Xavier Claessens 7b8d8835f5 Meson: libintl is a public dependency of glib-2.0
On non-glibc platforms gettext is provided by extra libintl dependency.
We wrongly thought libintl is an internal dependency and applications
needs to explicitly link on it, but turns out that breaks many
applications and with autotools the .pc generated actually has -lintl in
public "Libs:".

2018-05-15 13:00:44 -04:00

133 lines
3.1 KiB

gobject_install_headers = files(
'gobjectnotifyqueue.c', # sic
install_headers(gobject_install_headers, subdir : 'glib-2.0/gobject')
gobject_sources = files(
if host_system == 'windows'
gobject_win_rc = configure_file(
input: 'gobject.rc.in',
output: 'gobject.rc',
configuration: glibconfig_conf,
gobject_win_res = windows.compile_resources(gobject_win_rc)
gobject_sources += [gobject_win_res]
if enable_dtrace
gobject_dtrace_obj = dtrace_obj_gen.process('gobject_probes.d')
gobject_dtrace_hdr = dtrace_hdr_gen.process('gobject_probes.d')
gobject_dtrace_obj = []
gobject_dtrace_hdr = []
libgobject = library('gobject-2.0',
gobject_dtrace_obj, gobject_dtrace_hdr,
sources : gobject_sources,
version : library_version,
soversion : soversion,
install : true,
include_directories : [configinc],
dependencies : [libffi_dep, libglib_dep],
c_args : ['-DG_LOG_DOMAIN="GLib-GObject"', '-DGOBJECT_COMPILATION'] + glib_hidden_visibility_args,
link_args : glib_link_flags,
pkg.generate(libraries : libgobject,
requires : ['glib-2.0'],
version : glib_version,
install_dir : glib_pkgconfigreldir,
filebase : 'gobject-2.0',
name : 'GObject',
description : 'GLib Type, Object, Parameter and Signal Library',
libgobject_dep = declare_dependency(link_with : libgobject,
include_directories : gobjectinc)
python_tools = [
python_tools_conf = configuration_data()
python_tools_conf.set('VERSION', glib_version)
python_tools_conf.set('PYTHON', python.path())
foreach tool: python_tools
tool_bin = configure_file(
input : tool + '.in',
output : tool,
configuration : python_tools_conf,
install : true,
install_dir : glib_bindir,
# Set variables for later use
set_variable(tool.underscorify(), tool_bin)
executable('gobject-query', 'gobject-query.c',
install : true,
dependencies : [libglib_dep, libgobject_dep])
install_data('gobject_gdb.py', install_dir : join_paths(glib_pkgdatadir, 'gdb'))
gdb_conf = configuration_data()
gdb_conf.set('datadir', glib_datadir)
input: 'libgobject-gdb.py.in',
output: 'libgobject-2.0.so.@0@-gdb.py'.format(library_version),
configuration: gdb_conf,
install_dir: gdb_install_dir,
if enable_systemtap
gobject_stp = configure_file(input : 'gobject.stp.in',
output : '@0@.stp'.format(libgobject.full_path().split('/').get(-1)),
configuration : stp_cdata,
install_dir : tapset_install_dir,
install : true)