Value arrays A #GValueArray is a container structure to maintain an array of #GValue elements. The prime purpose of a #GValueArray is for it to be used as an object property that holds an array of values. A #GValueArray wraps an array of #GValue elements in order for it to be used as a boxed type through %G_TYPE_VALUE_ARRAY. #GValue, #GParamSpecValueArray, g_param_spec_value_array() @n_values: number of values contained in the array @values: array of values Return a pointer to the value at @index_ containd in @value_array. @value_array: #GValueArray to get a value from @index_: index of the value of interest @Returns: pointer to a value at @index_ in @value_array Allocate and initialize a new #GValueArray, optionally preserve space for @n_prealloced elements. New arrays always contain 0 elements, regardless of the value of @n_prealloced. @n_prealloced: number of values to preallocate space for @Returns: a newly allocated #GValueArray with 0 values Construct an exact copy of a #GValueArray by duplicating all its contents. @value_array: #GValueArray to copy @Returns: Newly allocated copy of #GValueArray Free a #GValueArray including its contents. @value_array: Insert a copy of @value as last element of @value_array. @value_array: #GValueArray to add an element to @value: #GValue to copy into #GValueArray @Returns: the #GValueArray passed in as @value_array Insert a copy of @value as first element of @value_array. @value_array: #GValueArray to add an element to @value: #GValue to copy into #GValueArray @Returns: the #GValueArray passed in as @value_array Insert a copy of @value at specified position into @value_array. @value_array: #GValueArray to add an element to @index_: insertion position, must be <= value_array->n_values @value: #GValue to copy into #GValueArray @Returns: the #GValueArray passed in as @value_array Remove the value at position @index_ from @value_array. @value_array: #GValueArray to remove an element from @index_: position of value to remove, must be < value_array->n_values @Returns: the #GValueArray passed in as @value_array Sort @value_array using @compare_func to compare the elements accoring to the semantics of #GCompareFunc. The current implementation uses Quick-Sort as sorting algorithm. @value_array: #GValueArray to sort @compare_func: function to compare elements @Returns: the #GValueArray passed in as @value_array Sort @value_array using @compare_func to compare the elements accoring to the semantics of #GCompareDataFunc. The current implementation uses Quick-Sort as sorting algorithm. @value_array: #GValueArray to sort @compare_func: function to compare elements @user_data: extra data argument provided for @compare_func @Returns: the #GValueArray passed in as @value_array