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synced 2025-02-24 11:12:14 +01:00
Merge pull request #1032 from mlschroe/master
Implement the Signature authentication scheme
This commit is contained in:
@ -43,8 +43,9 @@ import os
import re
import sys
import ssl
import warnings
import getpass
import time
import subprocess
from http.cookiejar import LWPCookieJar, CookieJar
@ -54,18 +55,20 @@ try:
from urllib.error import URLError
from urllib.request import HTTPBasicAuthHandler, HTTPCookieProcessor, HTTPPasswordMgrWithDefaultRealm, ProxyHandler
from urllib.request import AbstractHTTPHandler, build_opener, proxy_bypass, HTTPSHandler
from urllib.request import BaseHandler, parse_keqv_list, parse_http_list
except ImportError:
#python 2.x
from cookielib import LWPCookieJar, CookieJar
from httplib import HTTPConnection, HTTPResponse
from StringIO import StringIO
from urlparse import urlsplit
from urllib2 import URLError, HTTPBasicAuthHandler, HTTPCookieProcessor, HTTPPasswordMgrWithDefaultRealm, ProxyHandler, AbstractBasicAuthHandler
from urllib2 import URLError, HTTPBasicAuthHandler, HTTPCookieProcessor, HTTPPasswordMgrWithDefaultRealm, ProxyHandler
from urllib2 import AbstractHTTPHandler, build_opener, proxy_bypass, HTTPSHandler
from urllib2 import BaseHandler, parse_keqv_list, parse_http_list
from . import OscConfigParser
from osc import oscerr
from osc.util.helper import raw_input
from osc.util.helper import raw_input, decode_it
from .oscsslexcp import NoSecureSSLError
from osc import credentials
@ -112,6 +115,7 @@ DEFAULTS = {'apiurl': 'https://api.opensuse.org',
'user': None,
'pass': None,
'passx': None,
'sshkey': None,
'packagecachedir': '/var/tmp/osbuild-packagecache',
'su-wrapper': 'sudo',
@ -222,7 +226,7 @@ boolean_opts = ['debug', 'do_package_tracking', 'http_debug', 'post_mortem', 'tr
integer_opts = ['build-jobs']
api_host_options = ['user', 'pass', 'passx', 'aliases', 'http_headers', 'realname', 'email', 'sslcertck', 'cafile', 'capath', 'trusted_prj',
'downloadurl', 'sshkey']
new_conf_template = """
@ -507,9 +511,19 @@ def _build_opener(apiurl):
from osc.core import __version__
global config
class OscHTTPBasicAuthHandler(HTTPBasicAuthHandler, object):
class OscHTTPAuthHandler(HTTPBasicAuthHandler, object):
# python2: inherit from object in order to make it a new-style class
# (HTTPBasicAuthHandler is not a new-style class)
def __init__(self, password_mgr=None, signatureauthhandler=None):
super(self.__class__, self).__init__(password_mgr)
self.signatureauthhandler = signatureauthhandler
def add_parent(self, parent):
super(self.__class__, self).add_parent(parent)
if self.signatureauthhandler:
def _rewind_request(self, req):
if hasattr(req.data, 'seek'):
# if the request is issued again (this time with an
@ -519,10 +533,141 @@ def _build_opener(apiurl):
# the Content-Length header (if present))
def retry_http_basic_auth(self, host, req, realm):
def http_error_401(self, req, fp, code, msg, headers):
return super(self.__class__, self).retry_http_basic_auth(host, req,
authreqs = {}
for authreq in headers.get_all('www-authenticate', []):
scheme = authreq.split()[0].lower()
authreqs[scheme] = authreq
if 'signature' in authreqs and self.signatureauthhandler and \
(self.signatureauthhandler.sshkey_known() or 'basic' not in authreqs):
del headers['www-authenticate']
headers['www-authenticate'] = authreqs['signature']
return self.signatureauthhandler.http_error_401(req, fp, code, msg, headers)
if 'basic' in authreqs:
del headers['www-authenticate']
headers['www-authenticate'] = authreqs['basic']
response = super(self.__class__, self).http_error_401(req, fp, code, msg, headers)
# workaround for http://bugs.python.org/issue9639
if hasattr(self, 'retried'):
self.retried = 0
return response
class OscHTTPSignatureAuthHandler(BaseHandler):
def __init__(self, user, sshkey):
super(self.__class__, self).__init__()
self.user = user
self.sshkey = sshkey
def list_ssh_agent_keys(self):
cmd = ['ssh-add', '-l']
proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
stdout, _ = proc.communicate()
if proc.returncode == 0 and stdout.strip():
return stdout.splitlines()
return []
def is_ssh_private_keyfile(self, keyfile_path):
if not os.path.isfile(keyfile_path):
return False
with open(keyfile_path, "r") as f:
line = f.readline(100).strip()
if line == "-----BEGIN OPENSSH PRIVATE KEY-----":
return True
return False
def list_ssh_dir_keys(self):
sshdir = os.path.expanduser('~/.ssh')
keys_in_home_ssh = {}
for keyfile in os.listdir(sshdir):
if keyfile.endswith(".pub"):
keyfile_path = os.path.join(sshdir, keyfile)
if not self.is_ssh_private_keyfile(keyfile_path):
cmd = ["ssh-keygen", "-lf", keyfile_path]
proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
stdout, _ = proc.communicate()
if proc.returncode == 0:
fingerprint = stdout.strip()
if fingerprint:
keys_in_home_ssh[fingerprint] = keyfile_path
return keys_in_home_ssh
def guess_keyfile(self):
keys_in_agent = self.list_ssh_agent_keys()
if keys_in_agent:
keys_in_home_ssh = self.list_ssh_dir_keys()
for fingerprint in keys_in_agent:
if fingerprint in keys_in_home_ssh:
return keys_in_home_ssh[fingerprint]
sshdir = os.path.expanduser('~/.ssh')
keyfiles = ('id_ed25519', 'id_rsa')
for keyfile in keyfiles:
keyfile_path = os.path.join(sshdir, keyfile)
if os.path.isfile(keyfile_path):
return keyfile_path
raise oscerr.OscIOError(None, 'could not guess ssh identity keyfile')
def ssh_sign(self, data, namespace, keyfile=None):
data = bytes(data, 'utf-8')
if not keyfile:
keyfile = self.guess_keyfile()
if '/' not in keyfile:
keyfile = '~/.ssh/' + keyfile
keyfile = os.path.expanduser(keyfile)
cmd = ['ssh-keygen', '-Y', 'sign', '-f', keyfile, '-n', namespace, '-q']
proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
stdout, _ = proc.communicate(data)
if proc.returncode:
raise oscerr.OscIOError(None, 'ssh-keygen signature creation failed: %d' % proc.returncode)
signature = decode_it(stdout)
match = re.match(r"\A-----BEGIN SSH SIGNATURE-----\n(.*)\n-----END SSH SIGNATURE-----", signature, re.S)
if not match:
raise oscerr.OscIOError(None, 'could not extract ssh signature')
return base64.b64decode(match.group(1))
def get_authorization(self, req, chal):
realm = chal.get('realm', '')
now = int(time.time())
sigdata = "(created): %d" % now
signature = self.ssh_sign(sigdata, realm, self.sshkey)
signature = decode_it(base64.b64encode(signature))
return 'keyId="%s",algorithm="ssh",headers="(created)",created=%d,signature="%s"' \
% (self.user, now, signature)
def retry_http_signature_auth(self, req, auth):
old_auth_val = req.get_header('Authorization', None)
if old_auth_val:
old_scheme = old_auth_val.split()[0]
if old_scheme.lower() == 'signature':
return None
token, challenge = auth.split(' ', 1)
chal = parse_keqv_list(filter(None, parse_http_list(challenge)))
auth = self.get_authorization(req, chal)
if auth:
auth_val = 'Signature %s' % auth
req.add_unredirected_header('Authorization', auth_val)
return self.parent.open(req, timeout=req.timeout)
def http_error_401(self, req, fp, code, msg, headers):
authreq = headers.get('www-authenticate', None)
if authreq:
scheme = authreq.split()[0]
if scheme.lower() == 'signature':
return self.retry_http_signature_auth(req, authreq)
raise ValueError("OscHTTPSignatureAuthHandler does not support"
" the following scheme: '%s'" % scheme)
def sshkey_known(self):
return self.sshkey is not None
if 'last_opener' not in _build_opener.__dict__:
@ -538,44 +683,11 @@ def _build_opener(apiurl):
# read proxies from env
proxyhandler = ProxyHandler()
authhandler_class = OscHTTPBasicAuthHandler
# workaround for http://bugs.python.org/issue9639
if sys.version_info >= (2, 6, 6) and sys.version_info < (2, 7, 9):
class OscHTTPBasicAuthHandlerCompat(OscHTTPBasicAuthHandler):
# The following two functions were backported from upstream 2.7.
def http_error_auth_reqed(self, authreq, host, req, headers):
authreq = headers.get(authreq, None)
if authreq:
mo = AbstractBasicAuthHandler.rx.search(authreq)
if mo:
scheme, quote, realm = mo.groups()
if quote not in ['"', "'"]:
warnings.warn("Basic Auth Realm was unquoted",
UserWarning, 2)
if scheme.lower() == 'basic':
return self.retry_http_basic_auth(host, req, realm)
def retry_http_basic_auth(self, host, req, realm):
user, pw = self.passwd.find_user_password(realm, host)
if pw is not None:
raw = "%s:%s" % (user, pw)
auth = 'Basic %s' % base64.b64encode(raw).strip()
if req.get_header(self.auth_header, None) == auth:
return None
req.add_unredirected_header(self.auth_header, auth)
return self.parent.open(req, timeout=req.timeout)
return None
authhandler_class = OscHTTPBasicAuthHandlerCompat
options = config['api_host_options'][apiurl]
signatureauthhandler = OscHTTPSignatureAuthHandler(options['user'], options['sshkey'])
# with None as first argument, it will always use this username/password
# combination for urls for which arg2 (apisrv) is a super-url
authhandler = authhandler_class( \
authhandler = OscHTTPAuthHandler(HTTPPasswordMgrWithDefaultRealm(), signatureauthhandler)
authhandler.add_password(None, apiurl, options['user'], options['pass'])
if options['sslcertck']:
@ -1006,7 +1118,7 @@ def get_config(override_conffile=None,
'http_headers': http_headers}
api_host_options[apiurl] = APIHostOptionsEntry(entry)
optional = ('realname', 'email', 'sslcertck', 'cafile', 'capath')
optional = ('realname', 'email', 'sslcertck', 'cafile', 'capath', 'sshkey')
for key in optional:
if cp.has_option(url, key):
if key == 'sslcertck':
@ -1037,6 +1149,9 @@ def get_config(override_conffile=None,
api_host_options[apiurl]['downloadurl'] = None
if api_host_options[apiurl]['sshkey'] is None:
api_host_options[apiurl]['sshkey'] = config['sshkey']
# add the auth data we collected to the config dict
config['api_host_options'] = api_host_options
config['apiurl_aliases'] = aliases
Reference in New Issue
Block a user