Hash Table functions Hash Table functions Introduction Hash Table functions g_hash_table_new GHashTable *g_hash_table_new GHashFunc *hash_func GCompareFunc key_compare_func Description Allocate a new GHashTable for use and return a pointer to the new hash table. If the table could not be allocated for some reason a NULL is returned. Usage GHashTable *hash_table; hash_table = g_hash_table_new (g_str_hash, g_str_equal); /* use the hash table */ Parameters GHashFunc hash_func A function pointer for the hashing function for this hash table. GCompareFunc key_compare_func A function pointer for comparing keys, used by the hash function specified in the first argument g_hash_table_destroy void g_hash_table_destroy GHashTable *hash_table Description Usage Parameters GHashTable *hash_table g_hash_table_insert void g_hash_table_insert GHashTable *hash_table gpointer key gpointer value Description Usage Parameters GHashTable *hash_table g_hash_table_remove void g_hash_table_remove GHashTable *hash_table gconstpointer key Description Usage Parameters GHashTable *hash_table g_hash_table_lookup gpointer g_hash_table_lookup gconstpointer key Description Usage Parameters GHashTable *hash_table g_hash_table_lookup_extended gboolean g_hash_table_lookup_extended GHashTable *hash_table gconstpointer lookup_key gpointer *orig_key gpointer *value Description Usage Parameters GHashTable *hash_table g_hash_table_freeze void g_hash_table_freeze GHashTable *hash_table Description Usage Parameters GHashTable *hash_table g_hash_table_thaw void g_hash_table_thaw GHashTable *hash_table Description Usage Parameters GHashTable *hash_table g_hash_table_foreach void g_hash_table_foreach GHashTable *hash_table GHFunc func gpointer user_data Description Usage Parameters GHashTable *hash_table g_hash_table_foreach_remove gint g_hash_table_foreach_remove GHashTable *hash_table GHRFunc func gpointer user_data Description Usage Parameters GHashTable *hash_table g_hash_table_size gint g_hash_table_size GHashTable *hash_table Description Get the size of the hash table passed in the hash_table. Usage Parameters GHashTable *hash_table A pointer to a GHashTable hash_table previously allocated.