mirror of https://github.com/openSUSE/osc.git synced 2025-03-12 02:36:48 +01:00

Add XmlModel class that encapsulates manipulation with XML

This commit is contained in:
Daniel Mach 2024-02-12 14:34:27 +01:00
parent 0f47ce90c5
commit e5774a5730
2 changed files with 513 additions and 1 deletions

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@ -9,9 +9,12 @@ This module IS NOT a supported API, it is meant for osc internal use only.
import copy
import inspect
import sys
import tempfile
import types
import typing
from typing import Callable
from typing import get_type_hints
from xml.etree import ElementTree as ET
# supported types
from enum import Enum
@ -23,7 +26,6 @@ from typing import Optional
from typing import Tuple
from typing import Union
if sys.version_info < (3, 8):
def get_origin(typ):
@ -36,9 +38,14 @@ if sys.version_info < (3, 8):
from typing import get_origin
import urllib3.response
from . import xml
__all__ = (
@ -297,6 +304,10 @@ class Field(property):
value = new_value
elif self.is_model and isinstance(value, str) and hasattr(self.origin_type, "XML_TAG_FIELD"):
klass = self.origin_type
key = getattr(self.origin_type, "XML_TAG_FIELD")
value = klass(**{key: value})
obj._values[self.name] = value
@ -390,3 +401,350 @@ class BaseModel(metaclass=ModelMeta):
result[name] = value
return result
class XmlModel(BaseModel):
XML_TAG = None
def to_xml(self) -> ET.Element:
xml_tag = None
# check if there's a special field that sets the tag
for field_name, field in self.__fields__.items():
xml_set_tag = field.extra.get("xml_set_tag", False)
if xml_set_tag:
value = getattr(self, field_name)
xml_tag = value
# use the value from the class
if xml_tag is None:
xml_tag = self.XML_TAG
assert xml_tag is not None
root = ET.Element(xml_tag)
for field_name, field in self.__fields__.items():
xml_attribute = field.extra.get("xml_attribute", False)
xml_set_tag = field.extra.get("xml_set_tag", False)
xml_set_text = field.extra.get("xml_set_text", False)
xml_name = field.extra.get("xml_name", field_name)
xml_wrapped = field.extra.get("xml_wrapped", False)
xml_item_name = field.extra.get("xml_item_name", xml_name)
if xml_set_tag:
# a special case when the field determines the top-level tag name
value = getattr(self, field_name)
if value is None:
# skip fields that are not set
# if value is wrapped into an external element, create it
if xml_wrapped:
wrapper_node = ET.SubElement(root, xml_name)
wrapper_node = root
if xml_set_text:
wrapper_node.text = str(value)
if field.origin_type == list:
for entry in value:
if isinstance(entry, dict):
klass = field.inner_type
obj = klass(**entry)
node = obj.to_xml()
elif field.inner_type and issubclass(field.inner_type, XmlModel):
node = ET.SubElement(wrapper_node, xml_item_name)
if xml_attribute:
node.attrib[xml_attribute] = entry
node.text = entry
elif issubclass(field.origin_type, XmlModel):
elif xml_attribute:
wrapper_node.attrib[xml_name] = str(value)
node = ET.SubElement(wrapper_node, xml_name)
node.text = str(value)
return root
def from_string(cls, string: str) -> "XmlModel":
Instantiate model from string.
root = ET.fromstring(string)
return cls.from_xml(root)
def from_file(cls, file: Union[str, typing.IO]) -> "XmlModel":
Instantiate model from file.
root = ET.parse(file).getroot()
return cls.from_xml(root)
def to_bytes(self) -> bytes:
Serialize the object as XML and return it as utf-8 encoded bytes.
root = self.to_xml()
return ET.tostring(root, encoding="utf-8")
def to_string(self) -> str:
Serialize the object as XML and return it as a string.
return self.to_bytes().decode("utf-8")
def to_file(self, file: Union[str, typing.IO]) -> None:
Serialize the object as XML and save it to an utf-8 encoded file.
root = self.to_xml()
return ET.ElementTree(root).write(file, encoding="utf-8")
def value_from_string(field, value):
Convert field value from string to the actual type of the field.
if field.origin_type is bool:
if value.lower() in ["1", "yes", "true", "on"]:
value = True
return value
if value.lower() in ["0", "no", "false", "off"]:
value = False
return value
if field.origin_type is int:
value = int(value)
return value
return value
def _remove_processed_node(cls, parent, node):
Remove a node that has been fully processed and is now empty.
if len(node) != 0:
raise RuntimeError(f"Node {node} contains unprocessed child elements {list(node)}")
if node.attrib:
raise RuntimeError(f"Node {node} contains unprocessed attributes {node.attrib}")
if node.text is not None and node.text.strip():
raise RuntimeError(f"Node {node} contains unprocessed text {node.text}")
if parent is not None:
def from_xml(cls, root: ET.Element):
Instantiate model from a XML root.
# We need to make sure we parse all data
# and that's why we remove processed elements and attributes and check that nothing remains.
# Otherwise we'd be sending partial XML back and that would lead to data loss.
# Let's make a copy of the xml tree because we'll destroy it during the process.
orig_root = root
root = copy.deepcopy(root)
kwargs = {}
for field_name, field in cls.__fields__.items():
xml_attribute = field.extra.get("xml_attribute", False)
xml_set_tag = field.extra.get("xml_set_tag", False)
xml_set_text = field.extra.get("xml_set_text", False)
xml_name = field.extra.get("xml_name", field_name)
xml_wrapped = field.extra.get("xml_wrapped", False)
xml_item_name = field.extra.get("xml_item_name", xml_name)
value: Any
node: Optional[ET.Element]
if xml_set_tag:
# field contains name of the ``root`` tag
if xml_wrapped:
# the last node wins (overrides the previous nodes)
for node in root[:]:
value = node.tag
cls._remove_processed_node(root, node)
value = root.tag
kwargs[field_name] = value
if xml_set_text:
# field contains the value (text) of the element
if xml_wrapped:
# the last node wins (overrides the previous nodes)
for node in root[:]:
value = node.text
node.text = None
cls._remove_processed_node(root, node)
value = root.text
root.text = None
value = value.strip()
kwargs[field_name] = value
if xml_attribute:
# field is an attribute that contains a scalar
if xml_name not in root.attrib:
value = cls.value_from_string(field, root.attrib.pop(xml_name))
kwargs[field_name] = value
if field.origin_type is list:
if xml_wrapped:
wrapper_node = root.find(xml_name)
# we'll consider all nodes inside the wrapper node
nodes = wrapper_node[:] if wrapper_node is not None else None
wrapper_node = None
# we'll consider only nodes with matching name
nodes = root.findall(xml_item_name)
if not nodes:
if wrapper_node is not None:
cls._remove_processed_node(root, wrapper_node)
values = []
for node in nodes:
if field.is_model_list:
klass = field.inner_type
entry = klass.from_xml(node)
# clear node as it was checked in from_xml() already
node.text = None
node.attrib = {}
node[:] = []
entry = cls.value_from_string(field, node.text)
node.text = None
if xml_wrapped:
cls._remove_processed_node(wrapper_node, node)
cls._remove_processed_node(root, node)
if xml_wrapped:
cls._remove_processed_node(root, wrapper_node)
kwargs[field_name] = values
if field.is_model:
# field contains an instance of XmlModel
assert xml_name is not None
node = root.find(xml_name)
if node is None:
klass = field.origin_type
kwargs[field_name] = klass.from_xml(node)
# clear node as it was checked in from_xml() already
node.text = None
node.attrib = {}
node[:] = []
cls._remove_processed_node(root, node)
# field contains a scalar
node = root.find(xml_name)
if node is None:
value = cls.value_from_string(field, node.text)
node.text = None
if value is None:
if field.is_optional:
value = ""
kwargs[field_name] = value
cls._remove_processed_node(root, node)
cls._remove_processed_node(None, root)
obj = cls(**kwargs)
obj.__dict__["_root"] = orig_root
return obj
def xml_request(cls, method: str, apiurl: str, path: List[str], query: Optional[dict] = None, data: Optional[str] = None) -> urllib3.response.HTTPResponse:
from ..connection import http_request
from ..core import makeurl
url = makeurl(apiurl, path, query)
# TODO: catch HTTPError and return the wrapped response as XmlModel instance
return http_request(method, url, data=data, retry_on_400=False)
def do_update(self, other: "XmlModel") -> None:
Update values of the fields in the current model instance from another.
self._values = copy.deepcopy(other._values)
def do_edit(self) -> Tuple[str, str, "XmlModel"]:
Serialize model as XML and open it in an editor for editing.
Return a tuple with:
* a string with original data
* a string with edited data
* an instance of the class with edited data loaded
IMPORTANT: This method is always interactive.
from ..core import run_editor
from ..output import get_user_input
def write_file(f, data):
with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode="w+", encoding="utf-8", prefix="obs_xml_", suffix=".xml") as f:
original_data = self.to_string()
write_file(f, original_data)
while True:
edited_obj = self.__class__.from_file(f.name)
edited_data = f.read()
except Exception as e:
reply = get_user_input(
The edited data is not valid.
answers={"a": "abort", "e": "edit", "u": "undo changes and edit"},
if reply == "a":
from .. import oscerr
raise oscerr.UserAbort()
elif reply == "e":
elif reply == "u":
write_file(f, original_data)
return original_data, edited_data, edited_obj

View File

@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
import textwrap
import unittest
from osc.util.models import *
class TestXmlModel(unittest.TestCase):
def test_attribute(self):
class TestModel(XmlModel):
XML_TAG = "tag"
value: str = Field(xml_attribute=True)
m = TestModel(value="FOO")
self.assertEqual(m.dict(), {"value": "FOO"})
expected = """<tag value="FOO" />"""
self.assertEqual(m.to_string(), expected)
# verify that we can also load the serialized data
m = TestModel.from_string(expected)
self.assertEqual(m.to_string(), expected)
def test_element(self):
class TestModel(XmlModel):
XML_TAG = "tag"
value: str = Field()
m = TestModel(value="FOO")
self.assertEqual(m.dict(), {"value": "FOO"})
expected = textwrap.dedent(
self.assertEqual(m.to_string(), expected)
# verify that we can also load the serialized data
m = TestModel.from_string(expected)
self.assertEqual(m.to_string(), expected)
def test_element_list(self):
class TestModel(XmlModel):
XML_TAG = "tag"
value_list: List[str] = Field(xml_name="value")
m = TestModel(value_list=["FOO", "BAR"])
self.assertEqual(m.dict(), {"value_list": ["FOO", "BAR"]})
expected = textwrap.dedent(
self.assertEqual(m.to_string(), expected)
# verify that we can also load the serialized data
m = TestModel.from_string(expected)
self.assertEqual(m.to_string(), expected)
def test_child_model(self):
class ChildModel(XmlModel):
XML_TAG = "child"
value: str = Field()
class ParentModel(XmlModel):
XML_TAG = "parent"
text: str = Field()
child: ChildModel = Field()
m = ParentModel(text="TEXT", child={"value": "FOO"})
expected = textwrap.dedent(
self.assertEqual(m.to_string(), expected)
# verify that we can also load the serialized data
m = ParentModel.from_string(expected)
self.assertEqual(m.to_string(), expected)
def test_child_model_list(self):
class ChildModel(XmlModel):
XML_TAG = "child"
value: str = Field()
class ParentModel(XmlModel):
XML_TAG = "parent"
text: str = Field()
child: List[ChildModel] = Field()
m = ParentModel(text="TEXT", child=[{"value": "FOO"}, {"value": "BAR"}])
expected = textwrap.dedent(
self.assertEqual(m.to_string(), expected)
# verify that we can also load the serialized data
m = ParentModel.from_string(expected)
self.assertEqual(m.to_string(), expected)
def test_child_model_list_wrapped(self):
class ChildModel(XmlModel):
XML_TAG = "child"
value: str = Field()
class ParentModel(XmlModel):
XML_TAG = "parent"
text: str = Field()
child: List[ChildModel] = Field(xml_wrapped=True, xml_name="children")
m = ParentModel(text="TEXT", child=[{"value": "FOO"}, {"value": "BAR"}])
expected = textwrap.dedent(
self.assertEqual(m.to_string(), expected)
# verify that we can also load the serialized data
m = ParentModel.from_string(expected)
self.assertEqual(m.to_string(), expected)
if __name__ == "__main__":