import os import re import shutil import subprocess import sys import textwrap import pytest from utils import ( DOT_TOX, NATIVE_EXEC_PREFIX_MSG, NATIVE_EXECUTABLE, NATIVE_SITE_PACKAGES, NATIVE_TOXENV, TOX_VERSION, envs_from_tox_ini, is_available, modify_config, needs_all_pythons, tox, tox_footer, ) if TOX_VERSION.major != 3: pytest.skip("skipping tests for tox 3", allow_module_level=True) def test_native_toxenv_current_env(): result = tox("-e", NATIVE_TOXENV, "--current-env") assert result.stdout.splitlines()[0] == NATIVE_EXEC_PREFIX_MSG assert not (DOT_TOX / NATIVE_TOXENV / "lib").is_dir() @needs_all_pythons def test_all_toxenv_current_env(): result = tox("--current-env", check=False) assert NATIVE_EXEC_PREFIX_MSG in result.stdout.splitlines() assert result.stdout.count("InterpreterMismatch:") >= 2 assert result.returncode > 0 @pytest.mark.parametrize("python", ["python3.4", "python3.5"]) def test_missing_toxenv_current_env(python): if is_available(python): pytest.skip(f"Only works if {python} is not available in $PATH") env = python.replace("python", "py").replace(".", "") result = tox("-e", env, "--current-env", check=False) assert f"InterpreterNotFound: {python}" in result.stdout assert "Traceback" not in (result.stderr + result.stdout) assert result.returncode > 0 @needs_all_pythons def test_all_toxenv_current_env_skip_missing(): result = tox("--current-env", "--skip-missing-interpreters", check=False) assert "InterpreterMismatch:" in result.stdout assert "congratulations" in result.stdout assert result.returncode == 0 @pytest.mark.parametrize("toxenv", envs_from_tox_ini()) def test_print_deps(toxenv, print_deps_stdout_arg): result = tox("-e", toxenv, print_deps_stdout_arg) expected = textwrap.dedent( f""" six py {tox_footer(toxenv)} """ ).lstrip() assert result.stdout == expected @pytest.mark.parametrize("toxenv", envs_from_tox_ini()) @pytest.mark.parametrize("pre_post", ["pre", "post", "both"]) def test_print_deps_with_commands_pre_post(projdir, toxenv, pre_post, print_deps_stdout_arg): with modify_config(projdir / 'tox.ini') as config: if pre_post == "both": config["testenv"]["commands_pre"] = "echo unexpected" config["testenv"]["commands_post"] = "echo unexpected" else: config["testenv"][f"commands_{pre_post}"] = "echo unexpected" result = tox("-e", toxenv, print_deps_stdout_arg) expected = textwrap.dedent( f""" six py {tox_footer(toxenv)} """ ).lstrip() assert result.stdout == expected assert result.stderr == "" @pytest.mark.parametrize("toxenv", envs_from_tox_ini()) def test_print_deps_with_tox_minversion(projdir, toxenv, print_deps_stdout_arg): with modify_config(projdir / "tox.ini") as config: config["tox"]["minversion"] = "3.13" result = tox("-e", toxenv, print_deps_stdout_arg) expected = textwrap.dedent( f""" tox >= 3.13 six py {tox_footer(toxenv)} """ ).lstrip() assert result.stdout == expected @pytest.mark.parametrize("toxenv", envs_from_tox_ini()) def test_print_deps_with_tox_requires(projdir, toxenv, print_deps_stdout_arg): with modify_config(projdir / "tox.ini") as config: config["tox"]["requires"] = "\n pytest > 5\n pluggy" result = tox("-e", toxenv, print_deps_stdout_arg) expected = textwrap.dedent( f""" pytest > 5 pluggy six py {tox_footer(toxenv)} """ ).lstrip() assert result.stdout == expected @pytest.mark.parametrize("toxenv", envs_from_tox_ini()) def test_print_deps_with_tox_minversion_and_requires( projdir, toxenv, print_deps_stdout_arg ): with modify_config(projdir / "tox.ini") as config: config["tox"]["minversion"] = "3.13" config["tox"]["requires"] = "\n pytest > 5\n pluggy" result = tox("-e", toxenv, print_deps_stdout_arg) expected = textwrap.dedent( f""" tox >= 3.13 pytest > 5 pluggy six py {tox_footer(toxenv)} """ ).lstrip() assert result.stdout == expected @pytest.mark.parametrize("toxenv", envs_from_tox_ini()) def test_print_extras(toxenv, print_extras_stdout_arg): result = tox("-e", toxenv, print_extras_stdout_arg) expected = textwrap.dedent( f""" dev full {tox_footer(toxenv)} """ ).lstrip() assert result.stdout == expected @pytest.mark.parametrize("toxenv", envs_from_tox_ini()) @pytest.mark.parametrize("pre_post", ["pre", "post", "both"]) def test_print_extras_with_commands_pre_post(projdir, toxenv, pre_post, print_extras_stdout_arg): with modify_config(projdir / 'tox.ini') as config: if pre_post == "both": config["testenv"]["commands_pre"] = "echo unexpected" config["testenv"]["commands_post"] = "echo unexpected" else: config["testenv"][f"commands_{pre_post}"] = "echo unexpected" result = tox("-e", toxenv, print_extras_stdout_arg) expected = textwrap.dedent( f""" dev full {tox_footer(toxenv)} """ ).lstrip() assert result.stdout == expected assert result.stderr == "" @pytest.mark.parametrize("toxenv", envs_from_tox_ini()) def test_print_deps_only_deprecated(toxenv): result = tox( "-e", toxenv, "--print-deps-only", env={**os.environ, "PYTHONWARNINGS": "always"}, ) waring_text = ( "DeprecationWarning: --print-deps-only is deprecated; " + "use `--print-deps-to -`" ) assert waring_text in result.stderr def test_allenvs_print_deps(print_deps_stdout_arg): result = tox(print_deps_stdout_arg) expected = "" for env in envs_from_tox_ini(): expected += "six\npy\n" expected += tox_footer(spaces=0) + "\n" assert result.stdout == expected def test_allenvs_print_extras(print_extras_stdout_arg): result = tox(print_extras_stdout_arg) expected = "" for env in envs_from_tox_ini(): expected += "dev\nfull\n" expected += tox_footer(spaces=0) + "\n" assert result.stdout == expected @pytest.mark.parametrize("toxenv", envs_from_tox_ini()) def test_print_deps_to_file(toxenv, tmp_path): depspath = tmp_path / "deps" result = tox("-e", toxenv, "--print-deps-to", str(depspath)) assert depspath.read_text().splitlines() == ["six", "py"] expected = textwrap.dedent( f""" {tox_footer(toxenv)} """ ).lstrip() assert result.stdout == expected @pytest.mark.parametrize("toxenv", envs_from_tox_ini()) def test_print_extras_to_file(toxenv, tmp_path): extraspath = tmp_path / "extras" result = tox("-e", toxenv, "--print-extras-to", str(extraspath)) assert extraspath.read_text().splitlines() == ["dev", "full"] expected = textwrap.dedent( f""" {tox_footer(toxenv)} """ ).lstrip() assert result.stdout == expected @pytest.mark.parametrize("option", ("--print-deps-to", "--print-deps-to-file")) def test_allenvs_print_deps_to_file(tmp_path, option): depspath = tmp_path / "deps" result = tox(option, str(depspath)) assert depspath.read_text().splitlines() == ["six", "py"] * len(envs_from_tox_ini()) expected = textwrap.dedent( f""" {tox_footer()} """ ).lstrip() assert result.stdout == expected @pytest.mark.parametrize("option", ("--print-extras-to", "--print-extras-to-file")) def test_allenvs_print_extras_to_file(tmp_path, option): extraspath = tmp_path / "extras" result = tox(option, str(extraspath)) assert extraspath.read_text().splitlines() == ["dev", "full"] * len(envs_from_tox_ini()) expected = textwrap.dedent( f""" {tox_footer()} """ ).lstrip() assert result.stdout == expected def test_allenvs_print_deps_to_existing_file(tmp_path): depspath = tmp_path / "deps" depspath.write_text("nada") _ = tox("--print-deps-to", str(depspath)) lines = depspath.read_text().splitlines() assert "nada" not in lines assert "six" in lines assert "py" in lines def test_allenvs_print_extras_to_existing_file(tmp_path): extraspath = tmp_path / "extras" extraspath.write_text("nada") _ = tox("--print-extras-to", str(extraspath)) lines = extraspath.read_text().splitlines() assert "nada" not in lines assert "dev" in lines assert "full" in lines @pytest.mark.parametrize("deps_stdout", [True, False]) @pytest.mark.parametrize("extras_stdout", [True, False]) def test_allenvs_print_deps_to_file_print_extras_to_other_file( tmp_path, deps_stdout, extras_stdout ): if deps_stdout and extras_stdout: pytest.xfail("Unsupported combination of parameters") depspath = "-" if deps_stdout else tmp_path / "deps" extraspath = "-" if extras_stdout else tmp_path / "extras" result = tox("--print-deps-to", str(depspath), "--print-extras-to", str(extraspath)) if deps_stdout: depslines = result.stdout.splitlines() extraslines = extraspath.read_text().splitlines() elif extras_stdout: depslines = depspath.read_text().splitlines() extraslines = result.stdout.splitlines() else: extraslines = extraspath.read_text().splitlines() depslines = depspath.read_text().splitlines() assert "six" in depslines assert "py" in depslines assert "full" in extraslines assert "dev" in extraslines assert "six" not in extraslines assert "py" not in extraslines assert "full" not in depslines assert "dev" not in depslines def test_print_deps_extras_to_same_file_is_not_possible(tmp_path): depsextraspath = tmp_path / "depsextras" result = tox( "-e", NATIVE_TOXENV, "--print-deps-to", str(depsextraspath), "--print-extras-to", str(depsextraspath), check=False, ) assert result.returncode > 0 assert "cannot be identical" in result.stderr def test_print_deps_extras_to_stdout_is_not_possible( tmp_path, print_deps_stdout_arg, print_extras_stdout_arg, ): result = tox( "-e", NATIVE_TOXENV, print_deps_stdout_arg, print_extras_stdout_arg, check=False, ) assert result.returncode > 0 assert "cannot be identical" in result.stderr def test_print_deps_only_print_deps_to_file_are_mutually_exclusive(): result = tox( "-e", NATIVE_TOXENV, "--print-deps-only", "--print-deps-to", "foobar", check=False, ) assert result.returncode > 0 assert "cannot be used together" in result.stderr @needs_all_pythons def test_regular_run(): result = tox() lines = result.stdout.splitlines()[:5] for line, env in zip(lines, envs_from_tox_ini()): assert f"/.tox/{env} is the exec_prefix" in line assert "congratulations" in result.stdout for env in envs_from_tox_ini(): major, minor = re.match(r"py(\d)(\d+)", env).groups() for pkg in "py", "six", "test": sitelib = DOT_TOX / f"{env}/lib/python{major}.{minor}/site-packages" assert sitelib.is_dir() assert len(list(sitelib.glob(f"{pkg}-*.dist-info"))) == 1 def test_regular_run_native_toxenv(): result = tox("-e", NATIVE_TOXENV) lines = sorted(result.stdout.splitlines()[:1]) assert f"/.tox/{NATIVE_TOXENV} is the exec_prefix" in lines[0] assert "congratulations" in result.stdout for pkg in "py", "six", "test": sitelib = DOT_TOX / f"{NATIVE_TOXENV}/{NATIVE_SITE_PACKAGES}" assert sitelib.is_dir() assert len(list(sitelib.glob(f"{pkg}-*.dist-info"))) == 1 def test_regular_after_current_is_supported(): result = tox("-e", NATIVE_TOXENV, "--current-env") assert result.stdout.splitlines()[0] == NATIVE_EXEC_PREFIX_MSG result = tox("-e", NATIVE_TOXENV) assert f"/.tox/{NATIVE_TOXENV} is the exec_prefix" in result.stdout assert "--recreate" not in result.stderr def test_regular_after_killed_current_is_not_supported(): # fake broken tox run shutil.rmtree(DOT_TOX, ignore_errors=True) (DOT_TOX / NATIVE_TOXENV / "bin").mkdir(parents=True) (DOT_TOX / NATIVE_TOXENV / "bin" / "python").symlink_to(NATIVE_EXECUTABLE) result = tox("-e", NATIVE_TOXENV, check=False) assert result.returncode > 0 assert "--recreate" in result.stderr def test_regular_after_first_print_deps_is_supported(print_deps_stdout_arg): result = tox("-e", NATIVE_TOXENV, print_deps_stdout_arg) assert result.stdout.splitlines()[0] == "six" result = tox("-e", NATIVE_TOXENV) lines = sorted(result.stdout.splitlines()[:1]) assert "--recreate" not in result.stderr assert f"/.tox/{NATIVE_TOXENV} is the exec_prefix" in lines[0] # check that "test" was not installed to current environment shutil.rmtree("./test.egg-info") pip_freeze = (sys.executable, "-m", "pip", "freeze"), encoding="utf-8", stdout=subprocess.PIPE, ).stdout.splitlines() # XXX when this fails, recreate your current environment assert "test==0.0.0" not in pip_freeze def test_regular_recreate_after_current(): result = tox("-e", NATIVE_TOXENV, "--current-env") assert result.stdout.splitlines()[0] == NATIVE_EXEC_PREFIX_MSG result = tox("-re", NATIVE_TOXENV) assert f"/.tox/{NATIVE_TOXENV} is the exec_prefix" in result.stdout assert "not supported" not in result.stderr assert "--recreate" not in result.stderr def test_current_after_regular_is_not_supported(): result = tox("-e", NATIVE_TOXENV) assert f"/.tox/{NATIVE_TOXENV} is the exec_prefix" in result.stdout result = tox("-e", NATIVE_TOXENV, "--current-env", check=False) assert result.returncode > 0 assert "not supported" in result.stderr def test_current_recreate_after_regular(): result = tox("-e", NATIVE_TOXENV) assert f"/.tox/{NATIVE_TOXENV} is the exec_prefix" in result.stdout result = tox("-re", NATIVE_TOXENV, "--current-env") assert result.stdout.splitlines()[0] == NATIVE_EXEC_PREFIX_MSG def test_current_after_print_deps(print_deps_stdout_arg): # this is quite fast, so we can do it several times for _ in range(3): result = tox("-e", NATIVE_TOXENV, print_deps_stdout_arg) assert "bin/python" not in result.stdout assert "six" in result.stdout result = tox("-re", NATIVE_TOXENV, "--current-env") assert result.stdout.splitlines()[0] == NATIVE_EXEC_PREFIX_MSG def test_current_after_print_extras(print_extras_stdout_arg): # this is quite fast, so we can do it several times for _ in range(3): result = tox("-e", NATIVE_TOXENV, print_extras_stdout_arg) assert "bin/python" not in result.stdout assert "full" in result.stdout result = tox("-re", NATIVE_TOXENV, "--current-env") assert result.stdout.splitlines()[0] == NATIVE_EXEC_PREFIX_MSG def test_regular_recreate_after_print_deps(print_deps_stdout_arg): result = tox("-e", NATIVE_TOXENV, print_deps_stdout_arg) assert "bin/python" not in result.stdout assert "six" in result.stdout result = tox("-re", NATIVE_TOXENV) assert result.stdout.splitlines()[0] != NATIVE_EXEC_PREFIX_MSG sitelib = DOT_TOX / f"{NATIVE_TOXENV}/{NATIVE_SITE_PACKAGES}" assert sitelib.is_dir() assert len(list(sitelib.glob("test-*.dist-info"))) == 1 result = tox("-e", NATIVE_TOXENV, print_deps_stdout_arg) assert "bin/python" not in result.stdout assert "six" in result.stdout def test_print_deps_without_python_command(tmp_path, print_deps_stdout_arg): bin = tmp_path / "bin" bin.mkdir() tox_link = bin / "tox" tox_path = shutil.which("tox") tox_link.symlink_to(tox_path) env = {**os.environ, "PATH": str(bin)} result = tox("-e", NATIVE_TOXENV, print_deps_stdout_arg, env=env) expected = textwrap.dedent( f""" six py {tox_footer(NATIVE_TOXENV)} """ ).lstrip() assert result.stdout == expected @pytest.mark.parametrize("flag", [None, "--print-deps-to=-", "--current-env"]) def test_noquiet_installed_packages(flag): flags = (flag,) if flag else () result = tox("-e", NATIVE_TOXENV, *flags, quiet=False, check=False) assert f"\n{NATIVE_TOXENV} installed: " in result.stdout for line in result.stdout.splitlines(): if line.startswith(f"{NATIVE_TOXENV} installed: "): packages = line.rpartition(" installed: ")[-1].split(",") break # default tox produces output sorted by package names assert packages == sorted( packages, key=lambda p: p.partition("==")[0].partition(" @ ")[0].lower() ) # without a flag, the output must match tox defaults if not flag: assert len(packages) == 3 assert packages[0].startswith("py==") assert packages[1].startswith("six==") assert packages[2].startswith(("test==", "test @ ")) # old and new pip # with our flags, uses the absolutely current environment by default, hence has tox else: assert len([p for p in packages if p.startswith("tox==")]) == 1 assert all(re.match(r"\S+==\S+", p) for p in packages) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "flag", ["--print-deps-to=-", "--print-extras-to=-", "--current-env"] ) @pytest.mark.parametrize("usedevelop", [True, False]) def test_self_is_not_installed(projdir, flag, usedevelop): with modify_config(projdir / "tox.ini") as config: config["testenv"]["usedevelop"] = str(usedevelop) result = tox("-e", NATIVE_TOXENV, flag, quiet=False) assert "test==0.0.0" not in result.stdout assert "test @ file://" not in result.stdout @pytest.mark.parametrize("externals", [None, "allowlist_externals", "whitelist_externals"]) def test_externals(projdir, externals): with modify_config(projdir / 'tox.ini') as config: config['testenv']['commands'] = "echo assertme" if externals is not None: config['testenv'][externals] = "foo" result = tox("-e", NATIVE_TOXENV, "--current-env", quiet=False) assert result.returncode == 0 assert "assertme" in result.stdout assert "test command found but not installed in testenv" not in (result.stdout + result.stderr) @pytest.mark.parametrize("usedevelop", [True, False]) def test_self_is_installed_with_regular_tox(projdir, usedevelop): with modify_config(projdir / "tox.ini") as config: config["testenv"]["usedevelop"] = str(usedevelop) result = tox("-e", NATIVE_TOXENV, quiet=False) assert "test==0.0.0" in result.stdout or "test @ file://" in result.stdout @pytest.mark.parametrize("passenv", [None, "different list", "__var", "*"]) def test_passenv(projdir, passenv): with modify_config(projdir / "tox.ini") as config: config["testenv"]["commands"] = """python -c 'import os; print(os.getenv("__var"))'""" if passenv is not None: existing = config["testenv"].get("passenv", "") + " " config["testenv"]["passenv"] = existing + passenv env = {"__var": "assertme"} result = tox("-e", NATIVE_TOXENV, "--current-env", env=env, quiet=False) assert result.returncode == 0 assert "\nassertme\n" in result.stdout assert "\nNone\n" not in result.stdout