import os import subprocess from typing import Optional from .connection import Connection from .connection import GiteaHTTPResponse from .exceptions import BranchDoesNotExist from .exceptions import BranchExists from .exceptions import ForkExists from .exceptions import GiteaException from .user import User class Repo: @classmethod def get( cls, conn: Connection, owner: str, repo: str, ) -> GiteaHTTPResponse: """ Retrieve details about a repository. :param conn: Gitea ``Connection`` instance. :param owner: Owner of the repo. :param repo: Name of the repo. """ url = conn.makeurl("repos", owner, repo) return conn.request("GET", url) @classmethod def clone( cls, conn: Connection, owner: str, repo: str, *, directory: Optional[str] = None, cwd: Optional[str] = None, anonymous: bool = False, add_remotes: bool = False, ssh_private_key_path: Optional[str] = None, ssh_strict_host_key_checking: bool = True, ) -> str: """ Clone a repository using 'git clone' command, return absolute path to it. :param conn: Gitea ``Connection`` instance. :param owner: Owner of the repo. :param repo: Name of the repo. :param directory: The name of a new directory to clone into. Defaults to the repo name. :param cwd: Working directory. Defaults to the current working directory. :param anonymous: Whether to use``clone_url`` for an anonymous access or use authenticated ``ssh_url``. :param add_remotes: Determine and add 'parent' or 'fork' remotes to the cloned repo. """ import shlex cwd = os.path.abspath(cwd) if cwd else os.getcwd() directory = directory if directory else repo # it's perfectly fine to use os.path.join() here because git can take an absolute path directory_abspath = os.path.join(cwd, directory) repo_data = cls.get(conn, owner, repo).json() clone_url = repo_data["clone_url"] if anonymous else repo_data["ssh_url"] remotes = {} if add_remotes: user = User.get(conn).json() if repo_data["owner"]["login"] == user["login"]: # we're cloning our own repo, setting remote to the parent (if exists) parent = repo_data["parent"] remotes["parent"] = parent["clone_url"] if anonymous else parent["ssh_url"] else: # we're cloning someone else's repo, setting remote to our fork (if exists) from . import Fork forks = Fork.list(conn, owner, repo).json() forks = [i for i in forks if i["owner"]["login"] == user["login"]] if forks: assert len(forks) == 1 fork = forks[0] remotes["fork"] = fork["clone_url"] if anonymous else fork["ssh_url"] env = os.environ.copy() ssh_args = [] if ssh_private_key_path: ssh_args += [f"-i {shlex.quote(ssh_private_key_path)}"] if not ssh_strict_host_key_checking: ssh_args += [ "-o StrictHostKeyChecking=no", "-o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null", "-o LogLevel=ERROR", ] if ssh_args: env["GIT_SSH_COMMAND"] = f"ssh {' '.join(ssh_args)}" # clone cmd = ["git", "clone", clone_url, directory], cwd=cwd, env=env, check=True) # setup remotes for name, url in remotes.items(): cmd = ["git", "-C", directory_abspath, "remote", "add", name, url], cwd=cwd, check=True) return directory_abspath