mirror of
synced 2025-03-27 18:10:03 +01:00
...So that it will compile on non-C99 compilers. The changes are mainly moving the variable declarations to the start of the resecptive blocks. Also, replace the use of buflen in chd.c as it might not be defined for all platforms, instead using packed_cr_size as it seems to represent the value that is to be printed/displayed by the debugging output. https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=681820
385 lines
10 KiB
385 lines
10 KiB
#include "compressed_seq.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "bitbool.h"
// #define DEBUG
#include "debug.h"
static inline cmph_uint32 compressed_seq_i_log2(cmph_uint32 x)
register cmph_uint32 res = 0;
while(x > 1)
x >>= 1;
return res;
void compressed_seq_init(compressed_seq_t * cs)
cs->n = 0;
cs->rem_r = 0;
cs->length_rems = 0;
cs->total_length = 0;
cs->store_table = 0;
void compressed_seq_destroy(compressed_seq_t * cs)
cs->store_table = 0;
cs->length_rems = 0;
void compressed_seq_generate(compressed_seq_t * cs, cmph_uint32 * vals_table, cmph_uint32 n)
register cmph_uint32 i;
// lengths: represents lengths of encoded values
register cmph_uint32 * lengths = (cmph_uint32 *)calloc(n, sizeof(cmph_uint32));
register cmph_uint32 rems_mask;
register cmph_uint32 stored_value;
cs->n = n;
cs->total_length = 0;
for(i = 0; i < cs->n; i++)
if(vals_table[i] == 0)
lengths[i] = 0;
lengths[i] = compressed_seq_i_log2(vals_table[i] + 1);
cs->total_length += lengths[i];
cs->store_table = (cmph_uint32 *) calloc(((cs->total_length + 31) >> 5), sizeof(cmph_uint32));
cs->total_length = 0;
for(i = 0; i < cs->n; i++)
if(vals_table[i] == 0)
stored_value = vals_table[i] - ((1U << lengths[i]) - 1U);
set_bits_at_pos(cs->store_table, cs->total_length, stored_value, lengths[i]);
cs->total_length += lengths[i];
cs->rem_r = compressed_seq_i_log2(cs->total_length/cs->n);
if(cs->rem_r == 0)
cs->rem_r = 1;
cs->length_rems = (cmph_uint32 *) calloc(BITS_TABLE_SIZE(cs->n, cs->rem_r), sizeof(cmph_uint32));
rems_mask = (1U << cs->rem_r) - 1U;
cs->total_length = 0;
for(i = 0; i < cs->n; i++)
cs->total_length += lengths[i];
set_bits_value(cs->length_rems, i, cs->total_length & rems_mask, cs->rem_r, rems_mask);
lengths[i] = cs->total_length >> cs->rem_r;
// FABIANO: before it was (cs->total_length >> cs->rem_r) + 1. But I wiped out the + 1 because
// I changed the select structure to work up to m, instead of up to m - 1.
select_generate(&cs->sel, lengths, cs->n, (cs->total_length >> cs->rem_r));
cmph_uint32 compressed_seq_get_space_usage(compressed_seq_t * cs)
register cmph_uint32 space_usage = select_get_space_usage(&cs->sel);
space_usage += ((cs->total_length + 31) >> 5) * (cmph_uint32)sizeof(cmph_uint32) * 8;
space_usage += BITS_TABLE_SIZE(cs->n, cs->rem_r) * (cmph_uint32)sizeof(cmph_uint32) * 8;
return 4 * (cmph_uint32)sizeof(cmph_uint32) * 8 + space_usage;
cmph_uint32 compressed_seq_query(compressed_seq_t * cs, cmph_uint32 idx)
register cmph_uint32 enc_idx, enc_length;
register cmph_uint32 rems_mask;
register cmph_uint32 stored_value;
register cmph_uint32 sel_res;
assert(idx < cs->n); // FABIANO ADDED
rems_mask = (1U << cs->rem_r) - 1U;
if(idx == 0)
enc_idx = 0;
sel_res = select_query(&cs->sel, idx);
sel_res = select_query(&cs->sel, idx - 1);
enc_idx = (sel_res - (idx - 1)) << cs->rem_r;
enc_idx += get_bits_value(cs->length_rems, idx-1, cs->rem_r, rems_mask);
sel_res = select_next_query(&cs->sel, sel_res);
enc_length = (sel_res - idx) << cs->rem_r;
enc_length += get_bits_value(cs->length_rems, idx, cs->rem_r, rems_mask);
enc_length -= enc_idx;
if(enc_length == 0)
return 0;
stored_value = get_bits_at_pos(cs->store_table, enc_idx, enc_length);
return stored_value + ((1U << enc_length) - 1U);
void compressed_seq_dump(compressed_seq_t * cs, char ** buf, cmph_uint32 * buflen)
register cmph_uint32 sel_size = select_packed_size(&(cs->sel));
register cmph_uint32 length_rems_size = BITS_TABLE_SIZE(cs->n, cs->rem_r) * 4;
register cmph_uint32 store_table_size = ((cs->total_length + 31) >> 5) * 4;
register cmph_uint32 pos = 0;
char * buf_sel = 0;
cmph_uint32 buflen_sel = 0;
#ifdef DEBUG
cmph_uint32 i;
*buflen = 4*(cmph_uint32)sizeof(cmph_uint32) + sel_size + length_rems_size + store_table_size;
DEBUGP("sel_size = %u\n", sel_size);
DEBUGP("length_rems_size = %u\n", length_rems_size);
DEBUGP("store_table_size = %u\n", store_table_size);
*buf = (char *)calloc(*buflen, sizeof(char));
if (!*buf)
*buflen = UINT_MAX;
// dumping n, rem_r and total_length
memcpy(*buf, &(cs->n), sizeof(cmph_uint32));
pos += (cmph_uint32)sizeof(cmph_uint32);
DEBUGP("n = %u\n", cs->n);
memcpy(*buf + pos, &(cs->rem_r), sizeof(cmph_uint32));
pos += (cmph_uint32)sizeof(cmph_uint32);
DEBUGP("rem_r = %u\n", cs->rem_r);
memcpy(*buf + pos, &(cs->total_length), sizeof(cmph_uint32));
pos += (cmph_uint32)sizeof(cmph_uint32);
DEBUGP("total_length = %u\n", cs->total_length);
// dumping sel
select_dump(&cs->sel, &buf_sel, &buflen_sel);
memcpy(*buf + pos, &buflen_sel, sizeof(cmph_uint32));
pos += (cmph_uint32)sizeof(cmph_uint32);
DEBUGP("buflen_sel = %u\n", buflen_sel);
memcpy(*buf + pos, buf_sel, buflen_sel);
#ifdef DEBUG
i = 0;
for(i = 0; i < buflen_sel; i++)
DEBUGP("pos = %u -- buf_sel[%u] = %u\n", pos, i, *(*buf + pos + i));
pos += buflen_sel;
// dumping length_rems
memcpy(*buf + pos, cs->length_rems, length_rems_size);
#ifdef DEBUG
for(i = 0; i < length_rems_size; i++)
DEBUGP("pos = %u -- length_rems_size = %u -- length_rems[%u] = %u\n", pos, length_rems_size, i, *(*buf + pos + i));
pos += length_rems_size;
// dumping store_table
memcpy(*buf + pos, cs->store_table, store_table_size);
#ifdef DEBUG
for(i = 0; i < store_table_size; i++)
DEBUGP("pos = %u -- store_table_size = %u -- store_table[%u] = %u\n", pos, store_table_size, i, *(*buf + pos + i));
DEBUGP("Dumped compressed sequence structure with size %u bytes\n", *buflen);
void compressed_seq_load(compressed_seq_t * cs, const char * buf, cmph_uint32 buflen)
register cmph_uint32 pos = 0;
cmph_uint32 buflen_sel = 0;
register cmph_uint32 length_rems_size = 0;
register cmph_uint32 store_table_size = 0;
#ifdef DEBUG
cmph_uint32 i;
// loading n, rem_r and total_length
memcpy(&(cs->n), buf, sizeof(cmph_uint32));
pos += (cmph_uint32)sizeof(cmph_uint32);
DEBUGP("n = %u\n", cs->n);
memcpy(&(cs->rem_r), buf + pos, sizeof(cmph_uint32));
pos += (cmph_uint32)sizeof(cmph_uint32);
DEBUGP("rem_r = %u\n", cs->rem_r);
memcpy(&(cs->total_length), buf + pos, sizeof(cmph_uint32));
pos += (cmph_uint32)sizeof(cmph_uint32);
DEBUGP("total_length = %u\n", cs->total_length);
// loading sel
memcpy(&buflen_sel, buf + pos, sizeof(cmph_uint32));
pos += (cmph_uint32)sizeof(cmph_uint32);
DEBUGP("buflen_sel = %u\n", buflen_sel);
select_load(&cs->sel, buf + pos, buflen_sel);
#ifdef DEBUG
i = 0;
for(i = 0; i < buflen_sel; i++)
DEBUGP("pos = %u -- buf_sel[%u] = %u\n", pos, i, *(buf + pos + i));
pos += buflen_sel;
// loading length_rems
length_rems_size = BITS_TABLE_SIZE(cs->n, cs->rem_r);
cs->length_rems = (cmph_uint32 *) calloc(length_rems_size, sizeof(cmph_uint32));
length_rems_size *= 4;
memcpy(cs->length_rems, buf + pos, length_rems_size);
#ifdef DEBUG
for(i = 0; i < length_rems_size; i++)
DEBUGP("pos = %u -- length_rems_size = %u -- length_rems[%u] = %u\n", pos, length_rems_size, i, *(buf + pos + i));
pos += length_rems_size;
// loading store_table
store_table_size = ((cs->total_length + 31) >> 5);
cs->store_table = (cmph_uint32 *) calloc(store_table_size, sizeof(cmph_uint32));
store_table_size *= 4;
memcpy(cs->store_table, buf + pos, store_table_size);
#ifdef DEBUG
for(i = 0; i < store_table_size; i++)
DEBUGP("pos = %u -- store_table_size = %u -- store_table[%u] = %u\n", pos, store_table_size, i, *(buf + pos + i));
DEBUGP("Loaded compressed sequence structure with size %u bytes\n", buflen);
void compressed_seq_pack(compressed_seq_t *cs, void *cs_packed)
if (cs && cs_packed)
char *buf = NULL;
cmph_uint32 buflen = 0;
compressed_seq_dump(cs, &buf, &buflen);
memcpy(cs_packed, buf, buflen);
cmph_uint32 compressed_seq_packed_size(compressed_seq_t *cs)
register cmph_uint32 sel_size = select_packed_size(&cs->sel);
register cmph_uint32 store_table_size = ((cs->total_length + 31) >> 5) * (cmph_uint32)sizeof(cmph_uint32);
register cmph_uint32 length_rems_size = BITS_TABLE_SIZE(cs->n, cs->rem_r) * (cmph_uint32)sizeof(cmph_uint32);
return 4 * (cmph_uint32)sizeof(cmph_uint32) + sel_size + store_table_size + length_rems_size;
cmph_uint32 compressed_seq_query_packed(void * cs_packed, cmph_uint32 idx)
// unpacking cs_packed
register cmph_uint32 *ptr = (cmph_uint32 *)cs_packed;
register cmph_uint32 n = *ptr++;
register cmph_uint32 rem_r = *ptr++;
register cmph_uint32 buflen_sel, length_rems_size, enc_idx, enc_length;
// compressed sequence query computation
register cmph_uint32 rems_mask, stored_value, sel_res;
register cmph_uint32 *sel_packed, *length_rems, *store_table;
ptr++; // skipping total_length
// register cmph_uint32 total_length = *ptr++;
buflen_sel = *ptr++;
sel_packed = ptr;
length_rems = (ptr += (buflen_sel >> 2));
length_rems_size = BITS_TABLE_SIZE(n, rem_r);
store_table = (ptr += length_rems_size);
rems_mask = (1U << rem_r) - 1U;
if(idx == 0)
enc_idx = 0;
sel_res = select_query_packed(sel_packed, idx);
sel_res = select_query_packed(sel_packed, idx - 1);
enc_idx = (sel_res - (idx - 1)) << rem_r;
enc_idx += get_bits_value(length_rems, idx-1, rem_r, rems_mask);
sel_res = select_next_query_packed(sel_packed, sel_res);
enc_length = (sel_res - idx) << rem_r;
enc_length += get_bits_value(length_rems, idx, rem_r, rems_mask);
enc_length -= enc_idx;
if(enc_length == 0)
return 0;
stored_value = get_bits_at_pos(store_table, enc_idx, enc_length);
return stored_value + ((1U << enc_length) - 1U);