Parameter Specifications #GParamSpec is an object structure that encapsulates the meta data required to specify parameters, such as e.g. #GObject properties. g_object_class_install_property(), g_object_set(), g_object_get(), g_object_set_property(), g_object_get_property() Retrive the #GType of this @pspec. @pspec: a valid #GParamSpec @type: Cast a derived #GParamSpec object (e.g. of type #GParamSpecInt) into a #GParamSpec object. @pspec: a valid #GParamSpec @pspec: a valid #GParamSpec @pspec: a valid #GParamSpec Retrive the #GType name of this @pspec. @pspec: a valid #GParamSpec Retrive the #GType to intiialize a #GValue for this parameter. @pspec: a valid #GParamSpec @g_type_instance: private #GTypeInstance portion @name: name of this parameter @flags: #GParamFlags flags for this parameter @value_type: the #GValue type for this parameter @owner_type: #GType type that uses (introduces) this paremeter Through the #GParamFlags flag values, certain aspects of parameters can be configured. @G_PARAM_READABLE: the parameter is readable @G_PARAM_WRITABLE: the parameter is writable @G_PARAM_CONSTRUCT: the parameter will be set upon object construction @G_PARAM_CONSTRUCT_ONLY: the parameter will only be set upon object construction @G_PARAM_LAX_VALIDATION: upon parameter conversion (see g_param_value_convert()) strict validation is not required @G_PARAM_PRIVATE: #GParamFlags value alias for %G_PARAM_READABLE | %G_PARAM_WRITABLE. Mask containing the bits of #GParamSpec.flags which are reserved for GLib. Minimum shift count to be used for user defined flags, to be stored in #GParamSpec.flags. Increment the reference count of @pspec. @pspec: a valid #GParamSpec @Returns: the #GParamSpec that was passed into this function Decrement the reference count of a @pspec. @pspec: a valid #GParamSpec The initial reference count of a newly created #GParamSpec is 1, eventhough no one has explicitely called g_param_spec_ref() on it yet. So the einital reference count is flagged as "floating", untill someone calls: g_param_spec_ref (@pspec); g_param_spec_sink (@pspec); in sequence on it, taking over the initial reference count (thus ending up with a @pspec that has a reference count of 1 still, but is not flagged "floating" anymore). @pspec: a valid #GParamSpec @pspec: @value: @pspec: @value: @Returns: @pspec: @value: @Returns: @dest_value_spec: @src_value: @dest_value: @strict_validation: @Returns: @pspec: @value1: @value2: @Returns: @pspec: @quark: @Returns: @pspec: @quark: @data: @pspec: @quark: @data: @destroy: @pspec: @quark: @Returns: @instance_size: @n_preallocs: @instance_init: @value_type: @finalize: @value_set_default: @value_validate: @values_cmp: @name: @pspec_info: @Returns: @type_prefixing: @Returns: @pool: @pspec: @owner_type: @pool: @pspec: @pool: @param_name: @owner_type: @walk_ancestors: @Returns: @trailer_p: @param_type: @name: @nick: @blurb: @flags: @Returns: