#include<stdlib.h> #include<stdio.h> #include <assert.h> #include <string.h> #include <limits.h> #include "select_lookup_tables.h" #include "select.h" //#define DEBUG #include "debug.h" #ifndef STEP_SELECT_TABLE #define STEP_SELECT_TABLE 128 #endif #ifndef NBITS_STEP_SELECT_TABLE #define NBITS_STEP_SELECT_TABLE 7 #endif #ifndef MASK_STEP_SELECT_TABLE #define MASK_STEP_SELECT_TABLE 0x7f // 0x7f = 127 #endif static inline void select_insert_0(cmph_uint32 * buffer) { (*buffer) >>= 1; }; static inline void select_insert_1(cmph_uint32 * buffer) { (*buffer) >>= 1; (*buffer) |= 0x80000000; }; void select_init(select_t * sel) { sel->n = 0; sel->m = 0; sel->bits_vec = 0; sel->select_table = 0; }; cmph_uint32 select_get_space_usage(select_t * sel) { register cmph_uint32 nbits; register cmph_uint32 vec_size; register cmph_uint32 sel_table_size; register cmph_uint32 space_usage; nbits = sel->n + sel->m; vec_size = (nbits + 31) >> 5; sel_table_size = (sel->n >> NBITS_STEP_SELECT_TABLE) + 1; // (sel->n >> NBITS_STEP_SELECT_TABLE) = (sel->n/STEP_SELECT_TABLE) space_usage = 2 * sizeof(cmph_uint32) * 8; // n and m space_usage += vec_size * (cmph_uint32) sizeof(cmph_uint32) * 8; space_usage += sel_table_size * (cmph_uint32)sizeof(cmph_uint32) * 8; return space_usage; } void select_destroy(select_t * sel) { free(sel->bits_vec); free(sel->select_table); sel->bits_vec = 0; sel->select_table = 0; }; static inline void select_generate_sel_table(select_t * sel) { register cmph_uint8 * bits_table = (cmph_uint8 *)sel->bits_vec; register cmph_uint32 part_sum, old_part_sum; register cmph_uint32 vec_idx, one_idx, sel_table_idx; part_sum = vec_idx = one_idx = sel_table_idx = 0; for(;;) { // FABIANO: Should'n it be one_idx >= sel->n if(one_idx >= sel->n) break; do { old_part_sum = part_sum; part_sum += rank_lookup_table[bits_table[vec_idx]]; vec_idx++; } while (part_sum <= one_idx); sel->select_table[sel_table_idx] = select_lookup_table[bits_table[vec_idx - 1]][one_idx - old_part_sum] + ((vec_idx - 1) << 3); // ((vec_idx - 1) << 3) = ((vec_idx - 1) * 8) one_idx += STEP_SELECT_TABLE ; sel_table_idx++; }; }; void select_generate(select_t * sel, cmph_uint32 * keys_vec, cmph_uint32 n, cmph_uint32 m) { register cmph_uint32 i, j, idx; cmph_uint32 buffer = 0; register cmph_uint32 nbits; register cmph_uint32 vec_size; register cmph_uint32 sel_table_size; sel->n = n; sel->m = m; // n values in the range [0,m-1] nbits = sel->n + sel->m; vec_size = (nbits + 31) >> 5; // (nbits + 31) >> 5 = (nbits + 31)/32 sel_table_size = (sel->n >> NBITS_STEP_SELECT_TABLE) + 1; // (sel->n >> NBITS_STEP_SELECT_TABLE) = (sel->n/STEP_SELECT_TABLE) if(sel->bits_vec) { free(sel->bits_vec); } sel->bits_vec = (cmph_uint32 *)calloc(vec_size, sizeof(cmph_uint32)); if(sel->select_table) { free(sel->select_table); } sel->select_table = (cmph_uint32 *)calloc(sel_table_size, sizeof(cmph_uint32)); idx = i = j = 0; for(;;) { while(keys_vec[j]==i) { select_insert_1(&buffer); idx++; if((idx & 0x1f) == 0 ) // (idx & 0x1f) = idx % 32 sel->bits_vec[(idx >> 5) - 1] = buffer; // (idx >> 5) = idx/32 j++; if(j == sel->n) goto loop_end; //assert(keys_vec[j] < keys_vec[j-1]); } if(i == sel->m) break; while(keys_vec[j] > i) { select_insert_0(&buffer); idx++; if((idx & 0x1f) == 0 ) // (idx & 0x1f) = idx % 32 sel->bits_vec[(idx >> 5) - 1] = buffer; // (idx >> 5) = idx/32 i++; }; }; loop_end: if((idx & 0x1f) != 0 ) // (idx & 0x1f) = idx % 32 { buffer >>= 32 - (idx & 0x1f); sel->bits_vec[ (idx - 1) >> 5 ] = buffer; }; select_generate_sel_table(sel); }; static inline cmph_uint32 _select_query(cmph_uint8 * bits_table, cmph_uint32 * select_table, cmph_uint32 one_idx) { register cmph_uint32 vec_bit_idx ,vec_byte_idx; register cmph_uint32 part_sum, old_part_sum; vec_bit_idx = select_table[one_idx >> NBITS_STEP_SELECT_TABLE]; // one_idx >> NBITS_STEP_SELECT_TABLE = one_idx/STEP_SELECT_TABLE vec_byte_idx = vec_bit_idx >> 3; // vec_bit_idx / 8 one_idx &= MASK_STEP_SELECT_TABLE; // one_idx %= STEP_SELECT_TABLE == one_idx &= MASK_STEP_SELECT_TABLE one_idx += rank_lookup_table[bits_table[vec_byte_idx] & ((1 << (vec_bit_idx & 0x7)) - 1)]; part_sum = 0; do { old_part_sum = part_sum; part_sum += rank_lookup_table[bits_table[vec_byte_idx]]; vec_byte_idx++; }while (part_sum <= one_idx); return select_lookup_table[bits_table[vec_byte_idx - 1]][one_idx - old_part_sum] + ((vec_byte_idx-1) << 3); } cmph_uint32 select_query(select_t * sel, cmph_uint32 one_idx) { return _select_query((cmph_uint8 *)sel->bits_vec, sel->select_table, one_idx); }; static inline cmph_uint32 _select_next_query(cmph_uint8 * bits_table, cmph_uint32 vec_bit_idx) { register cmph_uint32 vec_byte_idx, one_idx; register cmph_uint32 part_sum, old_part_sum; vec_byte_idx = vec_bit_idx >> 3; one_idx = rank_lookup_table[bits_table[vec_byte_idx] & ((1U << (vec_bit_idx & 0x7)) - 1U)] + 1U; part_sum = 0; do { old_part_sum = part_sum; part_sum += rank_lookup_table[bits_table[vec_byte_idx]]; vec_byte_idx++; }while (part_sum <= one_idx); return select_lookup_table[bits_table[(vec_byte_idx - 1)]][(one_idx - old_part_sum)] + ((vec_byte_idx - 1) << 3); } cmph_uint32 select_next_query(select_t * sel, cmph_uint32 vec_bit_idx) { return _select_next_query((cmph_uint8 *)sel->bits_vec, vec_bit_idx); }; void select_dump(select_t *sel, char **buf, cmph_uint32 *buflen) { register cmph_uint32 nbits = sel->n + sel->m; register cmph_uint32 vec_size = ((nbits + 31) >> 5) * (cmph_uint32)sizeof(cmph_uint32); // (nbits + 31) >> 5 = (nbits + 31)/32 register cmph_uint32 sel_table_size = ((sel->n >> NBITS_STEP_SELECT_TABLE) + 1) * (cmph_uint32)sizeof(cmph_uint32); // (sel->n >> NBITS_STEP_SELECT_TABLE) = (sel->n/STEP_SELECT_TABLE) register cmph_uint32 pos = 0; *buflen = 2*(cmph_uint32)sizeof(cmph_uint32) + vec_size + sel_table_size; *buf = (char *)calloc(*buflen, sizeof(char)); if (!*buf) { *buflen = UINT_MAX; return; } memcpy(*buf, &(sel->n), sizeof(cmph_uint32)); pos += (cmph_uint32)sizeof(cmph_uint32); memcpy(*buf + pos, &(sel->m), sizeof(cmph_uint32)); pos += (cmph_uint32)sizeof(cmph_uint32); memcpy(*buf + pos, sel->bits_vec, vec_size); pos += vec_size; memcpy(*buf + pos, sel->select_table, sel_table_size); DEBUGP("Dumped select structure with size %u bytes\n", *buflen); } void select_load(select_t * sel, const char *buf, cmph_uint32 buflen) { register cmph_uint32 pos = 0; register cmph_uint32 nbits = 0; register cmph_uint32 vec_size = 0; register cmph_uint32 sel_table_size = 0; memcpy(&(sel->n), buf, sizeof(cmph_uint32)); pos += (cmph_uint32)sizeof(cmph_uint32); memcpy(&(sel->m), buf + pos, sizeof(cmph_uint32)); pos += (cmph_uint32)sizeof(cmph_uint32); nbits = sel->n + sel->m; vec_size = ((nbits + 31) >> 5) * (cmph_uint32)sizeof(cmph_uint32); // (nbits + 31) >> 5 = (nbits + 31)/32 sel_table_size = ((sel->n >> NBITS_STEP_SELECT_TABLE) + 1) * (cmph_uint32)sizeof(cmph_uint32); // (sel->n >> NBITS_STEP_SELECT_TABLE) = (sel->n/STEP_SELECT_TABLE) if(sel->bits_vec) { free(sel->bits_vec); } sel->bits_vec = (cmph_uint32 *)calloc(vec_size/sizeof(cmph_uint32), sizeof(cmph_uint32)); if(sel->select_table) { free(sel->select_table); } sel->select_table = (cmph_uint32 *)calloc(sel_table_size/sizeof(cmph_uint32), sizeof(cmph_uint32)); memcpy(sel->bits_vec, buf + pos, vec_size); pos += vec_size; memcpy(sel->select_table, buf + pos, sel_table_size); DEBUGP("Loaded select structure with size %u bytes\n", buflen); } /** \fn void select_pack(select_t *sel, void *sel_packed); * \brief Support the ability to pack a select structure function into a preallocated contiguous memory space pointed by sel_packed. * \param sel points to the select structure * \param sel_packed pointer to the contiguous memory area used to store the select structure. The size of sel_packed must be at least @see select_packed_size */ void select_pack(select_t *sel, void *sel_packed) { if (sel && sel_packed) { char *buf = NULL; cmph_uint32 buflen = 0; select_dump(sel, &buf, &buflen); memcpy(sel_packed, buf, buflen); free(buf); } } /** \fn cmph_uint32 select_packed_size(select_t *sel); * \brief Return the amount of space needed to pack a select structure. * \return the size of the packed select structure or zero for failures */ cmph_uint32 select_packed_size(select_t *sel) { register cmph_uint32 nbits = sel->n + sel->m; register cmph_uint32 vec_size = ((nbits + 31) >> 5) * (cmph_uint32)sizeof(cmph_uint32); // (nbits + 31) >> 5 = (nbits + 31)/32 register cmph_uint32 sel_table_size = ((sel->n >> NBITS_STEP_SELECT_TABLE) + 1) * (cmph_uint32)sizeof(cmph_uint32); // (sel->n >> NBITS_STEP_SELECT_TABLE) = (sel->n/STEP_SELECT_TABLE) return 2*(cmph_uint32)sizeof(cmph_uint32) + vec_size + sel_table_size; } cmph_uint32 select_query_packed(void * sel_packed, cmph_uint32 one_idx) { register cmph_uint32 *ptr = (cmph_uint32 *)sel_packed; register cmph_uint32 n = *ptr++; register cmph_uint32 m = *ptr++; register cmph_uint32 nbits = n + m; register cmph_uint32 vec_size = (nbits + 31) >> 5; // (nbits + 31) >> 5 = (nbits + 31)/32 register cmph_uint8 * bits_vec = (cmph_uint8 *)ptr; register cmph_uint32 * select_table = ptr + vec_size; return _select_query(bits_vec, select_table, one_idx); } cmph_uint32 select_next_query_packed(void * sel_packed, cmph_uint32 vec_bit_idx) { register cmph_uint8 * bits_vec = (cmph_uint8 *)sel_packed; bits_vec += 8; // skipping n and m return _select_next_query(bits_vec, vec_bit_idx); }