mirror of https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/glib.git synced 2025-03-28 02:20:04 +01:00
David Zeuthen 2b963266b6 GDBusProxy: Correctly handle unknown members when having an expected interface
Since it is valid for a D-Bus interface / service to add new methods,
signals or properties we must NEVER warn about unknown properties or
drop unknown signals or disallow unknown method invocations when we
have an expected interface.

So this means that the expected_interface machinery is only useful for
checking that the service didn't break ABI.

Also update the docs so it is clear exactly what it means to have an
expected interface.


Signed-off-by: David Zeuthen <davidz@redhat.com>
2011-10-05 10:45:22 -04:00

300 lines
12 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/env python
import gobject
import time
import dbus
import dbus.service
import dbus.mainloop.glib
class TestException(dbus.DBusException):
_dbus_error_name = 'com.example.TestException'
class TestService(dbus.service.Object):
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
in_signature='s', out_signature='s')
def HelloWorld(self, hello_message):
if str(hello_message) == 'Yo':
raise TestException('Yo is not a proper greeting')
return "You greeted me with '%s'. Thanks!"%(str(hello_message))
in_signature='ss', out_signature='ss')
def DoubleHelloWorld(self, hello1, hello2):
return ("You greeted me with '%s'. Thanks!"%(str(hello1)), "Yo dawg, you uttered '%s'. Thanks!"%(str(hello2)))
in_signature='', out_signature='su')
def PairReturn(self):
return ("foo", 42)
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
in_signature='ybnqiuxtdsog', out_signature='ybnqiuxtdsog')
def TestPrimitiveTypes(self, val_byte, val_boolean, val_int16, val_uint16, val_int32, val_uint32, val_int64, val_uint64, val_double, val_string, val_objpath, val_signature):
return val_byte + 1, not val_boolean, val_int16 + 1, val_uint16 + 1, val_int32 + 1, val_uint32 + 1, val_int64 + 1, val_uint64 + 1, -val_double + 0.123, val_string * 2, val_objpath + "/modified", val_signature * 2
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
in_signature='ayabanaqaiauaxatad', out_signature='ayabanaqaiauaxatad')
def TestArrayOfPrimitiveTypes(self, val_byte, val_boolean, val_int16, val_uint16, val_int32, val_uint32, val_int64, val_uint64, val_double):
return val_byte*2, val_boolean*2, val_int16*2, val_uint16*2, val_int32*2, val_uint32*2, val_int64*2, val_uint64*2, val_double*2
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
in_signature='asaoag', out_signature='asaoag')
def TestArrayOfStringTypes(self, val_string, val_objpath, val_signature):
return val_string * 2, val_objpath * 2, val_signature * 2
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
in_signature = 'a{yy}a{bb}a{nn}a{qq}a{ii}a{uu}a{xx}a{tt}a{dd}a{ss}a{oo}a{gg}',
out_signature = 'a{yy}a{bb}a{nn}a{qq}a{ii}a{uu}a{xx}a{tt}a{dd}a{ss}a{oo}a{gg}')
def TestHashTables(self, hyy, hbb, hnn, hqq, hii, huu, hxx, htt, hdd, hss, hoo, hgg):
ret_hyy = {}
for i in hyy:
ret_hyy[i*2] = (hyy[i]*3) & 255
ret_hbb = {}
for i in hbb:
ret_hbb[i] = True
ret_hnn = {}
for i in hnn:
ret_hnn[i*2] = hnn[i]*3
ret_hqq = {}
for i in hqq:
ret_hqq[i*2] = hqq[i]*3
ret_hii = {}
for i in hii:
ret_hii[i*2] = hii[i]*3
ret_huu = {}
for i in huu:
ret_huu[i*2] = huu[i]*3
ret_hxx = {}
for i in hxx:
ret_hxx[i + 2] = hxx[i] + 1
ret_htt = {}
for i in htt:
ret_htt[i + 2] = htt[i] + 1
ret_hdd = {}
for i in hdd:
ret_hdd[i + 2.5] = hdd[i] + 5.0
ret_hss = {}
for i in hss:
ret_hss[i + "mod"] = hss[i]*2
ret_hoo = {}
for i in hoo:
ret_hoo[i + "/mod"] = hoo[i] + "/mod2"
ret_hgg = {}
for i in hgg:
ret_hgg[i + "assgit"] = hgg[i]*2
return ret_hyy, ret_hbb, ret_hnn, ret_hqq, ret_hii, ret_huu, ret_hxx, ret_htt, ret_hdd, ret_hss, ret_hoo, ret_hgg
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
in_signature='(ii)(s(ii)aya{ss})', out_signature='(ii)(s(ii)aya{ss})')
def TestStructureTypes(self, s1, s2):
(x, y) = s1;
(desc, (x1, y1), ay, hss) = s2;
ret_hss = {}
for i in hss:
ret_hss[i] = hss[i] + " ... in bed!"
return (x + 1, y + 1), (desc + " ... in bed!", (x1 + 2, y1 + 2), ay * 2, ret_hss)
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
in_signature='vb', out_signature='v')
def TestVariant(self, v, modify):
if modify:
if type(v)==dbus.Boolean:
ret = False
elif type(v)==dbus.Dictionary:
ret = {}
for i in v:
ret[i] = v[i] * 2
elif type(v)==dbus.Struct:
ret = ["other struct", dbus.Int16(100)]
ret = v * 2
ret = v
return (type(v))(ret)
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
in_signature='a(ii)aa(ii)aasaa{ss}aayavaav', out_signature='a(ii)aa(ii)aasaa{ss}aayavaav')
def TestComplexArrays(self, aii, aaii, aas, ahashes, aay, av, aav):
return aii * 2, aaii * 2, aas * 2, ahashes * 2, aay * 2, av *2, aav * 2
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def TestComplexHashTables(self, h_str_to_pair, h_str_to_variant, h_str_to_av, h_str_to_aav,
h_str_to_array_of_pairs, hash_of_hashes):
ret_h_str_to_pair = {}
for i in h_str_to_pair:
ret_h_str_to_pair[i + "_baz"] = h_str_to_pair[i]
ret_h_str_to_variant = {}
for i in h_str_to_variant:
ret_h_str_to_variant[i + "_baz"] = h_str_to_variant[i]
return ret_h_str_to_pair, ret_h_str_to_variant, h_str_to_av, h_str_to_aav, h_str_to_array_of_pairs, hash_of_hashes
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
in_signature='', out_signature='')
def Quit(self):
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
in_signature='sv', out_signature='')
def FrobSetProperty(self, prop_name, prop_value):
self.frob_props[prop_name] = prop_value
message = dbus.lowlevel.SignalMessage("/com/example/TestObject",
message.append({prop_name : prop_value})
message.append([], signature="as")
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
in_signature='', out_signature='')
def FrobInvalidateProperty(self):
self.frob_props["PropertyThatWillBeInvalidated"] = "OMGInvalidated"
message = dbus.lowlevel.SignalMessage("/com/example/TestObject",
message.append({}, signature="a{sv}")
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def TestSignal(self, str1, objpath1, variant1):
in_signature='so', out_signature='')
def EmitSignal(self, str1, objpath1):
self.TestSignal (str1 + " .. in bed!", objpath1 + "/in/bed", "a variant")
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def TestSignal2(self, int1):
in_signature='', out_signature='')
def EmitSignal2(self):
self.TestSignal2 (42)
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
@dbus.service.method("com.example.Frob", in_signature='i', out_signature='',
async_callbacks=('return_cb', 'raise_cb'))
def Sleep(self, msec, return_cb, raise_cb):
def return_from_async_wait():
return False
gobject.timeout_add(msec, return_from_async_wait)
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
in_signature = 'ss',
out_signature = 'v')
def Get(self, interface_name, property_name):
if interface_name == "com.example.Frob":
return self.frob_props[property_name]
raise TestException("No such interface " + interface_name)
in_signature = 's',
out_signature = 'a{sv}')
def GetAll(self, interface_name):
if interface_name == "com.example.Frob":
return self.frob_props
raise TestException("No such interface " + interface_name)
if __name__ == '__main__':
session_bus = dbus.SessionBus()
name = dbus.service.BusName("com.example.TestService", session_bus)
obj = TestService(session_bus, '/com/example/TestObject')
#print "Our unique name is %s"%(session_bus.get_unique_name())
obj.frob_props = {}
obj.frob_props["y"] = dbus.Byte(1)
obj.frob_props["b"] = dbus.Boolean(True)
obj.frob_props["n"] = dbus.Int16(2)
obj.frob_props["q"] = dbus.UInt16(3)
obj.frob_props["i"] = dbus.Int32(4)
obj.frob_props["u"] = dbus.UInt32(5)
obj.frob_props["x"] = dbus.Int64(6)
obj.frob_props["t"] = dbus.UInt64(7)
obj.frob_props["d"] = dbus.Double(7.5)
obj.frob_props["s"] = dbus.String("a string")
obj.frob_props["o"] = dbus.ObjectPath("/some/path")
obj.frob_props["ay"] = [dbus.Byte(1), dbus.Byte(11)]
obj.frob_props["ab"] = [dbus.Boolean(True), dbus.Boolean(False)]
obj.frob_props["an"] = [dbus.Int16(2), dbus.Int16(12)]
obj.frob_props["aq"] = [dbus.UInt16(3), dbus.UInt16(13)]
obj.frob_props["ai"] = [dbus.Int32(4), dbus.Int32(14)]
obj.frob_props["au"] = [dbus.UInt32(5), dbus.UInt32(15)]
obj.frob_props["ax"] = [dbus.Int64(6), dbus.Int64(16)]
obj.frob_props["at"] = [dbus.UInt64(7), dbus.UInt64(17)]
obj.frob_props["ad"] = [dbus.Double(7.5), dbus.Double(17.5)]
obj.frob_props["as"] = [dbus.String("a string"), dbus.String("another string")]
obj.frob_props["ao"] = [dbus.ObjectPath("/some/path"), dbus.ObjectPath("/another/path")]
obj.frob_props["foo"] = "a frobbed string"
obj.frob_props["PropertyThatWillBeInvalidated"] = "InitialValue"
mainloop = gobject.MainLoop()