONAL | STRING, "type", &type_string, OPTIONAL | STRING, "enum", &enum_type, OPTIONAL | STRING, "flags", &flags_type)) state->key_state = schema_state_add_key (state->schema_state, state->enum_table, state->flags_table, name, type_string, enum_type, flags_type, error); return; } else if (strcmp (element_name, "child") == 0) { const gchar *name, *schema; if (COLLECT (STRING, "name", &name, STRING, "schema", &schema)) schema_state_add_child (state->schema_state, name, schema, error); return; } else if (strcmp (element_name, "override") == 0) { const gchar *name, *l10n, *context; if (COLLECT (STRING, "name", &name, OPTIONAL | STRING, "l10n", &l10n, OPTIONAL | STRING, "context", &context)) schema_state_add_override (state->schema_state, &state->key_state, &state->string, name, l10n, context, error); return; } } /* children of {{{3 */ else if (strcmp (container, "key") == 0) { if (strcmp (element_name, "default") == 0) { const gchar *l10n, *context; if (COLLECT (STRING | OPTIONAL, "l10n", &l10n, STRING | OPTIONAL, "context", &context)) state->string = key_state_start_default (state->key_state, l10n, context, error); return; } else if (strcmp (element_name, "summary") == 0 || strcmp (element_name, "description") == 0) { if (NO_ATTRS ()) state->string = g_string_new (NULL); return; } else if (strcmp (element_name, "range") == 0) { const gchar *min, *max; if (COLLECT (STRING | OPTIONAL, "min", &min, STRING | OPTIONAL, "max", &max)) key_state_set_range (state->key_state, min, max, error); return; } else if (strcmp (element_name, "choices") == 0) { if (NO_ATTRS ()) key_state_start_choices (state->key_state, error); return; } else if (strcmp (element_name, "aliases") == 0) { if (NO_ATTRS ()) key_state_start_aliases (state->key_state, error); return; } } /* children of {{{3 */ else if (strcmp (container, "choices") == 0) { if (strcmp (element_name, "choice") == 0) { const gchar *value; if (COLLECT (STRING, "value", &value)) key_state_add_choice (state->key_state, value, error); return; } } /* children of {{{3 */ else if (strcmp (container, "aliases") == 0) { if (strcmp (element_name, "alias") == 0) { const gchar *value, *target; if (COLLECT (STRING, "value", &value, STRING, "target", &target)) key_state_add_alias (state->key_state, value, target, error); return; } } /* children of {{{3 */ else if (strcmp (container, "enum") == 0 || strcmp (container, "flags") == 0) { if (strcmp (element_name, "value") == 0) { const gchar *nick, *valuestr; if (COLLECT (STRING, "nick", &nick, STRING, "value", &valuestr)) enum_state_add_value (state->enum_state, nick, valuestr, error); return; } } /* 3}}} */ if (container) g_set_error (error, G_MARKUP_ERROR, G_MARKUP_ERROR_UNKNOWN_ELEMENT, _("Element <%s> not allowed inside <%s>"), element_name, container); else g_set_error (error, G_MARKUP_ERROR, G_MARKUP_ERROR_UNKNOWN_ELEMENT, _("Element <%s> not allowed at toplevel"), element_name); } /* 2}}} */ /* End element {{{2 */ static void key_state_end (KeyState **state_ptr, GError **error) { KeyState *state; state = *state_ptr; *state_ptr = NULL; if (state->default_value == NULL) { g_set_error_literal (error, G_MARKUP_ERROR, G_MARKUP_ERROR_INVALID_CONTENT, "element is required in "); return; } } static void schema_state_end (SchemaState **state_ptr, GError **error) { *state_ptr = NULL; } static void end_element (GMarkupParseContext *context, const gchar *element_name, gpointer user_data, GError **error) { ParseState *state = user_data; if (strcmp (element_name, "schemalist") == 0) { g_free (state->schemalist_domain); state->schemalist_domain = NULL; } else if (strcmp (element_name, "enum") == 0 || strcmp (element_name, "flags") == 0) enum_state_end (&state->enum_state, error); else if (strcmp (element_name, "schema") == 0) schema_state_end (&state->schema_state, error); else if (strcmp (element_name, "override") == 0) override_state_end (&state->key_state, &state->string, error); else if (strcmp (element_name, "key") == 0) key_state_end (&state->key_state, error); else if (strcmp (element_name, "default") == 0) key_state_end_default (state->key_state, &state->string, error); else if (strcmp (element_name, "choices") == 0) key_state_end_choices (state->key_state, error); else if (strcmp (element_name, "aliases") == 0) key_state_end_aliases (state->key_state, error); if (state->string) { g_string_free (state->string, TRUE); state->string = NULL; } } /* Text {{{2 */ static void text (GMarkupParseContext *context, const gchar *text, gsize text_len, gpointer user_data, GError **error) { ParseState *state = user_data; gsize i; for (i = 0; i < text_len; i++) if (!g_ascii_isspace (text[i])) { if (state->string) g_string_append_len (state->string, text, text_len); else g_set_error (error, G_MARKUP_ERROR, G_MARKUP_ERROR_INVALID_CONTENT, _("text may not appear inside <%s>"), g_markup_parse_context_get_element (context)); break; } } /* Write to GVDB {{{1 */ typedef struct { GHashTable *table; GvdbItem *root; } GvdbPair; static void gvdb_pair_init (GvdbPair *pair) { pair->table = gvdb_hash_table_new (NULL, NULL); pair->root = gvdb_hash_table_insert (pair->table, ""); } typedef struct { GHashTable *schema_table; GvdbPair root_pair; } WriteToFileData; typedef struct { GHashTable *schema_table; GvdbPair pair; gboolean l10n; } OutputSchemaData; static void output_key (gpointer key, gpointer value, gpointer user_data) { OutputSchemaData *data; const gchar *name; KeyState *state; GvdbItem *item; name = key; state = value; data = user_data; item = gvdb_hash_table_insert (data->pair.table, name); gvdb_item_set_parent (item, data->pair.root); gvdb_item_set_value (item, key_state_serialise (state)); if (state->l10n) data->l10n = TRUE; if (state->child_schema && !g_hash_table_lookup (data->schema_table, state->child_schema)) g_printerr ("warning: undefined reference to \n", state->child_schema); } static void output_schema (gpointer key, gpointer value, gpointer user_data) { WriteToFileData *wtf_data = user_data; OutputSchemaData data; GvdbPair *root_pair; SchemaState *state; const gchar *id; GvdbItem *item; id = key; state = value; root_pair = &wtf_data->root_pair; data.schema_table = wtf_data->schema_table; gvdb_pair_init (&data.pair); data.l10n = FALSE; item = gvdb_hash_table_insert (root_pair->table, id); gvdb_item_set_parent (item, root_pair->root); gvdb_item_set_hash_table (item, data.pair.table); g_hash_table_foreach (state->keys, output_key, &data); if (state->path) gvdb_hash_table_insert_string (data.pair.table, ".path", state->path); if (state->extends_name) gvdb_hash_table_insert_string (data.pair.table, ".extends", state->extends_name); if (state->list_of) gvdb_hash_table_insert_string (data.pair.table, ".list-of", state->extends_name); if (data.l10n) gvdb_hash_table_insert_string (data.pair.table, ".gettext-domain", state->gettext_domain); } static gboolean write_to_file (GHashTable *schema_table, const gchar *filename, GError **error) { WriteToFileData data; gboolean success; data.schema_table = schema_table; gvdb_pair_init (&data.root_pair); g_hash_table_foreach (schema_table, output_schema, &data); success = gvdb_table_write_contents (data.root_pair.table, filename, G_BYTE_ORDER != G_LITTLE_ENDIAN, error); g_hash_table_unref (data.root_pair.table); return success; } /* Parser driver {{{1 */ static GHashTable * parse_gschema_files (gchar **files, gboolean strict) { GMarkupParser parser = { start_element, end_element, text }; ParseState state = { 0, }; const gchar *filename; GError *error = NULL; state.enum_table = g_hash_table_new_full (g_str_hash, g_str_equal, g_free, enum_state_free); state.flags_table = g_hash_table_new_full (g_str_hash, g_str_equal, g_free, enum_state_free); state.schema_table = g_hash_table_new_full (g_str_hash, g_str_equal, g_free, schema_state_free); while ((filename = *files++) != NULL) { GMarkupParseContext *context; gchar *contents; gsize size; if (!g_file_get_contents (filename, &contents, &size, &error)) { fprintf (stderr, "%s\n", error->message); g_clear_error (&error); continue; } context = g_markup_parse_context_new (&parser, G_MARKUP_PREFIX_ERROR_POSITION, &state, NULL); if (!g_markup_parse_context_parse (context, contents, size, &error) || !g_markup_parse_context_end_parse (context, &error)) { GSList *item; /* back out any changes from this file */ for (item = state.this_file_schemas; item; item = item->next) g_hash_table_remove (state.schema_table, item->data); for (item = state.this_file_flagss; item; item = item->next) g_hash_table_remove (state.flags_table, item->data); for (item = state.this_file_enums; item; item = item->next) g_hash_table_remove (state.enum_table, item->data); /* let them know */ fprintf (stderr, "%s: %s. ", filename, error->message); g_clear_error (&error); if (strict) { /* Translators: Do not translate "--strict". */ fprintf (stderr, _("--strict was specified; exiting.\n")); g_hash_table_unref (state.schema_table); g_hash_table_unref (state.flags_table); g_hash_table_unref (state.enum_table); return NULL; } else fprintf (stderr, _("This entire file has been ignored.\n")); } /* cleanup */ g_markup_parse_context_free (context); g_slist_free (state.this_file_schemas); g_slist_free (state.this_file_flagss); g_slist_free (state.this_file_enums); state.this_file_schemas = NULL; state.this_file_flagss = NULL; state.this_file_enums = NULL; } g_hash_table_unref (state.flags_table); g_hash_table_unref (state.enum_table); return state.schema_table; } static gint compare_strings (gconstpointer a, gconstpointer b) { gchar *one = *(gchar **) a; gchar *two = *(gchar **) b; gint cmp; cmp = g_str_has_suffix (two, ".enums.xml") - g_str_has_suffix (one, ".enums.xml"); if (!cmp) cmp = strcmp (one, two); return cmp; } static gboolean set_overrides (GHashTable *schema_table, gchar **files, gboolean strict) { const gchar *filename; GError *error = NULL; while ((filename = *files++)) { GKeyFile *key_file; gchar **groups; gint i; key_file = g_key_file_new (); if (!g_key_file_load_from_file (key_file, filename, 0, &error)) { fprintf (stderr, "%s: %s. ", filename, error->message); g_key_file_free (key_file); g_clear_error (&error); if (!strict) { fprintf (stderr, _("Ignoring this file.\n")); continue; } fprintf (stderr, _("--strict was specified; exiting.\n")); return FALSE; } groups = g_key_file_get_groups (key_file, NULL); for (i = 0; groups[i]; i++) { const gchar *group = groups[i]; SchemaState *schema; gchar **keys; gint j; schema = g_hash_table_lookup (schema_table, group); if (schema == NULL) /* Having the schema not be installed is expected to be a * common case. Don't even emit an error message about * that. */ continue; keys = g_key_file_get_keys (key_file, group, NULL, NULL); g_assert (keys != NULL); for (j = 0; keys[j]; j++) { const gchar *key = keys[j]; KeyState *state; GVariant *value; gchar *string; state = g_hash_table_lookup (schema->keys, key); if (state == NULL) { fprintf (stderr, _("No such key `%s' in schema `%s' as " "specified in override file `%s'"), key, group, filename); if (!strict) { fprintf (stderr, _("; ignoring override for this key.\n")); continue; } fprintf (stderr, _(" and --strict was specified; exiting.\n")); g_key_file_free (key_file); g_strfreev (groups); g_strfreev (keys); return FALSE; } string = g_key_file_get_value (key_file, group, key, NULL); g_assert (string != NULL); value = g_variant_parse (state->type, string, NULL, NULL, &error); if (value == NULL) { fprintf (stderr, _("error parsing key `%s' in schema `%s' " "as specified in override file `%s': " "%s. "), key, group, filename, error->message); g_clear_error (&error); g_free (string); if (!strict) { fprintf (stderr, _("Ignoring override for this key.\n")); continue; } fprintf (stderr, _("--strict was specified; exiting.\n")); g_key_file_free (key_file); g_strfreev (groups); g_strfreev (keys); return FALSE; } if (state->minimum) { if (g_variant_compare (value, state->minimum) < 0 || g_variant_compare (value, state->maximum) > 0) { fprintf (stderr, _("override for key `%s' in schema `%s' in " "override file `%s' is out of the range " "given in the schema"), key, group, filename); g_variant_unref (value); g_free (string); if (!strict) { fprintf (stderr, _("; ignoring override for this key.\n")); continue; } fprintf (stderr, _(" and --strict was specified; exiting.\n")); g_key_file_free (key_file); g_strfreev (groups); g_strfreev (keys); return FALSE; } } else if (state->strinfo->len) { if (!is_valid_choices (value, state->strinfo)) { fprintf (stderr, _("override for key `%s' in schema `%s' in " "override file `%s' is not in the list " "of valid choices"), key, group, filename); g_variant_unref (value); g_free (string); if (!strict) { fprintf (stderr, _("; ignoring override for this key.\n")); continue; } fprintf (stderr, _(" and --strict was specified; exiting.\n")); g_key_file_free (key_file); g_strfreev (groups); g_strfreev (keys); return FALSE; } } g_variant_unref (state->default_value); state->default_value = value; g_free (string); } g_strfreev (keys); } g_strfreev (groups); } return TRUE; } int main (int argc, char **argv) { GError *error; GHashTable *table; GDir *dir; const gchar *file; gchar *srcdir; gchar *targetdir = NULL; gchar *target; gboolean uninstall = FALSE; gboolean dry_run = FALSE; gboolean strict = FALSE; gchar **schema_files = NULL; gchar **override_files = NULL; GOptionContext *context; GOptionEntry entries[] = { { "targetdir", 0, 0, G_OPTION_ARG_FILENAME, &targetdir, N_("where to store the gschemas.compiled file"), N_("DIRECTORY") }, { "strict", 0, 0, G_OPTION_ARG_NONE, &strict, N_("Abort on any errors in schemas"), NULL }, { "dry-run", 0, 0, G_OPTION_ARG_NONE, &dry_run, N_("Do not write the gschema.compiled file"), NULL }, { "uninstall", 0, 0, G_OPTION_ARG_NONE, &uninstall, N_("This option will be removed soon.") }, { "allow-any-name", 0, 0, G_OPTION_ARG_NONE, &allow_any_name, N_("Do not enforce key name restrictions") }, /* These options are only for use in the gschema-compile tests */ { "schema-file", 0, G_OPTION_FLAG_HIDDEN, G_OPTION_ARG_FILENAME_ARRAY, &schema_files, NULL, NULL }, { NULL } }; #ifdef G_OS_WIN32 extern gchar *_glib_get_locale_dir (void); gchar *tmp; #endif setlocale (LC_ALL, ""); textdomain (GETTEXT_PACKAGE); #ifdef G_OS_WIN32 tmp = _glib_get_locale_dir (); bindtextdomain (GETTEXT_PACKAGE, tmp); g_free (tmp); #else bindtextdomain (GETTEXT_PACKAGE, GLIB_LOCALE_DIR); #endif #ifdef HAVE_BIND_TEXTDOMAIN_CODESET bind_textdomain_codeset (GETTEXT_PACKAGE, "UTF-8"); #endif context = g_option_context_new (N_("DIRECTORY")); g_option_context_set_translation_domain (context, GETTEXT_PACKAGE); g_option_context_set_summary (context, N_("Compile all GSettings schema files into a schema cache.\n" "Schema files are required to have the extension .gschema.xml,\n" "and the cache file is called gschemas.compiled.")); g_option_context_add_main_entries (context, entries, GETTEXT_PACKAGE); error = NULL; if (!g_option_context_parse (context, &argc, &argv, &error)) { fprintf (stderr, "%s\n", error->message); return 1; } g_option_context_free (context); if (!schema_files && argc != 2) { fprintf (stderr, _("You should give exactly one directory name\n")); return 1; } srcdir = argv[1]; if (targetdir == NULL) targetdir = srcdir; target = g_build_filename (targetdir, "gschemas.compiled", NULL); if (!schema_files) { GPtrArray *overrides; GPtrArray *files; files = g_ptr_array_new (); overrides = g_ptr_array_new (); dir = g_dir_open (srcdir, 0, &error); if (dir == NULL) { fprintf (stderr, "%s\n", error->message); return 1; } while ((file = g_dir_read_name (dir)) != NULL) { if (g_str_has_suffix (file, ".gschema.xml") || g_str_has_suffix (file, ".enums.xml")) g_ptr_array_add (files, g_build_filename (srcdir, file, NULL)); else if (g_str_has_suffix (file, ".gschema.override")) g_ptr_array_add (overrides, g_build_filename (srcdir, file, NULL)); } if (files->len == 0) { fprintf (stdout, _("No schema files found: ")); if (g_unlink (target)) fprintf (stdout, _("doing nothing.\n")); else fprintf (stdout, _("removed existing output file.\n")); return 0; } g_ptr_array_sort (files, compare_strings); g_ptr_array_add (files, NULL); g_ptr_array_sort (overrides, compare_strings); g_ptr_array_add (overrides, NULL); schema_files = (char **) g_ptr_array_free (files, FALSE); override_files = (gchar **) g_ptr_array_free (overrides, FALSE); } if ((table = parse_gschema_files (schema_files, strict)) == NULL) { g_free (target); return 1; } if (override_files != NULL && !set_overrides (table, override_files, strict)) { g_free (target); return 1; } if (!dry_run && !write_to_file (table, target, &error)) { fprintf (stderr, "%s\n", error->message); g_free (target); return 1; } g_free (target); return 0; } /* Epilogue {{{1 */ /* vim:set foldmethod=marker: */