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  <chapter id="chapter-gobject">
    <title>GObject: what brings everything together.</title>

      The two previous chapters discussed the details of Glib's Dynamic Type System
      and its signal control system. The GObject library also contains an implementation
      for a base fundamental type named <type>GObject</type>.

      <type>GObject</type> is a fundamental classed instantiable type. It implements:
	<listitem><para>Memory management with reference counting</para></listitem>
	<listitem><para>Construction/Destruction of instances</para></listitem>
	<listitem><para>Generic per-object properties with set/get function pairs</para></listitem>
	<listitem><para>Easy use of signals</para></listitem>
      All the GTK+ objects and all of the objects in Gnome libraries which use the glib type
      system inherit from <type>GObject</type> which is why it is important to understand
      the details of how it works.

    <sect1 id="gobject-instanciation">
      <title>Object instanciation</title>

	The <function>g_object_new</function> family of functions can be used to instantiate any
	GType which inherits from the GObject base type. All these functions make sure the class
	has been correctly initialized by glib's type system and then invoke at one
	point or another the constructor class method which is used to:
	      Allocate memory through <function>g_type_create_instance</function>,
	      Initialize the object' instance with the construction properties.

	Objects which inherit from GObject are allowed to override this constructor class method:
	they should however chain to their parent constructor method before doing so:
  GObject*   (*constructor)     (GType                  type,
                                 guint                  n_construct_properties,
                                 GObjectConstructParam *construct_properties);

	The example below shows how <type>MamanBar</type> overrides the parent's constructor:
#define MAMAN_TYPE_BAR		  (maman_bar_get_type ())
#define MAMAN_BAR(obj)		  (G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_CAST ((obj), MAMAN_TYPE_BAR, MamanBar))
#define MAMAN_BAR_CLASS(klass)	  (G_TYPE_CHECK_CLASS_CAST ((klass), MAMAN_TYPE_BAR, MamanBarClass))

typedef struct _MamanBar MamanBar;
typedef struct _MamanBarClass MamanBarClass;

struct _MamanBar {
  GObject parent;
  /* instance members */

struct _MamanBarClass {
  GObjectClass parent;

  /* class members */

/* used by MAMAN_TYPE_BAR */
GType maman_bar_get_type (void);

static GObject *
maman_bar_constructor (GType                  type,
                       guint                  n_construct_properties,
                       GObjectConstructParam *construct_properties)
  GObject *obj;

    /* Invoke parent constructor. */
    MamanBarClass *klass;
    GObjectClass *parent_class;  
    klass = MAMAN_BAR_CLASS (g_type_class_peek (MAMAN_TYPE_BAR));
    parent_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (g_type_class_peek_parent (klass));
    obj = parent_class->constructor (type,
  /* do stuff. */

  return obj;

static void
maman_bar_instance_init (GTypeInstance   *instance,
                         gpointer         g_class)
  MamanBar *self = (MamanBar *)instance;
  /* do stuff */

static void
maman_bar_class_init (gpointer g_class,
                      gpointer g_class_data)
  GObjectClass *gobject_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (g_class);
  MamanBarClass *klass = MAMAN_BAR_CLASS (g_class);

  gobject_class->constructor = maman_bar_constructor;

GType maman_bar_get_type (void)
  static GType type = 0;
  if (type == 0) {
    static const GTypeInfo info = {
      sizeof (MamanBarClass),
      NULL,   /* base_init */
      NULL,   /* base_finalize */
      maman_bar_class_init,   /* class_init */
      NULL,   /* class_finalize */
      NULL,   /* class_data */
      sizeof (MamanBar),
      0,      /* n_preallocs */
      maman_bar_instance_init    /* instance_init */
    type = g_type_register_static (G_TYPE_OBJECT,
                                   &amp;info, 0);
  return type;
	If the user instantiates an object <type>MamanBar</type> with:
MamanBar *bar = g_object_new (MAMAN_TYPE_BAR, NULL);
	If this is the first instantiation of such an object, the <function>maman_b_class_init</function>
	function will be invoked after any <function>maman_b_base_class_init</function> function. 
	This will make sure the class structure of this new object is correctly initialized. Here, 
	<function>maman_bar_class_init</function> is expected to override the object's class methods
	and setup the class' own methods. In the example above, the constructor method is the only 
	overridden method: it is set to <function>maman_bar_constructor</function>.

	Once <function>g_object_new</function> has obtained a reference to an initialized
	class structure, it invokes its constructor method to create an instance of the new 
	object. Since it has just been overridden by <function>maman_bar_class_init</function> 
	to <function>maman_bar_constructor</function>, the latter is called and, because it
	was implemented correctly, it chains up to its parent's constructor. The problem here
	is how we can find the parent constructor. An approach (used in GTK+ source code) would be
	to save the original constructor in a static variable from <function>maman_bar_class_init</function>
	and then to re-use it from <function>maman_bar_constructor</function>. This is clearly possible
	and very simple but I was told it was not nice and the prefered way is to use the 
	<function>g_type_class_peek</function> and <function>g_type_class_peek_parent</function> functions.

	Finally, at one point or another, <function>g_object_constructor</function> is invoked
	by the last constructor in the chain. This function allocates the object's instance' buffer 
	through <function>g_type_create_instance</function>
	which means that the instance_init function is invoked at this point if one
	was registered. After instance_init returns, the object is fully initialized and should be 
	ready to answer any user-request. When <function>g_type_create_instance</function>
	returns, <function>g_object_constructor</function> sets the construction properties
	(ie: the properties which were given to <function>g_object_new</function>) and returns
	to the user's constructor which is then allowed to do useful instance initialization...

	The process described above might seem a bit complicated (it <emphasis>is</emphasis> actually
	overly complicated in my opinion..) but it can be summarized easily by the table below which
	lists the functions invoked by <function>g_object_new</function> and their order of

	The array below lists the functions invoked by <function>g_object_new</function> and 
	their order of invocation:

	<table id="gobject-construction-table">
	  <tgroup cols="3">
	    <colspec colwidth="*" colnum="1" align="left"/>
	    <colspec colwidth="*" colnum="2" align="left"/>
	    <colspec colwidth="8*" colnum="3" align="left"/>

		<entry>Invocation time</entry>
		<entry>Function Invoked</entry>
		<entry>Function's parameters</entry>
		<entry>First call to <function>g_object_new</function> for target type</entry>
		<entry>target type's base_init function</entry>
		<entry>On the inheritance tree of classes from fundamental type to target type. 
		  base_init is invoked once for each class structure.</entry>
		  I have no real idea on how this can be used. If you have a good real-life
		  example of how a class' base_init can be used, please, let me know.
		<entry>First call to <function>g_object_new</function> for target type</entry>
		<entry>target type's class_init function</entry>
		<entry>On target type's class structure</entry>
		  Here, you should make sure to initialize or override class methods (that is,
		  assign to each class' method its function pointer) and create the signals and
		  the properties associated to your object.
		<entry>First call to <function>g_object_new</function> for target type</entry>
		<entry>interface' base_init function</entry>
		<entry>On interface' vtable</entry>
		<entry>First call to <function>g_object_new</function> for target type</entry>
		<entry>interface' interface_init function</entry>
		<entry>On interface' vtable</entry>
		<entry>Each call to <function>g_object_new</function> for target type</entry>
		<entry>target type's class constructor method: GObjectClass->constructor</entry>
		<entry>On object's instance</entry>
		  If you need to complete the object initialization after all the construction properties
		  are set, override the constructor method and make sure to chain up to the object's
		  parent class before doing your own initialization.
		  In doubt, do not override the constructor method.
		<entry>Each call to <function>g_object_new</function> for target type</entry>
		<entry>type's instance_init function</entry>
		<entry>On the inheritance tree of classes from fundamental type to target type. 
		the instance_init provided for each type is invoked once for each instance 
		  Provide an instance_init function to initialize your object before its construction
		  properties are set. This is the preferred way to initialize a GObject instance.
		  This function is equivalent to C++ constructors.

	Readers should feel concerned about one little twist in the order in which functions 
	are invoked: while, technically, the class' constructor method is called
	<emphasis>before</emphasis> the GType's instance_init function (since 
	<function>g_type_create_instance</function> which calls instance_init is called by
	<function>g_object_constructor</function> which is the top-level class 
	constructor method and to which users are expected to chain to), the user's code
	which runs in a user-provided constructor will always run <emphasis>after</emphasis>
	GType's instance_init function since the user-provided constructor 
	<emphasis>must</emphasis> (you've been warned) chain up <emphasis>before</emphasis>
	doing anything useful.

    <sect1 id="gobject-memory">
      <title>Object memory management</title>

	The memory-management API for GObjects is a bit complicated but the idea behind it
	is pretty simple: the goal is to provide a flexible model based on reference counting
	which can be integrated in applications which use or require different memory management
	models (such as garbage collection, aso...)
gpointer    g_object_ref                      (gpointer        object);
void        g_object_unref                    (gpointer        object);

  Weak References
typedef void (*GWeakNotify)		(gpointer      data,
					 GObject      *where_the_object_was);
void	    g_object_weak_ref		      (GObject	      *object,
					       GWeakNotify     notify,
					       gpointer	       data);
void	    g_object_weak_unref		      (GObject	      *object,
					       GWeakNotify     notify,
					       gpointer	       data);
void        g_object_add_weak_pointer         (GObject        *object, 
                                               gpointer       *weak_pointer_location);
void        g_object_remove_weak_pointer      (GObject        *object, 
                                               gpointer       *weak_pointer_location);
  Cycle handling
void        g_object_run_dispose	      (GObject	      *object);

      <sect2 id="gobject-memory-refcount">
	<title>Reference count</title>

	  <function>g_object_ref</function>/<function>g_object_unref</function> respectively 
	  increase and decrease the reference count. None of these function is thread-safe.
	  The reference count is, unsurprisingly, initialized to one by 
	  <function>g_object_new</function>. When the reference count reaches zero, that is, 
	  when <function>g_object_unref</function> is called by the last client holding
	  a reference to the object, the <emphasis>dispose</emphasis> and the 
	  <emphasis>finalize</emphasis> class methods are invoked.
	  Finally, after <emphasis>finalize</emphasis> is invoked, 
	  <function>g_type_free_instance</function> is called to free the object instance.
	  Depending on the memory allocation policy decided when the type was registered (through
	  one of the <function>g_type_register_*</function> functions), the object's instance 
	  memory will be freed or returned to the object pool for this type.
	  Once the object has been freed, if it was the last instance of the type, the type's class
	  will be destroyed as described in <xref linkend="gtype-instantiable-classed"></xref> and 
	    <xref linkend="gtype-non-instantiable-classed"></xref>.

	  The table below summarizes the destruction process of a GObject:
	  <table id="gobject-destruction-table">
	    <tgroup cols="3">
	      <colspec colwidth="*" colnum="1" align="left"/>
	      <colspec colwidth="*" colnum="2" align="left"/>
	      <colspec colwidth="8*" colnum="3" align="left"/>

		  <entry>Invocation time</entry>
		  <entry>Function Invoked</entry>
		  <entry>Function's parameters</entry>
		  <entry>Last call to <function>g_object_unref</function> for an instance
		    of target type</entry>
		  <entry>target type's dispose class function</entry>
		  <entry>GObject instance</entry>
		    When dispose ends, the object should not hold any reference to any other
		    member object. The object is also expected to be able to answer client
		    method invocations (with possibly an error code but no memory violation)
		    until finalize is executed. dispose can be executed more than once.
		  dispose should chain up to its parent implementation just before returning
		  to the caller.
		  <entry>Last call to <function>g_object_unref</function> for an instance
		    of target type
		  <entry>target type's finalize class function</entry>
		  <entry>GObject instance</entry>
		    Finalize is expected to complete the destruction process initiated by
		    dispose. It should complete the object's destruction. finalize will be
		    executed only once.
		  finalize should chain up to its parent implementation just before returning
		  to the caller.
		    The reason why the destruction process is split is two different phases is
		    explained in <xref linkend="gobject-memory-cycles"></xref>.
		  <entry>Last call to <function>g_object_unref</function> for the last
		    instance of target type</entry>
		  <entry>interface' interface_finalize function</entry>
		  <entry>On interface' vtable</entry>
		  <entry>Never used in practice. Unlikely you will need it.</entry>
		  <entry>Last call to <function>g_object_unref</function>for the last
		    instance of target type</entry>
		  <entry>interface' base_finalize function</entry>
		  <entry>On interface' vtable</entry>
		  <entry>Never used in practice. Unlikely you will need it.</entry>
		  <entry>Last call to <function>g_object_unref</function> for the last
		    instance of target type</entry>
		  <entry>target type's class_finalize function</entry>
		  <entry>On target type's class structure</entry>
		  <entry>Never used in practice. Unlikely you will need it.</entry>
		  <entry>Last call to <function>g_object_unref</function> for the last
		    instance of target type</entry>
		  <entry>type's base_finalize function</entry>
		  <entry>On the inheritance tree of classes from fundamental type to target type. 
		    base_init is invoked once for each class structure.</entry>
		  <entry>Never used in practice. Unlikely you will need it.</entry>


      <sect2 id="gobject-memory-weakref">
	<title>Weak References</title>
	Weak References are used to monitor object finalization: 
	<function>g_object_weak_ref</function> adds a monitoring callback which does
	not hold a reference to the object but which is invoked when the object runs 
	its dispose method. As such, each weak ref can be invoked more than once upon
	object finalization (since dispose can run more than once during object 

	<function>g_object_weak_unref</function> can be used to remove a monitoring
	callback from the object. 

	Weak References are also used to implement <function>g_object_add_weak_pointer</function>
	and <function>g_object_remove_weak_pointer</function>. These functions add a weak reference
	to the object they are applied to which makes sure to nullify the pointer given by the user
	when object is finalized.


    <sect2 id="gobject-memory-cycles">
      <title>Reference counts and cycles</title>
	Note: the following section was inspired by James Henstridge. I guess this means that 
	all praise and all curses will be directly forwarded to him.

	GObject's memory management model was designed to be easily integrated in existing code
	using garbage collection. This is why the destruction process is split in two phases:
	the first phase, executed in the dispose handler is supposed to release all references
	to other member objects. The second phase, executed by the finalize handler is supposed
	to complete the object's destruction process. Object methods should be able to run
	without program error (that is, without segfault :) in-between the two phases.

	This two-step destruction process is very useful to break reference counting cycles.
	While the detection of the cycles is up to the external code, once the cycles have been
	detected, the external code can invoke <function>g_object_dispose</function> which 
	will indeed break any existing cycles since it will run the dispose handler associated
	to the object and thus release all references to other objects.

	Attentive readers might now have understood one of the rules about the dispose handler
	we stated a bit sooner: the dispose handler can be invoked multiple times. Let's say we
	have a reference count cycle: object A references B which itself references object A.
	Let's say we have detected the cycle and we want to destroy the two objects. One way to 
	do this would be to invoke <function>g_object_dispose</function> on one of the 

	If object A releases all its references to all objects, this means it releases its
	reference to object B. If object B was not owned by anyone else, this is its last
	reference count which means this last unref runs B's dispose handler which, in turn,
	releases B's reference on object A. If this is A's last reference count, this last 
	unref runs A's dispose handler which is running for the second time before
	A's finalize handler is invoked !

	The above example, which might seem a bit contrived can really happen if your
	GObject's are being by language bindings. I would thus suggest the rules stated above
	for object destruction are closely followed. Otherwise, <emphasis>Bad Bad Things</emphasis> 
	will happen.

  <sect1 id="gobject-properties">
    <title>Object properties</title>

      One of GObject's nice features is its generic get/set mechanism for object
      properties. When an object
      is instanciated, the object's class_init handler should be used to register
      the object's properties with <function>g_object_class_install_property</function>
      (implemented in <filename>gobject.c</filename>).

      The best way to understand how object properties work is by looking at a real example
      on how it is used:
/* Implementation                               */

enum {

static void
maman_bar_instance_init (GTypeInstance   *instance,
                         gpointer         g_class)
  MamanBar *self = (MamanBar *)instance;

static void
maman_bar_set_property (GObject      *object,
                        guint         property_id,
                        const GValue *value,
                        GParamSpec   *pspec)
  MamanBar *self = (MamanBar *) object;

  switch (property_id) {
    g_free (self->private->name);
    self->private->name = g_value_dup_string (value);
    g_print ("maman: %s\n",self->private->name);
    self->private->papa_number = g_value_get_uchar (value);
    g_print ("papa: %u\n",self->private->papa_number);
    /* We don't have any other property... */
    g_assert (FALSE);

static void
maman_bar_get_property (GObject      *object,
                        guint         property_id,
                        GValue       *value,
                        GParamSpec   *pspec)
  MamanBar *self = (MamanBar *) object;

  switch (property_id) {
    g_value_set_string (value, self->private->name);
    g_value_set_uchar (value, self->private->papa_number);
    /* We don't have any other property... */
    g_assert (FALSE);

static void
maman_bar_class_init (gpointer g_class,
                      gpointer g_class_data)
  GObjectClass *gobject_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (g_class);
  MamanBarClass *klass = MAMAN_BAR_CLASS (g_class);
  GParamSpec *pspec;

  gobject_class->set_property = maman_bar_set_property;
  gobject_class->get_property = maman_bar_get_property;

  pspec = g_param_spec_string ("maman-name",
                               "Maman construct prop",
                               "Set maman's name",
                               "no-name-set" /* default value */,
                               G_PARAM_CONSTRUCT_ONLY | G_PARAM_READWRITE);
  g_object_class_install_property (gobject_class,

  pspec = g_param_spec_uchar ("papa-number",
                              "Number of current Papa",
                              "Set/Get papa's number",
                              0  /* minimum value */,
                              10 /* maximum value */,
                              2  /* default value */,
  g_object_class_install_property (gobject_class,

/* Use                                          */

GObject *bar;
GValue val = {0,};
bar = g_object_new (MAMAN_TYPE_SUBBAR, NULL);
g_value_init (&amp;val, G_TYPE_CHAR);
g_value_set_char (&amp;val, 11);
g_object_set_property (G_OBJECT (bar), "papa-number", &amp;val);
      The client code just above looks simple but a lot of things happen under the hood:

      <function>g_object_set_property</function> first ensures a property
      with this name was registered in bar's class_init handler. If so, it calls
      <function>object_set_property</function> which first walks the class hierarchy,
      from bottom, most derived type, to top, fundamental type to find the class
      which registered that property. It then tries to convert the user-provided GValue
      into a GValue whose type if that of the associated property.

      If the user provides a signed char GValue, as is shown
      here, and if the object's property was registered as an unsigned int, 
      <function>g_value_transform</function> will try to transform the input signed char into
      an unsigned int. Of course, the success of the transformation depends on the availability
      of the required transform function. In practice, there will almost always be a transformation
	  <para>Its behaviour might not be what you expect but it is up to you to actually avoid
      relying on these transformations.
      which matches and conversion will be caried out if needed.

      After transformation, the <type>GValue</type> is validated by 
      <function>g_param_value_validate</function> which makes sure the user's
      data stored in the <type>GValue</type> matches the characteristics specified by
      the property's <type>GParamSpec</type>.  Here, the <type>GParamSpec</type> we 
      provided in class_init has a validation function which makes sure that the GValue
      contains a value which respects the minimum and maximum bounds of the 
      <type>GParamSpec</type>. In the example above, the client's GValue does not
      respect these constraints (it is set to 11, while the maximum is 10). As such, the
      <function>g_object_set_property</function> function will return with an error.

      If the user's GValue had been set to a valid value, <function>object_set_property</function>
      would have proceeded with calling the object's set_property class method. Here, since our
      implementation of Foo did override this method, the code path would jump to
      <function>foo_set_property</function> after having retrieved from the 
      <type>GParamSpec</type> the <emphasis>param_id</emphasis>
	  It should be noted that the param_id used here need only to uniquely identify each 
	  <type>GParamSpec</type> within the <type>FooClass</type> such that the switch
	  used in the set and get methods actually works. Of course, this locally-unique 
	  integer is purely an optimization: it would have been possible to use a set of 
	  <emphasis>if (strcmp (a, b) == 0) {} else if (strcmp (a, b) == 0) {}</emphasis> statements.
      which had been stored by

      Once the property has been set by the object's set_property class method, the code path
      returns to <function>g_object_set_property</function> which calls 
	<function>g_object_notify_queue_thaw</function>. This function makes sure that
	the "notify" signal is emitted on the object's instance with the changed property as
	parameter unless notifications were frozen by <function>g_object_freeze_notify</function>.

      <function>g_object_thaw_notify</function> can be used to re-enable notification of 
      property modifications through the "notify" signal. It is important to remember that
      even if properties are changed while property change notification is frozen, the "notify"
      signal will be emitted once for each of these changed properties as soon as the property
      change notification is thawn: no property change is lost for the "notify" signal. Signal
      can only be delayed by the notification freezing mechanism.

    <sect2 id="gobject-multi-properties">
        <title>Accessing multiple properties at once</title>

      It is interesting to note that the <function>g_object_set</function> and 
      <function>g_object_set_valist</function> (vararg version) functions can be used to set
      multiple properties at once. The client code shown above can then be re-written as:
MamanBar *foo;
foo = /* */;
g_object_set (G_OBJECT (foo),
              "papa-number", 2, 
              "maman-name", "test", 
      The code above will trigger one notify signal emission for each property modified.

      Of course, the _get versions are also available: <function>g_object_get</function>
      and <function>g_object_get_valist</function> (vararg version) can be used to get numerous
      properties at once.

      Really attentive readers now understand how <function>g_object_new</function>,
      <function>g_object_newv</function> and <function>g_object_new_valist</function> 
      work: they parse the user-provided variable number of parameters and invoke
	<function>g_object_set</function> on each pair of parameters only after the object has been successfully constructed.
      Of course, the "notify" signal will be emitted for each property set.


<!-- @todo tell here about how to pass use handle properties in derived classe -->

