mirror of https://github.com/openSUSE/osc.git synced 2024-12-26 09:56:13 +01:00

- fix for 0a6ca4f6c2 (also adjusted variables)

This commit is contained in:
Marcus Huewe 2009-12-26 14:22:34 +01:00
parent 1f979150a5
commit bcbcf6426c
2 changed files with 45 additions and 47 deletions

View File

@ -2762,12 +2762,12 @@ Please submit there instead, or use --nodevelproject to force direct submission.
print apiurl, project, package, repository, arch
xml = show_package_trigger_reason(apiurl, project, package, repository, arch)
tree = ET.fromstring(xml)
reason = tree.find('explain').text
root = ET.fromstring(xml)
reason = root.find('explain').text
print reason
if reason == "meta change":
print "changed keys:"
for package in tree.findall('packagechange'):
for package in root.findall('packagechange'):
print " ", package.get('change'), package.get('key')
@ -2838,8 +2838,8 @@ Please submit there instead, or use --nodevelproject to force direct submission.
xml = get_dependson(apiurl, project, repository, arch, packages, reverse)
tree = ET.fromstring(xml)
for package in tree.findall('package'):
root = ET.fromstring(xml)
for package in root.findall('package'):
print package.get('name'), ":"
for dep in package.findall('pkgdep'):
print " ", dep.text
@ -4000,7 +4000,7 @@ Please submit there instead, or use --nodevelproject to force direct submission.
pac = None
tree = None
root = None
roles = [ 'bugowner', 'maintainer' ]
if len(opts.role):
roles = opts.role
@ -4010,25 +4010,25 @@ Please submit there instead, or use --nodevelproject to force direct submission.
if len(args) == 1:
prj = args[0]
m = show_project_meta(conf.config['apiurl'], prj)
tree = ET.fromstring(''.join(m))
root = ET.fromstring(''.join(m))
elif len(args) == 2:
prj = args[0]
pac = args[1]
m = show_package_meta(conf.config['apiurl'], prj, pac)
tree = ET.fromstring(''.join(m))
root = ET.fromstring(''.join(m))
if not opts.nodevelproject and not opts.delete and not opts.add:
while tree.findall('devel'):
d = tree.find('devel')
while root.findall('devel'):
d = root.find('devel')
prj = d.get('project', prj)
pac = d.get('package', pac)
if opts.verbose:
print "Following to the development space:", prj, "/", pac
m = show_package_meta(conf.config['apiurl'], prj, pac)
tree = ET.fromstring(''.join(m))
if not tree.findall('person'):
root = ET.fromstring(''.join(m))
if not root.findall('person'):
print "No dedicated persons in package defined, showing the project persons !"
m = show_project_meta(conf.config['apiurl'], prj)
tree = ET.fromstring(''.join(m))
root = ET.fromstring(''.join(m))
raise oscerr.WrongArgs('I need at least one argument.')
@ -4044,7 +4044,7 @@ Please submit there instead, or use --nodevelproject to force direct submission.
# showing the maintainers
maintainers = {}
for person in tree.findall('person'):
for person in root.findall('person'):
maintainers.setdefault(person.get('role'), []).append(person.get('userid'))
for role in roles:
if opts.bugowner and not len(maintainers.get(role, [])):
@ -4205,7 +4205,7 @@ Please submit there instead, or use --nodevelproject to force direct submission.
u = makeurl(apiurl, ['source', prj, package], query=query)
f = http_GET(u)
meta = f.readlines()
root_new = ET.fromstring(''.join(meta)).getroot()
root_new = ET.fromstring(''.join(meta))
dir_new = { 'apiurl': apiurl, 'project': prj, 'package': package }
dir_new['srcmd5'] = root_new.get('srcmd5')
dir_new['entries'] = [[n.get('name'), n.get('md5')] for n in root_new.findall('entry')]

View File

@ -1219,22 +1219,22 @@ rev: %s
m = ''.join(show_package_meta(self.apiurl, self.prjname, self.name))
tree = ET.fromstring(m)
tree.find('title').text = self.summary
tree.find('description').text = ''.join(self.descr)
url = tree.find('url')
root = ET.fromstring(m)
root.find('title').text = self.summary
root.find('description').text = ''.join(self.descr)
url = root.find('url')
if url == None:
url = ET.SubElement(tree, 'url')
url = ET.SubElement(root, 'url')
url.text = self.url
u = makeurl(self.apiurl, ['source', self.prjname, self.name, '_meta'])
mf = metafile(u, ET.tostring(tree))
mf = metafile(u, ET.tostring(root))
if not force:
print '*' * 36, 'old', '*' * 36
print m
print '*' * 36, 'new', '*' * 36
print ET.tostring(tree)
print ET.tostring(root)
print '*' * 72
repl = raw_input('Write? (y/N/e) ')
@ -2097,7 +2097,7 @@ def show_attribute_meta(apiurl, prj, pac, subpac, attribute, with_defaults, with
def show_develproject(apiurl, prj, pac):
m = show_package_meta(apiurl, prj, pac)
return ET.fromstring(''.join(m)).getroot().find('devel').get('project')
return ET.fromstring(''.join(m)).find('devel').get('project')
return None
@ -2301,14 +2301,14 @@ def show_files_meta(apiurl, prj, pac, revision=None, expand=False, linkrev=None,
def show_upstream_srcmd5(apiurl, prj, pac, expand=False, revision=None):
m = show_files_meta(apiurl, prj, pac, expand=expand, revision=revision)
return ET.fromstring(''.join(m)).getroot().get('srcmd5')
return ET.fromstring(''.join(m)).get('srcmd5')
def show_upstream_xsrcmd5(apiurl, prj, pac, revision=None, linkrev=None, linkrepair=False):
m = show_files_meta(apiurl, prj, pac, revision=revision, linkrev=linkrev, linkrepair=linkrepair)
# only source link packages have a <linkinfo> element.
li_node = ET.fromstring(''.join(m)).getroot().find('linkinfo')
li_node = ET.fromstring(''.join(m)).find('linkinfo')
return None
@ -2322,7 +2322,7 @@ def show_upstream_xsrcmd5(apiurl, prj, pac, revision=None, linkrev=None, linkrep
def show_upstream_rev(apiurl, prj, pac):
m = show_files_meta(apiurl, prj, pac)
return ET.fromstring(''.join(m)).getroot().get('rev')
return ET.fromstring(''.join(m)).get('rev')
def read_meta_from_spec(specfile, *args):
@ -3320,9 +3320,9 @@ def get_platforms_of_project(apiurl, prj):
def get_repositories_of_project(apiurl, prj):
f = show_project_meta(apiurl, prj)
tree = ET.fromstring(''.join(f))
root = ET.fromstring(''.join(f))
r = [ node.get('name') for node in tree.findall('repository')]
r = [ node.get('name') for node in root.findall('repository')]
return r
@ -3338,9 +3338,9 @@ class Repo:
def get_repos_of_project(apiurl, prj):
f = show_project_meta(apiurl, prj)
tree = ET.fromstring(''.join(f))
root = ET.fromstring(''.join(f))
for node in tree.findall('repository'):
for node in root.findall('repository'):
for node2 in node.findall('arch'):
yield Repo(node.get('name'), node2.text)
@ -3396,8 +3396,7 @@ def get_results(apiurl, prj, package, lastbuild=None, repository=[], arch=[]):
result_line_templ = '%(rep)-15s %(arch)-10s %(status)s'
f = show_results_meta(apiurl, prj, package, lastbuild, repository, arch)
tree = ET.fromstring(''.join(f))
root = tree.getroot()
root = ET.fromstring(''.join(f))
for node in root.findall('result'):
rmap = {}
@ -3431,8 +3430,7 @@ def get_prj_results(apiurl, prj, hide_legend=False, csv=False, status_filter=Non
result_line_templ = '%(rep)-15s %(arch)-10s %(status)s'
f = show_prj_results_meta(apiurl, prj)
tree = ET.fromstring(''.join(f))
root = tree.getroot()
root = ET.fromstring(''.join(f))
pacs = []
# sequence of (repo,arch) tuples
@ -4143,20 +4141,20 @@ def addPerson(apiurl, prj, pac, user, role="maintainer"):
if data and get_user_meta(apiurl, user) != None:
tree = ET.fromstring(''.join(data))
root = ET.fromstring(''.join(data))
found = False
for person in tree.getiterator('person'):
for person in root.getiterator('person'):
if person.get('userid') == user and person.get('role') == role:
found = True
print "user already exists"
if not found:
# the xml has a fixed structure
tree.insert(2, ET.Element('person', role=role, userid=user))
root.insert(2, ET.Element('person', role=role, userid=user))
print 'user \'%s\' added to \'%s\'' % (user, pac or prj)
print "osc: an error occured"
@ -4176,17 +4174,17 @@ def delPerson(apiurl, prj, pac, user, role="maintainer"):
if data:
tree = ET.fromstring(''.join(data))
root = ET.fromstring(''.join(data))
found = False
for person in tree.getiterator('person'):
for person in root.getiterator('person'):
if person.get('userid') == user and person.get('role') == role:
found = True
print "user \'%s\' removed" % user
if found:
print "user \'%s\' not found in \'%s\'" % (user, pac or prj)
@ -4201,10 +4199,10 @@ def setDevelProject(apiurl, prj, pac, dprj, dpkg=None):
if data and show_project_meta(apiurl, dprj) != None:
tree = ET.fromstring(''.join(data))
if not tree.find('devel') != None:
ET.SubElement(tree, 'devel')
elem = tree.find('devel')
root = ET.fromstring(''.join(data))
if not root.find('devel') != None:
ET.SubElement(root, 'devel')
elem = root.find('devel')
if dprj:
elem.attrib['project'] = dprj
@ -4217,7 +4215,7 @@ def setDevelProject(apiurl, prj, pac, dprj, dpkg=None):
del elem.attrib['package']
print "osc: an error occured"