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synced 2025-03-06 07:54:46 +01:00
Wed Nov 11 18:11:24 EST 1998 Gregory McLean <gregm@comstar.net> * docs/*.sgml : Batch of new documentation that should be easier to maintain and extend. Plus generate whatever sort of doc file you would like. I didn't change the Makefile stuff as I'm not sure what default doc type people want. Oh and this is all DocBook format. Enjoy!
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<!doctype chapter PUBLIC "-//Davenport//DTD DocBook V3.0//EN" [
<!entity memory SYSTEM "gmem.sgml">
<!entity lists SYSTEM "glist.sgml">
<!entity hashtables SYSTEM "ghash.sgml">
<!entity caches SYSTEM "gcache.sgml">
<!entity trees SYSTEM "gtree.sgml">
<!entity timers SYSTEM "gtimer.sgml">
<!entity defintions SYSTEM "defintions.sgml">
<title>GLIB Developers' Reference Guide</title>
<holder>Gregory A. McLean</holder>
<para>This documentation is <emphasis>free</emphasis>; this means that
everyone is free to use it and free to redistribute it on a free basis.
This documentation is not in the public domain; it is a copyrighted
work and there are restrictions on its distribution, but these
restrictions are designed to permit everything that a good cooperating
citizen would want to do. What is not allowed is to try and prevent
others from further sharing any version of this documentation that they
might get from you.</para>
<para>Specifically, we want to make sure that you have the right to
give away copies of this documentation, that you receive the source
or else can get it if you want it, that you can change the documentation
or use pieces of it in new free documentation, and that you know you
can legally do these things.</para>
<para>This documentation is being distributed in the hope that it will
be useful, but <emphasis>WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY</emphasis>; without the
even implied warranty of <emphasis>MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A
PARTICULAR PURPOSE</emphasis>.</para>
<para>For the exact details of copying this library and the related
documentation please see the <emphasis>COPYING</emphasis> file that
should have come with this library.</para>
<chapter id="introduction">
<sect1 id="whatis">
<title>What is GLIB</title>
<para>GLIB is a collection of useful functions designed with portabilty
and ease of use in mind. Many of the functions provided by GLIB can
be duplicated or are wrappers to standard <trademark>UNIX</trademark>
functions and system calls. The are provided in this library mainly
for consistancy and the write once philophsy.</para>
<!-- Definitions provided by glib -->
<!-- Documentation for memory handling in glib -->
<!-- Documentation for lists in glib -->
<!-- Documentation for hash tables in glib -->
<!-- Documentation for cache handing in glib -->
<!-- Balanced binary trees -->
<!-- Timer documentation -->