Benjamin Gilbert 51e3e7d9ae build: Bump Meson dependency to 1.4.0
Meson 1.5.1 is available in the fd.o SDK and in Debian testing, so the
glib Meson policy says we can update.  Update the minimum only as far as
1.4.0 because we don't yet have a need for 1.5.0.

This allows us to:

- Use file.full_path() to avoid deprecation warnings on str.format(file).
- Set c_std=gnu99,c99 to avoid deprecation warnings with gnu99 on MSVC.

Update all the CI builds to use the latest 1.4.x patch release, 1.4.2.

The FreeBSD runner cannot be updated via `gitlab-ci.yml`, so will be
broken for now.

Similarly, the macOS build will not work unless `-Dc_std=gnu99` is
specified at configure time, due to
2024-09-12 19:15:05 +01:00

27 lines
835 B

@echo on
:: vcvarsall.bat sets various env vars like PATH, INCLUDE, LIB, LIBPATH for the
:: specified build architecture
call "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\BuildTools\VC\Auxiliary\Build\vcvarsall.bat" x64
:: Remove quotes from script args
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
set args=
for %%x in (%*) do (
set args=!args! %%~x
set args=%args:~1%
:: FIXME: make warnings fatal
pip3 install --upgrade --user meson==1.4.2 || goto :error
meson setup %args% _build || goto :error
meson compile -C _build || goto :error
meson test -v -C _build --timeout-multiplier %MESON_TEST_TIMEOUT_MULTIPLIER% || goto :error
meson test -v -C _build --timeout-multiplier %MESON_TEST_TIMEOUT_MULTIPLIER% --setup=unstable_tests --suite=failing --suite=flaky
:: FIXME: can we get code coverage support?
goto :EOF
exit /b 1