The files are now opened as rb for diffing. In python2 nothing changes.
In python3 the returned diff is bytes now.
The following changes were made:
* The returned diff is now bytes
* get_diff now returs the diff as a bytes-like object
* run_pager writes with sys.stdout.buffer.write if message
is not a string
* for the commit message the returned diff needs to be decoded
now. Otherwise it will just producce garbage. For the commit
message the diff on decoded bytes-objects is ok. (nothing harmfull
can happen here)
* fixed submit_action_diff
* fixed request_interactive_review
use own implementation of HTTPSConnection (myHTTPSConnection)
instead the one provided by M2Crypto (httpslib.HTTPConnection)
And in proxy case use myProxyHTTPSConnection.
all credits go to wfrisch
Do not guess the decoding of the returned output on osc api calls.
This could lead to unexptected behavior. Just use sys.stdout.buffer.write()
to print the bytes-like object in python3.
if prjconfig meta is empty the class metafile init
fails with
if isinstance(input[0], str):
IndexError: list index out of range
This is because input is an empty list and has no
[0] index.
This can be fixed by changing this line to:
if input and isinstance(input[0], str):
simplified and fixed the __init__ method of the metafile class.
input can be string, bytes-like object, list of strings or list
of bytes-like objects now.
Based on the input now always a list is generated and joined to
a string for writing in the fd. (This is ugly but needed for
compat reasons)
this makes sure not to mix objects to prevent a TypeError
TypeError: Can't mix strings and bytes in path components
Signed-off-by: Maximilian Meister <>
The offline mode does not really work offline since
parse_repoarchdescr() uses get_buildconfig to store the
buildconfig in a temporary file.
Use the same logic as in If in offline mode(noinit = True)
try to use the local _buildconfig file. If not in offline mode just
download the buildconfig from the server via get_buildconfig
On osc meta attribute --attribue <name> --delete the returned
data is encoded. Therefore the sys.stdout.write(data) call fails.
Solution: Decode data
--> sys.stdout.write(decode_it(data))
opts.quiet is passed to get_binary_file which is False by default.
So the following if progress_meter is always False unless -q is given.
So it needs to be if not progress_meter.
When running osc triggerreason on newly created (empty) packages
the command failes with AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'text'
because root.find('explain') is NoneType.
Check if root.find('explain') is None and print "No triggerreaseon found".
In this case also do not try to get the triggertime. It will result in the same error.
The content in the todo dict are strings. In python3 the communicate
method expects a bytes-like object not a string.
Solution: Encode every element in todo to a new dict (enc_todo) and
pass this instead of todo