mirror of
synced 2025-03-25 00:20:04 +01:00
Honor PEP-8 in osc/conf.py. Includes moving all imports to the top (and
importing only once).
This commit is contained in:
@ -34,12 +34,20 @@ The configuration dictionary could look like this:
import base64
import cookielib
import httplib
import os
import re
import sys
import StringIO
import urllib
import urllib2
import urlparse
import OscConfigParser
from osc import oscerr
from oscsslexcp import NoSecureSSLError
import os
@ -47,7 +55,6 @@ GNOME_KEYRING = False
import keyring
import gobject
@ -62,6 +69,7 @@ except:
def _get_processors():
get number of processors (online) based on
@ -72,79 +80,79 @@ def _get_processors():
except ValueError, e:
return 1
DEFAULTS = { 'apiurl': 'https://api.opensuse.org',
'user': 'your_username',
'pass': 'your_password',
'passx': '',
'packagecachedir': '/var/tmp/osbuild-packagecache',
'su-wrapper': 'sudo',
DEFAULTS = {'apiurl': 'https://api.opensuse.org',
'user': 'your_username',
'pass': 'your_password',
'passx': '',
'packagecachedir': '/var/tmp/osbuild-packagecache',
'su-wrapper': 'sudo',
# build type settings
'build-cmd': '/usr/bin/build',
'build-type': '', # may be empty for chroot, kvm or xen
'build-root': '/var/tmp/build-root',
'build-uid': '', # use the default provided by build
'build-device': '', # required for VM builds
'build-memory': '',# required for VM builds
'build-swap': '', # optional for VM builds
'build-vmdisk-rootsize': '', # optional for VM builds
'build-vmdisk-swapsize': '', # optional for VM builds
# build type settings
'build-cmd': '/usr/bin/build',
'build-type': '', # may be empty for chroot, kvm or xen
'build-root': '/var/tmp/build-root',
'build-uid': '', # use the default provided by build
'build-device': '', # required for VM builds
'build-memory': '', # required for VM builds
'build-swap': '', # optional for VM builds
'build-vmdisk-rootsize': '', # optional for VM builds
'build-vmdisk-swapsize': '', # optional for VM builds
'build-jobs': _get_processors(),
'builtin_signature_check': '1', # by default use builtin check for verify pkgs
'icecream': '0',
'build-jobs': _get_processors(),
'builtin_signature_check': '1', # by default use builtin check for verify pkgs
'icecream': '0',
'debug': '0',
'http_debug': '0',
'http_full_debug': '0',
'http_retries': '3',
'verbose': '1',
'traceback': '0',
'post_mortem': '0',
'use_keyring': '1',
'gnome_keyring': '1',
'cookiejar': '~/.osc_cookiejar',
# fallback for osc build option --no-verify
'no_verify': '0',
# enable project tracking by default
'do_package_tracking': '1',
# default for osc build
'extra-pkgs': '',
# default repository
'build_repository': 'openSUSE_Factory',
# default project for branch or bco
'getpac_default_project': 'openSUSE:Factory',
# alternate filesystem layout: have multiple subdirs, where colons were.
'checkout_no_colon': '0',
# change filesystem layout: avoid checkout from within a proj or package dir.
'checkout_rooted': '0',
# local files to ignore with status, addremove, ....
'exclude_glob': '.osc CVS .svn .* _linkerror *~ #*# *.orig *.bak *.changes.vctmp.*',
# whether to keep passwords in plaintext.
'plaintext_passwd': '1',
# limit the age of requests shown with 'osc req list'.
# this is a default only, can be overridden by 'osc req list -D NNN'
# Use 0 for unlimted.
'request_list_days': 0,
# check for unversioned/removed files before commit
'check_filelist': '1',
# External scripts to validate sources, esp before commit. This is a directory
'source_validator_directory': '/usr/lib/osc/source_validators',
# check for pending requests after executing an action (e.g. checkout, update, commit)
'check_for_request_on_action': '0',
# what to do with the source package if the submitrequest has been accepted
'submitrequest_on_accept_action': '',
'request_show_interactive': '0',
'submitrequest_accepted_template': '',
'submitrequest_declined_template': '',
'linkcontrol': '0',
'include_request_from_project': '1',
'debug': '0',
'http_debug': '0',
'http_full_debug': '0',
'http_retries': '3',
'verbose': '1',
'traceback': '0',
'post_mortem': '0',
'use_keyring': '1',
'gnome_keyring': '1',
'cookiejar': '~/.osc_cookiejar',
# fallback for osc build option --no-verify
'no_verify': '0',
# enable project tracking by default
'do_package_tracking': '1',
# default for osc build
'extra-pkgs': '',
# default repository
'build_repository': 'openSUSE_Factory',
# default project for branch or bco
'getpac_default_project': 'openSUSE:Factory',
# alternate filesystem layout: have multiple subdirs, where colons were.
'checkout_no_colon': '0',
# change filesystem layout: avoid checkout from within a proj or package dir.
'checkout_rooted': '0',
# local files to ignore with status, addremove, ....
'exclude_glob': '.osc CVS .svn .* _linkerror *~ #*# *.orig *.bak *.changes.vctmp.*',
# whether to keep passwords in plaintext.
'plaintext_passwd': '1',
# limit the age of requests shown with 'osc req list'.
# this is a default only, can be overridden by 'osc req list -D NNN'
# Use 0 for unlimted.
'request_list_days': 0,
# check for unversioned/removed files before commit
'check_filelist': '1',
# External scripts to validate sources, esp before commit. This is a directory
'source_validator_directory': '/usr/lib/osc/source_validators',
# check for pending requests after executing an action (e.g. checkout, update, commit)
'check_for_request_on_action': '0',
# what to do with the source package if the submitrequest has been accepted
'submitrequest_on_accept_action': '',
'request_show_interactive': '0',
'submitrequest_accepted_template': '',
'submitrequest_declined_template': '',
'linkcontrol': '0',
'include_request_from_project': '1',
# Maintenance defaults to OBS instance defaults
'maintained_attribute': 'OBS:Maintained',
'maintenance_attribute': 'OBS:MaintenanceProject',
'maintained_update_project_attribute': 'OBS:UpdateProject',
'show_download_progress': '0',
# Maintenance defaults to OBS instance defaults
'maintained_attribute': 'OBS:Maintained',
'maintenance_attribute': 'OBS:MaintenanceProject',
'maintained_update_project_attribute': 'OBS:UpdateProject',
'show_download_progress': '0',
# being global to this module, this dict can be accessed from outside
@ -312,7 +320,7 @@ pass = %(pass)s
account_not_configured_text ="""
account_not_configured_text = """
Your user account / password are not configured yet.
You will be asked for them below, and they will be stored in
%s for future use.
@ -333,25 +341,27 @@ your credentials for this apiurl.
cookiejar = None
def parse_apisrv_url(scheme, apisrv):
import urlparse
if apisrv.startswith('http://') or apisrv.startswith('https://'):
return urlparse.urlsplit(apisrv)[0:2]
elif scheme != None:
# the split/join is needed to get a proper url (e.g. without a trailing slash)
return urlparse.urlsplit(urljoin(scheme, apisrv))[0:2]
from urllib2 import URLError
msg = 'invalid apiurl \'%s\' (specify the protocol (http:// or https://))' % apisrv
raise URLError(msg)
raise urllib22.URLError(msg)
def urljoin(scheme, apisrv):
return '://'.join([scheme, apisrv])
def is_known_apiurl(url):
"""returns true if url is a known apiurl"""
apiurl = urljoin(*parse_apisrv_url(None, url))
return config['api_host_options'].has_key(apiurl)
return apiurl in config['api_host_options']
def get_apiurl_api_host_options(apiurl):
@ -368,6 +378,7 @@ def get_apiurl_api_host_options(apiurl):
raise oscerr.ConfigMissingApiurl('missing credentials for apiurl: \'%s\'' % apiurl,
'', apiurl)
def get_apiurl_usr(apiurl):
returns the user for this host - if this host does not exist in the
@ -378,7 +389,6 @@ def get_apiurl_usr(apiurl):
# actually even does this but for some reason we don't use it
# (yet?).
import sys
return get_apiurl_api_host_options(apiurl)['user']
except KeyError:
@ -386,6 +396,7 @@ def get_apiurl_usr(apiurl):
% (apiurl, config['user'])
return config['user']
# workaround m2crypto issue:
# if multiple SSL.Context objects are created
# m2crypto only uses the last object which was created.
@ -394,11 +405,9 @@ def get_apiurl_usr(apiurl):
# cafile/capath locations)
def _build_opener(url):
from osc.core import __version__
import urllib2
import sys
global config
apiurl = urljoin(*parse_apisrv_url(None, url))
if not _build_opener.__dict__.has_key('last_opener'):
if 'last_opener' not in _build_opener.__dict__:
_build_opener.last_opener = (None, None)
if apiurl == _build_opener.last_opener[0]:
return _build_opener.last_opener[1]
@ -417,6 +426,7 @@ def _build_opener(url):
and not 'reset_retry_count' in dir(urllib2.HTTPBasicAuthHandler):
print >>sys.stderr, 'warning: your urllib2 version seems to be broken. ' \
'Using a workaround for http://bugs.python.org/issue9639'
class OscHTTPBasicAuthHandler(urllib2.HTTPBasicAuthHandler):
def http_error_401(self, *args):
response = urllib2.HTTPBasicAuthHandler.http_error_401(self, *args)
@ -465,7 +475,7 @@ def _build_opener(url):
cafile = options.get('cafile', None)
capath = options.get('capath', None)
if not cafile and not capath:
for i in ['/etc/pki/tls/cert.pem', '/etc/ssl/certs' ]:
for i in ['/etc/pki/tls/cert.pem', '/etc/ssl/certs']:
if os.path.isfile(i):
cafile = i
@ -473,27 +483,21 @@ def _build_opener(url):
capath = i
ctx = oscssl.mySSLContext()
if ctx.load_verify_locations(capath=capath, cafile=cafile) != 1: raise Exception('No CA certificates found')
opener = m2urllib2.build_opener(ctx, oscssl.myHTTPSHandler(ssl_context = ctx, appname = 'osc'), urllib2.HTTPCookieProcessor(cookiejar), authhandler, proxyhandler)
if ctx.load_verify_locations(capath=capath, cafile=cafile) != 1:
raise Exception('No CA certificates found')
opener = m2urllib2.build_opener(ctx, oscssl.myHTTPSHandler(ssl_context=ctx, appname='osc'), urllib2.HTTPCookieProcessor(cookiejar), authhandler, proxyhandler)
import sys
print >>sys.stderr, "WARNING: SSL certificate checks disabled. Connection is insecure!\n"
opener = urllib2.build_opener(urllib2.HTTPCookieProcessor(cookiejar), authhandler, proxyhandler)
opener.addheaders = [('User-agent', 'osc/%s' % __version__)]
_build_opener.last_opener = (apiurl, opener)
return opener
def init_basicauth(config):
"""initialize urllib2 with the credentials for Basic Authentication"""
import cookielib
import urllib2
import sys
import httplib
def filterhdrs(meth, ishdr, *hdrs):
import re
import sys
import StringIO
# this is so ugly but httplib doesn't use
# a logger object or such
def new_method(*args, **kwargs):
@ -551,14 +555,15 @@ def get_configParser(conffile=None, force_read=False):
conffile = conffile or os.environ.get('OSC_CONFIG', '~/.oscrc')
conffile = os.path.expanduser(conffile)
if not get_configParser.__dict__.has_key('conffile'):
if 'conffile' not in get_configParser.__dict__:
get_configParser.conffile = conffile
if force_read or not get_configParser.__dict__.has_key('cp') or conffile != get_configParser.conffile:
if force_read or 'cp' not in get_configParser.__dict__ or conffile != get_configParser.conffile:
get_configParser.cp = OscConfigParser.OscConfigParser(DEFAULTS)
get_configParser.conffile = conffile
return get_configParser.cp
def config_set_option(section, opt, val=None, delete=False, update=True, **kwargs):
Sets a config option. If val is not specified the current/default value is
@ -622,13 +627,13 @@ def config_set_option(section, opt, val=None, delete=False, update=True, **kwarg
return (opt, cp.get(section, opt, raw=True))
return (opt, None)
def write_initial_config(conffile, entries, custom_template = ''):
def write_initial_config(conffile, entries, custom_template=''):
write osc's intial configuration file. entries is a dict which contains values
for the config file (e.g. { 'user' : 'username', 'pass' : 'password' } ).
custom_template is an optional configuration template.
import StringIO, sys, base64
conf_template = custom_template or new_conf_template
config = DEFAULTS.copy()
@ -643,10 +648,10 @@ def write_initial_config(conffile, entries, custom_template = ''):
protocol, host = \
parse_apisrv_url(None, config['apiurl'])
user = config['user'],
password = config['pass'],
protocol = protocol,
server = host)
config['user'] = ''
config['pass'] = ''
config['passx'] = ''
@ -671,13 +676,14 @@ def write_initial_config(conffile, entries, custom_template = ''):
except IOError, e:
raise oscerr.OscIOError(e, 'cannot write configfile \'s\'' % conffile)
if file: file.close()
if file:
def add_section(filename, url, user, passwd):
Add a section to config file for new api url.
import base64
global config
cp = get_configParser(filename)
@ -686,21 +692,19 @@ def add_section(filename, url, user, passwd):
# Section might have existed, but was empty
if config['use_keyring'] and GENERIC_KEYRING:
protocol, host = \
parse_apisrv_url(None, url)
protocol, host = parse_apisrv_url(None, url)
keyring.set_password(host, user, passwd)
cp.set(url, 'keyring', '1')
cp.set(url, 'user', user)
cp.remove_option(url, 'pass')
cp.remove_option(url, 'passx')
elif config['gnome_keyring'] and GNOME_KEYRING:
protocol, host = \
parse_apisrv_url(None, url)
protocol, host = parse_apisrv_url(None, url)
user = user,
password = passwd,
protocol = protocol,
server = host)
cp.set(url, 'keyring', '1')
cp.remove_option(url, 'pass')
cp.remove_option(url, 'passx')
@ -715,22 +719,21 @@ def add_section(filename, url, user, passwd):
file = open(filename, 'w')
cp.write(file, True)
if file: file.close()
if file:
def get_config(override_conffile = None,
override_apiurl = None,
override_debug = None,
override_http_debug = None,
override_http_full_debug = None,
override_traceback = None,
override_post_mortem = None,
override_no_keyring = None,
override_no_gnome_keyring = None,
override_verbose = None):
def get_config(override_conffile=None,
"""do the actual work (see module documentation)"""
import sys
import re
global config
conffile = override_conffile or os.environ.get('OSC_CONFIG', '~/.oscrc')
@ -766,7 +769,7 @@ def get_config(override_conffile = None,
config['exclude_glob'] = config['exclude_glob'].split()
re_clist = re.compile('[, ]+')
config['extra-pkgs'] = [ i.strip() for i in re_clist.split(config['extra-pkgs'].strip()) if i ]
config['extra-pkgs'] = [i.strip() for i in re_clist.split(config['extra-pkgs'].strip()) if i]
# collect the usernames, passwords and additional options for each api host
api_host_options = {}
@ -786,10 +789,9 @@ def get_config(override_conffile = None,
config['gnome_keyring'] = False
aliases = {}
for url in [ x for x in cp.sections() if x != 'general' ]:
for url in [x for x in cp.sections() if x != 'general']:
# backward compatiblity
scheme, host = \
parse_apisrv_url(config.get('scheme', 'https'), url)
scheme, host = parse_apisrv_url(config.get('scheme', 'https'), url)
apiurl = urljoin(scheme, host)
user = None
if config['use_keyring'] and GENERIC_KEYRING:
@ -803,9 +805,7 @@ def get_config(override_conffile = None,
elif config['gnome_keyring'] and GNOME_KEYRING:
# Read from gnome keyring if available
gk_data = gnomekeyring.find_network_password_sync(
protocol = scheme,
server = host)
gk_data = gnomekeyring.find_network_password_sync(protocol=scheme, server=host)
password = gk_data[0]['password']
user = gk_data[0]['user']
except gnomekeyring.NoMatchError:
@ -821,18 +821,18 @@ def get_config(override_conffile = None,
if user is None:
#FIXME: this could actually be the ideal spot to take defaults
#from the general section.
user = cp.get(url, 'user', raw=True) # need to set raw to prevent '%' expansion
password = cp.get(url, 'pass', raw=True) # especially on password!
user = cp.get(url, 'user', raw=True) # need to set raw to prevent '%' expansion
password = cp.get(url, 'pass', raw=True) # especially on password!
passwordx = cp.get(url, 'passx', raw=True).decode('base64').decode('bz2') # especially on password!
passwordx = cp.get(url, 'passx', raw=True).decode('base64').decode('bz2') # especially on password!
passwordx = ''
if password == None or password == 'your_password':
password = ''
if user is None or user == '':
raise oscerr.ConfigError('user is blank for %s, please delete of complete the "user=" entry in %s.' % (apiurl,config['conffile']), config['conffile'])
raise oscerr.ConfigError('user is blank for %s, please delete of complete the "user=" entry in %s.' % (apiurl, config['conffile']), config['conffile'])
if config['plaintext_passwd'] and passwordx or not config['plaintext_passwd'] and password:
if config['plaintext_passwd']:
@ -858,14 +858,14 @@ def get_config(override_conffile = None,
key = i.strip()
if key == '':
if aliases.has_key(key):
if key in aliases:
msg = 'duplicate alias entry: \'%s\' is already used for another apiurl' % key
raise oscerr.ConfigError(msg, conffile)
aliases[key] = url
api_host_options[apiurl] = { 'user': user,
'pass': password,
'http_headers': http_headers}
api_host_options[apiurl] = {'user': user,
'pass': password,
'http_headers': http_headers}
optional = ('email', 'sslcertck', 'cafile', 'capath')
for key in optional:
@ -893,15 +893,15 @@ def get_config(override_conffile = None,
apiurl = aliases.get(config['apiurl'], config['apiurl'])
config['apiurl'] = urljoin(*parse_apisrv_url(None, apiurl))
# backward compatibility
if config.has_key('apisrv'):
if key in config:
apisrv = config['apisrv'].lstrip('http://')
apisrv = apisrv.lstrip('https://')
scheme = config.get('scheme', 'https')
config['apiurl'] = urljoin(scheme, apisrv)
if config.has_key('apisrv') or config.has_key('scheme'):
if 'apisrc' in config or 'scheme' in config:
print >>sys.stderr, 'Warning: Use of the \'scheme\' or \'apisrv\' in ~/.oscrc is deprecated!\n' \
'Warning: See README for migration details.'
if config.has_key('build_platform'):
if 'build_platform' in config:
print >>sys.stderr, 'Warning: Use of \'build_platform\' config option is deprecated! (use \'build_repository\' instead)'
config['build_repository'] = config['build_platform']
@ -939,4 +939,5 @@ def get_config(override_conffile = None,
# finally, initialize urllib2 for to use the credentials for Basic Authentication
# vim: sw=4 et
Reference in New Issue
Block a user