#! /usr/bin/perl -w # # osc_expand_link.pl -- a tool to help osc build packages where an _link exists. # (C) 2006 jw@suse.de, distribute under GPL v2. # # 2006-12-12, jw # 2006-12-15, jw, v0.2 -- {files}{error} gets printed if present. # 2008-03-25, jw, v0.3 -- go via api using iChains and ~/.oscrc # 2008-03-26, jw, v0.4 -- added linked file retrieval and usage. # 2009-10-21, jw, added obsolete warning, in favour of osc co -e use Data::Dumper; use LWP::UserAgent; use HTTP::Status; use Digest::MD5; my $version = '0.4'; my $verbose = 1; print "This $0 is obsolete. Please use instead: osc co -e\n"; sleep 5; # curl buildservice:5352/source/home:jnweiger/vim # curl 'buildservice:5352/source/home:jnweiger/vim?rev=d90bfab4301f758e0d82cf09aa263d37' # curl 'buildservice:5352/source/home:jnweiger/vim/vim.spec?rev=d90bfab4301f758e0d82cf09aa263d37' my $cfg = { apiurl => slurp_file(".osc/_apiurl", 1), package => slurp_file(".osc/_package", 1), project => slurp_file(".osc/_project", 1), files => xml_slurp_file(".osc/_files", { container => 'directory', attr => 'merge' }), link => xml_slurp_file(".osc/_link", { container => 'link', attr => 'merge' }), }; { package CredUserAgent; @ISA = qw(LWP::UserAgent); sub new { my $self = LWP::UserAgent::new(@_); $self->agent("osc_expand_link.pl/$version"); $self; } sub get_basic_credentials { my ($self, $realm, $uri) = @_; my $netloc = $uri->host_port; unless ($self->{auth}) { print STDERR "Auth for $realm at $netloc\n"; unless (open IN, "<", "$ENV{HOME}/.oscrc") { print STDERR "$ENV{HOME}/.oscrc: $!\n"; return (undef, undef); } while (defined (my $line = <IN>)) { chomp $line; $self->{auth}{pass} = $1 if $line =~ m{^pass\s*=\s*(\S+)}; $self->{auth}{user} = $1 if $line =~ m{^user\s*=\s*(\S+)}; } close IN; print STDERR "~/.oscrc: user=$self->{auth}{user}\n"; } return ($self->{auth}{user},$self->{auth}{pass}); } } my $ua = CredUserAgent->new (keep_alive => 1); sub cred_get { my ($url) = @_; my $r = $ua->get($url); die "$url: " . $r->status_line . "\n" unless $r->is_success; return $r->content; } sub cred_getstore { my ($url, $file) = @_; my $r = $ua->get($url, ':content_file' => $file); die "$url: " . $r->status_line . "\n" unless $r->is_success; $r->code; } $cfg->{apiurl} ||= 'https://api.opensuse.org'; $cfg->{project} ||= '<Project>'; $cfg->{package} ||= '<Package>'; chomp $cfg->{apiurl}; chomp $cfg->{project}; chomp $cfg->{package}; my $source = "$cfg->{apiurl}/source"; my $url = "$source/$cfg->{project}/$cfg->{package}"; if (my $url = $ARGV[0]) { die qq{osc_expand_link $version; Usage: osc co $cfg->{project} $cfg->{package} cd $cfg->{project}/$cfg->{package} $0 to resolve a _link. or $0 $cfg->{apiurl}/source/$cfg->{project}/$cfg->{package} to review internal buildservice data. or $0 $cfg->{apiurl}/source/$cfg->{project}/$cfg->{package}/linked/\\*.spec cd $cfg->{project}/$cfg->{package} $0 linked \\*.spec to retrieve the original specfile behind a link. } if $url =~ m{^-}; $url = "$url/$ARGV[1]" if $url eq 'linked' and $ARGV[1]; if ($url =~ m{^(.*/)?linked/(.*)$}) { $url = (defined $1) ? $1 : "$cfg->{project}/$cfg->{package}"; my $file = $2; $url = "$source/$url" if $cfg->{apiurl} and $url !~ m{://}; print STDERR "$url\n"; my $dir = xml_parse(cred_get($url), 'merge'); my $li = $dir->{directory}{linkinfo} || die "no linkinfo in $url\n"; $url = "$source/$li->{project}/$li->{package}"; mkdir("linked"); if ($file =~ m{\*}) { my $dir = xml_parse(cred_get($url), 'merge'); $dir = $dir->{directory} if $dir->{directory}; my @list = sort map { $_->{name} } @{$dir->{entry}}; my $file_re = "\Q$file\E"; $file_re =~ s{\\\*}{\.\*}g; my @match = grep { $_ =~ m{^$file_re$} } @list; die "pattern $file not found in\n @list\n" unless @match; $file = $match[0]; } $url .= "/$file"; print STDERR "$url -> linked/$file\n"; my $r = cred_getstore($url, "linked/$file"); print STDERR " Error: $r\n" if $r != RC_OK; exit 0; } $url = "$cfg->{project}/$cfg->{package}/$url" unless $url =~ m{/}; $url = "$source/$url" if $cfg->{apiurl} and $url !~ m{://}; print cred_get($url); exit 0; } warn "$cfg->{project}/$cfg->{package} error: $cfg->{files}{error}\n" if $cfg->{files}{error}; die "$cfg->{project}/$cfg->{package} has no _link\n" unless $cfg->{link}; die "$cfg->{project}/$cfg->{package} has no xsrcmd5\n" unless $cfg->{files}{xsrcmd5}; print STDERR "expanding link to $cfg->{link}{project}/$cfg->{link}{package}\n"; if (my $p = $cfg->{link}{patches}) { $p = [ $p ] if ref $p ne 'ARRAY'; my @p = map { "$_->{apply}{name}" } @$p; print STDERR "applied patches: " . join(',', @p) . "\n"; } my $dir = xml_parse(cred_get("$url?rev=$cfg->{files}{xsrcmd5}"), 'merge'); $dir = $dir->{directory} if defined $dir->{directory}; $dir->{entry} = [ $dir->{entry} ] if ref $dir->{entry} ne 'ARRAY'; for my $file (@{$dir->{entry}}) { if (-f $file->{name}) { ## check the md5sum of the existing file and be happy. $md5 = Digest::MD5->new; open IN, "<", $file->{name} or die "md5sum($file->{name} failed: $!"; $md5->addfile(*IN); close IN; if ($md5->hexdigest eq $file->{md5}) { print STDERR " - $file->{name} (md5 unchanged)\n"; } else { print STDERR "Modified: $file->{name}, please commit changes!\n"; } next; } print STDERR " get $file->{name}"; # fixme: xsrcmd5 is obsolete. # use <linkinfo project="openSUSE:Factory" package="avrdude" xsrcmd5="a39c2bd14c3ad5dbb82edd7909fcdfc4"> my $response = cred_getstore("$url/$file->{name}?rev=$cfg->{files}{xsrcmd5}", $file->{name}); print STDERR ($response == RC_OK) ? "\n" : " Error:$response\n"; } exit 0; ########################################################################## sub slurp_file { my ($path, $silent) = @_; open IN, "<", $path or ($silent ? return undef : die "slurp_file($path) failed: $!\n"); my $body = join '', <IN>; close IN; return $body; } ################################################################# ## xml parser imported from w3dcm.pl and somewhat expanded. ## 2006-12-15, jw ## ## xml_parse assumes correct container closing. ## Any </...> tag would closes an open <foo>. ## Thus xml_parse is not suitable for HTML. ## sub xml_parse { my ($text, $attr) = @_; my %xml; my @stack = (); my $t = \%xml; #print "xml_parse: '$text'\n"; my @tags = find_tags($text); for my $i (0 .. $#tags) { my $tag = substr $text, $tags[$i]->{offset}, $tags[$i]->{tag_len}; my $cdata = ''; my $s = $tags[$i]->{offset} + $tags[$i]->{tag_len}; if (defined $tags[$i+1]) { my $l = $tags[$i+1]->{offset} - $s; $cdata = substr $text, $s, $l; } else { $cdata = substr $text, $s; } # print "tag=$tag\n"; my $name = $1 if $tag =~ s{<([\?/]?[\w:-]+)\s*}{}; $tag =~ s{>\s*$}{}; my $nest = ($tag =~ s{[\?/]$}{}) ? 0 : 1; my $close = ($name =~ s{^/}{}) ? 1 : 0; # print "name=$name, attr='$tag', $close, $nest, '$cdata'\n"; my $x = {}; $x->{-cdata} .= $cdata if $nest; xml_add_attr($x, $tag, $attr) unless $tag eq ''; if (!$close) { delete $t->{-cdata} if $t->{-cdata} and $t->{-cdata} =~ m{^\s*$}; unless ($t->{$name}) { $t->{$name} = $x; } else { $t->{$name} = [ $t->{$name} ] unless ref $t->{$name} eq 'ARRAY'; push @{$t->{$name}}, $x; } } if ($close) { $t = pop @stack; } elsif ($nest) { push @stack, $t; $t = $x; } } print "stack=", Data::Dumper::Dumper(\@stack) if $verbose > 2; scalar_cdata($t); return $t; } ## ## reads a file formatted by xml_make, and returns a hash. ## The toplevel container is removed from that hash, if specified. ## A wildcard '*' can be specified to remove any toplevel container. ## Otherwise the name of the container must match precisely. ## sub xml_slurp_file { my ($file, $opt) = @_; unless (open IN, "<$file") { return undef unless $opt->{die}; die "xml_slurp($opt->{container}): cannot read $file: $!\n"; } my $xml = join '', <IN>; close IN; $xml = xml_parse($xml, $opt->{attr}); if (my $container = $opt->{container}) { die "xml_slurp($file, '$container') malformed file, should have only one toplevel node.\n" unless scalar keys %$xml == 1; $container = (keys %$xml)[0] if $container eq '' or $container eq '*'; die "xml_slurp($file, '$container') toplevel tag missing or wrong.\n" unless $xml->{$container}; $xml = $xml->{$container}; } return $xml; } sub xml_escape { my ($text) = @_; ## XML::Simple does just that: $text =~ s{&}{&}g; $text =~ s{<}{<}g; $text =~ s{>}{>}g; $text =~ s{"}{"}g; return $text; } sub xml_unescape { my ($text) = @_; ## XX: Fimxe: we should handle some more escapes here... ## and better do it in a single pass. $text =~ s{&#([\d]{3});}{chr $1}eg; $text =~ s{<}{<}g; $text =~ s{>}{>}g; $text =~ s{"}{"}g; $text =~ s{&}{&}g; return $text; } ## ## find all hashes, that contain exactly one key named '-cdata' ## and replace these hashes with the value of that key. ## These values are scalar when created by xml_parse(), hence the name. ## sub scalar_cdata { my ($hash) = @_; my $selftag = '.scalar_cdata_running'; return unless ref $hash eq 'HASH'; return if $hash->{$selftag}; $hash->{$selftag} = 1; for my $key (keys %$hash) { my $val = $hash->{$key}; if (ref $val eq 'ARRAY') { for my $i (0..$#$val) { scalar_cdata($hash->{$key}[$i]); } } elsif (ref $val eq 'HASH') { my @k = keys %$val; if (scalar(@k) == 1 && ($k[0] eq '-cdata')) { $hash->{$key} = $hash->{$key}{-cdata}; } else { delete $hash->{$key}{-cdata} if exists $val->{-cdata} && $val->{-cdata} =~ m{^\s*$}; scalar_cdata($hash->{$key}); } } } delete $hash->{$selftag}; } ## ## find_tags -- a brute force tag finder. ## This code is robust enough to parse the weirdest HTML. ## An Array containing hashes of { offset, name, tag_len } is returned. ## CDATA is skipped, but can be determined from gaps between tags. ## The name parser may chop names, so XML-style tag names are ## unreliable. ## sub find_tags { my ($text) = @_; my $last = ''; my @tags; my $inquotes = 0; my $incomment = 0; while ($text =~ m{(<!--|-->|"|>|<)(/?\w*)}g) { my ($offset, $what, $name) = (length $`, $1, $2); if ($inquotes) { $inquotes = 0 if $what eq '"'; next; } if ($incomment) { $incomment = 0 if $what eq '-->'; next; } if ($what eq '"') { $inquotes = 1; next; } if ($what eq '<!--') { $incomment = 1; next; } next if $what eq $last; # opening and closing angular brackets are polar. if ($what eq '>' and scalar @tags) { $tags[$#tags]{tag_len} = 1 + $offset - $tags[$#tags]{offset}; } if ($what eq '<') { push @tags, {name => $name, offset => $offset }; } $last = $what; } return @tags; } ## ## how = undef: defaults to '-attr plain' ## how = '-attr plain': add the attributes as one scalar value to hash-element -attr ## how = '-attr hash': add the attributes as a hash-ref to hash-element -attr ## how = 'merge': add the attributes as direct hash elements. (This is irreversible) ## ## attributes are either space-separated, or delimited with '' or "". sub xml_add_attr { my ($hash, $text, $how) = @_; $how = 'plain' unless $how; my $tag = '-attr'; $tag = $1 if $how =~ s{^\s*([\w_:-]+)\s+(.*)$}{$2}; $how = lc $how; return $hash->{$tag} = $text if $how eq 'plain'; if ($how eq 'hash') { $hash = $hash->{$tag} = {}; $how = 'merge'; ## fallthrough } if ($how eq 'merge') { while ($text =~ m{([\w_:-]+)\s*=("[^"]*"|'[^']'|\S*)\s*}g) { my ($key, $val) = ($1, $2); $val =~ s{^"(.*)"$}{$1} unless $val =~ s{^'(.*)'$}{$1}; if (defined($hash->{$key})) { ## redefinition. promote to array and push. $hash->{$key} = [ $hash->{$key} ] unless ref $hash->{$key}; push @{$hash->{$key}}, $val; } else { $hash->{$key} = $val; } } return $hash; } die "xml_expand_attr: unknown method '$how'\n"; }