mirror of https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/glib.git synced 2025-03-27 01:50:04 +01:00
Calvin Walton 013980d839 Use the python found by meson as the interpreter for installed scripts
The python interpreter found by `/usr/bin/env python3` is not
necessarily the same installation as the one that's found by meson's
`pymod.find_installation('python')`. This means that even though meson
is checking that the python installation it found includes the
'packaging' module, the scripts might not have access to that module
when run.

For distribution packaging, it's usually desirable to have python script
interpreters be fully specified paths, rather than use `/usr/bin/env`,
to ensure the scripts run using the expected python installation (i.e.
the one where the python 'packaging' dependency is installed).

The easiest way to fix this is to set the script interpreter to the
`full_path()` of the python interpreter found by meson. The specific
python interpreter that will be used can be selected through the use of
a meson machine file by overriding the "python" program. Many
distributions already have this set up using meson packaging helpers.
2024-03-25 15:17:59 -04:00

499 lines
19 KiB

# GLib Testing Framework Utility -*- Mode: python; -*-
# Copyright (C) 2007 Imendio AB
# Authors: Tim Janik
# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
# version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License along with this library; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
# Deprecated: Since GLib 2.62, gtester and gtester-report have been deprecated
# in favour of TAP.
import datetime
import optparse
import sys, re, xml.dom.minidom
import subunit
from subunit import iso8601
from testtools.content import Content, ContentType
mime_utf8 = ContentType('text', 'plain', {'charset': 'utf8'})
except ImportError:
subunit = None
# xml utilities
def find_child (node, child_name):
for child in node.childNodes:
if child.nodeName == child_name:
return child
return None
def list_children (node, child_name):
rlist = []
for child in node.childNodes:
if child.nodeName == child_name:
rlist += [ child ]
return rlist
def find_node (node, name = None):
if not node or node.nodeName == name or not name:
return node
for child in node.childNodes:
c = find_node (child, name)
if c:
return c
return None
def node_as_text (node, name = None):
if name:
node = find_node (node, name)
txt = ''
if node:
if node.nodeValue:
txt += node.nodeValue
for child in node.childNodes:
txt += node_as_text (child)
return txt
def attribute_as_text (node, aname, node_name = None):
node = find_node (node, node_name)
if not node:
return ''
attr = node.attributes.get (aname, '')
if hasattr (attr, 'value'):
return attr.value
return ''
# HTML utilities
def html_indent_string (n):
uncollapsible_space = ' &nbsp;' # HTML won't compress alternating sequences of ' ' and '&nbsp;'
string = ''
for i in range (0, int((n + 1) / 2)):
string += uncollapsible_space
return string
# TestBinary object, instantiated per test binary in the log file
class TestBinary:
def __init__ (self, name):
self.name = name
self.testcases = []
self.duration = 0
self.success_cases = 0
self.skipped_cases = 0
self.file = '???'
self.random_seed = ''
# base class to handle processing/traversion of XML nodes
class TreeProcess:
def __init__ (self):
self.nest_level = 0
def trampoline (self, node):
name = node.nodeName
if name == '#text':
self.handle_text (node)
try: method = getattr (self, 'handle_' + re.sub ('[^a-zA-Z0-9]', '_', name))
except: method = None
if method:
return method (node)
return self.process_recursive (name, node)
def process_recursive (self, node_name, node):
self.process_children (node)
def process_children (self, node):
self.nest_level += 1
for child in node.childNodes:
self.trampoline (child)
self.nest_level += 1
# test report reader, this class collects some statistics and merges duplicate test binary runs
class ReportReader (TreeProcess):
def __init__ (self):
TreeProcess.__init__ (self)
self.binary_names = []
self.binaries = {}
self.last_binary = None
self.info = {}
def binary_list (self):
lst = []
for name in self.binary_names:
lst += [ self.binaries[name] ]
return lst
def get_info (self):
return self.info
def handle_info (self, node):
dn = find_child (node, 'package')
self.info['package'] = node_as_text (dn)
dn = find_child (node, 'version')
self.info['version'] = node_as_text (dn)
dn = find_child (node, 'revision')
if dn is not None:
self.info['revision'] = node_as_text (dn)
def handle_testcase (self, node):
self.last_binary.testcases += [ node ]
result = attribute_as_text (node, 'result', 'status')
if result == 'success':
self.last_binary.success_cases += 1
if bool (int (attribute_as_text (node, 'skipped') + '0')):
self.last_binary.skipped_cases += 1
def handle_text (self, node):
def handle_testbinary (self, node):
path = node.attributes.get ('path', None).value
if self.binaries.get (path, -1) == -1:
self.binaries[path] = TestBinary (path)
self.binary_names += [ path ]
self.last_binary = self.binaries[path]
dn = find_child (node, 'duration')
dur = node_as_text (dn)
try: dur = float (dur)
except: dur = 0
if dur:
self.last_binary.duration += dur
bin = find_child (node, 'binary')
if bin:
self.last_binary.file = attribute_as_text (bin, 'file')
rseed = find_child (node, 'random-seed')
if rseed:
self.last_binary.random_seed = node_as_text (rseed)
self.process_children (node)
class ReportWriter(object):
"""Base class for reporting."""
def __init__(self, binary_list):
self.binaries = binary_list
def _error_text(self, node):
"""Get a string representing the error children of node."""
rlist = list_children(node, 'error')
txt = ''
for enode in rlist:
txt += node_as_text (enode)
if txt and txt[-1] != '\n':
txt += '\n'
return txt
class HTMLReportWriter(ReportWriter):
# Javascript/CSS snippet to toggle element visibility
cssjs = r'''
<style type="text/css" media="screen">
.VisibleSection { }
.HiddenSection { display: none; }
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"><!--
function toggle_display (parentid, tagtype, idmatch, keymatch) {
ptag = document.getElementById (parentid);
tags = ptag.getElementsByTagName (tagtype);
for (var i = 0; i < tags.length; i++) {
tag = tags[i];
var key = tag.getAttribute ("keywords");
if (tag.id.indexOf (idmatch) == 0 && key && key.match (keymatch)) {
if (tag.className.indexOf ("HiddenSection") >= 0)
tag.className = "VisibleSection";
tag.className = "HiddenSection";
message_array = Array();
function view_testlog (wname, file, random_seed, tcase, msgtitle, msgid) {
txt = message_array[msgid];
var w = window.open ("", // URI
var doc = w.document;
doc.write ("<h2>File: " + file + "</h2>\n");
doc.write ("<h3>Case: " + tcase + "</h3>\n");
doc.write ("<strong>Random Seed:</strong> <code>" + random_seed + "</code> <br /><br />\n");
doc.write ("<strong>" + msgtitle + "</strong><br />\n");
doc.write ("<pre>");
doc.write (txt);
doc.write ("</pre>\n");
doc.write ("<a href=\'javascript:window.close()\'>Close Window</a>\n");
def __init__ (self, info, binary_list):
ReportWriter.__init__(self, binary_list)
self.info = info
self.bcounter = 0
self.tcounter = 0
self.total_tcounter = 0
self.total_fcounter = 0
self.total_duration = 0
self.indent_depth = 0
self.lastchar = ''
def oprint (self, message):
sys.stdout.write (message)
if message:
self.lastchar = message[-1]
def handle_info (self):
if 'package' in self.info and 'version' in self.info:
self.oprint ('<h3>Package: %(package)s, version: %(version)s</h3>\n' % self.info)
if 'revision' in self.info:
self.oprint ('<h5>Report generated from: %(revision)s</h5>\n' % self.info)
def handle_text (self, node):
self.oprint (node.nodeValue)
def handle_testcase (self, node, binary):
skipped = bool (int (attribute_as_text (node, 'skipped') + '0'))
if skipped:
return # skipped tests are uninteresting for HTML reports
path = attribute_as_text (node, 'path')
duration = node_as_text (node, 'duration')
result = attribute_as_text (node, 'result', 'status')
rcolor = {
'success': 'bgcolor="lightgreen"',
'failed': 'bgcolor="red"',
}.get (result, '')
if result != 'success':
duration = '-' # ignore bogus durations
self.oprint ('<tr id="b%u_t%u_" keywords="%s all" class="HiddenSection">\n' % (self.bcounter, self.tcounter, result))
self.oprint ('<td>%s %s</td> <td align="right">%s</td> \n' % (html_indent_string (4), path, duration))
perflist = list_children (node, 'performance')
if result != 'success':
txt = self._error_text(node)
txt = re.sub (r'"', r'\\"', txt)
txt = re.sub (r'\n', r'\\n', txt)
txt = re.sub (r'&', r'&amp;', txt)
txt = re.sub (r'<', r'&lt;', txt)
self.oprint ('<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">message_array["b%u_t%u_"] = "%s";</script>\n' % (self.bcounter, self.tcounter, txt))
self.oprint ('<td align="center"><a href="javascript:view_testlog (\'%s\', \'%s\', \'%s\', \'%s\', \'Output:\', \'b%u_t%u_\')">Details</a></td>\n' %
('TestResultWindow', binary.file, binary.random_seed, path, self.bcounter, self.tcounter))
elif perflist:
presults = []
for perf in perflist:
pmin = bool (int (attribute_as_text (perf, 'minimize')))
pmax = bool (int (attribute_as_text (perf, 'maximize')))
pval = float (attribute_as_text (perf, 'value'))
txt = node_as_text (perf)
txt = re.sub (r'&', r'&amp;', txt)
txt = re.sub (r'<', r'&gt;', txt)
txt = '<strong>Performance(' + (pmin and '<em>minimized</em>' or '<em>maximized</em>') + '):</strong> ' + txt.strip() + '<br />\n'
txt = re.sub (r'"', r'\\"', txt)
txt = re.sub (r'\n', r'\\n', txt)
presults += [ (pval, txt) ]
ptxt = ''.join ([e[1] for e in presults])
self.oprint ('<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">message_array["b%u_t%u_"] = "%s";</script>\n' % (self.bcounter, self.tcounter, ptxt))
self.oprint ('<td align="center"><a href="javascript:view_testlog (\'%s\', \'%s\', \'%s\', \'%s\', \'Test Results:\', \'b%u_t%u_\')">Details</a></td>\n' %
('TestResultWindow', binary.file, binary.random_seed, path, self.bcounter, self.tcounter))
self.oprint ('<td align="center">-</td>\n')
self.oprint ('<td align="right" %s>%s</td>\n' % (rcolor, result))
self.oprint ('</tr>\n')
self.tcounter += 1
self.total_tcounter += 1
self.total_fcounter += result != 'success'
def handle_binary (self, binary):
self.tcounter = 1
self.bcounter += 1
self.total_duration += binary.duration
self.oprint ('<tr><td><strong>%s</strong></td><td align="right">%f</td> <td align="center">\n' % (binary.name, binary.duration))
erlink, oklink = ('', '')
real_cases = len (binary.testcases) - binary.skipped_cases
if binary.success_cases < real_cases:
erlink = 'href="javascript:toggle_display (\'ResultTable\', \'tr\', \'b%u_\', \'failed\')"' % self.bcounter
if binary.success_cases:
oklink = 'href="javascript:toggle_display (\'ResultTable\', \'tr\', \'b%u_\', \'success\')"' % self.bcounter
if real_cases != 0:
self.oprint ('<a %s>ER</a>\n' % erlink)
self.oprint ('<a %s>OK</a>\n' % oklink)
self.oprint ('</td>\n')
perc = binary.success_cases * 100.0 / real_cases
pcolor = {
100 : 'bgcolor="lightgreen"',
0 : 'bgcolor="red"',
}.get (int (perc), 'bgcolor="yellow"')
self.oprint ('<td align="right" %s>%.2f%%</td>\n' % (pcolor, perc))
self.oprint ('</tr>\n')
self.oprint ('Empty\n')
self.oprint ('</td>\n')
self.oprint ('</tr>\n')
for tc in binary.testcases:
self.handle_testcase (tc, binary)
def handle_totals (self):
self.oprint ('<tr>')
self.oprint ('<td><strong>Totals:</strong> %u Binaries, %u Tests, %u Failed, %u Succeeded</td>' %
(self.bcounter, self.total_tcounter, self.total_fcounter, self.total_tcounter - self.total_fcounter))
self.oprint ('<td align="right">%f</td>\n' % self.total_duration)
self.oprint ('<td align="center">-</td>\n')
if self.total_tcounter != 0:
perc = (self.total_tcounter - self.total_fcounter) * 100.0 / self.total_tcounter
perc = 0.0
pcolor = {
100 : 'bgcolor="lightgreen"',
0 : 'bgcolor="red"',
}.get (int (perc), 'bgcolor="yellow"')
self.oprint ('<td align="right" %s>%.2f%%</td>\n' % (pcolor, perc))
self.oprint ('</tr>\n')
def printout (self):
self.oprint ('<html><head>\n')
self.oprint ('<title>GTester Unit Test Report</title>\n')
self.oprint (self.cssjs)
self.oprint ('</head>\n')
self.oprint ('<body>\n')
self.oprint ('<h2>GTester Unit Test Report</h2>\n')
self.handle_info ()
self.oprint ('<p style="color:red;font-weight:bold"><blink>'
'Deprecated: Since GLib 2.62, gtester and gtester-report are '
'deprecated. Port to TAP.</blink></p>\n');
self.oprint ('<table id="ResultTable" width="100%" border="1">\n<tr>\n')
self.oprint ('<th>Program / Testcase </th>\n')
self.oprint ('<th style="width:8em">Duration (sec)</th>\n')
self.oprint ('<th style="width:5em">View</th>\n')
self.oprint ('<th style="width:5em">Result</th>\n')
self.oprint ('</tr>\n')
for tb in self.binaries:
self.handle_binary (tb)
self.oprint ('</table>\n')
self.oprint ('</body>\n')
self.oprint ('</html>\n')
class SubunitWriter(ReportWriter):
"""Reporter to output a subunit stream."""
def printout(self):
reporter = subunit.TestProtocolClient(sys.stdout)
for binary in self.binaries:
for tc in binary.testcases:
test = GTestCase(tc, binary)
class GTestCase(object):
"""A representation of a gtester test result as a pyunit TestCase."""
def __init__(self, case, binary):
"""Create a GTestCase for case 'case' from binary program 'binary'."""
self._case = case
self._binary = binary
# the name of the case - e.g. /dbusmenu/glib/objects/menuitem/props_boolstr
self._path = attribute_as_text(self._case, 'path')
def id(self):
"""What test is this? Returns the gtester path for the testcase."""
return self._path
def _get_details(self):
"""Calculate a details dict for the test - attachments etc."""
details = {}
result = attribute_as_text(self._case, 'result', 'status')
details['filename'] = Content(mime_utf8, lambda:[self._binary.file])
details['random_seed'] = Content(mime_utf8,
if self._get_outcome() == 'addFailure':
# Extract the error details. Skips have no details because its not
# skip like unittest does, instead the runner just bypasses N test.
txt = self._error_text(self._case)
details['error'] = Content(mime_utf8, lambda:[txt])
if self._get_outcome() == 'addSuccess':
# Successful tests may have performance metrics.
perflist = list_children(self._case, 'performance')
if perflist:
presults = []
for perf in perflist:
pmin = bool (int (attribute_as_text (perf, 'minimize')))
pmax = bool (int (attribute_as_text (perf, 'maximize')))
pval = float (attribute_as_text (perf, 'value'))
txt = node_as_text (perf)
txt = 'Performance(' + (pmin and 'minimized' or 'maximized'
) + '): ' + txt.strip() + '\n'
presults += [(pval, txt)]
perf_details = [e[1] for e in presults]
details['performance'] = Content(mime_utf8, lambda:perf_details)
return details
def _get_outcome(self):
if int(attribute_as_text(self._case, 'skipped') + '0'):
return 'addSkip'
outcome = attribute_as_text(self._case, 'result', 'status')
if outcome == 'success':
return 'addSuccess'
return 'addFailure'
def run(self, result):
time = datetime.datetime.utcnow().replace(tzinfo=iso8601.Utc())
outcome = self._get_outcome()
details = self._get_details()
# Only provide a duration IFF outcome == 'addSuccess' - the main
# parser claims bogus results otherwise: in that case emit time as
# zero perhaps.
if outcome == 'addSuccess':
duration = float(node_as_text(self._case, 'duration'))
duration = duration * 1000000
timedelta = datetime.timedelta(0, 0, duration)
time = time + timedelta
getattr(result, outcome)(self, details=details)
# main program handling
def parse_opts():
"""Parse program options.
:return: An options object and the program arguments.
parser = optparse.OptionParser()
parser.version = '@GLIB_VERSION@'
parser.usage = "%prog [OPTIONS] <gtester-log.xml>"
parser.description = "Generate HTML reports from the XML log files generated by gtester."
parser.epilog = "gtester-report (GLib utils) version %s."% (parser.version,)
parser.add_option("-v", "--version", action="store_true", dest="version", default=False,
help="Show program version.")
parser.add_option("-s", "--subunit", action="store_true", dest="subunit", default=False,
help="Output subunit [See https://launchpad.net/subunit/"
" Needs python-subunit]")
options, files = parser.parse_args()
if options.version:
return None, None
if len(files) != 1:
parser.error("Must supply a log file to parse.")
if options.subunit and subunit is None:
parser.error("python-subunit is not installed.")
return options, files
def main():
options, files = parse_opts()
if options is None:
return 0
print("Deprecated: Since GLib 2.62, gtester and gtester-report are "
"deprecated. Port to TAP.", file=sys.stderr)
xd = xml.dom.minidom.parse (files[0])
rr = ReportReader()
rr.trampoline (xd)
if not options.subunit:
HTMLReportWriter(rr.get_info(), rr.binary_list()).printout()
SubunitWriter(rr.get_info(), rr.binary_list()).printout()
if __name__ == '__main__':