mirror of
synced 2025-03-14 19:55:12 +01:00
This allows to split the formatted size into the value and into the units, when can be shown differently in the UI. Relate to https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gnome-software/-/issues/1391
2491 lines
89 KiB
2491 lines
89 KiB
/* Unit tests for gfileutils
* Copyright (C) 1995-1997 Peter Mattis, Spencer Kimball and Josh MacDonald
* This work is provided "as is"; redistribution and modification
* in whole or in part, in any medium, physical or electronic is
* permitted without restriction.
* This work is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* In no event shall the authors or contributors be liable for any
* direct, indirect, incidental, special, exemplary, or consequential
* damages (including, but not limited to, procurement of substitute
* goods or services; loss of use, data, or profits; or business
* interruption) however caused and on any theory of liability, whether
* in contract, strict liability, or tort (including negligence or
* otherwise) arising in any way out of the use of this software, even
* if advised of the possibility of such damage.
#include "config.h"
#include <string.h>
#include <errno.h>
/* We are testing some deprecated APIs here */
#include <glib.h>
/* Test our stdio wrappers here; this disables redefining (e.g.) g_open() to open() */
#include <glib/gstdio.h>
#ifdef G_OS_UNIX
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <utime.h>
#define G_TEST_DIR_MODE 0555
#include <fcntl.h>
#ifdef G_OS_WIN32
#include <windows.h>
#include <sys/utime.h>
#include <io.h>
#ifndef S_ISDIR
#define S_ISDIR(m) (((m) & _S_IFMT) == _S_IFDIR)
#ifndef F_OK
#define F_OK 0
static void
check_string (gchar *str, const gchar *expected)
g_assert_nonnull (str);
g_assert_cmpstr (str, ==, expected);
g_free (str);
static void
test_paths (void)
gchar *filename;
gchar *dirname;
} dirname_checks[] = {
{ "/", "/" },
{ "////", "/" },
{ ".////", "." },
{ "../", ".." },
{ "..////", ".." },
{ "a/b", "a" },
{ "a/b/", "a/b" },
{ "c///", "c" },
#ifdef G_OS_WIN32
{ "\\", "\\" },
{ ".\\\\\\\\", "." },
{ "..\\", ".." },
{ "..\\\\\\\\", ".." },
{ "a\\b", "a" },
{ "a\\b/", "a\\b" },
{ "a/b\\", "a/b" },
{ "c\\\\/", "c" },
{ "//\\", "/" },
{ "//server/share///x", "//server/share" },
{ ".", "." },
{ "..", "." },
{ "", "." },
const guint n_dirname_checks = G_N_ELEMENTS (dirname_checks);
gchar *filename;
gchar *without_root;
} skip_root_checks[] = {
{ "/", "" },
{ "//", "" },
{ "/foo", "foo" },
{ "//foo", "foo" },
{ "a/b", NULL },
#ifdef G_OS_WIN32
{ "\\", "" },
{ "\\foo", "foo" },
{ "\\\\server\\foo", "" },
{ "\\\\server\\foo\\bar", "bar" },
{ "a\\b", NULL },
{ "//server/share///x", "//x" },
{ ".", NULL },
{ "", NULL },
const guint n_skip_root_checks = G_N_ELEMENTS (skip_root_checks);
gchar *cwd;
gchar *relative_path;
gchar *canonical_path;
} canonicalize_filename_checks[] = {
#ifndef G_OS_WIN32
{ "/etc", "../usr/share", "/usr/share" },
{ "/", "/foo/bar", "/foo/bar" },
{ "/usr/bin", "../../foo/bar", "/foo/bar" },
{ "/", "../../foo/bar", "/foo/bar" },
{ "/double//dash", "../../foo/bar", "/foo/bar" },
{ "/usr/share/foo", ".././././bar", "/usr/share/bar" },
{ "/foo/bar", "../bar/./.././bar", "/foo/bar" },
{ "/test///dir", "../../././foo/bar", "/foo/bar" },
{ "/test///dir", "../../././/foo///bar", "/foo/bar" },
{ "/etc", "///triple/slash", "/triple/slash" },
{ "/etc", "//double/slash", "//double/slash" },
{ "///triple/slash", ".", "/triple/slash" },
{ "//double/slash", ".", "//double/slash" },
{ "/cwd/../with/./complexities/", "./hello", "/with/complexities/hello" },
{ "/", ".dot-dir", "/.dot-dir" },
{ "/cwd", "..", "/" },
{ "/etc", "hello/..", "/etc" },
{ "/etc", "hello/../", "/etc" },
{ "/", "..", "/" },
{ "/", "../", "/" },
{ "/", "/..", "/" },
{ "/", "/../", "/" },
{ "/", ".", "/" },
{ "/", "./", "/" },
{ "/", "/.", "/" },
{ "/", "/./", "/" },
{ "/", "///usr/../usr", "/usr" },
{ "/etc", "../usr/share", "\\usr\\share" },
{ "/", "/foo/bar", "\\foo\\bar" },
{ "/usr/bin", "../../foo/bar", "\\foo\\bar" },
{ "/", "../../foo/bar", "\\foo\\bar" },
{ "/double//dash", "../../foo/bar", "\\foo\\bar" },
{ "/usr/share/foo", ".././././bar", "\\usr\\share\\bar" },
{ "/foo/bar", "../bar/./.././bar", "\\foo\\bar" },
{ "/test///dir", "../../././foo/bar", "\\foo\\bar" },
{ "/test///dir", "../../././/foo///bar", "\\foo\\bar" },
{ "/etc", "///triple/slash", "\\triple\\slash" },
{ "/etc", "//double/slash", "//double/slash" },
{ "///triple/slash", ".", "\\triple\\slash" },
{ "//double/slash", ".", "//double/slash\\" },
{ "/cwd/../with/./complexities/", "./hello", "\\with\\complexities\\hello" },
{ "/", ".dot-dir", "\\.dot-dir" },
{ "/cwd", "..", "\\" },
{ "/etc", "hello/..", "\\etc" },
{ "/etc", "hello/../", "\\etc" },
{ "/", "..", "\\" },
{ "/", "../", "\\" },
{ "/", "/..", "\\" },
{ "/", "/../", "\\" },
{ "/", ".", "\\" },
{ "/", "./", "\\" },
{ "/", "/.", "\\" },
{ "/", "/./", "\\" },
{ "/", "///usr/../usr", "\\usr" },
{ "\\etc", "..\\usr\\share", "\\usr\\share" },
{ "\\", "\\foo\\bar", "\\foo\\bar" },
{ "\\usr\\bin", "..\\..\\foo\\bar", "\\foo\\bar" },
{ "\\", "..\\..\\foo\\bar", "\\foo\\bar" },
{ "\\double\\\\dash", "..\\..\\foo\\bar", "\\foo\\bar" },
{ "\\usr\\share\\foo", "..\\.\\.\\.\\bar", "\\usr\\share\\bar" },
{ "\\foo\\bar", "..\\bar\\.\\..\\.\\bar", "\\foo\\bar" },
{ "\\test\\\\\\dir", "..\\..\\.\\.\\foo\\bar", "\\foo\\bar" },
{ "\\test\\\\\\dir", "..\\..\\.\\.\\\\foo\\\\\\bar", "\\foo\\bar" },
{ "\\etc", "\\\\\\triple\\slash", "\\triple\\slash" },
{ "\\etc", "\\\\double\\slash", "\\\\double\\slash" },
{ "\\\\\\triple\\slash", ".", "\\triple\\slash" },
{ "\\\\double\\slash", ".", "\\\\double\\slash\\" },
{ "\\cwd\\..\\with\\.\\complexities\\", ".\\hello", "\\with\\complexities\\hello" },
{ "\\", ".dot-dir", "\\.dot-dir" },
{ "\\cwd", "..", "\\" },
{ "\\etc", "hello\\..", "\\etc" },
{ "\\etc", "hello\\..\\", "\\etc" },
{ "\\", "..", "\\" },
{ "\\", "..\\", "\\" },
{ "\\", "\\..", "\\" },
{ "\\", "\\..\\", "\\" },
{ "\\", ".", "\\" },
{ "\\", ".\\", "\\" },
{ "\\", "\\.", "\\" },
{ "\\", "\\.\\", "\\" },
{ "\\", "\\\\\\usr\\..\\usr", "\\usr" },
const guint n_canonicalize_filename_checks = G_N_ELEMENTS (canonicalize_filename_checks);
gchar *string;
guint i;
string = g_path_get_basename (G_DIR_SEPARATOR_S "foo" G_DIR_SEPARATOR_S "dir" G_DIR_SEPARATOR_S);
g_assert_cmpstr (string, ==, "dir");
g_free (string);
string = g_path_get_basename (G_DIR_SEPARATOR_S "foo" G_DIR_SEPARATOR_S "file");
g_assert_cmpstr (string, ==, "file");
g_free (string);
#ifdef G_OS_WIN32
string = g_path_get_basename ("/foo/dir/");
g_assert_cmpstr (string, ==, "dir");
g_free (string);
string = g_path_get_basename ("/foo/file");
g_assert_cmpstr (string, ==, "file");
g_free (string);
for (i = 0; i < n_dirname_checks; i++)
gchar *dirname = g_path_get_dirname (dirname_checks[i].filename);
g_assert_cmpstr (dirname, ==, dirname_checks[i].dirname);
g_free (dirname);
for (i = 0; i < n_skip_root_checks; i++)
const gchar *skipped = g_path_skip_root (skip_root_checks[i].filename);
if ((skipped && !skip_root_checks[i].without_root) ||
(!skipped && skip_root_checks[i].without_root) ||
((skipped && skip_root_checks[i].without_root) &&
strcmp (skipped, skip_root_checks[i].without_root)))
g_error ("failed for \"%s\"==\"%s\" (returned: \"%s\")",
(skip_root_checks[i].without_root ? skip_root_checks[i].without_root : "<NULL>"),
(skipped ? skipped : "<NULL>"));
for (i = 0; i < n_canonicalize_filename_checks; i++)
gchar *canonical_path =
g_canonicalize_filename (canonicalize_filename_checks[i].relative_path,
g_assert_cmpstr (canonical_path, ==,
g_free (canonical_path);
const gchar *relative_path = "./";
gchar *canonical_path = g_canonicalize_filename (relative_path, NULL);
gchar *cwd = g_get_current_dir ();
g_assert_cmpstr (canonical_path, ==, cwd);
g_free (cwd);
g_free (canonical_path);
static void
test_build_path (void)
if (g_test_undefined ())
g_test_expect_message (G_LOG_DOMAIN, G_LOG_LEVEL_CRITICAL,
"*assertion*!= NULL*");
g_assert_null (g_build_path (NULL, "x", "y", NULL));
g_test_assert_expected_messages ();
/* check_string (g_build_path ("", NULL), "");*/
check_string (g_build_path ("", "", NULL), "");
check_string (g_build_path ("", "x", NULL), "x");
check_string (g_build_path ("", "x", "y", NULL), "xy");
check_string (g_build_path ("", "x", "y", "z", NULL), "xyz");
/* check_string (g_build_path (":", NULL), "");*/
check_string (g_build_path (":", ":", NULL), ":");
check_string (g_build_path (":", ":x", NULL), ":x");
check_string (g_build_path (":", "x:", NULL), "x:");
check_string (g_build_path (":", "", "x", NULL), "x");
check_string (g_build_path (":", "", ":x", NULL), ":x");
check_string (g_build_path (":", ":", "x", NULL), ":x");
check_string (g_build_path (":", "::", "x", NULL), "::x");
check_string (g_build_path (":", "x", "", NULL), "x");
check_string (g_build_path (":", "x:", "", NULL), "x:");
check_string (g_build_path (":", "x", ":", NULL), "x:");
check_string (g_build_path (":", "x", "::", NULL), "x::");
check_string (g_build_path (":", "x", "y", NULL), "x:y");
check_string (g_build_path (":", ":x", "y", NULL), ":x:y");
check_string (g_build_path (":", "x", "y:", NULL), "x:y:");
check_string (g_build_path (":", ":x:", ":y:", NULL), ":x:y:");
check_string (g_build_path (":", ":x::", "::y:", NULL), ":x:y:");
check_string (g_build_path (":", "x", "","y", NULL), "x:y");
check_string (g_build_path (":", "x", ":", "y", NULL), "x:y");
check_string (g_build_path (":", "x", "::", "y", NULL), "x:y");
check_string (g_build_path (":", "x", "y", "z", NULL), "x:y:z");
check_string (g_build_path (":", ":x:", ":y:", ":z:", NULL), ":x:y:z:");
check_string (g_build_path (":", "::x::", "::y::", "::z::", NULL), "::x:y:z::");
/* check_string (g_build_path ("::", NULL), "");*/
check_string (g_build_path ("::", "::", NULL), "::");
check_string (g_build_path ("::", ":::", NULL), ":::");
check_string (g_build_path ("::", "::x", NULL), "::x");
check_string (g_build_path ("::", "x::", NULL), "x::");
check_string (g_build_path ("::", "", "x", NULL), "x");
check_string (g_build_path ("::", "", "::x", NULL), "::x");
check_string (g_build_path ("::", "::", "x", NULL), "::x");
check_string (g_build_path ("::", "::::", "x", NULL), "::::x");
check_string (g_build_path ("::", "x", "", NULL), "x");
check_string (g_build_path ("::", "x::", "", NULL), "x::");
check_string (g_build_path ("::", "x", "::", NULL), "x::");
/* This following is weird, but keeps the definition simple */
check_string (g_build_path ("::", "x", ":::", NULL), "x:::::");
check_string (g_build_path ("::", "x", "::::", NULL), "x::::");
check_string (g_build_path ("::", "x", "y", NULL), "x::y");
check_string (g_build_path ("::", "::x", "y", NULL), "::x::y");
check_string (g_build_path ("::", "x", "y::", NULL), "x::y::");
check_string (g_build_path ("::", "::x::", "::y::", NULL), "::x::y::");
check_string (g_build_path ("::", "::x:::", ":::y::", NULL), "::x::::y::");
check_string (g_build_path ("::", "::x::::", "::::y::", NULL), "::x::y::");
check_string (g_build_path ("::", "x", "", "y", NULL), "x::y");
check_string (g_build_path ("::", "x", "::", "y", NULL), "x::y");
check_string (g_build_path ("::", "x", "::::", "y", NULL), "x::y");
check_string (g_build_path ("::", "x", "y", "z", NULL), "x::y::z");
check_string (g_build_path ("::", "::x::", "::y::", "::z::", NULL), "::x::y::z::");
check_string (g_build_path ("::", ":::x:::", ":::y:::", ":::z:::", NULL), ":::x::::y::::z:::");
check_string (g_build_path ("::", "::::x::::", "::::y::::", "::::z::::", NULL), "::::x::y::z::::");
static void
test_build_pathv (void)
gchar *args[10];
g_assert_null (g_build_pathv ("", NULL));
args[0] = NULL;
check_string (g_build_pathv ("", args), "");
args[0] = ""; args[1] = NULL;
check_string (g_build_pathv ("", args), "");
args[0] = "x"; args[1] = NULL;
check_string (g_build_pathv ("", args), "x");
args[0] = "x"; args[1] = "y"; args[2] = NULL;
check_string (g_build_pathv ("", args), "xy");
args[0] = "x"; args[1] = "y"; args[2] = "z", args[3] = NULL;
check_string (g_build_pathv ("", args), "xyz");
args[0] = NULL;
check_string (g_build_pathv (":", args), "");
args[0] = ":"; args[1] = NULL;
check_string (g_build_pathv (":", args), ":");
args[0] = ":x"; args[1] = NULL;
check_string (g_build_pathv (":", args), ":x");
args[0] = "x:"; args[1] = NULL;
check_string (g_build_pathv (":", args), "x:");
args[0] = ""; args[1] = "x"; args[2] = NULL;
check_string (g_build_pathv (":", args), "x");
args[0] = ""; args[1] = ":x"; args[2] = NULL;
check_string (g_build_pathv (":", args), ":x");
args[0] = ":"; args[1] = "x"; args[2] = NULL;
check_string (g_build_pathv (":", args), ":x");
args[0] = "::"; args[1] = "x"; args[2] = NULL;
check_string (g_build_pathv (":", args), "::x");
args[0] = "x"; args[1] = ""; args[2] = NULL;
check_string (g_build_pathv (":", args), "x");
args[0] = "x:"; args[1] = ""; args[2] = NULL;
check_string (g_build_pathv (":", args), "x:");
args[0] = "x"; args[1] = ":"; args[2] = NULL;
check_string (g_build_pathv (":", args), "x:");
args[0] = "x"; args[1] = "::"; args[2] = NULL;
check_string (g_build_pathv (":", args), "x::");
args[0] = "x"; args[1] = "y"; args[2] = NULL;
check_string (g_build_pathv (":", args), "x:y");
args[0] = ":x"; args[1] = "y"; args[2] = NULL;
check_string (g_build_pathv (":", args), ":x:y");
args[0] = "x"; args[1] = "y:"; args[2] = NULL;
check_string (g_build_pathv (":", args), "x:y:");
args[0] = ":x:"; args[1] = ":y:"; args[2] = NULL;
check_string (g_build_pathv (":", args), ":x:y:");
args[0] = ":x::"; args[1] = "::y:"; args[2] = NULL;
check_string (g_build_pathv (":", args), ":x:y:");
args[0] = "x"; args[1] = ""; args[2] = "y"; args[3] = NULL;
check_string (g_build_pathv (":", args), "x:y");
args[0] = "x"; args[1] = ":"; args[2] = "y"; args[3] = NULL;
check_string (g_build_pathv (":", args), "x:y");
args[0] = "x"; args[1] = "::"; args[2] = "y"; args[3] = NULL;
check_string (g_build_pathv (":", args), "x:y");
args[0] = "x"; args[1] = "y"; args[2] = "z"; args[3] = NULL;
check_string (g_build_pathv (":", args), "x:y:z");
args[0] = ":x:"; args[1] = ":y:"; args[2] = ":z:"; args[3] = NULL;
check_string (g_build_pathv (":", args), ":x:y:z:");
args[0] = "::x::"; args[1] = "::y::"; args[2] = "::z::"; args[3] = NULL;
check_string (g_build_pathv (":", args), "::x:y:z::");
args[0] = NULL;
check_string (g_build_pathv ("::", args), "");
args[0] = "::"; args[1] = NULL;
check_string (g_build_pathv ("::", args), "::");
args[0] = ":::"; args[1] = NULL;
check_string (g_build_pathv ("::", args), ":::");
args[0] = "::x"; args[1] = NULL;
check_string (g_build_pathv ("::", args), "::x");
args[0] = "x::"; args[1] = NULL;
check_string (g_build_pathv ("::", args), "x::");
args[0] = ""; args[1] = "x"; args[2] = NULL;
check_string (g_build_pathv ("::", args), "x");
args[0] = ""; args[1] = "::x"; args[2] = NULL;
check_string (g_build_pathv ("::", args), "::x");
args[0] = "::"; args[1] = "x"; args[2] = NULL;
check_string (g_build_pathv ("::", args), "::x");
args[0] = "::::"; args[1] = "x"; args[2] = NULL;
check_string (g_build_pathv ("::", args), "::::x");
args[0] = "x"; args[1] = ""; args[2] = NULL;
check_string (g_build_pathv ("::", args), "x");
args[0] = "x::"; args[1] = ""; args[2] = NULL;
check_string (g_build_pathv ("::", args), "x::");
args[0] = "x"; args[1] = "::"; args[2] = NULL;
check_string (g_build_pathv ("::", args), "x::");
/* This following is weird, but keeps the definition simple */
args[0] = "x"; args[1] = ":::"; args[2] = NULL;
check_string (g_build_pathv ("::", args), "x:::::");
args[0] = "x"; args[1] = "::::"; args[2] = NULL;
check_string (g_build_pathv ("::", args), "x::::");
args[0] = "x"; args[1] = "y"; args[2] = NULL;
check_string (g_build_pathv ("::", args), "x::y");
args[0] = "::x"; args[1] = "y"; args[2] = NULL;
check_string (g_build_pathv ("::", args), "::x::y");
args[0] = "x"; args[1] = "y::"; args[2] = NULL;
check_string (g_build_pathv ("::", args), "x::y::");
args[0] = "::x::"; args[1] = "::y::"; args[2] = NULL;
check_string (g_build_pathv ("::", args), "::x::y::");
args[0] = "::x:::"; args[1] = ":::y::"; args[2] = NULL;
check_string (g_build_pathv ("::", args), "::x::::y::");
args[0] = "::x::::"; args[1] = "::::y::"; args[2] = NULL;
check_string (g_build_pathv ("::", args), "::x::y::");
args[0] = "x"; args[1] = ""; args[2] = "y"; args[3] = NULL;
check_string (g_build_pathv ("::", args), "x::y");
args[0] = "x"; args[1] = "::"; args[2] = "y"; args[3] = NULL;
check_string (g_build_pathv ("::", args), "x::y");
args[0] = "x"; args[1] = "::::"; args[2] = "y"; args[3] = NULL;
check_string (g_build_pathv ("::", args), "x::y");
args[0] = "x"; args[1] = "y"; args[2] = "z"; args[3] = NULL;
check_string (g_build_pathv ("::", args), "x::y::z");
args[0] = "::x::"; args[1] = "::y::"; args[2] = "::z::"; args[3] = NULL;
check_string (g_build_pathv ("::", args), "::x::y::z::");
args[0] = ":::x:::"; args[1] = ":::y:::"; args[2] = ":::z:::"; args[3] = NULL;
check_string (g_build_pathv ("::", args), ":::x::::y::::z:::");
args[0] = "::::x::::"; args[1] = "::::y::::"; args[2] = "::::z::::"; args[3] = NULL;
check_string (g_build_pathv ("::", args), "::::x::y::z::::");
static void
test_build_filename (void)
check_string (g_build_filename (S, NULL), S);
check_string (g_build_filename (S"x", NULL), S"x");
check_string (g_build_filename ("x"S, NULL), "x"S);
check_string (g_build_filename ("", "x", NULL), "x");
check_string (g_build_filename ("", S"x", NULL), S"x");
check_string (g_build_filename (S, "x", NULL), S"x");
check_string (g_build_filename (S S, "x", NULL), S S"x");
check_string (g_build_filename ("x", "", NULL), "x");
check_string (g_build_filename ("x"S, "", NULL), "x"S);
check_string (g_build_filename ("x", S, NULL), "x"S);
check_string (g_build_filename ("x", S S, NULL), "x"S S);
check_string (g_build_filename ("x", "y", NULL), "x"S"y");
check_string (g_build_filename (S"x", "y", NULL), S"x"S"y");
check_string (g_build_filename ("x", "y"S, NULL), "x"S"y"S);
check_string (g_build_filename (S"x"S, S"y"S, NULL), S"x"S"y"S);
check_string (g_build_filename (S"x"S S, S S"y"S, NULL), S"x"S"y"S);
check_string (g_build_filename ("x", "", "y", NULL), "x"S"y");
check_string (g_build_filename ("x", S, "y", NULL), "x"S"y");
check_string (g_build_filename ("x", S S, "y", NULL), "x"S"y");
check_string (g_build_filename ("x", "y", "z", NULL), "x"S"y"S"z");
check_string (g_build_filename (S"x"S, S"y"S, S"z"S, NULL), S"x"S"y"S"z"S);
check_string (g_build_filename (S S"x"S S, S S"y"S S, S S"z"S S, NULL), S S"x"S"y"S"z"S S);
#ifdef G_OS_WIN32
/* Test also using the slash as file name separator */
#define Z "/"
/* check_string (g_build_filename (NULL), ""); */
check_string (g_build_filename (Z, NULL), Z);
check_string (g_build_filename (Z"x", NULL), Z"x");
check_string (g_build_filename ("x"Z, NULL), "x"Z);
check_string (g_build_filename ("", Z"x", NULL), Z"x");
check_string (g_build_filename ("", Z"x", NULL), Z"x");
check_string (g_build_filename (Z, "x", NULL), Z"x");
check_string (g_build_filename (Z Z, "x", NULL), Z Z"x");
check_string (g_build_filename (Z S, "x", NULL), Z S"x");
check_string (g_build_filename ("x"Z, "", NULL), "x"Z);
check_string (g_build_filename ("x"S"y", "z"Z"a", NULL), "x"S"y"S"z"Z"a");
check_string (g_build_filename ("x", Z, NULL), "x"Z);
check_string (g_build_filename ("x", Z Z, NULL), "x"Z Z);
check_string (g_build_filename ("x", S Z, NULL), "x"S Z);
check_string (g_build_filename (Z"x", "y", NULL), Z"x"Z"y");
check_string (g_build_filename ("x", "y"Z, NULL), "x"Z"y"Z);
check_string (g_build_filename (Z"x"Z, Z"y"Z, NULL), Z"x"Z"y"Z);
check_string (g_build_filename (Z"x"Z Z, Z Z"y"Z, NULL), Z"x"Z"y"Z);
check_string (g_build_filename ("x", Z, "y", NULL), "x"Z"y");
check_string (g_build_filename ("x", Z Z, "y", NULL), "x"Z"y");
check_string (g_build_filename ("x", Z S, "y", NULL), "x"S"y");
check_string (g_build_filename ("x", S Z, "y", NULL), "x"Z"y");
check_string (g_build_filename ("x", Z "y", "z", NULL), "x"Z"y"Z"z");
check_string (g_build_filename ("x", S "y", "z", NULL), "x"S"y"S"z");
check_string (g_build_filename ("x", S "y", "z", Z, "a", "b", NULL), "x"S"y"S"z"Z"a"Z"b");
check_string (g_build_filename (Z"x"Z, Z"y"Z, Z"z"Z, NULL), Z"x"Z"y"Z"z"Z);
check_string (g_build_filename (Z Z"x"Z Z, Z Z"y"Z Z, Z Z"z"Z Z, NULL), Z Z"x"Z"y"Z"z"Z Z);
#undef Z
#endif /* G_OS_WIN32 */
static void
test_build_filenamev (void)
gchar *args[10];
args[0] = NULL;
check_string (g_build_filenamev (args), "");
args[0] = S; args[1] = NULL;
check_string (g_build_filenamev (args), S);
args[0] = S"x"; args[1] = NULL;
check_string (g_build_filenamev (args), S"x");
args[0] = "x"S; args[1] = NULL;
check_string (g_build_filenamev (args), "x"S);
args[0] = ""; args[1] = "x"; args[2] = NULL;
check_string (g_build_filenamev (args), "x");
args[0] = ""; args[1] = S"x"; args[2] = NULL;
check_string (g_build_filenamev (args), S"x");
args[0] = S; args[1] = "x"; args[2] = NULL;
check_string (g_build_filenamev (args), S"x");
args[0] = S S; args[1] = "x"; args[2] = NULL;
check_string (g_build_filenamev (args), S S"x");
args[0] = "x"; args[1] = ""; args[2] = NULL;
check_string (g_build_filenamev (args), "x");
args[0] = "x"S; args[1] = ""; args[2] = NULL;
check_string (g_build_filenamev (args), "x"S);
args[0] = "x"; args[1] = S; args[2] = NULL;
check_string (g_build_filenamev (args), "x"S);
args[0] = "x"; args[1] = S S; args[2] = NULL;
check_string (g_build_filenamev (args), "x"S S);
args[0] = "x"; args[1] = "y"; args[2] = NULL;
check_string (g_build_filenamev (args), "x"S"y");
args[0] = S"x"; args[1] = "y"; args[2] = NULL;
check_string (g_build_filenamev (args), S"x"S"y");
args[0] = "x"; args[1] = "y"S; args[2] = NULL;
check_string (g_build_filenamev (args), "x"S"y"S);
args[0] = S"x"S; args[1] = S"y"S; args[2] = NULL;
check_string (g_build_filenamev (args), S"x"S"y"S);
args[0] = S"x"S S; args[1] = S S"y"S; args[2] = NULL;
check_string (g_build_filenamev (args), S"x"S"y"S);
args[0] = "x"; args[1] = ""; args[2] = "y"; args[3] = NULL;
check_string (g_build_filenamev (args), "x"S"y");
args[0] = "x"; args[1] = S; args[2] = "y"; args[3] = NULL;
check_string (g_build_filenamev (args), "x"S"y");
args[0] = "x"; args[1] = S S; args[2] = "y"; args[3] = NULL;
check_string (g_build_filenamev (args), "x"S"y");
args[0] = "x"; args[1] = "y"; args[2] = "z"; args[3] = NULL;
check_string (g_build_filenamev (args), "x"S"y"S"z");
args[0] = S"x"S; args[1] = S"y"S; args[2] = S"z"S; args[3] = NULL;
check_string (g_build_filenamev (args), S"x"S"y"S"z"S);
args[0] = S S"x"S S; args[1] = S S"y"S S; args[2] = S S"z"S S; args[3] = NULL;
check_string (g_build_filenamev (args), S S"x"S"y"S"z"S S);
#ifdef G_OS_WIN32
/* Test also using the slash as file name separator */
#define Z "/"
args[0] = NULL;
check_string (g_build_filenamev (args), "");
args[0] = Z; args[1] = NULL;
check_string (g_build_filenamev (args), Z);
args[0] = Z"x"; args[1] = NULL;
check_string (g_build_filenamev (args), Z"x");
args[0] = "x"Z; args[1] = NULL;
check_string (g_build_filenamev (args), "x"Z);
args[0] = ""; args[1] = Z"x"; args[2] = NULL;
check_string (g_build_filenamev (args), Z"x");
args[0] = ""; args[1] = Z"x"; args[2] = NULL;
check_string (g_build_filenamev (args), Z"x");
args[0] = Z; args[1] = "x"; args[2] = NULL;
check_string (g_build_filenamev (args), Z"x");
args[0] = Z Z; args[1] = "x"; args[2] = NULL;
check_string (g_build_filenamev (args), Z Z"x");
args[0] = Z S; args[1] = "x"; args[2] = NULL;
check_string (g_build_filenamev (args), Z S"x");
args[0] = "x"Z; args[1] = ""; args[2] = NULL;
check_string (g_build_filenamev (args), "x"Z);
args[0] = "x"S"y"; args[1] = "z"Z"a"; args[2] = NULL;
check_string (g_build_filenamev (args), "x"S"y"S"z"Z"a");
args[0] = "x"; args[1] = Z; args[2] = NULL;
check_string (g_build_filenamev (args), "x"Z);
args[0] = "x"; args[1] = Z Z; args[2] = NULL;
check_string (g_build_filenamev (args), "x"Z Z);
args[0] = "x"; args[1] = S Z; args[2] = NULL;
check_string (g_build_filenamev (args), "x"S Z);
args[0] = Z"x"; args[1] = "y"; args[2] = NULL;
check_string (g_build_filenamev (args), Z"x"Z"y");
args[0] = "x"; args[1] = "y"Z; args[2] = NULL;
check_string (g_build_filenamev (args), "x"Z"y"Z);
args[0] = Z"x"Z; args[1] = Z"y"Z; args[2] = NULL;
check_string (g_build_filenamev (args), Z"x"Z"y"Z);
args[0] = Z"x"Z Z; args[1] = Z Z"y"Z; args[2] = NULL;
check_string (g_build_filenamev (args), Z"x"Z"y"Z);
args[0] = "x"; args[1] = Z; args[2] = "y", args[3] = NULL;
check_string (g_build_filenamev (args), "x"Z"y");
args[0] = "x"; args[1] = Z Z; args[2] = "y", args[3] = NULL;
check_string (g_build_filenamev (args), "x"Z"y");
args[0] = "x"; args[1] = Z S; args[2] = "y", args[3] = NULL;
check_string (g_build_filenamev (args), "x"S"y");
args[0] = "x"; args[1] = S Z; args[2] = "y", args[3] = NULL;
check_string (g_build_filenamev (args), "x"Z"y");
args[0] = "x"; args[1] = Z "y"; args[2] = "z", args[3] = NULL;
check_string (g_build_filenamev (args), "x"Z"y"Z"z");
args[0] = "x"; args[1] = S "y"; args[2] = "z", args[3] = NULL;
check_string (g_build_filenamev (args), "x"S"y"S"z");
args[0] = "x"; args[1] = S "y"; args[2] = "z", args[3] = Z;
args[4] = "a"; args[5] = "b"; args[6] = NULL;
check_string (g_build_filenamev (args), "x"S"y"S"z"Z"a"Z"b");
args[0] = Z"x"Z; args[1] = Z"y"Z; args[2] = Z"z"Z, args[3] = NULL;
check_string (g_build_filenamev (args), Z"x"Z"y"Z"z"Z);
args[0] = Z Z"x"Z Z; args[1] = Z Z"y"Z Z; args[2] = Z Z"z"Z Z, args[3] = NULL;
check_string (g_build_filenamev (args), Z Z"x"Z"y"Z"z"Z Z);
#undef Z
#endif /* G_OS_WIN32 */
#undef S
static void
test_mkdir_with_parents_1 (const gchar *base)
char *p0 = g_build_filename (base, "fum", NULL);
char *p1 = g_build_filename (p0, "tem", NULL);
char *p2 = g_build_filename (p1, "zap", NULL);
FILE *f;
g_remove (p2);
g_remove (p1);
g_remove (p0);
if (g_file_test (p0, G_FILE_TEST_EXISTS))
g_error ("failed, %s exists, cannot test g_mkdir_with_parents", p0);
if (g_file_test (p1, G_FILE_TEST_EXISTS))
g_error ("failed, %s exists, cannot test g_mkdir_with_parents", p1);
if (g_file_test (p2, G_FILE_TEST_EXISTS))
g_error ("failed, %s exists, cannot test g_mkdir_with_parents", p2);
if (g_mkdir_with_parents (p2, 0777) == -1)
int errsv = errno;
g_error ("failed, g_mkdir_with_parents(%s) failed: %s", p2, g_strerror (errsv));
if (!g_file_test (p2, G_FILE_TEST_IS_DIR))
g_error ("failed, g_mkdir_with_parents(%s) succeeded, but %s is not a directory", p2, p2);
if (!g_file_test (p1, G_FILE_TEST_IS_DIR))
g_error ("failed, g_mkdir_with_parents(%s) succeeded, but %s is not a directory", p2, p1);
if (!g_file_test (p0, G_FILE_TEST_IS_DIR))
g_error ("failed, g_mkdir_with_parents(%s) succeeded, but %s is not a directory", p2, p0);
g_rmdir (p2);
if (g_file_test (p2, G_FILE_TEST_EXISTS))
g_error ("failed, did g_rmdir(%s), but %s is still there", p2, p2);
g_rmdir (p1);
if (g_file_test (p1, G_FILE_TEST_EXISTS))
g_error ("failed, did g_rmdir(%s), but %s is still there", p1, p1);
f = g_fopen (p1, "w");
if (f == NULL)
g_error ("failed, couldn't create file %s", p1);
fclose (f);
if (g_mkdir_with_parents (p1, 0666) == 0)
g_error ("failed, g_mkdir_with_parents(%s) succeeded, even if %s is a file", p1, p1);
if (g_mkdir_with_parents (p2, 0666) == 0)
g_error("failed, g_mkdir_with_parents(%s) succeeded, even if %s is a file", p2, p1);
g_remove (p2);
g_remove (p1);
g_remove (p0);
g_free (p2);
g_free (p1);
g_free (p0);
static void
test_mkdir_with_parents (void)
gchar *cwd, *new_path;
if (g_test_verbose())
g_printerr ("checking g_mkdir_with_parents() in subdir ./hum/");
test_mkdir_with_parents_1 ("hum");
g_remove ("hum");
if (g_test_verbose())
g_printerr ("checking g_mkdir_with_parents() in subdir ./hii///haa/hee/");
test_mkdir_with_parents_1 ("./hii///haa/hee///");
g_remove ("hii/haa/hee");
g_remove ("hii/haa");
g_remove ("hii");
cwd = g_get_current_dir ();
if (g_test_verbose())
g_printerr ("checking g_mkdir_with_parents() in cwd: %s", cwd);
test_mkdir_with_parents_1 (cwd);
new_path = g_build_filename (cwd, "new", NULL);
g_assert_cmpint (g_mkdir_with_parents (new_path, 0), ==, 0);
g_assert_cmpint (g_rmdir (new_path), ==, 0);
g_free (new_path);
g_free (cwd);
g_assert_cmpint (g_mkdir_with_parents ("./test", 0), ==, 0);
g_assert_cmpint (g_mkdir_with_parents ("./test", 0), ==, 0);
g_remove ("./test");
#ifndef G_OS_WIN32
g_assert_cmpint (g_mkdir_with_parents ("/usr/b/c", 0), ==, -1);
/* EPERM may be returned if the filesystem as a whole is read-only */
if (errno != EPERM)
g_assert_cmpint (errno, ==, EACCES);
g_assert_cmpint (g_mkdir_with_parents (NULL, 0), ==, -1);
g_assert_cmpint (errno, ==, EINVAL);
* check_cap_dac_override:
* @tmpdir: (nullable): A temporary directory in which we can create
* and delete files. If %NULL, use the g_get_tmp_dir(), safely.
* Check whether the current process can bypass DAC permissions.
* Traditionally, "privileged" processes (those with effective uid 0)
* could do this (and bypass many other checks), and "unprivileged"
* processes could not.
* In Linux, the special powers of euid 0 are divided into many
* capabilities: see `capabilities(7)`. The one we are interested in
* here is `CAP_DAC_OVERRIDE`.
* We do this generically instead of actually looking at the capability
* bits, so that the right thing will happen on non-Linux Unix
* implementations, in particular if they have something equivalent to
* but not identical to Linux permissions.
* Returns: %TRUE if we have Linux `CAP_DAC_OVERRIDE` or equivalent
* privileges
static gboolean
check_cap_dac_override (const char *tmpdir)
#ifdef G_OS_UNIX
gchar *safe_tmpdir = NULL;
gchar *dac_denies_write;
gchar *inside;
gboolean have_cap;
if (tmpdir == NULL)
/* It's unsafe to write predictable filenames into g_get_tmp_dir(),
* because it's usually a shared directory that can be subject to
* symlink attacks, so use a subdirectory for this check. */
GError *error = NULL;
safe_tmpdir = g_dir_make_tmp (NULL, &error);
g_assert_no_error (error);
g_clear_error (&error);
if (safe_tmpdir == NULL)
return FALSE;
tmpdir = safe_tmpdir;
dac_denies_write = g_build_filename (tmpdir, "dac-denies-write", NULL);
inside = g_build_filename (dac_denies_write, "inside", NULL);
g_assert_no_errno (mkdir (dac_denies_write, S_IRWXU));
g_assert_no_errno (g_chmod (dac_denies_write, 0));
if (mkdir (inside, S_IRWXU) == 0)
g_test_message ("Looks like we have CAP_DAC_OVERRIDE or equivalent");
g_assert_no_errno (rmdir (inside));
have_cap = TRUE;
int saved_errno = errno;
g_test_message ("We do not have CAP_DAC_OVERRIDE or equivalent");
g_assert_cmpint (saved_errno, ==, EACCES);
have_cap = FALSE;
g_assert_no_errno (g_chmod (dac_denies_write, S_IRWXU));
g_assert_no_errno (rmdir (dac_denies_write));
if (safe_tmpdir != NULL)
g_assert_no_errno (rmdir (safe_tmpdir));
g_free (dac_denies_write);
g_free (inside);
g_free (safe_tmpdir);
return have_cap;
return FALSE;
/* Reproducer for https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/glib/issues/1852 */
static void
test_mkdir_with_parents_permission (void)
#ifdef G_OS_UNIX
gchar *tmpdir;
gchar *subdir;
gchar *subdir2;
gchar *subdir3;
GError *error = NULL;
int result;
int saved_errno;
gboolean have_cap_dac_override;
tmpdir = g_dir_make_tmp ("test-fileutils.XXXXXX", &error);
g_assert_no_error (error);
g_assert_nonnull (tmpdir);
have_cap_dac_override = check_cap_dac_override (tmpdir);
subdir = g_build_filename (tmpdir, "sub", NULL);
subdir2 = g_build_filename (subdir, "sub2", NULL);
subdir3 = g_build_filename (subdir2, "sub3", NULL);
g_assert_no_errno (g_mkdir (subdir, 0700));
g_assert_no_errno (g_chmod (subdir, 0));
if (have_cap_dac_override)
g_test_skip ("have CAP_DAC_OVERRIDE or equivalent, cannot test");
result = g_mkdir_with_parents (subdir2, 0700);
saved_errno = errno;
g_assert_cmpint (result, ==, -1);
g_assert_cmpint (saved_errno, ==, EACCES);
result = g_mkdir_with_parents (subdir3, 0700);
saved_errno = errno;
g_assert_cmpint (result, ==, -1);
g_assert_cmpint (saved_errno, ==, EACCES);
g_assert_no_errno (g_chmod (subdir, 0700));
g_assert_no_errno (g_remove (subdir));
g_assert_no_errno (g_remove (tmpdir));
g_free (subdir3);
g_free (subdir2);
g_free (subdir);
g_free (tmpdir);
g_test_skip ("cannot test without Unix-style permissions");
static void
test_format_size_for_display (void)
#ifdef G_OS_WIN32
/* nobody called setlocale(), so we should get "C" behaviour... */
check_string (g_format_size_for_display (0), "0 bytes");
check_string (g_format_size_for_display (1), "1 byte");
check_string (g_format_size_for_display (2), "2 bytes");
check_string (g_format_size_for_display (1024), "1.0 KB");
check_string (g_format_size_for_display (1024 * 1024), "1.0 MB");
check_string (g_format_size_for_display (1024 * 1024 * 1024), "1.0 GB");
check_string (g_format_size_for_display (1024ULL * 1024 * 1024 * 1024), "1.0 TB");
check_string (g_format_size_for_display (1024ULL * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024), "1.0 PB");
check_string (g_format_size_for_display (1024ULL * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024), "1.0 EB");
check_string (g_format_size (0), "0 bytes");
check_string (g_format_size (1), "1 byte");
check_string (g_format_size (2), "2 bytes");
/* '\302\240' is a no-break space, to keep quantity and unit symbol together at line breaks*/
check_string (g_format_size (1000ULL), "1.0\302\240kB");
check_string (g_format_size (1000ULL * 1000), "1.0\302\240MB");
check_string (g_format_size (1000ULL * 1000 * 1000), "1.0\302\240GB");
check_string (g_format_size (1000ULL * 1000 * 1000 * 1000), "1.0\302\240TB");
check_string (g_format_size (1000ULL * 1000 * 1000 * 1000 * 1000), "1.0\302\240PB");
check_string (g_format_size (1000ULL * 1000 * 1000 * 1000 * 1000 * 1000), "1.0\302\240EB");
check_string (g_format_size_full (0, G_FORMAT_SIZE_IEC_UNITS), "0 bytes");
check_string (g_format_size_full (0, G_FORMAT_SIZE_IEC_UNITS | G_FORMAT_SIZE_ONLY_VALUE), "0");
check_string (g_format_size_full (0, G_FORMAT_SIZE_IEC_UNITS | G_FORMAT_SIZE_ONLY_UNIT), "bytes");
check_string (g_format_size_full (1, G_FORMAT_SIZE_IEC_UNITS), "1 byte");
check_string (g_format_size_full (1, G_FORMAT_SIZE_IEC_UNITS | G_FORMAT_SIZE_ONLY_VALUE), "1");
check_string (g_format_size_full (1, G_FORMAT_SIZE_IEC_UNITS | G_FORMAT_SIZE_ONLY_UNIT), "byte");
check_string (g_format_size_full (2, G_FORMAT_SIZE_IEC_UNITS), "2 bytes");
check_string (g_format_size_full (2, G_FORMAT_SIZE_IEC_UNITS | G_FORMAT_SIZE_ONLY_VALUE), "2");
check_string (g_format_size_full (2, G_FORMAT_SIZE_IEC_UNITS | G_FORMAT_SIZE_ONLY_UNIT), "bytes");
check_string (g_format_size_full (2048ULL, G_FORMAT_SIZE_IEC_UNITS), "2.0\302\240KiB");
check_string (g_format_size_full (2048ULL * 1024, G_FORMAT_SIZE_IEC_UNITS), "2.0\302\240MiB");
check_string (g_format_size_full (2048ULL * 1024 * 1024, G_FORMAT_SIZE_IEC_UNITS), "2.0\302\240GiB");
check_string (g_format_size_full (2048ULL * 1024 * 1024 * 1024, G_FORMAT_SIZE_IEC_UNITS), "2.0\302\240TiB");
check_string (g_format_size_full (2048ULL * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024, G_FORMAT_SIZE_IEC_UNITS), "2.0\302\240PiB");
check_string (g_format_size_full (2048ULL * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024, G_FORMAT_SIZE_IEC_UNITS), "2.0\302\240EiB");
check_string (g_format_size_full (238472938, G_FORMAT_SIZE_IEC_UNITS), "227.4\302\240MiB");
check_string (g_format_size_full (238472938, G_FORMAT_SIZE_DEFAULT), "238.5\302\240MB");
check_string (g_format_size_full (238472938, G_FORMAT_SIZE_LONG_FORMAT), "238.5\302\240MB (238472938 bytes)");
check_string (g_format_size_full (238472938, G_FORMAT_SIZE_IEC_UNITS | G_FORMAT_SIZE_ONLY_VALUE), "227.4");
check_string (g_format_size_full (238472938, G_FORMAT_SIZE_IEC_UNITS | G_FORMAT_SIZE_ONLY_UNIT), "MiB");
check_string (g_format_size_full (0, G_FORMAT_SIZE_BITS), "0 bits");
check_string (g_format_size_full (0, G_FORMAT_SIZE_BITS | G_FORMAT_SIZE_ONLY_VALUE), "0");
check_string (g_format_size_full (0, G_FORMAT_SIZE_BITS | G_FORMAT_SIZE_ONLY_UNIT), "bits");
check_string (g_format_size_full (1, G_FORMAT_SIZE_BITS), "1 bit");
check_string (g_format_size_full (1, G_FORMAT_SIZE_BITS | G_FORMAT_SIZE_ONLY_VALUE), "1");
check_string (g_format_size_full (1, G_FORMAT_SIZE_BITS | G_FORMAT_SIZE_ONLY_UNIT), "bit");
check_string (g_format_size_full (2, G_FORMAT_SIZE_BITS), "2 bits");
check_string (g_format_size_full (2, G_FORMAT_SIZE_BITS | G_FORMAT_SIZE_ONLY_VALUE), "2");
check_string (g_format_size_full (2, G_FORMAT_SIZE_BITS | G_FORMAT_SIZE_ONLY_UNIT), "bits");
check_string (g_format_size_full (2000ULL, G_FORMAT_SIZE_BITS), "2.0\302\240kb");
check_string (g_format_size_full (2000ULL * 1000, G_FORMAT_SIZE_BITS), "2.0\302\240Mb");
check_string (g_format_size_full (2000ULL * 1000 * 1000, G_FORMAT_SIZE_BITS), "2.0\302\240Gb");
check_string (g_format_size_full (2000ULL * 1000 * 1000 * 1000, G_FORMAT_SIZE_BITS), "2.0\302\240Tb");
check_string (g_format_size_full (2000ULL * 1000 * 1000 * 1000 * 1000, G_FORMAT_SIZE_BITS), "2.0\302\240Pb");
check_string (g_format_size_full (2000ULL * 1000 * 1000 * 1000 * 1000 * 1000, G_FORMAT_SIZE_BITS), "2.0\302\240Eb");
check_string (g_format_size_full (238472938, G_FORMAT_SIZE_BITS), "238.5\302\240Mb");
check_string (g_format_size_full (238472938, G_FORMAT_SIZE_BITS | G_FORMAT_SIZE_LONG_FORMAT), "238.5\302\240Mb (238472938 bits)");
check_string (g_format_size_full (238472938, G_FORMAT_SIZE_BITS | G_FORMAT_SIZE_ONLY_VALUE), "238.5");
check_string (g_format_size_full (238472938, G_FORMAT_SIZE_BITS | G_FORMAT_SIZE_ONLY_UNIT), "Mb");
check_string (g_format_size_full (0, G_FORMAT_SIZE_BITS | G_FORMAT_SIZE_IEC_UNITS), "0 bits");
check_string (g_format_size_full (0, G_FORMAT_SIZE_BITS | G_FORMAT_SIZE_IEC_UNITS | G_FORMAT_SIZE_ONLY_VALUE), "0");
check_string (g_format_size_full (0, G_FORMAT_SIZE_BITS | G_FORMAT_SIZE_IEC_UNITS | G_FORMAT_SIZE_ONLY_UNIT), "bits");
check_string (g_format_size_full (1, G_FORMAT_SIZE_BITS | G_FORMAT_SIZE_IEC_UNITS), "1 bit");
check_string (g_format_size_full (1, G_FORMAT_SIZE_BITS | G_FORMAT_SIZE_IEC_UNITS | G_FORMAT_SIZE_ONLY_VALUE), "1");
check_string (g_format_size_full (1, G_FORMAT_SIZE_BITS | G_FORMAT_SIZE_IEC_UNITS | G_FORMAT_SIZE_ONLY_UNIT), "bit");
check_string (g_format_size_full (2, G_FORMAT_SIZE_BITS | G_FORMAT_SIZE_IEC_UNITS), "2 bits");
check_string (g_format_size_full (2, G_FORMAT_SIZE_BITS | G_FORMAT_SIZE_IEC_UNITS | G_FORMAT_SIZE_ONLY_VALUE), "2");
check_string (g_format_size_full (2, G_FORMAT_SIZE_BITS | G_FORMAT_SIZE_IEC_UNITS | G_FORMAT_SIZE_ONLY_UNIT), "bits");
check_string (g_format_size_full (2048ULL, G_FORMAT_SIZE_BITS | G_FORMAT_SIZE_IEC_UNITS), "2.0\302\240Kib");
check_string (g_format_size_full (2048ULL * 1024, G_FORMAT_SIZE_BITS | G_FORMAT_SIZE_IEC_UNITS), "2.0\302\240Mib");
check_string (g_format_size_full (2048ULL * 1024 * 1024, G_FORMAT_SIZE_BITS | G_FORMAT_SIZE_IEC_UNITS), "2.0\302\240Gib");
check_string (g_format_size_full (2048ULL * 1024 * 1024 * 1024, G_FORMAT_SIZE_BITS | G_FORMAT_SIZE_IEC_UNITS), "2.0\302\240Tib");
check_string (g_format_size_full (2048ULL * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024, G_FORMAT_SIZE_BITS | G_FORMAT_SIZE_IEC_UNITS), "2.0\302\240Pib");
check_string (g_format_size_full (2048ULL * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024, G_FORMAT_SIZE_BITS | G_FORMAT_SIZE_IEC_UNITS), "2.0\302\240Eib");
check_string (g_format_size_full (238472938, G_FORMAT_SIZE_BITS | G_FORMAT_SIZE_IEC_UNITS), "227.4\302\240Mib");
check_string (g_format_size_full (238472938, G_FORMAT_SIZE_BITS | G_FORMAT_SIZE_IEC_UNITS | G_FORMAT_SIZE_LONG_FORMAT), "227.4\302\240Mib (238472938 bits)");
check_string (g_format_size_full (238472938, G_FORMAT_SIZE_BITS | G_FORMAT_SIZE_IEC_UNITS | G_FORMAT_SIZE_ONLY_VALUE), "227.4");
check_string (g_format_size_full (238472938, G_FORMAT_SIZE_BITS | G_FORMAT_SIZE_IEC_UNITS | G_FORMAT_SIZE_ONLY_UNIT), "Mib");
static void
test_file_errors (void)
g_assert_cmpint (g_file_error_from_errno (-1), ==, G_FILE_ERROR_FAILED);
#ifdef EEXIST
g_assert_cmpint (g_file_error_from_errno (EEXIST), ==, G_FILE_ERROR_EXIST);
#ifdef EISDIR
g_assert_cmpint (g_file_error_from_errno (EISDIR), ==, G_FILE_ERROR_ISDIR);
#ifdef EACCES
g_assert_cmpint (g_file_error_from_errno (EACCES), ==, G_FILE_ERROR_ACCES);
g_assert_cmpint (g_file_error_from_errno (ENAMETOOLONG), ==, G_FILE_ERROR_NAMETOOLONG);
#ifdef ENOENT
g_assert_cmpint (g_file_error_from_errno (ENOENT), ==, G_FILE_ERROR_NOENT);
#ifdef ENOTDIR
g_assert_cmpint (g_file_error_from_errno (ENOTDIR), ==, G_FILE_ERROR_NOTDIR);
#ifdef ENXIO
g_assert_cmpint (g_file_error_from_errno (ENXIO), ==, G_FILE_ERROR_NXIO);
#ifdef ENODEV
g_assert_cmpint (g_file_error_from_errno (ENODEV), ==, G_FILE_ERROR_NODEV);
#ifdef EROFS
g_assert_cmpint (g_file_error_from_errno (EROFS), ==, G_FILE_ERROR_ROFS);
#ifdef ETXTBSY
g_assert_cmpint (g_file_error_from_errno (ETXTBSY), ==, G_FILE_ERROR_TXTBSY);
#ifdef EFAULT
g_assert_cmpint (g_file_error_from_errno (EFAULT), ==, G_FILE_ERROR_FAULT);
#ifdef ELOOP
g_assert_cmpint (g_file_error_from_errno (ELOOP), ==, G_FILE_ERROR_LOOP);
#ifdef ENOSPC
g_assert_cmpint (g_file_error_from_errno (ENOSPC), ==, G_FILE_ERROR_NOSPC);
#ifdef ENOMEM
g_assert_cmpint (g_file_error_from_errno (ENOMEM), ==, G_FILE_ERROR_NOMEM);
#ifdef EMFILE
g_assert_cmpint (g_file_error_from_errno (EMFILE), ==, G_FILE_ERROR_MFILE);
#ifdef ENFILE
g_assert_cmpint (g_file_error_from_errno (ENFILE), ==, G_FILE_ERROR_NFILE);
#ifdef EBADF
g_assert_cmpint (g_file_error_from_errno (EBADF), ==, G_FILE_ERROR_BADF);
#ifdef EINVAL
g_assert_cmpint (g_file_error_from_errno (EINVAL), ==, G_FILE_ERROR_INVAL);
#ifdef EPIPE
g_assert_cmpint (g_file_error_from_errno (EPIPE), ==, G_FILE_ERROR_PIPE);
#ifdef EAGAIN
g_assert_cmpint (g_file_error_from_errno (EAGAIN), ==, G_FILE_ERROR_AGAIN);
#ifdef EINTR
g_assert_cmpint (g_file_error_from_errno (EINTR), ==, G_FILE_ERROR_INTR);
#ifdef EIO
g_assert_cmpint (g_file_error_from_errno (EIO), ==, G_FILE_ERROR_IO);
#ifdef EPERM
g_assert_cmpint (g_file_error_from_errno (EPERM), ==, G_FILE_ERROR_PERM);
#ifdef ENOSYS
g_assert_cmpint (g_file_error_from_errno (ENOSYS), ==, G_FILE_ERROR_NOSYS);
static void
test_basename (void)
const gchar *path = "/path/to/a/file/deep/down.sh";
const gchar *b;
if (g_test_undefined ())
g_test_expect_message (G_LOG_DOMAIN, G_LOG_LEVEL_CRITICAL,
"*assertion*!= NULL*");
g_assert_null (g_basename (NULL));
g_test_assert_expected_messages ();
b = g_basename (path);
g_assert_cmpstr (b, ==, "down.sh");
static void
test_get_basename (void)
gchar *b;
if (g_test_undefined ())
g_test_expect_message (G_LOG_DOMAIN, G_LOG_LEVEL_CRITICAL,
"*assertion*!= NULL*");
g_assert_null (g_path_get_basename (NULL));
g_test_assert_expected_messages ();
b = g_path_get_basename ("");
g_assert_cmpstr (b, ==, ".");
g_free (b);
b = g_path_get_basename ("///");
g_assert_cmpstr (b, ==, G_DIR_SEPARATOR_S);
g_free (b);
b = g_path_get_basename ("/a/b/c/d");
g_assert_cmpstr (b, ==, "d");
g_free (b);
static void
test_dirname (void)
gsize i;
struct {
const gchar *filename;
const gchar *dirname;
} dirname_checks[] = {
{ "/", "/" },
{ "////", "/" },
{ ".////", "." },
{ ".", "." },
{ "..", "." },
{ "../", ".." },
{ "..////", ".." },
{ "", "." },
{ "a/b", "a" },
{ "a/b/", "a/b" },
{ "c///", "c" },
{ "/a/b", "/a" },
{ "/a/b/", "/a/b" },
#ifdef G_OS_WIN32
{ "\\", "\\" },
{ ".\\\\\\\\", "." },
{ ".\\/\\/", "." },
{ ".", "." },
{ "..", "." },
{ "..\\", ".." },
{ "..\\\\\\\\", ".." },
{ "..\\//\\", ".." },
{ "", "." },
{ "a\\b", "a" },
{ "a\\b\\", "a\\b" },
{ "\\a\\b", "\\a" },
{ "\\a\\b\\", "\\a\\b" },
{ "c\\\\\\", "c" },
{ "c/\\\\", "c" },
{ "a:", "a:." },
{ "a:foo", "a:." },
{ "a:foo\\bar", "a:foo" },
{ "a:/foo", "a:/" },
{ "a:/foo/bar", "a:/foo" },
{ "a:/", "a:/" },
{ "a://", "a:/" },
{ "a:\\foo", "a:\\" },
{ "a:\\", "a:\\" },
{ "a:\\\\", "a:\\" },
{ "a:\\/", "a:\\" },
if (g_test_undefined ())
g_test_expect_message (G_LOG_DOMAIN, G_LOG_LEVEL_CRITICAL,
"*assertion*!= NULL*");
g_assert_null (g_path_get_dirname (NULL));
g_test_assert_expected_messages ();
for (i = 0; i < G_N_ELEMENTS (dirname_checks); i++)
gchar *dirname;
dirname = g_path_get_dirname (dirname_checks[i].filename);
g_assert_cmpstr (dirname, ==, dirname_checks[i].dirname);
g_free (dirname);
static void
test_dir_make_tmp (void)
gchar *name;
GError *error = NULL;
gint ret;
name = g_dir_make_tmp ("testXXXXXXtest", &error);
g_assert_no_error (error);
g_assert_true (g_file_test (name, G_FILE_TEST_IS_DIR));
ret = g_rmdir (name);
g_assert_cmpint (ret, ==, 0);
g_free (name);
name = g_dir_make_tmp (NULL, &error);
g_assert_no_error (error);
g_assert_true (g_file_test (name, G_FILE_TEST_IS_DIR));
ret = g_rmdir (name);
g_assert_cmpint (ret, ==, 0);
g_free (name);
name = g_dir_make_tmp ("test/XXXXXX", &error);
g_assert_error (error, G_FILE_ERROR, G_FILE_ERROR_FAILED);
g_clear_error (&error);
g_assert_null (name);
name = g_dir_make_tmp ("XXXXxX", &error);
g_assert_error (error, G_FILE_ERROR, G_FILE_ERROR_FAILED);
g_clear_error (&error);
g_assert_null (name);
static void
test_file_open_tmp (void)
gchar *name = NULL;
GError *error = NULL;
gint fd;
fd = g_file_open_tmp ("testXXXXXXtest", &name, &error);
g_assert_cmpint (fd, !=, -1);
g_assert_no_error (error);
g_assert_nonnull (name);
unlink (name);
g_free (name);
close (fd);
fd = g_file_open_tmp (NULL, &name, &error);
g_assert_cmpint (fd, !=, -1);
g_assert_no_error (error);
g_assert_nonnull (name);
g_unlink (name);
g_free (name);
close (fd);
name = NULL;
fd = g_file_open_tmp ("test/XXXXXX", &name, &error);
g_assert_cmpint (fd, ==, -1);
g_assert_null (name);
g_assert_error (error, G_FILE_ERROR, G_FILE_ERROR_FAILED);
g_clear_error (&error);
fd = g_file_open_tmp ("XXXXxX", &name, &error);
g_assert_cmpint (fd, ==, -1);
g_assert_null (name);
g_assert_error (error, G_FILE_ERROR, G_FILE_ERROR_FAILED);
g_clear_error (&error);
error = NULL;
name = NULL;
fd = g_file_open_tmp ("zap" G_DIR_SEPARATOR_S "barXXXXXX", &name, &error);
g_assert_cmpint (fd, ==, -1);
g_clear_error (&error);
g_free (name);
#ifdef G_OS_WIN32
name = NULL;
fd = g_file_open_tmp ("zap/barXXXXXX", &name, &error);
g_assert_cmpint (fd, ==, -1);
g_clear_error (&error);
g_free (name);
name = NULL;
fd = g_file_open_tmp ("zapXXXXXX", &name, &error);
g_assert_cmpint (fd, !=, -1);
close (fd);
g_clear_error (&error);
remove (name);
g_free (name);
name = NULL;
fd = g_file_open_tmp (NULL, &name, &error);
g_assert_cmpint (fd, !=, -1);
close (fd);
g_clear_error (&error);
remove (name);
g_free (name);
static void
test_mkstemp (void)
gint fd;
gint result;
gchar *name;
char chars[62];
char template[32];
const char hello[] = "Hello, World";
const gsize hellolen = sizeof (hello) - 1;
if (g_test_undefined ())
g_test_expect_message (G_LOG_DOMAIN, G_LOG_LEVEL_CRITICAL,
"*assertion*!= NULL*");
g_assert_cmpint (g_mkstemp (NULL), ==, -1);
g_test_assert_expected_messages ();
/* Expect to fail if no 'XXXXXX' is given */
name = g_strdup ("test");
g_assert_cmpint (g_mkstemp (name), ==, -1);
g_free (name);
/* Test normal case */
name = g_strdup ("testXXXXXXtest"),
fd = g_mkstemp (name);
g_assert_cmpint (fd, !=, -1);
g_assert_null (strstr (name, "XXXXXX"));
unlink (name);
close (fd);
g_free (name);
/* g_mkstemp() must not work if template doesn't contain XXXXXX */
strcpy (template, "foobar");
g_assert_cmpint (g_mkstemp (template), ==, -1);
/* g_mkstemp() must not work if template doesn't contain six X */
strcpy (template, "foobarXXX");
g_assert_cmpint (g_mkstemp (template), ==, -1);
strcpy (template, "fooXXXXXX");
fd = g_mkstemp (template);
g_assert_cmpint (fd, !=, -1);
result = write (fd, hello, hellolen);
g_assert_cmpint (result, !=, -1);
g_assert_cmpint (result, ==, hellolen);
lseek (fd, 0, 0);
result = read (fd, chars, sizeof (chars));
g_assert_cmpint (result, !=, -1);
g_assert_cmpint (result, ==, hellolen);
chars[result] = '\0';
g_assert_cmpstr (chars, ==, hello);
close (fd);
remove (template);
/* Check that is does not work for "fooXXXXXX.pdf" */
strcpy (template, "fooXXXXXX.pdf");
fd = g_mkstemp (template);
g_assert_cmpint (fd, !=, -1);
close (fd);
remove (template);
static void
test_mkdtemp (void)
gint fd;
gchar *ret;
gchar *name;
char template[32];
name = g_strdup ("testXXXXXXtest"),
ret = g_mkdtemp (name);
g_assert (ret == name);
g_assert_null (strstr (name, "XXXXXX"));
g_rmdir (name);
g_free (name);
name = g_strdup ("testYYYYYYtest"),
ret = g_mkdtemp (name);
g_assert_null (ret);
g_free (name);
strcpy (template, "foodir");
g_assert_null (g_mkdtemp (template));
strcpy (template, "foodir");
g_assert_null (g_mkdtemp (template));
strcpy (template, "fooXXXXXX");
ret = g_mkdtemp (template);
g_assert_nonnull (ret);
g_assert_true (ret == template);
g_assert_false (g_file_test (template, G_FILE_TEST_IS_REGULAR));
g_assert_true (g_file_test (template, G_FILE_TEST_IS_DIR));
strcat (template, "/abc");
fd = g_open (template, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT, 0600);
g_assert_cmpint (fd, !=, -1);
close (fd);
g_assert_true (g_file_test (template, G_FILE_TEST_IS_REGULAR));
g_assert_cmpint (g_unlink (template), !=, -1);
template[9] = '\0';
g_assert_cmpint (g_rmdir (template), !=, -1);
strcpy (template, "fooXXXXXX.dir");
g_assert_nonnull (g_mkdtemp (template));
g_assert_true (g_file_test (template, G_FILE_TEST_IS_DIR));
g_rmdir (template);
static void
test_get_contents (void)
FILE *f;
gsize len;
gchar *contents;
GError *error = NULL;
const gchar *text = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";
const gchar *filename = "file-test-get-contents";
f = g_fopen (filename, "w");
fwrite (text, 1, strlen (text), f);
fclose (f);
if (g_test_undefined ())
g_test_expect_message (G_LOG_DOMAIN, G_LOG_LEVEL_CRITICAL,
"*assertion*!= NULL*");
g_assert_false (g_file_get_contents (NULL, &contents, &len, &error));
g_test_assert_expected_messages ();
g_test_expect_message (G_LOG_DOMAIN, G_LOG_LEVEL_CRITICAL,
"*assertion*!= NULL*");
g_assert_false (g_file_get_contents (filename, NULL, &len, &error));
g_test_assert_expected_messages ();
g_assert_true (g_file_test (filename, G_FILE_TEST_IS_REGULAR));
g_assert_true (g_file_get_contents (filename, &contents, &len, &error));
g_assert_cmpstr (text, ==, contents);
g_assert_no_error (error);
g_free (contents);
static void
test_file_test (void)
GError *error = NULL;
gboolean result;
gchar *name;
gint fd;
if (g_test_undefined ())
g_test_expect_message (G_LOG_DOMAIN, G_LOG_LEVEL_CRITICAL,
"*assertion*!= NULL*");
result = g_file_test (NULL, G_FILE_TEST_EXISTS);
g_assert_false (result);
g_test_assert_expected_messages ();
fd = g_file_open_tmp (NULL, &name, &error);
g_assert_no_error (error);
write (fd, "a", 1);
g_assert_cmpint (g_fsync (fd), ==, 0);
close (fd);
#ifndef G_OS_WIN32
result = g_file_test (name, G_FILE_TEST_IS_SYMLINK);
g_assert_false (result);
symlink (name, "symlink");
result = g_file_test ("symlink", G_FILE_TEST_IS_SYMLINK);
g_assert_true (result);
unlink ("symlink");
/* Cleaning */
g_remove (name);
g_free (name);
static void
test_set_contents (void)
GError *error = NULL;
gint fd;
gchar *name;
gchar *buf;
gsize len;
gboolean ret;
fd = g_file_open_tmp (NULL, &name, &error);
g_assert_no_error (error);
write (fd, "a", 1);
g_assert_cmpint (g_fsync (fd), ==, 0);
close (fd);
ret = g_file_get_contents (name, &buf, &len, &error);
g_assert_true (ret);
g_assert_no_error (error);
g_assert_cmpstr (buf, ==, "a");
g_free (buf);
ret = g_file_set_contents (name, "b", 1, &error);
g_assert_true (ret);
g_assert_no_error (error);
ret = g_file_get_contents (name, &buf, &len, &error);
g_assert_true (ret);
g_assert_no_error (error);
g_assert_cmpstr (buf, ==, "b");
g_free (buf);
g_remove (name);
g_free (name);
static void
test_set_contents_full (void)
GFileSetContentsFlags flags_mask =
gint flags;
const struct
#ifndef G_OS_WIN32
int new_mode; /* only relevant if @existing_file is %EXISTING_FILE_NONE */
gboolean use_strlen;
gboolean expected_success;
gint expected_error;
tests[] =
#ifndef G_OS_WIN32
/* on win32, _wopen returns EACCES if path is a directory */
gsize i;
g_test_summary ("Test g_file_set_contents_full() with various flags");
for (flags = 0; flags < (gint) flags_mask; flags++)
for (i = 0; i < G_N_ELEMENTS (tests); i++)
GError *error = NULL;
gchar *file_name = NULL, *link_name = NULL, *dir_name = NULL;
const gchar *set_contents_name;
gchar *buf = NULL;
gsize len;
gboolean ret;
GStatBuf statbuf;
g_test_message ("Flags %d and test %" G_GSIZE_FORMAT, flags, i);
switch (tests[i].existing_file)
#ifndef G_OS_WIN32
gint fd;
fd = g_file_open_tmp (NULL, &file_name, &error);
g_assert_no_error (error);
write (fd, "a", 1);
g_assert_no_errno (g_fsync (fd));
close (fd);
#ifndef G_OS_WIN32
/* Pass an existing symlink to g_file_set_contents_full() to see
* what it does. */
if (tests[i].existing_file == EXISTING_FILE_SYMLINK)
link_name = g_strconcat (file_name, ".link", NULL);
g_assert_no_errno (symlink (file_name, link_name));
set_contents_name = link_name;
#endif /* !G_OS_WIN32 */
set_contents_name = file_name;
dir_name = g_dir_make_tmp ("glib-fileutils-set-contents-full-XXXXXX", &error);
g_assert_no_error (error);
set_contents_name = dir_name;
file_name = g_build_filename (g_get_tmp_dir (), "glib-file-set-contents-full-test", NULL);
g_remove (file_name);
g_assert_false (g_file_test (file_name, G_FILE_TEST_EXISTS));
set_contents_name = file_name;
g_assert_not_reached ();
/* Set the file contents */
ret = g_file_set_contents_full (set_contents_name, "b",
tests[i].use_strlen ? -1 : 1,
flags, tests[i].new_mode, &error);
if (!tests[i].expected_success)
g_assert_error (error, G_FILE_ERROR, tests[i].expected_error);
g_assert_false (ret);
g_clear_error (&error);
g_assert_no_error (error);
g_assert_true (ret);
/* Check the contents and mode were set correctly. The mode isn’t
* changed on existing files. */
ret = g_file_get_contents (set_contents_name, &buf, &len, &error);
g_assert_no_error (error);
g_assert_true (ret);
g_assert_cmpstr (buf, ==, "b");
g_assert_cmpuint (len, ==, 1);
g_free (buf);
g_assert_no_errno (g_lstat (set_contents_name, &statbuf));
if (tests[i].existing_file == EXISTING_FILE_NONE)
int mode = statbuf.st_mode & ~S_IFMT;
int new_mode = tests[i].new_mode;
#ifdef G_OS_WIN32
/* on windows, group and others perms handling is different */
/* only check the rwx user permissions */
mode &= (_S_IREAD|_S_IWRITE|_S_IEXEC);
new_mode &= (_S_IREAD|_S_IWRITE|_S_IEXEC);
g_assert_cmpint (mode, ==, new_mode);
#ifndef G_OS_WIN32
if (tests[i].existing_file == EXISTING_FILE_SYMLINK)
gchar *target_contents = NULL;
/* If the @set_contents_name was a symlink, it should now be a
* regular file, and the file it pointed to should not have
* changed. */
g_assert_cmpint (statbuf.st_mode & S_IFMT, ==, S_IFREG);
g_file_get_contents (file_name, &target_contents, NULL, &error);
g_assert_no_error (error);
g_assert_cmpstr (target_contents, ==, "a");
g_free (target_contents);
#endif /* !G_OS_WIN32 */
if (dir_name != NULL)
g_rmdir (dir_name);
if (link_name != NULL)
g_remove (link_name);
if (file_name != NULL)
g_remove (file_name);
g_free (dir_name);
g_free (link_name);
g_free (file_name);
static void
test_set_contents_full_read_only_file (void)
gint fd;
GError *error = NULL;
gchar *file_name = NULL;
gboolean ret;
gboolean can_override_dac = check_cap_dac_override (NULL);
g_test_summary ("Test g_file_set_contents_full() on a read-only file");
/* Can’t test this with different #GFileSetContentsFlags as they all have
* different behaviours wrt replacing the file while noticing/ignoring the
* existing file permissions. */
fd = g_file_open_tmp (NULL, &file_name, &error);
g_assert_no_error (error);
write (fd, "a", 1);
g_assert_no_errno (g_fsync (fd));
close (fd);
g_assert_no_errno (g_chmod (file_name, 0400)); /* S_IREAD */
if (g_test_undefined ())
g_test_expect_message (G_LOG_DOMAIN, G_LOG_LEVEL_CRITICAL,
"*assertion*!= NULL*");
ret = g_file_set_contents_full (NULL, "b", 1,
G_FILE_SET_CONTENTS_NONE, 0644, &error);
g_assert_false (ret);
g_test_assert_expected_messages ();
g_test_expect_message (G_LOG_DOMAIN, G_LOG_LEVEL_CRITICAL,
"*assertion*!= NULL*");
ret = g_file_set_contents_full (file_name, NULL, 1,
G_FILE_SET_CONTENTS_NONE, 0644, &error);
g_assert_false (ret);
g_test_assert_expected_messages ();
/* Set the file contents */
ret = g_file_set_contents_full (file_name, "b", 1, G_FILE_SET_CONTENTS_NONE, 0644, &error);
if (can_override_dac)
g_assert_no_error (error);
g_assert_true (ret);
g_assert_error (error, G_FILE_ERROR, G_FILE_ERROR_ACCES);
g_assert_false (ret);
g_clear_error (&error);
g_remove (file_name);
g_free (file_name);
static void
test_set_contents_full_read_only_directory (void)
#ifndef G_OS_WIN32
/* windows mostly ignores read-only flagged directories, chmod doesn't work */
GFileSetContentsFlags flags_mask =
gint flags;
g_test_summary ("Test g_file_set_contents_full() on a file in a read-only directory");
for (flags = 0; flags < (gint) flags_mask; flags++)
gint fd;
GError *error = NULL;
gchar *dir_name = NULL;
gchar *file_name = NULL;
gboolean ret;
gboolean can_override_dac;
g_test_message ("Flags %d", flags);
dir_name = g_dir_make_tmp ("glib-file-set-contents-full-rodir-XXXXXX", &error);
g_assert_no_error (error);
can_override_dac = check_cap_dac_override (dir_name);
file_name = g_build_filename (dir_name, "file", NULL);
fd = g_open (file_name, O_CREAT | O_RDWR, 0644);
g_assert_cmpint (fd, >=, 0);
write (fd, "a", 1);
g_assert_no_errno (g_fsync (fd));
close (fd);
g_assert_no_errno (g_chmod (dir_name, 0));
/* Set the file contents */
ret = g_file_set_contents_full (file_name, "b", 1, flags, 0644, &error);
if (can_override_dac)
g_assert_no_error (error);
g_assert_true (ret);
g_assert_error (error, G_FILE_ERROR, G_FILE_ERROR_ACCES);
g_assert_false (ret);
g_clear_error (&error);
g_remove (file_name);
g_unlink (dir_name);
g_free (file_name);
g_free (dir_name);
g_test_skip ("Windows doesn’t support read-only directories in the same way as Unix");
static void
test_read_link (void)
#ifdef G_OS_UNIX
int ret;
FILE *file;
gchar *cwd;
gchar *data;
gchar *newpath;
gchar *badpath;
gchar *path;
GError *error = NULL;
const gchar *oldpath;
const gchar *filename = "file-test-data";
const gchar *link1 = "file-test-link1";
const gchar *link2 = "file-test-link2";
const gchar *link3 = "file-test-link3";
if (g_test_undefined ())
g_test_expect_message (G_LOG_DOMAIN, G_LOG_LEVEL_CRITICAL,
"*assertion*!= NULL*");
newpath = g_file_read_link (NULL, &error);
g_test_assert_expected_messages ();
cwd = g_get_current_dir ();
oldpath = g_test_get_filename (G_TEST_DIST, "4096-random-bytes", NULL);
newpath = g_build_filename (cwd, "page-of-junk", NULL);
badpath = g_build_filename (cwd, "4097-random-bytes", NULL);
remove (newpath);
ret = symlink (oldpath, newpath);
g_assert_cmpint (ret, ==, 0);
path = g_file_read_link (newpath, &error);
g_assert_no_error (error);
g_assert_cmpstr (path, ==, oldpath);
g_free (path);
remove (newpath);
ret = symlink (badpath, newpath);
g_assert_cmpint (ret, ==, 0);
path = g_file_read_link (newpath, &error);
g_assert_no_error (error);
g_assert_cmpstr (path, ==, badpath);
g_free (path);
path = g_file_read_link (oldpath, &error);
g_assert_error (error, G_FILE_ERROR, G_FILE_ERROR_INVAL);
g_assert_null (path);
g_error_free (error);
remove (newpath);
g_free (cwd);
g_free (newpath);
g_free (badpath);
file = fopen (filename, "w");
g_assert_nonnull (file);
fclose (file);
g_assert_cmpint (symlink (filename, link1), ==, 0);
g_assert_cmpint (symlink (link1, link2), ==, 0);
error = NULL;
data = g_file_read_link (link1, &error);
g_assert_nonnull (data);
g_assert_cmpstr (data, ==, filename);
g_assert_no_error (error);
g_free (data);
error = NULL;
data = g_file_read_link (link2, &error);
g_assert_nonnull (data);
g_assert_cmpstr (data, ==, link1);
g_assert_no_error (error);
g_free (data);
error = NULL;
data = g_file_read_link (link3, &error);
g_assert_null (data);
g_assert_error (error, G_FILE_ERROR, G_FILE_ERROR_NOENT);
g_error_free (error);
error = NULL;
data = g_file_read_link (filename, &error);
g_assert_null (data);
g_assert_error (error, G_FILE_ERROR, G_FILE_ERROR_INVAL);
g_error_free (error);
remove (filename);
remove (link1);
remove (link2);
g_test_skip ("Symbolic links not supported");
static void
test_stdio_wrappers (void)
GStatBuf buf;
gchar *cwd, *path;
gint ret;
struct utimbuf ut;
GError *error = NULL;
GStatBuf path_statbuf, cwd_statbuf;
time_t now;
#ifdef G_OS_UNIX
gboolean have_cap_dac_override;
g_remove ("mkdir-test/test-create");
ret = g_rmdir ("mkdir-test");
g_assert (ret == 0 || errno == ENOENT);
ret = g_stat ("mkdir-test", &buf);
g_assert_cmpint (ret, ==, -1);
ret = g_mkdir ("mkdir-test", 0666);
g_assert_cmpint (ret, ==, 0);
ret = g_stat ("mkdir-test", &buf);
g_assert_cmpint (ret, ==, 0);
g_assert_cmpint (S_ISDIR (buf.st_mode), !=, 0);
cwd = g_get_current_dir ();
path = g_build_filename (cwd, "mkdir-test", NULL);
#ifdef G_OS_UNIX
have_cap_dac_override = check_cap_dac_override (cwd);
g_free (cwd);
/* 0666 on directories means nothing to Windows, it only obeys ACLs.
* It doesn't necessarily mean anything on Unix either: if we have
* Linux CAP_DAC_OVERRIDE or equivalent (in particular if we're root),
* then we ignore filesystem permissions. */
#ifdef G_OS_UNIX
if (have_cap_dac_override)
g_test_message ("Cannot test g_chdir() failing with EACCES: we "
"probably have CAP_DAC_OVERRIDE or equivalent");
ret = g_chdir (path);
g_assert_cmpint (ret == 0 ? 0 : errno, ==, EACCES);
g_assert_cmpint (ret, ==, -1);
g_test_message ("Cannot test g_chdir() failing with EACCES: "
"it's Unix-specific behaviour");
ret = g_chmod (path, 0777);
g_assert_cmpint (ret, ==, 0);
ret = g_chdir (path);
g_assert_cmpint (ret, ==, 0);
cwd = g_get_current_dir ();
/* We essentially want to check that cwd == path, but we can’t compare the
* paths directly since the tests might be running under a symlink (for
* example, /tmp is sometimes a symlink). Compare the inode numbers instead. */
g_assert_cmpint (g_stat (cwd, &cwd_statbuf), ==, 0);
g_assert_cmpint (g_stat (path, &path_statbuf), ==, 0);
g_assert_true (cwd_statbuf.st_dev == path_statbuf.st_dev &&
cwd_statbuf.st_ino == path_statbuf.st_ino);
g_free (cwd);
g_free (path);
ret = g_creat ("test-creat", G_TEST_DIR_MODE);
g_close (ret, &error);
g_assert_no_error (error);
ret = g_access ("test-creat", F_OK);
g_assert_cmpint (ret, ==, 0);
ret = g_rename ("test-creat", "test-create");
g_assert_cmpint (ret, ==, 0);
ret = g_open ("test-create", O_RDONLY, 0666);
g_close (ret, &error);
g_assert_no_error (error);
#ifdef G_OS_WIN32
/* On Windows the 5 permission bit results in a read-only file
* that cannot be modified in any way (attribute changes included).
* Remove the read-only attribute via chmod().
ret = g_chmod ("test-create", 0666);
g_assert_cmpint (ret, ==, 0);
now = time (NULL);
ut.actime = ut.modtime = now;
ret = g_utime ("test-create", &ut);
g_assert_cmpint (ret, ==, 0);
ret = g_lstat ("test-create", &buf);
g_assert_cmpint (ret, ==, 0);
g_assert_cmpint (buf.st_atime, ==, now);
g_assert_cmpint (buf.st_mtime, ==, now);
g_chdir ("..");
g_remove ("mkdir-test/test-create");
g_rmdir ("mkdir-test");
/* Win32 does not support "wb+", but g_fopen() should automatically
* translate this mode to its alias "w+b".
* Also check various other file open modes for correct support across
* platforms.
* See: https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/glib/merge_requests/119
static void
test_fopen_modes (void)
char *path = g_build_filename ("temp-fopen", NULL);
gsize i;
const gchar *modes[] =
g_test_bug ("https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/glib/merge_requests/119");
if (g_file_test (path, G_FILE_TEST_EXISTS))
g_error ("failed, %s exists, cannot test g_fopen()", path);
for (i = 0; i < G_N_ELEMENTS (modes); i++)
FILE *f;
g_test_message ("Testing fopen() mode '%s'", modes[i]);
f = g_fopen (path, modes[i]);
g_assert_nonnull (f);
fclose (f);
g_remove (path);
g_free (path);
#ifdef G_OS_WIN32
#include "../gstdio-private.c"
static int
g_wcscmp0 (const gunichar2 *str1,
const gunichar2 *str2)
if (!str1)
return -(str1 != str2);
if (!str2)
return str1 != str2;
return wcscmp (str1, str2);
#define g_assert_cmpwcs(s1, cmp, s2, s1u8, s2u8) \
const gunichar2 *__s1 = (s1), *__s2 = (s2); \
if (g_wcscmp0 (__s1, __s2) cmp 0) ; else \
g_assertion_message_cmpstr (G_LOG_DOMAIN, __FILE__, __LINE__, G_STRFUNC, \
#s1u8 " " #cmp " " #s2u8, s1u8, #cmp, s2u8); \
static void
test_win32_pathstrip (void)
gunichar2 *buf;
gsize i;
#define IDENTITY_TEST(x) { x, x, FALSE }
gunichar2 *in;
gunichar2 *out;
gboolean result;
} testcases[] = {
IDENTITY_TEST (L"\\\\?\\V"),
IDENTITY_TEST (L"\\\\?\\Vo"),
IDENTITY_TEST (L"\\\\?\\Volume{0700f3d3-6d24-11e3-8b2f-806e6f6e6963}\\"),
IDENTITY_TEST (L"\\??\\Vo"),
IDENTITY_TEST (L"\\??\\Volume{0700f3d3-6d24-11e3-8b2f-806e6f6e6963}\\"),
IDENTITY_TEST (L"\\\\?\\\x0441:\\"),
IDENTITY_TEST (L"\\??\\\x0441:\\"),
IDENTITY_TEST (L"a:\\b\\c"),
{ 0, }
for (i = 0; testcases[i].in; i++)
gsize str_len = wcslen (testcases[i].in) + 1;
gchar *in_u8 = g_utf16_to_utf8 (testcases[i].in, -1, NULL, NULL, NULL);
gchar *out_u8 = g_utf16_to_utf8 (testcases[i].out, -1, NULL, NULL, NULL);
g_assert_nonnull (in_u8);
g_assert_nonnull (out_u8);
buf = g_new0 (gunichar2, str_len);
memcpy (buf, testcases[i].in, str_len * sizeof (gunichar2));
_g_win32_strip_extended_ntobjm_prefix (buf, &str_len);
g_assert_cmpwcs (buf, ==, testcases[i].out, in_u8, out_u8);
g_free (buf);
g_free (in_u8);
g_free (out_u8);
/* Check for correct behaviour on non-NUL-terminated strings */
for (i = 0; testcases[i].in; i++)
gsize str_len = wcslen (testcases[i].in) + 1;
wchar_t old_endchar;
gchar *in_u8 = g_utf16_to_utf8 (testcases[i].in, -1, NULL, NULL, NULL);
gchar *out_u8 = g_utf16_to_utf8 (testcases[i].out, -1, NULL, NULL, NULL);
g_assert_nonnull (in_u8);
g_assert_nonnull (out_u8);
buf = g_new0 (gunichar2, str_len);
memcpy (buf, testcases[i].in, (str_len) * sizeof (gunichar2));
old_endchar = buf[wcslen (testcases[i].out)];
str_len -= 1;
if (testcases[i].result)
/* Given "\\\\?\\C:\\" (len 7, unterminated),
* we should get "C:\\" (len 3, unterminated).
* Put a character different from "\\" (4-th character of the buffer)
* at the end of the unterminated source buffer, into a position
* where NUL-terminator would normally be. Then later test that 4-th character
* in the buffer is still the old "\\".
* After that terminate the string and use normal g_wcscmp0().
buf[str_len] = old_endchar - 1;
_g_win32_strip_extended_ntobjm_prefix (buf, &str_len);
g_assert_cmpuint (old_endchar, ==, buf[wcslen (testcases[i].out)]);
buf[str_len] = L'\0';
g_assert_cmpwcs (buf, ==, testcases[i].out, in_u8, out_u8);
g_free (buf);
g_free (in_u8);
g_free (out_u8);
#define g_assert_memcmp(m1, cmp, m2, memlen, m1hex, m2hex, testcase_num) \
if (memcmp (m1, m2, memlen) cmp 0); else \
g_assertion_message_cmpstr (G_LOG_DOMAIN, __FILE__, __LINE__, G_STRFUNC, \
#m1hex " " #cmp " " #m2hex, m1hex, #cmp, m2hex); \
static gchar *
to_hex (const guchar *buf,
gsize len)
gsize i;
GString *s = g_string_new (NULL);
if (len > 0)
g_string_append_printf (s, "%02x", buf[0]);
for (i = 1; i < len; i++)
g_string_append_printf (s, " %02x", buf[i]);
return g_string_free (s, FALSE);
static void
test_win32_zero_terminate_symlink (void)
gsize i;
#define TESTCASE(data, len_mod, use_buf, buf_size, terminate, reported_len, returned_string) \
{ (const guchar *) data, wcslen (data) * 2 + len_mod, use_buf, buf_size, terminate, reported_len, (guchar *) returned_string},
const guchar *data;
gsize data_size;
gboolean use_buf;
gsize buf_size;
gboolean terminate;
int reported_len;
const guchar *returned_string;
} testcases[] = {
TESTCASE (L"foobar", +2, TRUE, 12 + 4, FALSE, 12 + 2, "f\0o\0o\0b\0a\0r\0\0\0")
TESTCASE (L"foobar", +2, TRUE, 12 + 3, FALSE, 12 + 2, "f\0o\0o\0b\0a\0r\0\0\0")
TESTCASE (L"foobar", +2, TRUE, 12 + 2, FALSE, 12 + 2, "f\0o\0o\0b\0a\0r\0\0\0")
TESTCASE (L"foobar", +2, TRUE, 12 + 1, FALSE, 12 + 1, "f\0o\0o\0b\0a\0r\0\0")
TESTCASE (L"foobar", +2, TRUE, 12 + 0, FALSE, 12 + 0, "f\0o\0o\0b\0a\0r\0")
TESTCASE (L"foobar", +2, TRUE, 12 - 1, FALSE, 12 - 1, "f\0o\0o\0b\0a\0r")
TESTCASE (L"foobar", +2, TRUE, 12 - 2, FALSE, 12 - 2, "f\0o\0o\0b\0a\0")
TESTCASE (L"foobar", +2, TRUE, 12 - 3, FALSE, 12 - 3, "f\0o\0o\0b\0a")
TESTCASE (L"foobar", +1, TRUE, 12 + 4, FALSE, 12 + 1, "f\0o\0o\0b\0a\0r\0\0")
TESTCASE (L"foobar", +1, TRUE, 12 + 3, FALSE, 12 + 1, "f\0o\0o\0b\0a\0r\0\0")
TESTCASE (L"foobar", +1, TRUE, 12 + 2, FALSE, 12 + 1, "f\0o\0o\0b\0a\0r\0\0")
TESTCASE (L"foobar", +1, TRUE, 12 + 1, FALSE, 12 + 1, "f\0o\0o\0b\0a\0r\0\0")
TESTCASE (L"foobar", +1, TRUE, 12 + 0, FALSE, 12 + 0, "f\0o\0o\0b\0a\0r\0")
TESTCASE (L"foobar", +1, TRUE, 12 - 1, FALSE, 12 - 1, "f\0o\0o\0b\0a\0r")
TESTCASE (L"foobar", +1, TRUE, 12 - 2, FALSE, 12 - 2, "f\0o\0o\0b\0a\0")
TESTCASE (L"foobar", +1, TRUE, 12 - 3, FALSE, 12 - 3, "f\0o\0o\0b\0a")
TESTCASE (L"foobar", +0, TRUE, 12 + 4, FALSE, 12 + 0, "f\0o\0o\0b\0a\0r\0")
TESTCASE (L"foobar", +0, TRUE, 12 + 3, FALSE, 12 + 0, "f\0o\0o\0b\0a\0r\0")
TESTCASE (L"foobar", +0, TRUE, 12 + 2, FALSE, 12 + 0, "f\0o\0o\0b\0a\0r\0")
TESTCASE (L"foobar", +0, TRUE, 12 + 1, FALSE, 12 + 0, "f\0o\0o\0b\0a\0r\0")
TESTCASE (L"foobar", +0, TRUE, 12 + 0, FALSE, 12 + 0, "f\0o\0o\0b\0a\0r\0")
TESTCASE (L"foobar", +0, TRUE, 12 - 1, FALSE, 12 - 1, "f\0o\0o\0b\0a\0r")
TESTCASE (L"foobar", +0, TRUE, 12 - 2, FALSE, 12 - 2, "f\0o\0o\0b\0a\0")
TESTCASE (L"foobar", +0, TRUE, 12 - 3, FALSE, 12 - 3, "f\0o\0o\0b\0a")
TESTCASE (L"foobar", -1, TRUE, 12 + 3, FALSE, 12 - 1, "f\0o\0o\0b\0a\0r")
TESTCASE (L"foobar", -1, TRUE, 12 + 2, FALSE, 12 - 1, "f\0o\0o\0b\0a\0r")
TESTCASE (L"foobar", -1, TRUE, 12 + 1, FALSE, 12 - 1, "f\0o\0o\0b\0a\0r")
TESTCASE (L"foobar", -1, TRUE, 12 + 0, FALSE, 12 - 1, "f\0o\0o\0b\0a\0r")
TESTCASE (L"foobar", -1, TRUE, 12 - 1, FALSE, 12 - 1, "f\0o\0o\0b\0a\0r")
TESTCASE (L"foobar", -1, TRUE, 12 - 2, FALSE, 12 - 2, "f\0o\0o\0b\0a\0")
TESTCASE (L"foobar", -1, TRUE, 12 - 3, FALSE, 12 - 3, "f\0o\0o\0b\0a")
TESTCASE (L"foobar", -1, TRUE, 12 - 4, FALSE, 12 - 4, "f\0o\0o\0b\0")
TESTCASE (L"foobar", -2, TRUE, 12 + 2, FALSE, 12 - 2, "f\0o\0o\0b\0a\0")
TESTCASE (L"foobar", -2, TRUE, 12 + 1, FALSE, 12 - 2, "f\0o\0o\0b\0a\0")
TESTCASE (L"foobar", -2, TRUE, 12 + 0, FALSE, 12 - 2, "f\0o\0o\0b\0a\0")
TESTCASE (L"foobar", -2, TRUE, 12 - 1, FALSE, 12 - 2, "f\0o\0o\0b\0a\0")
TESTCASE (L"foobar", -2, TRUE, 12 - 2, FALSE, 12 - 2, "f\0o\0o\0b\0a\0")
TESTCASE (L"foobar", -2, TRUE, 12 - 3, FALSE, 12 - 3, "f\0o\0o\0b\0a")
TESTCASE (L"foobar", -2, TRUE, 12 - 4, FALSE, 12 - 4, "f\0o\0o\0b\0")
TESTCASE (L"foobar", -2, TRUE, 12 - 5, FALSE, 12 - 5, "f\0o\0o\0b")
TESTCASE (L"foobar", +2, TRUE, 12 + 4, TRUE, 12 + 2, "f\0o\0o\0b\0a\0r\0\0\0")
TESTCASE (L"foobar", +2, TRUE, 12 + 3, TRUE, 12 + 2, "f\0o\0o\0b\0a\0r\0\0\0")
TESTCASE (L"foobar", +2, TRUE, 12 + 2, TRUE, 12 + 2, "f\0o\0o\0b\0a\0r\0\0\0")
TESTCASE (L"foobar", +2, TRUE, 12 + 1, TRUE, 12 + 1, "f\0o\0o\0b\0a\0r\0\0")
TESTCASE (L"foobar", +2, TRUE, 12 + 0, TRUE, 12 + 0, "f\0o\0o\0b\0a\0\0\0")
TESTCASE (L"foobar", +2, TRUE, 12 - 1, TRUE, 12 - 1, "f\0o\0o\0b\0a\0\0")
TESTCASE (L"foobar", +2, TRUE, 12 - 2, TRUE, 12 - 2, "f\0o\0o\0b\0\0\0")
TESTCASE (L"foobar", +2, TRUE, 12 - 3, TRUE, 12 - 3, "f\0o\0o\0b\0\0")
TESTCASE (L"foobar", +1, TRUE, 12 + 4, TRUE, 12 + 1, "f\0o\0o\0b\0a\0r\0\0")
TESTCASE (L"foobar", +1, TRUE, 12 + 3, TRUE, 12 + 1, "f\0o\0o\0b\0a\0r\0\0")
TESTCASE (L"foobar", +1, TRUE, 12 + 2, TRUE, 12 + 1, "f\0o\0o\0b\0a\0r\0\0")
TESTCASE (L"foobar", +1, TRUE, 12 + 1, TRUE, 12 + 1, "f\0o\0o\0b\0a\0r\0\0")
TESTCASE (L"foobar", +1, TRUE, 12 + 0, TRUE, 12 + 0, "f\0o\0o\0b\0a\0\0\0")
TESTCASE (L"foobar", +1, TRUE, 12 - 1, TRUE, 12 - 1, "f\0o\0o\0b\0a\0\0")
TESTCASE (L"foobar", +1, TRUE, 12 - 2, TRUE, 12 - 2, "f\0o\0o\0b\0\0\0")
TESTCASE (L"foobar", +1, TRUE, 12 - 3, TRUE, 12 - 3, "f\0o\0o\0b\0\0")
TESTCASE (L"foobar", +0, TRUE, 12 + 4, TRUE, 12 + 1, "f\0o\0o\0b\0a\0r\0\0")
TESTCASE (L"foobar", +0, TRUE, 12 + 3, TRUE, 12 + 1, "f\0o\0o\0b\0a\0r\0\0")
TESTCASE (L"foobar", +0, TRUE, 12 + 2, TRUE, 12 + 1, "f\0o\0o\0b\0a\0r\0\0")
TESTCASE (L"foobar", +0, TRUE, 12 + 1, TRUE, 12 + 1, "f\0o\0o\0b\0a\0r\0\0")
TESTCASE (L"foobar", +0, TRUE, 12 + 0, TRUE, 12 + 0, "f\0o\0o\0b\0a\0\0\0")
TESTCASE (L"foobar", +0, TRUE, 12 - 1, TRUE, 12 - 1, "f\0o\0o\0b\0a\0\0")
TESTCASE (L"foobar", +0, TRUE, 12 - 2, TRUE, 12 - 2, "f\0o\0o\0b\0\0\0")
TESTCASE (L"foobar", +0, TRUE, 12 - 3, TRUE, 12 - 3, "f\0o\0o\0b\0\0")
TESTCASE (L"foobar", -1, TRUE, 12 + 3, TRUE, 12 + 1, "f\0o\0o\0b\0a\0r\0\0")
TESTCASE (L"foobar", -1, TRUE, 12 + 2, TRUE, 12 + 1, "f\0o\0o\0b\0a\0r\0\0")
TESTCASE (L"foobar", -1, TRUE, 12 + 1, TRUE, 12 + 1, "f\0o\0o\0b\0a\0r\0\0")
TESTCASE (L"foobar", -1, TRUE, 12 + 0, TRUE, 12 + 0, "f\0o\0o\0b\0a\0\0\0")
TESTCASE (L"foobar", -1, TRUE, 12 - 1, TRUE, 12 - 1, "f\0o\0o\0b\0a\0\0")
TESTCASE (L"foobar", -1, TRUE, 12 - 2, TRUE, 12 - 2, "f\0o\0o\0b\0\0\0")
TESTCASE (L"foobar", -1, TRUE, 12 - 3, TRUE, 12 - 3, "f\0o\0o\0b\0\0")
TESTCASE (L"foobar", -1, TRUE, 12 - 4, TRUE, 12 - 4, "f\0o\0o\0\0\0")
TESTCASE (L"foobar", -2, TRUE, 12 + 2, TRUE, 12 - 1, "f\0o\0o\0b\0a\0\0")
TESTCASE (L"foobar", -2, TRUE, 12 + 1, TRUE, 12 - 1, "f\0o\0o\0b\0a\0\0")
TESTCASE (L"foobar", -2, TRUE, 12 + 0, TRUE, 12 - 1, "f\0o\0o\0b\0a\0\0")
TESTCASE (L"foobar", -2, TRUE, 12 - 1, TRUE, 12 - 1, "f\0o\0o\0b\0a\0\0")
TESTCASE (L"foobar", -2, TRUE, 12 - 2, TRUE, 12 - 2, "f\0o\0o\0b\0\0\0")
TESTCASE (L"foobar", -2, TRUE, 12 - 3, TRUE, 12 - 3, "f\0o\0o\0b\0\0")
TESTCASE (L"foobar", -2, TRUE, 12 - 4, TRUE, 12 - 4, "f\0o\0o\0\0\0")
TESTCASE (L"foobar", -2, TRUE, 12 - 5, TRUE, 12 - 5, "f\0o\0o\0\0")
TESTCASE (L"foobar", +2, FALSE, 0, FALSE, 12 + 2, "f\0o\0o\0b\0a\0r\0\0\0")
TESTCASE (L"foobar", +1, FALSE, 0, FALSE, 12 + 1, "f\0o\0o\0b\0a\0r\0\0")
TESTCASE (L"foobar", +0, FALSE, 0, FALSE, 12 + 0, "f\0o\0o\0b\0a\0r\0")
TESTCASE (L"foobar", -1, FALSE, 0, FALSE, 12 - 1, "f\0o\0o\0b\0a\0r")
TESTCASE (L"foobar", -2, FALSE, 0, FALSE, 12 - 2, "f\0o\0o\0b\0a\0")
TESTCASE (L"foobar", +2, FALSE, 0, TRUE, 12 + 2, "f\0o\0o\0b\0a\0r\0\0\0")
TESTCASE (L"foobar", +1, FALSE, 0, TRUE, 12 + 1, "f\0o\0o\0b\0a\0r\0\0")
TESTCASE (L"foobar", +0, FALSE, 0, TRUE, 12 + 1, "f\0o\0o\0b\0a\0r\0\0")
TESTCASE (L"foobar", -1, FALSE, 0, TRUE, 12 + 1, "f\0o\0o\0b\0a\0r\0\0")
TESTCASE (L"foobar", -2, FALSE, 0, TRUE, 12 - 1, "f\0o\0o\0b\0a\0\0")
TESTCASE (L"x", +2, TRUE, 2 + 4, FALSE, 2 + 2, "x\0\0\0")
TESTCASE (L"x", +2, TRUE, 2 + 3, FALSE, 2 + 2, "x\0\0\0")
TESTCASE (L"x", +2, TRUE, 2 + 2, FALSE, 2 + 2, "x\0\0\0")
TESTCASE (L"x", +2, TRUE, 2 + 1, FALSE, 2 + 1, "x\0\0")
TESTCASE (L"x", +2, TRUE, 2 + 0, FALSE, 2 + 0, "x\0")
TESTCASE (L"x", +2, TRUE, 2 - 1, FALSE, 2 - 1, "x")
TESTCASE (L"x", +2, TRUE, 2 - 2, FALSE, 2 - 2, "")
TESTCASE (L"x", +1, TRUE, 2 + 3, FALSE, 2 + 1, "x\0\0")
TESTCASE (L"x", +1, TRUE, 2 + 2, FALSE, 2 + 1, "x\0\0")
TESTCASE (L"x", +1, TRUE, 2 + 1, FALSE, 2 + 1, "x\0\0")
TESTCASE (L"x", +1, TRUE, 2 + 0, FALSE, 2 + 0, "x\0")
TESTCASE (L"x", +1, TRUE, 2 - 1, FALSE, 2 - 1, "x")
TESTCASE (L"x", +1, TRUE, 2 - 2, FALSE, 2 - 2, "")
TESTCASE (L"x", +0, TRUE, 2 + 2, FALSE, 2 + 0, "x\0")
TESTCASE (L"x", +0, TRUE, 2 + 1, FALSE, 2 + 0, "x\0")
TESTCASE (L"x", +0, TRUE, 2 + 0, FALSE, 2 + 0, "x\0")
TESTCASE (L"x", +0, TRUE, 2 - 1, FALSE, 2 - 1, "x")
TESTCASE (L"x", +0, TRUE, 2 - 2, FALSE, 2 - 2, "")
TESTCASE (L"x", -1, TRUE, 2 + 1, FALSE, 2 - 1, "x")
TESTCASE (L"x", -1, TRUE, 2 + 0, FALSE, 2 - 1, "x")
TESTCASE (L"x", -1, TRUE, 2 - 1, FALSE, 2 - 1, "x")
TESTCASE (L"x", -1, TRUE, 2 - 2, FALSE, 2 - 2, "")
TESTCASE (L"x", -2, TRUE, 2 + 0, FALSE, 2 - 2, "")
TESTCASE (L"x", -2, TRUE, 2 - 1, FALSE, 2 - 2, "")
TESTCASE (L"x", -2, TRUE, 2 - 2, FALSE, 2 - 2, "")
TESTCASE (L"x", +2, TRUE, 2 + 4, TRUE, 2 + 2, "x\0\0\0")
TESTCASE (L"x", +2, TRUE, 2 + 3, TRUE, 2 + 2, "x\0\0\0")
TESTCASE (L"x", +2, TRUE, 2 + 2, TRUE, 2 + 2, "x\0\0\0")
TESTCASE (L"x", +2, TRUE, 2 + 1, TRUE, 2 + 1, "x\0\0")
TESTCASE (L"x", +2, TRUE, 2 + 0, TRUE, 2 + 0, "\0\0")
TESTCASE (L"x", +2, TRUE, 2 - 1, TRUE, 2 - 1, "\0")
TESTCASE (L"x", +2, TRUE, 2 - 2, TRUE, 2 - 2, "")
TESTCASE (L"x", +1, TRUE, 2 + 3, TRUE, 2 + 1, "x\0\0")
TESTCASE (L"x", +1, TRUE, 2 + 2, TRUE, 2 + 1, "x\0\0")
TESTCASE (L"x", +1, TRUE, 2 + 1, TRUE, 2 + 1, "x\0\0")
TESTCASE (L"x", +1, TRUE, 2 + 0, TRUE, 2 + 0, "\0\0")
TESTCASE (L"x", +1, TRUE, 2 - 1, TRUE, 2 - 1, "\0")
TESTCASE (L"x", +1, TRUE, 2 - 2, TRUE, 2 - 2, "")
TESTCASE (L"x", +0, TRUE, 2 + 2, TRUE, 2 + 1, "x\0\0")
TESTCASE (L"x", +0, TRUE, 2 + 1, TRUE, 2 + 1, "x\0\0")
TESTCASE (L"x", +0, TRUE, 2 + 0, TRUE, 2 + 0, "\0\0")
TESTCASE (L"x", +0, TRUE, 2 - 1, TRUE, 2 - 1, "\0")
TESTCASE (L"x", +0, TRUE, 2 - 2, TRUE, 2 - 2, "")
TESTCASE (L"x", -1, TRUE, 2 + 1, TRUE, 2 + 1, "x\0\0")
TESTCASE (L"x", -1, TRUE, 2 + 0, TRUE, 2 + 0, "\0\0")
TESTCASE (L"x", -1, TRUE, 2 - 1, TRUE, 2 - 1, "\0")
TESTCASE (L"x", -1, TRUE, 2 - 2, TRUE, 2 - 2, "")
TESTCASE (L"x", -2, TRUE, 2 + 0, TRUE, 2 - 2, "")
TESTCASE (L"x", -2, TRUE, 2 - 1, TRUE, 2 - 2, "")
TESTCASE (L"x", -2, TRUE, 2 - 2, TRUE, 2 - 2, "")
TESTCASE (L"x", +2, FALSE, 0, FALSE, 2 + 2, "x\0\0\0")
TESTCASE (L"x", +1, FALSE, 0, FALSE, 2 + 1, "x\0\0")
TESTCASE (L"x", +0, FALSE, 0, FALSE, 2 + 0, "x\0")
TESTCASE (L"x", -1, FALSE, 0, FALSE, 2 - 1, "x")
TESTCASE (L"x", -2, FALSE, 0, FALSE, 2 - 2, "")
TESTCASE (L"x", +2, FALSE, 0, TRUE, 2 + 2, "x\0\0\0")
TESTCASE (L"x", +1, FALSE, 0, TRUE, 2 + 1, "x\0\0")
TESTCASE (L"x", +0, FALSE, 0, TRUE, 2 + 1, "x\0\0")
TESTCASE (L"x", -1, FALSE, 0, TRUE, 2 + 1, "x\0\0")
TESTCASE (L"x", -2, FALSE, 0, TRUE, 2 - 2, "")
{ 0, },
for (i = 0; testcases[i].data != NULL; i++)
gunichar2 *buf;
int result;
gchar *buf_hex, *expected_hex;
if (testcases[i].use_buf)
buf = g_malloc0 (testcases[i].buf_size + 1); /* +1 to ensure it succeeds with buf_size == 0 */
buf = NULL;
result = _g_win32_copy_and_maybe_terminate (testcases[i].data,
testcases[i].use_buf ? buf : NULL,
testcases[i].use_buf ? NULL : &buf,
if (testcases[i].reported_len != result)
g_error ("Test %" G_GSIZE_FORMAT " failed, result %d != %d", i, result, testcases[i].reported_len);
if (buf == NULL && testcases[i].buf_size != 0)
g_error ("Test %" G_GSIZE_FORMAT " failed, buf == NULL", i);
g_assert_cmpint (testcases[i].reported_len, ==, result);
if ((testcases[i].use_buf && testcases[i].buf_size != 0) ||
(!testcases[i].use_buf && testcases[i].reported_len != 0))
g_assert_nonnull (buf);
buf_hex = to_hex ((const guchar *) buf, result);
expected_hex = to_hex (testcases[i].returned_string, testcases[i].reported_len);
if (memcmp (buf, testcases[i].returned_string, result) != 0)
g_error ("Test %" G_GSIZE_FORMAT " failed:\n%s !=\n%s", i, buf_hex, expected_hex);
g_assert_memcmp (buf, ==, testcases[i].returned_string, testcases[i].reported_len, buf_hex, expected_hex, testcases[i].line);
g_free (buf_hex);
g_free (expected_hex);
g_free (buf);
main (int argc,
char *argv[])
g_setenv ("LC_ALL", "C", TRUE);
g_test_init (&argc, &argv, G_TEST_OPTION_ISOLATE_DIRS, NULL);
#ifdef G_OS_WIN32
g_test_add_func ("/fileutils/stdio-win32-pathstrip", test_win32_pathstrip);
g_test_add_func ("/fileutils/stdio-win32-zero-terminate-symlink", test_win32_zero_terminate_symlink);
g_test_add_func ("/fileutils/paths", test_paths);
g_test_add_func ("/fileutils/build-path", test_build_path);
g_test_add_func ("/fileutils/build-pathv", test_build_pathv);
g_test_add_func ("/fileutils/build-filename", test_build_filename);
g_test_add_func ("/fileutils/build-filenamev", test_build_filenamev);
g_test_add_func ("/fileutils/mkdir-with-parents", test_mkdir_with_parents);
g_test_add_func ("/fileutils/mkdir-with-parents-permission", test_mkdir_with_parents_permission);
g_test_add_func ("/fileutils/format-size-for-display", test_format_size_for_display);
g_test_add_func ("/fileutils/errors", test_file_errors);
g_test_add_func ("/fileutils/basename", test_basename);
g_test_add_func ("/fileutils/get-basename", test_get_basename);
g_test_add_func ("/fileutils/dirname", test_dirname);
g_test_add_func ("/fileutils/dir-make-tmp", test_dir_make_tmp);
g_test_add_func ("/fileutils/file-open-tmp", test_file_open_tmp);
g_test_add_func ("/fileutils/file-test", test_file_test);
g_test_add_func ("/fileutils/mkstemp", test_mkstemp);
g_test_add_func ("/fileutils/mkdtemp", test_mkdtemp);
g_test_add_func ("/fileutils/get-contents", test_get_contents);
g_test_add_func ("/fileutils/set-contents", test_set_contents);
g_test_add_func ("/fileutils/set-contents-full", test_set_contents_full);
g_test_add_func ("/fileutils/set-contents-full/read-only-file", test_set_contents_full_read_only_file);
g_test_add_func ("/fileutils/set-contents-full/read-only-directory", test_set_contents_full_read_only_directory);
g_test_add_func ("/fileutils/read-link", test_read_link);
g_test_add_func ("/fileutils/stdio-wrappers", test_stdio_wrappers);
g_test_add_func ("/fileutils/fopen-modes", test_fopen_modes);
return g_test_run ();