Enums and Flags Enumeration and flags types @g_type_class: @minimum: @maximum: @n_values: @values: @g_type_class: @mask: @n_values: @values: Returns the type identifier from a given #GEnumClass structure. @class: a #GEnumClass Returns the static type name from a given #GEnumClass structure. @class: a #GEnumClass Returns whether @type "is a" %G_TYPE_ENUM. @type: a #GType ID. Casts a derived #GEnumClass structure into a #GEnumClass structure. @class: a valid #GEnumClass Checks whether @class "is a" valid #GEnumClass structure of type %G_TYPE_ENUM or derived. @class: a #GEnumClass Returns whether @type "is a" %G_TYPE_FLAGS. @type: a #GType ID. Casts a derived #GFlagsClass structure into a #GFlagsClass structure. @class: a valid #GFlagsClass Checks whether @class "is a" valid #GFlagsClass structure of type %G_TYPE_FLAGS or derived. @class: a #GFlagsClass Returns the type identifier from a given #GFlagsClass structure. @class: a #GFlagsClass Returns the static type name from a given #GFlagsClass structure. @class: a #GFlagsClass A structure which contains a single enum value, its name, and it's nickname. @value: @value_name: @value_nick: @value: @value_name: @value_nick: Returns the #GEnumValue for a value. @enum_class: a #GEnumClass @value: the value to look up @Returns: the #GEnumValue for @value, or %NULL if @value is not a member of the enumeration Looks up a #GEnumValue by name. @enum_class: a #GEnumClass @name: the name to look up @Returns: the #GEnumValue with name @name, or %NULL if the enumeration doesn' t have a member with that name Looks up a #GEnumValue by nickname. @enum_class: a #GEnumClass @nick: the nickname to look up @Returns: the #GEnumValue with nickname @nick, or %NULL if the enumeration doesn' t have a member with that nickname Returns the first #GFlagsValue which is set in @value. @flags_class: a #GFlagsClass @value: the value @Returns: the first #GFlagsValue which is set in @value, or %NULL if none is set Looks up a #GFlagsValue by name. @flags_class: a #GFlagsClass @name: the name to look up @Returns: the #GFlagsValue with name @name, or %NULL if there is no flag with that name Looks up a #GFlagsValue by nickname. @flags_class: a #GFlagsClass @nick: the nickname to look up @Returns: the #GFlagsValue with nickname @nick, or %NULL if there is no flag with that nickname @name: @const_static_values: @Returns: @name: @const_static_values: @Returns: @g_enum_type: @info: @const_values: @g_flags_type: @info: @const_values: