mirror of
synced 2025-02-24 19:22:11 +01:00
This makes it easier to track the current state, and, for example, put the line number in error messages.
876 lines
30 KiB
Executable File
876 lines
30 KiB
Executable File
#!/usr/bin/env python
# vim: set ts=4 sw=4 et: coding=UTF-8
# Copyright (c) 2010, Novell, Inc.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307,
# USA.
# Authors: Vincent Untz <vuntz@gnome.org>
# TODO: support alias for choice
import os
import sys
import optparse
from lxml import etree as ET
except ImportError:
from xml.etree import cElementTree as ET
except ImportError:
import cElementTree as ET
TYPES_FOR_RANGE = [ 'y', 'n', 'q', 'i', 'u', 'x', 't', 'h', 'd' ]
class GSettingsSchemaConvertException(Exception):
class GSettingsSchemaRoot:
def __init__(self):
self.schemas = []
self.gettext_domain = None
def simplify(self):
for schema in self.schemas:
def get_simple_string(self):
need_empty_line = False
result = ''
for schema in self.schemas:
if need_empty_line:
result += '\n'
result += schema.get_simple_string()
if result:
need_empty_line = True
# Only put the gettext domain if we have some content
if result and self.gettext_domain:
result = 'gettext-domain: %s\n\n%s' % (self.gettext_domain, result)
return result
def get_xml_node(self):
schemalist_node = ET.Element('schemalist')
if self.gettext_domain:
schemalist_node.set('gettext-domain', self.gettext_domain)
for schema in self.schemas:
for schema_node in schema.get_xml_nodes():
return schemalist_node
# Note: defined before GSettingsSchema because GSettingsSchema is a subclass.
# But from a schema point of view, GSettingsSchema is a parent of
# GSettingsSchemaDir.
class GSettingsSchemaDir:
def __init__(self):
self.name = None
self.gettext_domain = None
self.dirs = []
self.keys = []
def get_simple_string(self, current_indent):
content = self._get_simple_string_for_content(current_indent)
if not content:
return ''
result = ''
result += '%schild %s:\n' % (current_indent, self.name)
if self.gettext_domain:
result += '%sgettext-domain: %s\n' % (current_indent + GSETTINGS_SIMPLE_SCHEMA_INDENT, self.gettext_domain)
result += '\n'
result += content
return result
def _get_simple_string_for_content(self, current_indent):
need_empty_line = False
result = ''
for key in self.keys:
result += key.get_simple_string(current_indent + GSETTINGS_SIMPLE_SCHEMA_INDENT)
need_empty_line = True
for dir in self.dirs:
if need_empty_line:
result += '\n'
result += dir.get_simple_string(current_indent + GSETTINGS_SIMPLE_SCHEMA_INDENT)
if result:
need_empty_line = True
return result
def get_xml_nodes(self, parent_id, parent_path):
id = '%s.%s' % (parent_id, self.name)
path = '%s%s/' % (parent_path, self.name)
(node, children) = self._get_xml_nodes_for_content(id, path)
if node is None:
return []
node.set('id', id)
node.set('path', path)
nodes = [ node ]
return nodes
def _get_xml_nodes_for_content(self, id, path):
if not self.keys and not self.dirs:
return (None, None)
children = []
schema_node = ET.Element('schema')
if self.gettext_domain:
schema_node.set('gettext-domain', self.gettext_domain)
for key in self.keys:
key_node = key.get_xml_node()
for dir in self.dirs:
dir_nodes = dir.get_xml_nodes(id, path)
child_node = ET.SubElement(schema_node, 'child')
child_node.set('name', dir.name)
child_node.set('schema', '%s.%s' % (id, dir.name))
return (schema_node, children)
class GSettingsSchema(GSettingsSchemaDir):
def __init__(self):
self.id = None
self.path = None
self.gettext_domain = None
self.dirs = []
self.keys = []
def simplify(self):
while len(self.dirs) == 1 and not self.keys:
dir = self.dirs[0]
self.dirs = dir.dirs
self.keys = dir.keys
if self.path:
self.path += dir.name + '/'
def get_simple_string(self):
if not self.dirs and not self.keys:
return ''
result = ''
result += 'schema %s:\n' % self.id
if self.gettext_domain:
result += '%sgettext-domain: %s\n' % (GSETTINGS_SIMPLE_SCHEMA_INDENT, self.gettext_domain)
if self.path:
result += '%spath: %s\n' % (GSETTINGS_SIMPLE_SCHEMA_INDENT, self.path)
result += '\n'
result += self._get_simple_string_for_content('')
return result
def get_xml_nodes(self):
if not self.dirs and not self.keys:
return []
(node, children) = self._get_xml_nodes_for_content(self.id, self.path or '')
if node is None:
return []
node.set('id', self.id)
if self.path:
node.set('path', self.path)
nodes = [ node ]
return nodes
class GSettingsSchemaKey:
def __init__(self):
self.name = None
self.type = None
self.default = None
self.typed_default = None
self.l10n = None
self.l10n_context = None
self.summary = None
self.description = None
self.choices = None
self.range = None
def fill(self, name, type, default, typed_default, l10n, l10n_context, summary, description, choices, range):
self.name = name
self.type = type
self.default = default
self.typed_default = typed_default
self.l10n = l10n
self.l10n_context = l10n_context
self.summary = summary
self.description = description
self.choices = choices
self.range = range
def _has_range_choices(self):
return self.choices is not None and self.type in TYPES_FOR_CHOICES
def _has_range_minmax(self):
return self.range is not None and len(self.range) == 2 and self.type in TYPES_FOR_RANGE
def get_simple_string(self, current_indent):
# FIXME: kill this when we'll have python bindings for GVariant. Right
# now, every simple format schema we'll generate has to have an
# explicit type since we can't guess the type later on when converting
# to XML.
self.typed_default = '@%s %s' % (self.type, self.default)
result = ''
result += '%skey %s = %s\n' % (current_indent, self.name, self.typed_default or self.default)
if self.l10n:
l10n = self.l10n
if self.l10n_context:
l10n += ' %s' % self.l10n_context
result += '%sl10n: %s\n' % (current_indent, l10n)
if self.summary:
result += '%ssummary: %s\n' % (current_indent, self.summary)
if self.description:
result += '%sdescription: %s\n' % (current_indent, self.description)
if self._has_range_choices():
result += '%schoices: %s\n' % (current_indent, ', '.join(self.choices))
elif self._has_range_minmax():
result += '%srange: %s\n' % (current_indent, '%s..%s' % self.range)
return result
def get_xml_node(self):
key_node = ET.Element('key')
key_node.set('name', self.name)
key_node.set('type', self.type)
default_node = ET.SubElement(key_node, 'default')
default_node.text = self.default
if self.l10n:
default_node.set('l10n', self.l10n)
if self.l10n_context:
default_node.set('context', self.l10n_context)
if self.summary:
summary_node = ET.SubElement(key_node, 'summary')
summary_node.text = self.summary
if self.description:
description_node = ET.SubElement(key_node, 'description')
description_node.text = self.description
if self._has_range_choices():
choices_node = ET.SubElement(key_node, 'choices')
for choice in self.choices:
choice_node = ET.SubElement(choices_node, 'choice')
choice_node.set('value', choice)
elif self._has_range_minmax():
(min, max) = self.range
range_node = ET.SubElement(key_node, 'range')
min_node = ET.SubElement(range_node, 'min')
if min:
min_node.text = min
max_node = ET.SubElement(range_node, 'max')
if max:
max_node.text = max
return key_node
def map_gconf_type_to_variant_type(gconftype, gconfsubtype):
typemap = { 'string': 's', 'int': 'i', 'float': 'f', 'bool': 'b', 'list': 'a' }
result = typemap[gconftype]
if gconftype == 'list':
result = result + typemap[gconfsubtype]
return result
class GConfSchema:
def __init__(self, node):
locale_node = node.find('locale')
self.key = node.find('key').text
self.type = node.find('type').text
if self.type == 'list':
self.list_type = node.find('list_type').text
self.list_type = None
self.varianttype = map_gconf_type_to_variant_type(self.type, self.list_type)
applyto_node = node.find('applyto')
if applyto_node is not None:
self.applyto = node.find('applyto').text
self.keyname = self.applyto[self.applyto.rfind('/')+1:]
self.prefix = self.applyto[:self.applyto.rfind('/')+1]
self.applyto = None
self.keyname = self.key[self.key.rfind('/')+1:]
self.prefix = self.key[:self.key.rfind('/')+1]
self.prefix = os.path.normpath(self.prefix)
self.default = locale_node.find('default').text
self.localized = 'messages'
self.default = node.find('default').text
self.localized = None
raise GSettingsSchemaConvertException('No default value for key \'%s\'. A default value is always required in GSettings schemas.' % self.applyto or self.key)
self.typed_default = None
self.short = self._get_value_with_locale(node, locale_node, 'short')
self.long = self._get_value_with_locale(node, locale_node, 'long')
self.short = self._oneline(self.short)
self.long = self._oneline(self.long)
# Fix the default to be parsable by GVariant
if self.type == 'string':
if not self.default:
self.default = '\'\''
self.default.replace('\'', '\\\'')
self.default = '\'%s\'' % self.default
elif self.type == 'bool':
self.default = self.default.lower()
elif self.type == 'list':
l = self.default.strip()
if not (l[0] == '[' and l[-1] == ']'):
raise GSettingsSchemaConvertException('Cannot parse default list value \'%s\' for key \'%s\'.' % (self.default, self.applyto or self.key))
values = l[1:-1].strip()
if not values:
self.typed_default = '@%s []' % self.varianttype
elif self.list_type == 'string':
items = [ item.strip() for item in values.split(',') ]
items = [ item.replace('\'', '\\\'') for item in items ]
values = ', '.join([ '\'%s\'' % item for item in items ])
self.default = '[ %s ]' % values
def _get_value_with_locale(self, node, locale_node, element):
element_node = None
if locale_node is not None:
element_node = locale_node.find(element)
if element_node is None:
element_node = node.find(element)
if element_node is not None:
return element_node.text
return None
def _oneline(self, s):
lines = s.splitlines()
result = ''
for line in lines:
result += ' ' + line.lstrip()
return result.strip()
def get_gsettings_schema_key(self):
key = GSettingsSchemaKey()
key.fill(self.keyname, self.varianttype, self.default, self.typed_default, self.localized, self.keyname, self.short, self.long, None, None)
return key
class SimpleSchemaParser:
allowed_tokens = {
'' : [ 'gettext-domain', 'schema' ],
'gettext-domain' : [ ],
'schema' : [ 'gettext-domain', 'path', 'child', 'key' ],
'path' : [ ],
'child' : [ 'gettext-domain', 'child', 'key' ],
'key' : [ 'l10n', 'summary', 'description', 'choices', 'range' ],
'l10n' : [ ],
'summary' : [ ],
'description' : [ ],
'choices' : [ ],
'range' : [ ]
allowed_separators = [ ':', '=' ]
def __init__(self, file):
self.file = file
self.root = GSettingsSchemaRoot()
# this is just a convenient helper to remove the leading indentation
# that should be common to all lines
self.leading_indent = None
self.indent_stack = []
self.token_stack = []
self.object_stack = [ self.root ]
self.previous_token = None
self.current_token = None
self.unparsed_line = ''
def _eat_indent(self):
line = self.unparsed_line
i = 0
buf = ''
previous_max_index = len(self.indent_stack) - 1
index = -1
while i < len(line) - 1 and line[i].isspace():
buf += line[i]
i += 1
if previous_max_index > index:
if buf == self.indent_stack[index + 1]:
buf = ''
index += 1
elif self.indent_stack[index + 1].startswith(buf):
raise GSettingsSchemaConvertException('Inconsistent indentation.')
if buf and previous_max_index > index:
raise GSettingsSchemaConvertException('Inconsistent indentation.')
elif buf and previous_max_index <= index:
elif previous_max_index > index:
self.indent_stack = self.indent_stack[:index + 1]
self.unparsed_line = line[i:]
def _parse_word(self):
line = self.unparsed_line
i = 0
while i < len(line) and not line[i].isspace() and not line[i] in self.allowed_separators:
i += 1
self.unparsed_line = line[i:]
return line[:i]
def _word_to_token(self, word):
lower = word.lower()
if lower and lower in self.allowed_tokens.keys():
return lower
raise GSettingsSchemaConvertException('\'%s\' is not a valid token.' % lower)
def _token_allow_separator(self):
return self.current_token in [ 'gettext-domain', 'path', 'l10n', 'summary', 'description', 'choices', 'range' ]
def _parse_name_without_separator(self):
line = self.unparsed_line
if line[-1] in self.allowed_separators:
line = line[:-1].strip()
self.unparsed_line = ''
# FIXME: we could check there's no space
return line
def _parse_key(self):
line = self.unparsed_line
split = False
for separator in self.allowed_separators:
items = line.split(separator)
if len(items) == 2:
split = True
if not split:
raise GSettingsSchemaConvertException('Key \'%s\' cannot be parsed.' % line)
# FIXME: we could check there's no space
name = items[0].strip()
type = ''
value = items[1].strip()
if value[0] == '@':
i = 1
while not value[i].isspace():
i += 1
type = value[1:i]
value = value[i:].strip()
if not value:
raise GSettingsSchemaConvertException('No value specified for key \'%s\' (\'%s\').' % (name, line))
self.unparsed_line = ''
object = GSettingsSchemaKey()
object.name = name
object.type = type
object.default = value
return object
def _parse_l10n(self):
line = self.unparsed_line
items = [ item.strip() for item in line.split(' ') if item.strip() ]
if not items:
self.unparsed_line = ''
return (None, None)
if len(items) == 1:
self.unparsed_line = ''
return (items[0], None)
if len(items) == 2:
self.unparsed_line = ''
return (items[0], items[1])
raise GSettingsSchemaConvertException('Localization \'%s\' cannot be parsed.' % line)
def _parse_choices(self, object):
if object.type in TYPES_FOR_CHOICES:
line = self.unparsed_line
result = [ item.strip() for item in line.split(',') ]
self.unparsed_line = ''
return result
raise GSettingsSchemaConvertException('Key \'%s\' of type \'%s\' cannot have choices.' % (object.name, object.type))
def _parse_range(self, object):
minmax = None
if object.type in TYPES_FOR_RANGE:
line = self.unparsed_line
minmax = [ item.strip() for item in line.split('..') ]
if len(minmax) != 2:
raise GSettingsSchemaConvertException('Range \'%s\' cannot be parsed.' % line)
# FIXME: we'll be able to check min < max once we can convert the
# values with GVariant
self.unparsed_line = ''
return tuple(minmax)
raise GSettingsSchemaConvertException('Key \'%s\' of type \'%s\' cannot have a range.' % (object.name, object.type))
def parse_line(self, line):
# make sure that lines with only spaces are ignored and considered as
# empty lines
self.unparsed_line = line.rstrip()
# ignore empty line
if not self.unparsed_line:
# look at the indentation to know where we should be
if self.leading_indent is None:
self.leading_indent = len(self.indent_stack)
# ignore comments
if self.unparsed_line[0] == '#':
word = self._parse_word()
if self.current_token:
self.previous_token = self.current_token
self.current_token = self._word_to_token(word)
self.unparsed_line = self.unparsed_line.lstrip()
allow_separator = self._token_allow_separator()
if len(self.unparsed_line) > 0 and self.unparsed_line[0] in self.allowed_separators:
if allow_separator:
self.unparsed_line = self.unparsed_line[1:].lstrip()
raise GSettingsSchemaConvertException('Separator \'%s\' is not allowed after \'%s\'.' % (self.unparsed_line[0], self.current_token))
new_level = len(self.indent_stack) - self.leading_indent
old_level = len(self.token_stack)
if new_level > old_level + 1:
raise GSettingsSchemaConvertException('Internal error: stacks not in sync.')
elif new_level <= old_level:
self.token_stack = self.token_stack[:new_level]
# we always have the root
self.object_stack = self.object_stack[:new_level + 1]
if new_level == 0:
parent_token = ''
parent_token = self.token_stack[-1]
# there's new indentation, but no token is allowed under the previous
# one
if new_level == old_level + 1 and self.previous_token != parent_token:
raise GSettingsSchemaConvertException('\'%s\' is not allowed under \'%s\'.' % (self.current_token, self.previous_token))
if not self.current_token in self.allowed_tokens[parent_token]:
if parent_token:
error = '\'%s\' is not allowed under \'%s\'.' % (self.current_token, parent_token)
error = '\'%s\' is not allowed at the root level.' % self.current_token
raise GSettingsSchemaConvertException(error)
current_object = self.object_stack[-1]
new_object = None
if self.current_token == 'gettext-domain':
current_object.gettext_domain = self.unparsed_line
elif self.current_token == 'schema':
name = self._parse_name_without_separator()
new_object = GSettingsSchema()
new_object.id = name
elif self.current_token == 'path':
current_object.path = self.unparsed_line
elif self.current_token == 'child':
name = self._parse_name_without_separator()
new_object = GSettingsSchemaDir()
new_object.name = name
elif self.current_token == 'key':
new_object = self._parse_key()
elif self.current_token == 'l10n':
(current_object.l10n, current_object.l10n_context) = self._parse_l10n()
elif self.current_token == 'summary':
current_object.summary = self.unparsed_line
elif self.current_token == 'description':
current_object.description = self.unparsed_line
elif self.current_token == 'choices':
current_object.choices = self._parse_choices(current_object)
elif self.current_token == 'range':
current_object.range = self._parse_range(current_object)
if new_object:
def parse(self):
f = open(self.file, 'r')
lines = [ line[:-1] for line in f.readlines() ]
current_line_nb = 0
for line in lines:
current_line_nb += 1
except GSettingsSchemaConvertException, e:
raise GSettingsSchemaConvertException('%s:%s: %s' % (os.path.basename(self.file), current_line_nb, e))
return self.root
def read_gconf_schema(gconf_schema_file, default_schema_id):
gsettings_schema_root = GSettingsSchemaRoot()
default_schema_id_count = 0
gconfschemafile_node = ET.parse(gconf_schema_file).getroot()
for schemalist_node in gconfschemafile_node.findall('schemalist'):
for schema_node in schemalist_node.findall('schema'):
gconf_schema = GConfSchema(schema_node)
schemas_only = (gconf_schema.applyto is not None)
dirpath = gconf_schema.prefix
if dirpath[0] != '/':
raise GSettingsSchemaConvertException('Key \'%s\' has a relative path. There is no relative path in GSettings schemas.' % gconf_schema.applyto or gconf_schema.key)
# remove leading 'schemas/' for schemas-only keys
if schemas_only and dirpath.startswith('/schemas/'):
dirpath = dirpath[len('/schemas'):]
if len(dirpath) == 1:
raise GSettingsSchemaConvertException('Key \'%s\' is a toplevel key. Toplevel keys are not accepted in GSettings schemas.' % gconf_schema.applyto or gconf_schema.key)
# remove trailing slash because we'll split the string
if dirpath[-1] == '/':
dirpath = dirpath[:-1]
# and also remove leading slash when splitting
hierarchy = dirpath[1:].split('/')
# we don't want to put apps/ and desktop/ keys in the same schema,
# so we have a first step where we make sure to create a new schema
# to avoid this case if necessary
gsettings_schema = None
for schema in gsettings_schema_root.schemas:
if schemas_only:
schema_path = schema.path
schema_path = schema._hacky_path
if dirpath.startswith(schema_path):
gsettings_schema = schema
if not gsettings_schema:
gsettings_schema = GSettingsSchema()
if default_schema_id:
gsettings_schema.id = default_schema_id
if default_schema_id_count > 0:
gsettings_schema.id += '.FIXME-%s' % default_schema_id_count
default_schema_id_count += 1
gsettings_schema.id = 'FIXME'
if schemas_only:
gsettings_schema.path = '/' + hierarchy[0] + '/'
gsettings_schema._hacky_path = '/' + hierarchy[0] + '/'
# we create all the subdirs that lead to this key
gsettings_dir = gsettings_schema
for item in hierarchy[1:]:
subdir = None
for dir in gsettings_dir.dirs:
if dir.name == item:
subdir = dir
if not subdir:
subdir = GSettingsSchemaDir()
subdir.name = item
gsettings_dir = subdir
# we have the final directory, so we can put the key there
return gsettings_schema_root
def main(args):
parser = optparse.OptionParser()
parser.add_option("-o", "--output", dest="output",
help="output file")
parser.add_option("-g", "--gconf", action="store_true", dest="gconf",
default=False, help="convert a gconf schema file")
parser.add_option("-i", "--schema-id", dest="schema_id",
help="default schema ID to use when converting gconf schema file")
parser.add_option("-s", "--simple", action="store_true", dest="simple",
default=False, help="use the simple schema format as output (only for gconf schema conversion)")
parser.add_option("-x", "--xml", action="store_true", dest="xml",
default=False, help="use the xml schema format as output")
parser.add_option("-f", "--force", action="store_true", dest="force",
default=False, help="overwrite output file if already existing")
(options, args) = parser.parse_args()
if len(args) < 1:
print >> sys.stderr, 'Need a filename to work on.'
return 1
elif len(args) > 1:
print >> sys.stderr, 'Too many arguments.'
return 1
if options.simple and options.xml:
print >> sys.stderr, 'Too many output formats requested.'
return 1
if not options.simple and not options.xml:
if options.gconf:
options.simple = True
options.xml = True
if not options.gconf and options.schema_id:
print >> sys.stderr, 'Default schema ID can only be specified when converting a gconf schema.'
return 1
argfile = os.path.expanduser(args[0])
if not os.path.exists(argfile):
print >> sys.stderr, '\'%s\' does not exist.' % argfile
return 1
if options.output:
options.output = os.path.expanduser(options.output)
if options.output and not options.force and os.path.exists(options.output):
raise GSettingsSchemaConvertException('\'%s\' already exists. Use --force to overwrite it.' % options.output)
if options.gconf:
schema_root = read_gconf_schema(argfile, options.schema_id)
except SyntaxError, e:
raise GSettingsSchemaConvertException('\'%s\' does not look like a valid gconf schema file: %s' % (argfile, e))
parser = SimpleSchemaParser(argfile)
schema_root = parser.parse()
if options.xml:
node = schema_root.get_xml_node()
tree = ET.ElementTree(node)
output = ET.tostring(tree, pretty_print = True)
except TypeError:
# pretty_print only works with lxml
output = ET.tostring(tree)
output = schema_root.get_simple_string()
if not options.output:
fout = open(options.output, 'w')
except GSettingsSchemaConvertException, e:
if os.path.exists(options.output):
raise e
except GSettingsSchemaConvertException, e:
print >> sys.stderr, '%s' % e
return 1
return 0
if __name__ == '__main__':
res = main(sys.argv)
except KeyboardInterrupt: