mirror of
synced 2024-12-25 09:36:13 +01:00
292 lines
9.4 KiB
292 lines
9.4 KiB
import functools
import os
import pathlib
import shutil
import subprocess
import sys
import textwrap
import pytest
NATIVE_TOXENV = f"py{sys.version_info[0]}{sys.version_info[1]}"
NATIVE_EXECUTABLE = str(pathlib.Path(sys.executable).resolve())
TOX_INI = pathlib.Path(__file__).parent / "tox.ini"
DOT_TOX = pathlib.Path(__file__).parent / ".tox"
def tox(*args, prune=True, **kwargs):
if prune:
shutil.rmtree(DOT_TOX, ignore_errors=True)
kwargs.setdefault("encoding", "utf-8")
kwargs.setdefault("stdout", subprocess.PIPE)
kwargs.setdefault("stderr", subprocess.PIPE)
kwargs.setdefault("check", True)
cp = subprocess.run((sys.executable, "-m", "tox", "-qc", TOX_INI) + args, **kwargs)
print(cp.stdout, file=sys.stdout)
print(cp.stderr, file=sys.stderr)
return cp
def is_available(python):
subprocess.run((python, "--version"))
except FileNotFoundError:
return False
return True
needs_py3678 = pytest.mark.skipif(
not is_available("python3.6")
or not is_available("python3.7")
or not is_available("python3.8"),
reason="This test needs all of python3.6, python3.7 and python3.8 to be available in $PATH",
def test_native_toxenv_current_env():
result = tox("-e", NATIVE_TOXENV, "--current-env")
assert result.stdout.splitlines()[0] == NATIVE_EXECUTABLE
assert not (DOT_TOX / NATIVE_TOXENV / "lib").is_dir()
def test_all_toxenv_current_env():
result = tox("--current-env", check=False)
assert NATIVE_EXECUTABLE in result.stdout.splitlines()
assert result.stdout.count("InterpreterMismatch:") >= 2
assert result.returncode > 0
@pytest.mark.parametrize("python", ["python3.4", "python3.5"])
def test_missing_toxenv_current_env(python):
if is_available(python):
pytest.skip(f"Only works if {python} is not available in $PATH")
env = python.replace("python", "py").replace(".", "")
result = tox("-e", env, "--current-env", check=False)
assert f"InterpreterNotFound: {python}" in result.stdout
assert "Traceback" not in (result.stderr + result.stdout)
assert result.returncode > 0
def test_all_toxenv_current_env_skip_missing():
result = tox("--current-env", "--skip-missing-interpreters", check=False)
assert "InterpreterMismatch:" in result.stdout
assert "congratulations" in result.stdout
assert result.returncode == 0
@pytest.mark.parametrize("toxenv", ["py36", "py37", "py38"])
def test_print_deps_only(toxenv):
result = tox("-e", toxenv, "--print-deps-only")
expected = textwrap.dedent(
___________________________________ summary ____________________________________
{toxenv}: commands succeeded
congratulations :)
assert result.stdout == expected
def test_allenvs_print_deps_only():
result = tox("--print-deps-only")
expected = textwrap.dedent(
___________________________________ summary ____________________________________
py36: commands succeeded
py37: commands succeeded
py38: commands succeeded
congratulations :)
assert result.stdout == expected
@pytest.mark.parametrize("toxenv", ["py36", "py37", "py38"])
def test_print_deps_to_file(toxenv, tmp_path):
depspath = tmp_path / "deps"
result = tox("-e", toxenv, "--print-deps-to-file", str(depspath))
assert depspath.read_text().splitlines() == ["six", "py"]
expected = textwrap.dedent(
___________________________________ summary ____________________________________
{toxenv}: commands succeeded
congratulations :)
assert result.stdout == expected
def test_allenvs_print_deps_to_file(tmp_path):
depspath = tmp_path / "deps"
result = tox("--print-deps-to-file", str(depspath))
assert depspath.read_text().splitlines() == ["six", "py"] * 3
expected = textwrap.dedent(
___________________________________ summary ____________________________________
py36: commands succeeded
py37: commands succeeded
py38: commands succeeded
congratulations :)
assert result.stdout == expected
def test_allenvs_print_deps_to_existing_file(tmp_path):
depspath = tmp_path / "deps"
result = tox("--print-deps-to-file", str(depspath))
lines = depspath.read_text().splitlines()
assert "nada" not in lines
assert "six" in lines
assert "py" in lines
def test_print_deps_only_print_deps_to_file_are_mutually_exclusive():
result = tox(
assert result.returncode > 0
assert "cannot be used together" in result.stderr
def test_regular_run():
result = tox()
lines = sorted(result.stdout.splitlines()[:3])
assert "/.tox/py36/bin/python" in lines[0]
assert "/.tox/py37/bin/python" in lines[1]
assert "/.tox/py38/bin/python" in lines[2]
assert "congratulations" in result.stdout
for y in 6, 7, 8:
for pkg in "py", "six", "test":
sitelib = DOT_TOX / f"py3{y}/lib/python3.{y}/site-packages"
assert sitelib.is_dir()
assert len(list(sitelib.glob(f"{pkg}-*.dist-info"))) == 1
def test_regular_run_native_toxenv():
result = tox("-e", NATIVE_TOXENV)
lines = sorted(result.stdout.splitlines()[:1])
assert f"/.tox/{NATIVE_TOXENV}/bin/python" in lines[0]
assert "congratulations" in result.stdout
for pkg in "py", "six", "test":
sitelib = (
DOT_TOX / f"{NATIVE_TOXENV}/lib/python3.{NATIVE_TOXENV[-1]}/site-packages"
assert sitelib.is_dir()
assert len(list(sitelib.glob(f"{pkg}-*.dist-info"))) == 1
def test_regular_after_current_is_not_supported():
result = tox("-e", NATIVE_TOXENV, "--current-env")
assert result.stdout.splitlines()[0] == NATIVE_EXECUTABLE
result = tox("-e", NATIVE_TOXENV, prune=False, check=False)
assert result.returncode > 0
assert "not supported" in result.stderr
def test_regular_after_first_deps_only_is_not_supported():
result = tox("-e", NATIVE_TOXENV, "--print-deps-only")
assert result.stdout.splitlines()[0] == "six"
result = tox("-e", NATIVE_TOXENV, prune=False, check=False)
assert result.returncode > 0
assert "not supported" in result.stderr
# check that "test" was not installed to current environment
pip_freeze = subprocess.run(
(sys.executable, "-m", "pip", "freeze"),
assert "test==0.0.0" not in pip_freeze
def test_regular_recreate_after_current():
result = tox("-e", NATIVE_TOXENV, "--current-env")
assert result.stdout.splitlines()[0] == NATIVE_EXECUTABLE
result = tox("-re", NATIVE_TOXENV, prune=False)
assert f"/.tox/{NATIVE_TOXENV}/bin/python" in result.stdout
assert "not supported" not in result.stderr
def test_current_after_regular_is_not_supported():
result = tox("-e", NATIVE_TOXENV)
assert f"/.tox/{NATIVE_TOXENV}/bin/python" in result.stdout
result = tox("-e", NATIVE_TOXENV, "--current-env", prune=False, check=False)
assert result.returncode > 0
assert "not supported" in result.stderr
def test_current_recreate_after_regular():
result = tox("-e", NATIVE_TOXENV)
assert f"/.tox/{NATIVE_TOXENV}/bin/python" in result.stdout
result = tox("-re", NATIVE_TOXENV, "--current-env", prune=False)
assert result.stdout.splitlines()[0] == NATIVE_EXECUTABLE
def test_current_after_deps_only():
# this is quite fast, so we can do it several times
first = True
for _ in range(3):
result = tox("-e", NATIVE_TOXENV, "--print-deps-only", prune=first)
first = False
assert "bin/python" not in result.stdout
assert "six" in result.stdout
result = tox("-re", NATIVE_TOXENV, "--current-env", prune=False)
assert result.stdout.splitlines()[0] == NATIVE_EXECUTABLE
def test_regular_recreate_after_deps_only():
result = tox("-e", NATIVE_TOXENV, "--print-deps-only")
assert "bin/python" not in result.stdout
assert "six" in result.stdout
result = tox("-re", NATIVE_TOXENV, prune=False)
assert result.stdout.splitlines()[0] != NATIVE_EXECUTABLE
sitelib = DOT_TOX / f"{NATIVE_TOXENV}/lib/python3.{NATIVE_TOXENV[-1]}/site-packages"
assert sitelib.is_dir()
assert len(list(sitelib.glob("test-*.dist-info"))) == 1
result = tox("-e", NATIVE_TOXENV, "--print-deps-only", prune=False)
assert "bin/python" not in result.stdout
assert "six" in result.stdout
def test_print_deps_without_python_command(tmp_path):
bin = tmp_path / "bin"
tox_link = bin / "tox"
tox_path = shutil.which("tox")
env = {**os.environ, "PATH": str(bin)}
result = tox("-e", NATIVE_TOXENV, "--print-deps-only", env=env)
expected = textwrap.dedent(
___________________________________ summary ____________________________________
{NATIVE_TOXENV}: commands succeeded
congratulations :)
assert result.stdout == expected