the BUILD_DIST environment variable will be ignored by osc
- the following environment variables can still be used:
# OSC_SU_WRAPPER overrides the setting of su-wrapper.
# OSC_BUILD_ROOT overrides the setting of build-root.
# OSC_PACKAGECACHEDIR overrides the setting of packagecachedir.
(now they're documented in the helptext)
* make_dir() and checkout_package() got a new optionally 'prj_dir' parameter. This parameter specifies in which dir we want to create new project/package dirs.
Add support for handling linked packages in expanded form. They can be checked
out, updated (expanding or unexpanding them), and built locally.
Missing: commit support.
Newly introduced options are:
- osc checkout: --expand-link
- osc update: --expand-link and --unexpand-link
Other changes:
- osc core: add show_upstream_xsrcmd5() method which returns the xsrcmd5 (if a
linkinfo element exists only, of course)
- made updating of expanded sources work with package tracking, too.
* createPackageDir(): create and initialize a new package dir in
the given project.
* get_apiurl_usr(): returns the username for a certain apiurl
* get_configParser(): returns an ConfigParser() object which can be
used for parsing the ~/.oscrc file
- fixed username issues when creating a new package (the problem was
that the username for the default host was used and not the one for
that specific apiurl)
- some small fixes in the do_importsrcpkg() method
- when requesting a submit, save the source package's revision id (looking up
what it currently is)
- give the user a way to override it, to submit an older revision
- when using show --diff, take the actual old revision into account. Thus, the
diff is against the source revision of the time of request creation.
- rename 'refuse' -> 'decline', which is more polite.
- show: make the diff optional
- add RequestState class
- handle state history
- implement 'decline' action
meta_exists, make_meta_url, checkRevision
if no apiurl parameter is specified the global value (conf.config['apiurl'])
will be used. This should fix bug #361764
- some small apiurl fixes in the make_diff method (the package_tracking branch already has this fix)
* --local-package: use this option if you're trying to build a
package which doesn't exist on the server
* --alternative-project <project>: use this option to specify an
alternative project if the current project doesn't exist on the
server, e.g.: osc build [OPTS] --alternative-project openSUSE:10.3 standard i586 BUILD_DESCR
- some other minor cleanups in
- get_repos_of_project() is now a generator function
(you don't have to checkout the package to view the buildlog)
- renamed "get_log()" to "get_buildlog" to avoid any confusion with
- added new method "print_buildlog()" which prints out the buildlog on the
standard output
* some new things like showing newly added files
* moved the whole code into a new methode (make_diff())
* behave more like svn when doing a diff against a certain revision
- changed the storedir attribut of the Package() class to an absolute
filename - normally this shouldn't have any impact on existing methods, functionality etc.
get_config(override_conffile = None,
override_http_debug = None,
override_apisrv = None)
Thus, it should be possible to use the osc module with one simple
conf.get_config() call. It is no longer required to set up the api url in the
config dict, and call conf.init_basicauth().