#!/bin/bash # # Helper script for completion, usage with tcsh: # # complete osc 'p@*@`\osc.complete`@' # # usage with bash # # complete -C osc.complete osc # # Author: Werner Fink <werner@suse.de> # ## For debugging only: ## Choose your terminal not identical with the test terminal ## exec 2>/dev/pts/9 ## set -x set -o noclobber shopt -s extglob typeset -i last typeset -i off typeset -i count typeset -i offset typeset -i remove typeset -i colon typeset -r OIFS="$IFS" # Do not pollute the terminal session with warnings or errors exec 2>/dev/null if test "/proc/$PPID/exe" -ef /bin/tcsh ; then export COMP_TYPE=63 export COMP_KEY=9 export COMP_LINE="${COMMAND_LINE}" export COMP_POINT="${#COMMAND_LINE}" let colon=0 else COMMAND_LINE="${COMP_LINE:0:$COMP_POINT}" let colon=0 case "$COMP_WORDBREAKS" in *:*) let colon=1 esac [[ $COMMAND_LINE =~ \\: ]] && COMMAND_LINE="${COMMAND_LINE//\\:/:}" fi IFS="${IFS}=" cmdline=($COMMAND_LINE) IFS="$OIFS" case "${cmdline[0]}" in iosc|isc|osc) ;; *) exit 1 esac let last=${#COMMAND_LINE} let last-- let count=${#cmdline[@]} let count-- test "${COMMAND_LINE:$last}" = " " && let count++ unset last XDG_CACHE_HOME="${XDG_CACHE_HOME:-$HOME/.cache}" XDG_CONFIG_HOME="${XDG_CONFIG_HOME:-$HOME/.config}" for xdg_dir in "${XDG_CACHE_HOME}" "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}"; do if [ ! -d "${xdg_dir}" ]; then mkdir -p "${xdg_dir}" fi done projects="${XDG_CACHE_HOME}/osc.projects" if [ -f ~/.osc.projects ]; then rm ~/.osc.projects -f fi oscrc="${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}/osc/oscrc" command=osc oscopts=(--version --help --debugger --post-mortem --traceback --http-full-debug --debug --apiurl -A --config -c --no-keyring --no-gnome-keyring --verbose --quiet) osccmds=(abortbuild add addremove aggregatepac api ar bco bl blt branch branchco bsdevelproject bse bugowner build buildconfig buildhist buildhistory buildinfo buildlog buildlogtail cat changedevelreq changedevelrequest checkconstraints checkin checkout chroot ci co comment commit config copypac cr createincident createrequest creq del delete deletereq deleterequest dependson detachbranch develproject di diff distributions dists dr dropreq droprequest getbinaries getpac help importsrcpkg info init jobhist jobhistory lbl ldiff less linkdiff linkpac linktobranch list LL localbuildlog log ls maintained maintainer maintenancerequest man mbranch meta metafromspec mkpac mr mv my patchinfo pdiff platforms pr prdiff prjresults projdiff projectdiff pull r rbl rblt rbuildlog rbuildlogtail rdelete rdiff rebuild rebuildpac releaserequest remotebuildlog remotebuildlogtail remove repairlink repairwc repos repositories repourls reqbs reqbugownership reqmaintainership reqms request requestbugownership requestmaintainership resolved results revert review rm rq rremove se search service setlinkrev signkey sm sr st status submitpac submitreq submitrequest tr triggerreason undelete unlock up update updatepacmetafromspec user vc whatdependson who whois wipebinaries workerinfo) oscreq=(list log show accept decline revoke reopen setincident supersede approvenew checkout clone) oscrev=(show list add accept decline reopen supersede) oscmy=(work pkg prj rq sr) osccmt=(list create delete) osccmtkind=(package project request) oscprj="" oscpkg="" lnkprj="" lnkpkg="" apiurl="" alias="" test -s "${PWD}/.osc/_project" && read -t 1 oscprj < "${PWD}/.osc/_project" test -s "${PWD}/.osc/_package" && read -t 1 oscpkg < "${PWD}/.osc/_package" if test -s "${PWD}/.osc/_files" ; then lnkprj=$(command sed -rn '/<linkinfo/{s@.*[[:blank:]]project="([^"]+)".*@\1@p;}' < "${PWD}/.osc/_files") lnkpkg=$(command sed -rn '/<linkinfo/{s@.*[[:blank:]]package="([^"]+)".*@\1@p;}' < "${PWD}/.osc/_files") fi if test -s "${PWD}/.osc/_apiurl" -a -s "${oscrc}" ; then read apiurl < "${PWD}/.osc/_apiurl" alias=$(sed -rn '\@^\['${apiurl}'@,\@=@{\@^aliases=@{s@[^=]+=([^,]+),.*@\1@p};}' < "${oscrc}" 2> /dev/null) fi if test "${cmdline[0]}" = isc ; then alias=internal fi case "${cmdline[1]}" in -A|--apiurl) if test -n "${cmdline[2]}" -a -s "${oscrc}" ; then hints=($(sed -rn '/^(aliases=|\[http)/{s/,/ /g;s/(aliases=|\[|\])//gp}' < "${oscrc}" 2> /dev/null)) for h in ${hints[@]} ; do case "$h" in http*) tmp=$(sed -rn '\@^\['${h}'@,\@=@{\@^aliases=@{s@[^=]+=([^,]+),.*@\1@p};}' < "${oscrc}" 2> /dev/null) if test "${cmdline[2]}" = "$h" ; then alias=$tmp break fi ;; *) if test "${cmdline[2]}" = "$h" ; then alias=$h break fi esac done fi esac if test -n "$alias" ; then projects="${projects}.${alias}" command="$command -A $alias" fi update_projects_list () { if test -s "${projects}" ; then typeset -i ctime=$(command date -d "$(command stat -c '%z' ${projects})" +'%s') typeset -i now=$(command date -d now +'%s') if ((now - ctime > 86400)) ; then if tmp=$(mktemp ${projects}.XXXXXX) ; then command ${command} ls / >| $tmp mv -uf $tmp ${projects} fi fi else command ${command} ls / >| "${projects}" fi } projects () { local -a list local -a argv local -i argc=0 local arg cur for arg; do if test $arg == "--" ; then let argc++ break fi argv[argc++]=$arg done shift $argc update_projects_list cur="$1" if ((colon)) ; then local colon_word colon_word=${cur%${cur##*:}} if test -n "${cur}" ; then builtin compgen -W '`grep -E "^${cur}" ${projects}`' -- "${cur}" | sed -r "s@^${colon_word}@@g" else builtin compgen -W '`cat ${projects}`' -- "${cur}" | sed -r "s@^${colon_word}@@g" fi else builtin compgen -W "${list[*]}" -- "${cur}" fi } packages () { local -a list local -a argv local -i argc=0 local arg cur for arg; do if test $arg == "--" ; then let argc++ break fi argv[argc++]=$arg done shift $argc cur="$1" if test -n "${cur}" ; then list=($(command ${command} ls ${argv[@]}|command grep -E "^${cur}")) else list=($(command ${command} ls ${argv[@]})) fi builtin compgen -W "${list[*]}" -- "${cur}" } repositories () { local -a list local -a argv local -i argc=0 local arg for arg; do if test $arg == "--" ; then let argc++ break fi argv[argc++]=$arg done shift $argc if test -n "$1" ; then list=($(command ${command} meta prj ${argv[@]}|\ command sed -rn '/<repository/{s@^\s*<.*name="([^"]*)".*@\1@p}'|\ command sort -u|command grep -E "^$1")) else list=($(command ${command} meta prj ${argv[@]}|\ command sed -rn '/<repository/{s@^\s*<.*name="([^"]*)".*@\1@p}'|\ command sort -u)) fi builtin compgen -W "${list[*]}" -- ${1+"$@"} } architectures () { local -a list local -a argv local -i argc=0 local arg for arg; do if test $arg == "--" ; then let argc++ break fi argv[argc++]=$arg done shift $argc if test -n "$1" ; then list=($(command ${command} meta prj ${argv[@]}|\ command sed -rn '/<arch>/{s@^\s*<arch>(.*)</arch>@\1@p}'|\ command sort -u|command grep -E "^$1")) else list=($(command ${command} meta prj ${argv[@]}|\ command sed -rn '/<arch>/{s@^\s*<arch>(.*)</arch>@\1@p}'|\ command sort -u)) fi builtin compgen -W "${list[*]}" -- ${1+"$@"} } targets () { local -a targets=() local -a argv local -i argc=0 local arg for arg; do if test $arg == "--" ; then let argc++ break fi argv[argc++]=$arg done shift $argc let argc=0 for arg in $(builtin compgen -o filenames -o bashdefault -f -X '.osc' -- ${1+"$@"}); do test -d $arg && targets[argc]=$arg/ || targets[argc]=$arg let argc++ done builtin compgen -W "${argv[*]}${targets+ ${targets[*]}}" -- ${1+"$@"} } users () { update_projects_list if test -s ${projects} ; then command sed -rn "/^home:$1/{ s/^home:([^:]*):.*/\1/p}" ${projects}|command sort -u elif test -s "${oscrc}"; then command sed -rn '/^(user=)/{s/(user=)//p}' "${oscrc}" | command sort -u else command id -un fi } submit () { local -i pos=$1 local target if ((pos == 1)) ; then if test -n "${oscprj}" -a -z "${cmdline[2]}" ; then builtin compgen -W "${oscprj}" -- "${cmdline[2]}" else if [[ -n "${oscprj}" && "${oscprj}" =~ "${cmdline[2]}" ]] ; then builtin compgen -W "${oscprj}" -- "${cmdline[2]}" else projects -- "${cmdline[2]}" fi fi elif ((pos == 2)) ; then if test -n "${oscpkg}" -a -z "${cmdline[3]}" ; then builtin compgen -W "${oscpkg}" -- "${cmdline[3]}" else if [[ -n "${oscpkg}" && "${oscpkg}" =~ "${cmdline[3]}" ]] ; then builtin compgen -W "${oscpkg}" -- "${cmdline[3]}" else packages "${cmdline[2]}" -- "${cmdline[3]}" fi fi elif ((pos == 3)) ; then if test -n "${lnkprj}" -a -z "${cmdline[4]}" ; then builtin compgen -W "${lnkprj}" -- "${cmdline[4]}" else projects -- "${cmdline[4]}" fi elif ((pos == 4)) ; then target="${lnkpkg}" target="${target:+$target }$oscpkg" if test -n "${target}" ; then builtin compgen -W "${target}" -- "${cmdline[5]}" else packages "${cmdline[4]}" -- "${cmdline[5]}" fi fi } # # The main options # let remove=0 while test "${cmdline[1+remove]::1}" = "-" ; do case "${cmdline[1+remove]}" in -A|--apiurl) if ((count-remove == 1)); then builtin compgen -W "${oscopts[*]}" -- "${cmdline[1+remove]}" exit elif ((count-remove == 2)); then if test -s "${oscrc}" ; then hints=($(sed -rn '/^(aliases=|\[http)/{s/,/ /g;s/(aliases=|\[|\])//gp}' "${oscrc}" | sort -u)) builtin compgen -W "${hints[*]}" -- "${cmdline[2+remove]}" else builtin compgen -P https:// -A hostname fi exit fi let remove+=2 ;; -c|--config) if ((count-remove == 1)); then builtin compgen -W "${oscopts[*]}" -- "${cmdline[1+remove]}" exit elif ((count-remove == 2)); then builtin compgen -o filenames -o bashdefault -f -X '.osc' -- "${cmdline[2+remove]}" exit fi let remove+=2 ;; -*) if ((count-remove == 1)); then builtin compgen -W "${oscopts[*]}" -- "${cmdline[1+remove]}" exit fi let remove++ ;; *) break esac done if ((remove)) ; then cmdline=(${cmdline[0]} ${cmdline[@]:remove+1}) let count-=remove let remove=0 fi case "${cmdline[1]}" in add|addremove|ar) opts=(--help --recursive) if ((count == 1)) ; then builtin compgen -W "${osccmds[*]}" -- "${cmdline[count]}" else for ((off=2; off<=count; off++)) ; do while test "${cmdline[off+remove]::1}" = "-" ; do case "${cmdline[off+remove]}" in -*) if ((count-remove == off)) ; then builtin compgen -W "${opts[*]}" -- "${cmdline[off+remove]}" exit fi let remove++ esac done if ((remove)) ; then cmdline=(${cmdline[*]:0:off} ${cmdline[@]:remove+off}) let count-=remove let remove=0 fi done fi if ((count >= 2)) ; then targets ${opts[*]} -- "${cmdline[count]}" fi ;; build) opts=(--help --oldpackages --disable-cpio-bulk-download --release --baselibs --disable-debuginfo --debuginfo --alternative-project --vm-type --linksources --local-package --build-uid --userootforbuild --define --without --with --ccache --icecream --jobs --root --extra-pkgs --keep-pkgs --prefer-pkgs --noservice --no-service --no-verify --nochecks --no-checks --noinit --no-init --overlay --rsync-dest --rsync-src --no-changelog --preload --offline --clean) if ((count == 1)) ; then builtin compgen -W "${osccmds[*]}" -- "${cmdline[count]}" elif ((count >= 2)) ; then for ((off=2; off<=count; off++)) ; do while test "${cmdline[off+remove]::1}" = "-" ; do case "${cmdline[off+remove]}" in --alternative-project) if ((count-remove == off)); then builtin compgen -W "${opts[*]}" -- "${cmdline[off+remove]}" exit elif ((count-remove == off+1)) ; then projects -- "${cmdline[count]}" exit elif ((count-remove == off+2)) ; then repositories "${cmdline[off+1+remove]}" -- "${cmdline[off+2+$remove]}" exit elif ((count-remove == off+3)) ; then architectures "${cmdline[off+1+remove]}" -- "${cmdline[off+3+remove]}" exit fi let remove+=4 ;; --define) if ((count-remove == off)); then builtin compgen -W "${opts[*]}" -- "${cmdline[off+remove]}" exit elif ((count-remove == off+1)) ; then builtin compgen -P "'" -S "'" -W 'macro\ definition' -- "${cmdline[off+1+remvoe]}" exit elif ((count-remove == off+2)) ; then exit fi let remove+=3 ;; --@(root|oldpackages|keep-pkgs|prefer-pkgs|rsync-dest|rsync-src)) if ((count-remove == off)); then builtin compgen -W "${opts[*]}" -- "${cmdline[off+remove]}" exit elif ((count-remove == off+1)) ; then builtin compgen -o dirnames -d -- ${cmdline[off+1+remove]} exit fi let remove+=2 ;; --@(release|icecream|jobs|without|with|overlay)) if ((count-remove == off)); then builtin compgen -W "${opts[*]}" -- "${cmdline[off+remove]}" exit elif ((count-remove == off+1)) && test -z "${cmdline[off+1+remove]}" ; then hint="${cmdline[off+remove]^^}" builtin echo -n ${hint##*-} exit fi let remove+=2 ;; --build-uid) if ((count-remove == off)); then builtin compgen -W "${opts[*]}" -- "${cmdline[off+remove]}" exit elif ((count-remove == off+1)) ; then builtin compgen -W "399:399 $(id -u):$(id -g)" -- "${cmdline[off+2+remove]}" exit fi let remove+=2 ;; -*) if ((count-remove == off)) ; then builtin compgen -W "${opts[*]}" -- "${cmdline[off+remove]}" exit fi let remove++ esac done if ((remove)) ; then cmdline=(${cmdline[*]:0:off} ${cmdline[@]:remove+off}) let count-=remove let remove=0 fi done fi if ((count == 2)) ; then specs=($(command ls *.spec)) builtin compgen -W "${opts[*]} ${specs[*]}" -- "${cmdline[count]}" fi ;; branch|getpac|bco|branchco) opts=(--help --revision --new-package --maintenance --noaccess --extend-package-names --add-repositories --force --nodevelproject) if ((count == 1)) ; then builtin compgen -W "${osccmds[*]}" -- "${cmdline[count]}" elif ((count >= 2)) ; then case "${cmdline[1]}" in branch) opts[${#opts[@]}]=--checkout esac for ((off=2; off<=count; off++)) ; do while test "${cmdline[off+remove]::1}" = "-" ; do case "${cmdline[off+remove]}" in --revision) if ((count-remove == off)); then builtin compgen -W "${opts[*]}" -- "${cmdline[off+remove]}" exit elif ((count-remove == off+1)) && test -z "${cmdline[off+1+remove]}" ; then hint="${cmdline[off+remove]^^}" builtin echo -n ${hint##*-} exit fi let remove+=2 ;; --message) exit ;; -*) if ((count-remove == off)) ; then ((count >= 6)) && opts[${#opts[@]}]=--message builtin compgen -W "${opts[*]}" -- "${cmdline[off+remove]}" exit fi let remove++ esac done if ((remove)) ; then cmdline=(${cmdline[*]:0:off} ${cmdline[@]:remove+off}) let count-=remove let remove=0 fi done fi if ((count == 2)) ; then builtin compgen -W "${opts[*]}" -- "${cmdline[2]}" projects -- "${cmdline[2]}" elif ((count == 3)) ; then packages "${cmdline[2]}" -- "${cmdline[3]}" elif ((count == 4)) ; then builtin compgen -W "${opts[*]}" -- "${cmdline[4]}" projects -- "${cmdline[4]}" elif ((count == 5)) ; then packages "${cmdline[4]}" -- "${cmdline[5]}" elif ((count == 6)) ; then builtin compgen -W "--message ${opts[*]}" -- "${cmdline[6]}" fi ;; list|ls|ll|LL) opts=(--help --meta --deleted --long --verbose --unexpand --expand --binaries --repo --revision --arch) if ((count == 1)) ; then builtin compgen -W 'list ls ll LL' -- "${cmdline[count]}" elif ((count >= 2)) ; then for ((off=2; off<=count; off++)) ; do while test "${cmdline[off+remove]::1}" = "-" ; do case "${cmdline[off+remove]}" in --@(revision|repo|arch)) if ((count-remove == off)); then builtin compgen -W "${opts[*]}" -- "${cmdline[off+remove]}" exit elif ((count-remove == off+1)) && test -z "${cmdline[off+1+remove]}" ; then hint="${cmdline[off+remove]^^}" builtin echo -n ${hint##*-} exit fi let remove+=2 ;; -*) if ((count-remove == off)) ; then builtin compgen -W "${opts[*]}" -- "${cmdline[off+remove]}" exit fi let remove++ esac done if ((remove)) ; then cmdline=(${cmdline[*]:0:off} ${cmdline[@]:remove+off}) let count-=remove let remove=0 fi done fi if ((count == 2)) ; then builtin compgen -W "${opts[*]}" -- "${cmdline[2]}" projects -- "${cmdline[2]}" elif ((count == 3)) ; then packages "${cmdline[2]}" -- "${cmdline[3]}" elif ((count == 4)) ; then packages -u "${cmdline[2]}" "${cmdline[3]}" -- "${cmdline[4]}" else builtin compgen -W "${opts[*]}" -- "${cmdline[count]}" fi ;; less|cat) opts=(--help --meta --unexpand --expand --revision) if ((count == 1)) ; then builtin compgen -W "${osccmds[*]}" -- "${cmdline[count]}" elif ((count >= 2)) ; then for ((off=2; off<=count; off++)) ; do while test "${cmdline[off+remove]::1}" = "-" ; do case "${cmdline[off+remove]}" in --revision) if ((count-remove == off)); then builtin compgen -W "${opts[*]}" -- "${cmdline[off+remove]}" exit elif ((count-remove == off+1)) && test -z "${cmdline[off+1+remove]}" ; then hint="${cmdline[off+remove]^^}" builtin echo -n ${hint##*-} exit fi let remove+=2 ;; -*) if ((count-remove == off)) ; then builtin compgen -W "${opts[*]}" -- "${cmdline[off+remove]}" exit fi let remove++ esac done if ((remove)) ; then cmdline=(${cmdline[*]:0:off} ${cmdline[@]:remove+off}) let count-=remove let remove=0 fi done fi if ((count == 2)) ; then builtin compgen -W "${opts[*]}" -- "${cmdline[2]}" projects -- "${cmdline[2]}" elif ((count == 3)) ; then packages "${cmdline[2]}" -- "${cmdline[3]}" elif ((count == 4)) ; then packages -u "${cmdline[2]}" "${cmdline[3]}" -- "${cmdline[4]}" else builtin compgen -W "${opts[*]}" -- "${cmdline[2]}" fi ;; sr|submitpac|submitreq|submitrequest) opts=(--help --yes --diff --no-update --no-cleanup --cleanup --separate-requests --nodevelproject --supersede --revision) if ((count == 1)) ; then builtin compgen -W "${osccmds[*]}" -- "${cmdline[count]}" elif ((count >= 2)) ; then for ((off=2; off<=count; off++)) ; do while test "${cmdline[off+remove]::1}" = "-" ; do case "${cmdline[off+remove]}" in --@(revision|supersede)) if ((count-remove == off)); then builtin compgen -W "${opts[*]}" -- "${cmdline[off+remove]}" exit elif ((count-remove == off+1)) && test -z "${cmdline[off+1+remove]}" ; then hint="${cmdline[off+remove]^^}" builtin echo -n ${hint##*-} exit fi let remove+=2 ;; --message) exit ;; -*) if ((count-remove == off)) ; then ((count >= 6)) && opts[${#opts[@]}]=--message builtin compgen -W "${opts[*]}" -- "${cmdline[off+remove]}" exit fi let remove++ esac done if ((remove)) ; then cmdline=(${cmdline[*]:0:off} ${cmdline[@]:remove+off}) let count-=remove let remove=0 fi done fi if ((count >= 2 && count <= 5)) ; then if ((count == 2)) ; then builtin compgen -W "${opts[*]}" -- "${cmdline[2]}" fi submit $((count-1)) 1 elif ((count == 6)) ; then builtin compgen -W "--message ${opts[*]}" -- "${cmdline[6]}" fi ;; rq|request|review) opts=(--help --involved-projects --exclude-target-project --non-interactive --interactive --edit) if ((count == 1)) ; then builtin compgen -W "${osccmds[*]}" -- "${cmdline[count]}" elif ((count >= 2)) ; then while test "${cmdline[2+remove]::1}" = "-" ; do case "${cmdline[2+remove]}" in --exclude-target-project) if ((count-remove == 2)); then builtin compgen -W "${opts[*]}" -- "${cmdline[2+remove]}" exit elif ((count-remove == 3)) ; then builtin echo -n EXCLUDE_TARGET_PROJECT exit fi let remove+=2 ;; -*) if ((count-remove == 2)) ; then builtin compgen -W "${opts[*]}" -- "${cmdline[2+remove]}" exit fi let remove++ esac done if ((remove)) ; then cmdline=(${cmdline[*]:0:2} ${cmdline[@]:remove+2}) let count-=remove let remove=0 fi fi case "${cmdline[2]}" in log|checkout) opts=(--help) if ((count == 2)) ; then builtin compgen -W 'log checkout' -- "${cmdline[count]}" elif ((count >= 3)) ; then for ((off=3; off<=count; off++)) ; do while test "${cmdline[off+remove]::1}" = "-" ; do case "${cmdline[off+remove]}" in -*) if ((count-remove == off)) ; then builtin compgen -W "${opts[*]}" -- "${cmdline[off+remove]}" exit fi let remove++ esac done if ((remove)) ; then cmdline=(${cmdline[*]:0:off} ${cmdline[@]:remove+off}) let count-=remove let remove=0 fi done fi if ((count == 3)) ; then builtin compgen -W "${opts[*]}" -- "${cmdline[3]}" builtin echo -n 'ID' else builtin compgen -W "${opts[*]}" -- "${cmdline[count]}" fi ;; revoke|clone) opts=(--help) if ((count == 2)) ; then builtin compgen -W 'revoke clone' -- "${cmdline[count]}" elif ((count >= 3)) ; then for ((off=3; off<=count; off++)) ; do while test "${cmdline[off+remove]::1}" = "-" ; do case "${cmdline[off+remove]}" in --message) exit ;; -*) if ((count-remove == off)) ; then ((count >= 4)) && opts[${#opts[@]}]=--message builtin compgen -W "${opts[*]}" -- "${cmdline[off+remove]}" exit fi let remove++ esac done if ((remove)) ; then cmdline=(${cmdline[*]:0:off} ${cmdline[@]:remove+off}) let count-=remove let remove=0 fi done fi if ((count == 3)) ; then builtin compgen -W "${opts[*]}" -- "${cmdline[3]}" builtin echo -n 'ID' elif ((count == 4)) ; then builtin compgen -W "--message ${opts[*]}" -- "${cmdline[4]}" fi ;; setincident) opts=(--help) if ((count == 2)) ; then builtin compgen -W 'setincident' -- "${cmdline[count]}" elif ((count >= 3)) ; then for ((off=3; off<=count; off++)) ; do while test "${cmdline[off+remove]::1}" = "-" ; do case "${cmdline[off+remove]}" in --message) exit ;; -*) if ((count-remove == off)) ; then ((count >= 4)) && opts[${#opts[@]}]=--message builtin compgen -W "${opts[*]}" -- "${cmdline[off+remove]}" exit fi let remove++ esac done if ((remove)) ; then cmdline=(${cmdline[*]:0:off} ${cmdline[@]:remove+off}) let count-=remove let remove=0 fi done fi if ((count == 3)) ; then builtin compgen -W "${opts[*]}" -- "${cmdline[3]}" builtin echo -n 'ID' elif ((count == 4)) ; then builtin echo -n 'INCIDENT' elif ((count == 5)) ; then builtin compgen -W "--message ${opts[*]}" -- "${cmdline[5]}" fi ;; supersede|add|accept|decline|reopen) case "${cmdline[1]}" in rq|request) opts=() ;; review) opts=(--user --group --project --package) esac if ((count == 2)) ; then builtin compgen -W 'supersede add accept decline reopen' -- "${cmdline[count]}" elif ((count >= 3)) ; then typeset -i supersede=0 case "${cmdline[2]}" in supersede) let supersede=1 esac typeset project="" for ((off=3; off<=count; off++)) ; do while test "${cmdline[off+remove]::1}" = "-" ; do case "${cmdline[off+remove]}" in --user) if ((count-remove == off)); then builtin compgen -W "${opts[*]}" -- "${cmdline[off+remove]}" exit elif ((count-remove == off+1)) ; then user=($(users ${cmdline[off+1+remove]})) builtin compgen -W "${user[*]}" -- ${cmdline[off+1+remove]} fi let remove+=2 ;; --group) if ((count-remove == off)); then builtin compgen -W "${opts[*]}" -- "${cmdline[off+remove]}" exit elif ((count-remove == off+1)) && test -z "${cmdline[off+1+remove]}" ; then hint="${cmdline[off+remove]^^}" builtin echo -n ${hint##*-} exit fi let remove+=2 ;; --project) if ((count-remove == off)); then builtin compgen -W "${opts[*]}" -- "${cmdline[off+remove]}" exit elif ((count-remove == off+1)) ; then projects -- "${cmdline[off+1+remove]}" exit else project="${cmdline[off+1+remove]}" fi let remove+=2 ;; --package) if ((count-remove == off)); then builtin compgen -W "${opts[*]}" -- "${cmdline[off+remove]}" exit elif ((count-remove == off+1)) ; then test -z "$project" && project=PROJECT_REQUIRED packages -u "$project" -- "${cmdline[off+1+remove]}" exit fi let remove+=2 ;; --message) exit ;; -*) if ((count-remove == off)) ; then ((count >= 4)) && opts[${#opts[@]}]=--message builtin compgen -W "${opts[*]}" -- "${cmdline[off+remove]}" exit fi let remove++ esac done if ((remove)) ; then cmdline=(${cmdline[*]:0:off} ${cmdline[@]:remove+off}) let count-=remove let remove=0 fi done fi if ((count == 3)) ; then builtin compgen -W "${opts+${opts[*]} }ID" -- "${cmdline[3]}" elif ((count == 4)) ; then if ((supersede)) ; then builtin echo -n 'SUPERSEDING_ID' else builtin compgen -W '--message' -- "${cmdline[4]}" fi elif ((count == 5 && supersede)) ; then builtin compgen -W '--message' -- "${cmdline[5]}" fi ;; approvenew) opts=(--help) if ((count == 2)) ; then builtin compgen -W 'approvenew' -- "${cmdline[count]}" elif ((count >= 3)) ; then for ((off=3; off<=count; off++)) ; do while test "${cmdline[off+remove]::1}" = "-" ; do case "${cmdline[off+remove]}" in --message) exit ;; -*) if ((count-remove == off)) ; then ((count >= 4)) && opts[${#opts[@]}]=--message builtin compgen -W "${opts[*]}" -- "${cmdline[off+remove]}" exit fi let remove++ esac done if ((remove)) ; then cmdline=(${cmdline[*]:0:off} ${cmdline[@]:remove+off}) let count-=remove let remove=0 fi done fi if ((count == 3)) ; then builtin compgen -W "${opts[*]}" -- "${cmdline[3]}" projects -- "${cmdline[3]}" elif ((count == 4)) ; then builtin compgen -W "--message ${opts[*]}" -- "${cmdline[4]}" fi ;; show) opts=(--diff --brief --source-buildstatus) if ((count == 2)) ; then builtin compgen -W 'show' -- "${cmdline[count]}" elif ((count >= 3)) ; then for ((off=3; off<=count; off++)) ; do while test "${cmdline[off+remove]::1}" = "-" ; do case "${cmdline[off+remove]}" in -*) if ((count-remove == off)) ; then builtin compgen -W "${opts[*]}" -- "${cmdline[off+remove]}" exit fi let remove++ esac done if ((remove)) ; then cmdline=("${cmdline[@]:0:off}" "${cmdline[@]:remove+off}") let count-=remove let remove=0 fi done fi if ((count == 3)) ; then builtin compgen -W "${opts[*]} ID" -- "${cmdline[3]}" else builtin compgen -W "${opts[*]}" -- "${cmdline[count]}" fi ;; list) case "${cmdline[1]}" in rq|request) opts=(--mine --user --state -days --type --bugowner) ;; review) opts=(--user --group --project --package) esac if ((count == 2)) ; then builtin compgen -W 'list' -- "${cmdline[count]}" elif ((count >= 3)) ; then typeset project="" for ((off=3; off<=count; off++)) ; do while test "${cmdline[off+remove]::1}" = "-" ; do case "${cmdline[off+remove]}" in --user) if ((count-remove == off)); then builtin compgen -W "${opts[*]}" -- "${cmdline[off+remove]}" exit elif ((count-remove == off+1)) ; then user=($(users ${cmdline[off+1+remove]})) builtin compgen -W "${user[*]}" -- ${cmdline[off+1+remove]} fi let remove+=2 ;; --group) if ((count-remove == off)); then builtin compgen -W "${opts[*]}" -- "${cmdline[off+remove]}" exit elif ((count-remove == off+1)) && test -z "${cmdline[off+1+remove]}" ; then hint="${cmdline[off+remove]^^}" builtin echo -n ${hint##*-} exit fi let remove+=2 ;; --project) if ((count-remove == off)); then builtin compgen -W "${opts[*]}" -- "${cmdline[off+remove]}" exit elif ((count-remove == off+1)) ; then projects -- "${cmdline[off+1+remove]}" exit else project="${cmdline[off+1+remove]}" fi let remove+=2 ;; --package) if ((count-remove == off)); then builtin compgen -W "${opts[*]}" -- "${cmdline[off+remove]}" exit elif ((count-remove == off+1)) ; then test -z "$project" && project=PROJECT_REQUIRED packages -u "$project" -- "${cmdline[off+1+remove]}" exit fi let remove+=2 ;; -*) if ((count-remove == off)) ; then builtin compgen -W "${opts[*]}" -- "${cmdline[off+remove]}" exit fi let remove++ esac done if ((remove)) ; then cmdline=("${cmdline[@]:0:off}" "${cmdline[@]:remove+off}") let count-=remove let remove=0 fi done fi if ((count == 3)) ; then builtin compgen -W "${opts[*]}" -- "${cmdline[3]}" projects -- "${cmdline[3]}" fi if ((count == 4)) ; then packages -u "${cmdline[3]}" -- "${cmdline[4]}" fi ;; *) if ((count == 2)) ; then case "${cmdline[1+remove]}" in rq|request) builtin compgen -W "${opts[*]} ${oscreq[*]}" -- "${cmdline[2]}" ;; review) builtin compgen -W "${opts[*]} ${oscrev[*]}" -- "${cmdline[2]}" ;; esac fi esac ;; my) opts=(--help --maintained --verbose --exclude-project --user --all --maintainer --bugowner) if ((count == 1)) ; then builtin compgen -W "${osccmds[*]}" -- "${cmdline[count]}" elif ((count >= 2)) ; then for ((off=2; off<=count; off++)) ; do while test "${cmdline[off+remove]::1}" = "-" ; do case "${cmdline[off+remove]}" in --user) if ((count-remove == off)); then builtin compgen -W "${opts[*]}" -- "${cmdline[off+remove]}" exit elif ((count-remove == off+1)) ; then user=($(users ${cmdline[off+1+remove]})) builtin compgen -W "${user[*]}" -- ${cmdline[off+1+remove]} fi let remove+=2 ;; --exclude-project) if ((count-remove == off)); then builtin compgen -W "${opts[*]}" -- "${cmdline[off+remove]}" exit elif ((count-remove == off+1)) ; then projects -- "${cmdline[off+1+remove]}" exit fi let remove+=2 ;; -*) if ((count-remove == off)) ; then builtin compgen -W "${opts[*]}" -- "${cmdline[off+remove]}" exit fi let remove++ esac done if ((remove)) ; then cmdline=(${cmdline[*]:0:off} ${cmdline[@]:remove+off}) let count-=remove let remove=0 fi done fi if ((count == 2)) ; then builtin compgen -W "${opts[*]} ${oscmy[*]}" -- "${cmdline[2]}" elif ((count >= 3)) ; then builtin compgen -W "${opts[*]}" -- "${cmdline[3]}" fi ;; comment) opts=(--comment --parent) if ((count == 1)) ; then builtin compgen -W "${osccmds[*]}" -- "${cmdline[count]}" elif ((count == 2)) ; then builtin compgen -W "${opts[*]} ${osccmt[*]}" -- "${cmdline[2]}" elif ((count == 3)) ; then builtin compgen -W "${opts[*]} ${osccmtkind[*]}" -- "${cmdline[3]}" fi ;; copypac|linkpac) opts=(--help --expand --to-apiurl --revision --keep-develproject --keep-link --keep-maintainers --client-side-copy) if ((count == 1)) ; then builtin compgen -W "${osccmds[*]}" -- "${cmdline[count]}" elif ((count >= 2)) ; then for ((off=2; off<=count; off++)) ; do while test "${cmdline[off+remove]::1}" = "-" ; do case "${cmdline[off+remove]}" in --@(revision|to-apiurl)) if ((count-remove == off)); then builtin compgen -W "${opts[*]}" -- "${cmdline[off+remove]}" exit elif ((count-remove == off+1)) && test -z "${cmdline[off+1+remove]}" ; then hint="${cmdline[off+remove]^^}" builtin echo -n ${hint##*-} exit fi let remove+=2 ;; -*) if ((count-remove == off)) ; then builtin compgen -W "${opts[*]}" -- "${cmdline[off+remove]}" exit fi let remove++ esac done if ((remove)) ; then cmdline=(${cmdline[*]:0:off} ${cmdline[@]:remove+off}) let count-=remove let remove=0 fi done fi if ((count == 2)) ; then builtin compgen -W "${opts[*]}" -- "${cmdline[2]}" projects -- "${cmdline[2]}" elif ((count == 3)) ; then packages "${cmdline[2]}" -- "${cmdline[3]}" elif ((count == 4)) ; then projects -- "${cmdline[4]}" elif ((count == 5)) ; then packages "${cmdline[4]}" -- "${cmdline[5]}" elif ((count == 6)) ; then builtin compgen -W "--message ${opts[*]}" -- "${cmdline[6]}" fi ;; delete) opts=(--help --force) if ((count == 1)) ; then builtin compgen -W "${osccmds[*]}" -- "${cmdline[count]}" else for ((off=2; off<=count; off++)) ; do while test "${cmdline[off+remove]::1}" = "-" ; do case "${cmdline[off+remove]}" in -*) if ((count-remove == off)) ; then builtin compgen -W "${opts[*]}" -- "${cmdline[off+remove]}" exit fi let remove++ esac done if ((remove)) ; then cmdline=(${cmdline[*]:0:off} ${cmdline[@]:remove+off}) let count-=remove let remove=0 fi done fi if ((count >= 2)) ; then targets ${opts[*]} -- "${cmdline[count]}" fi ;; deleterequest|deletereq|droprequest|dropreq|dr) typeset -i repository=0 opts=(--help --repository --message) if ((count == 1)) ; then builtin compgen -W "${osccmds[*]}" -- "${cmdline[count]}" elif ((count == 2)) ; then projects -- "${cmdline[2]}" elif ((count >= 3)) ; then for ((off=3; off<=count; off++)) ; do while test "${cmdline[off+remove]::1}" = "-" ; do case "${cmdline[off+remove]}" in --repository) if ((count-remove == off)); then builtin compgen -W "${opts[*]}" -- "${cmdline[off+remove]}" exit elif ((count-remove == off+1)) && test -z "${cmdline[off+1+remove]}" ; then hint="${cmdline[off+remove]^^}" builtin echo -n ${hint##*-} exit fi let remove+=2 let repository++ ;; --message) exit ;; -*) if ((count-remove == off)) ; then ((count >= 4)) && opts[${#opts[@]}]=--message builtin compgen -W "${opts[*]}" -- "${cmdline[off+remove]}" exit fi let remove++ esac done if ((remove)) ; then cmdline=(${cmdline[*]:0:off} ${cmdline[@]:remove+off}) let count-=remove let remove=0 fi done fi if ((count == 3)) ; then if ((repository)) ; then builtin compgen -W '--message' -- "${cmdline[4]}" else builtin compgen -W "${opts[*]}" -- "${cmdline[3]}" packages "${cmdline[2]}" -- "${cmdline[3]}" fi elif ((count == 4)) ; then builtin compgen -W "--message ${opts[*]}" -- "${cmdline[4]}" fi ;; changedevelrequest|changedevelreq|cr) opts=(--help) if ((count == 1)) ; then builtin compgen -W "${osccmds[*]}" -- "${cmdline[count]}" elif ((count >= 2)) ; then for ((off=2; off<=count; off++)) ; do while test "${cmdline[off+remove]::1}" = "-" ; do case "${cmdline[off+remove]}" in -*) if ((count-remove == off)) ; then builtin compgen -W "${opts[*]}" -- "${cmdline[off+remove]}" exit fi let remove++ esac done if ((remove)) ; then cmdline=(${cmdline[*]:0:off} ${cmdline[@]:remove+off}) let count-=remove let remove=0 fi done fi if ((count == 2)) ; then builtin compgen -W "${opts[*]}" -- "${cmdline[2]}" projects -- "${cmdline[2]}" elif ((count == 3)) ; then packages "${cmdline[2]}" -- "${cmdline[3]}" elif ((count == 4)) ; then builtin compgen -W "${opts[*]}" -- "${cmdline[2]}" projects -- "${cmdline[4]}" elif ((count == 5)) ; then packages "${cmdline[4]}" -- "${cmdline[5]}" fi ;; rdiff) opts=(--help --unexpand --missingok --change --plain --revision --meta) if ((count == 1)) ; then builtin compgen -W "${osccmds[*]}" -- "${cmdline[count]}" elif ((count >= 2)) ; then for ((off=2; off<=count; off++)) ; do while test "${cmdline[off+remove]::1}" = "-" ; do case "${cmdline[off+remove]}" in --@(revision|change)) if ((count-remove == off)); then builtin compgen -W "${opts[*]}" -- "${cmdline[off+remove]}" exit elif ((count-remove == off+1)) && test -z "${cmdline[off+1+remove]}" ; then hint="${cmdline[off+remove]^^}" builtin echo -n ${hint##*-} exit fi let remove+=2 ;; -*) if ((count-remove == off)) ; then builtin compgen -W "${opts[*]}" -- "${cmdline[off+remove]}" exit fi let remove++ esac done if ((remove)) ; then cmdline=(${cmdline[*]:0:off} ${cmdline[@]:remove+off}) let count-=remove let remove=0 fi done fi if ((count == 2)) ; then builtin compgen -W "${opts[*]}" -- "${cmdline[2]}" projects -- "${cmdline[2]}" elif ((count == 3)) ; then packages "${cmdline[2]}" -- "${cmdline[3]}" elif ((count == 4)) ; then builtin compgen -W "${opts[*]}" -- "${cmdline[4]}" projects -- "${cmdline[4]}" elif ((count == 5)) ; then builtin compgen -W "${opts[*]}" -- "${cmdline[5]}" packages "${cmdline[4]}" -- "${cmdline[5]}" fi ;; ci|commit|checkin) opts=(--help --skip-local-service-run --noservice --verbose --skip-validation --force --file --message) if ((count == 1)) ; then builtin compgen -W "${osccmds[*]}" -- "${cmdline[count]}" elif ((count >= 2)) ; then for ((off=2; off<=count; off++)) ; do while test "${cmdline[off+remove]::1}" = "-" ; do case "${cmdline[off+remove]}" in --file) if ((count-remove == off)); then builtin compgen -W "${opts[*]}" -- "${cmdline[off+remove]}" exit elif ((count-remove == off+1)) && test -z "${cmdline[off+1+remove]}" ; then hint="${cmdline[off+remove]^^}" builtin echo -n ${hint##*-} exit fi let remove+=2 ;; --message) exit ;; -*) if ((count-remove == off)) ; then ((count >= 3)) && opts[${#opts[@]}]=--message builtin compgen -W "${opts[*]}" -- "${cmdline[off+remove]}" exit fi let remove++ esac done if ((remove)) ; then cmdline=(${cmdline[*]:0:off} ${cmdline[@]:remove+off}) let count-=remove let remove=0 fi done fi if ((count == 2)) ; then targets ${opts[*]} -- "${cmdline[2]}" elif ((count == 3)) ; then builtin compgen -W "--message ${opts[*]}" -- "${cmdline[3]}" fi ;; co|checkout) opts=(--help --limit-size --server-side-source-service-files --source-service-files --output-dir --current-dir --meta --unexpand-link --expand-link --revision) if ((count == 1)) ; then builtin compgen -W "${osccmds[*]}" -- "${cmdline[count]}" elif ((count >= 2)) ; then for ((off=2; off<=count; off++)) ; do while test "${cmdline[off+remove]::1}" = "-" ; do case "${cmdline[off+remove]}" in --@(output-dir|revision)) if ((count-remove == off)); then builtin compgen -W "${opts[*]}" -- "${cmdline[off+remove]}" exit elif ((count-remove == off+1)) && test -z "${cmdline[off+1+remove]}" ; then hint="${cmdline[off+remove]^^}" builtin echo -n ${hint##*-} exit fi let remove+=2 ;; -*) if ((count-remove == off)) ; then builtin compgen -W "${opts[*]}" -- "${cmdline[off+remove]}" exit fi let remove++ ;; *) break esac done if ((remove)) ; then cmdline=(${cmdline[*]:0:off} ${cmdline[@]:remove+off}) let count-=remove let remove=0 fi done fi if ((count == 2)) ; then builtin compgen -W "${opts[*]}" -- "${cmdline[2]}" projects -- "${cmdline[2]}" elif ((count == 3)) ; then packages "${cmdline[2]}" -- "${cmdline[3]}" elif ((count == 4)) ; then packages "${cmdline[2]}" "${cmdline[3]}" -- "${cmdline[4]}" fi ;; maintainer) opts=(--help --role --delete --set-bugowner-request --set-bugowner --all --add --devel-project --verbose --nodevelproject --email --bugowner --bugowner-only) if ((count == 1)) ; then builtin compgen -W "${osccmds[*]}" -- "${cmdline[count]}" elif ((count >= 2)) ; then for ((off=2; off<=count; off++)) ; do while test "${cmdline[off+remove]::1}" = "-" ; do case "${cmdline[off+remove]}" in --@(delete|set-bugowner-request|set-bugowner|add|devel-projec)) if ((count-remove == off)); then builtin compgen -W "${opts[*]}" -- "${cmdline[off+remove]}" exit elif ((count-remove == off+1)) && test -z "${cmdline[off+1+remove]}" ; then hint="${cmdline[off+remove]^^}" builtin echo -n ${hint##*-} exit fi let remove+=2 ;; --devel-projec) if ((count-remove == off)); then builtin compgen -W "${opts[*]}" -- "${cmdline[off+remove]}" exit elif ((count-remove == off+1)) ; then projects -- "${cmdline[off+1+remove]}" exit fi let remove+=2 ;; --role) if ((count-remove == off)); then builtin compgen -W "${opts[*]}" -- "${cmdline[off+remove]}" exit elif ((count-remove == off+1)) ; then builtin compgen -W 'bugowner maintainer involved' -- "${cmdline[off+1+remove]}" exit fi let remove+=2 ;; -*) if ((count-remove == off)) ; then builtin compgen -W "${opts[*]}" -- "${cmdline[off+remove]}" exit fi let remove++ esac done if ((remove)) ; then cmdline=(${cmdline[*]:0:off} ${cmdline[@]:remove+off}) let count-=remove let remove=0 fi done fi if ((count == 2)) ; then builtin compgen -W "${opts[*]}" -- "${cmdline[2]}" projects -- "${cmdline[2]}" elif ((count > 2)) ; then builtin compgen -W "${opts[*]}" -- "${cmdline[count]}" if ((count == 3)) ; then packages "${cmdline[2]}" -- "${cmdline[3]}" fi fi ;; up|update) opts=(--help --limit-size --server-side-source-service-files --source-service-files --expand-link --unexpand-link --revision) if ((count == 1)) ; then builtin compgen -W "${osccmds[*]}" -- "${cmdline[count]}" elif ((count >= 2)) ; then while test "${cmdline[2+remove]::1}" = "-" ; do case "${cmdline[2+remove]}" in --revision) if ((count-remove == 2)); then builtin compgen -W "${opts[*]}" -- "${cmdline[2+remove]}" exit elif ((count-remove == 3)) && test -z "${cmdline[3+remove]}" ; then hint="${cmdline[2+remove]^^}" builtin echo -n ${hint##*-} exit fi let remove+=2 ;; -*) if ((count-remove == 2)) ; then builtin compgen -W "${opts[*]}" -- "${cmdline[2+remove]}" exit fi let remove++ esac done fi builtin compgen -W "${opts[*]}" -- "${cmdline[count]}" ;; meta) opts=(--help --delete --set --remove-linking-repositories --create --edit --file --force --attribute-project --attribute-defaults --attribute) if ((count == 1)) ; then builtin compgen -W "${osccmds[*]}" -- "${cmdline[count]}" elif ((count >= 2)) ; then for ((off=2; off<=count; off++)) ; do while test "${cmdline[off+remove]::1}" = "-" ; do case "${cmdline[off+remove]}" in --@(attribute|file)) if ((count-remove == off)); then builtin compgen -W "${opts[*]}" -- "${cmdline[off+remove]}" exit elif ((count-remove == off+1)) && test -z "${cmdline[off+1+remove]}" ; then hint="${cmdline[off+remove]^^}" builtin echo -n ${hint##*-} exit fi let remove+=2 ;; --set) if ((count-remove == off)); then builtin compgen -W "${opts[*]}" -- "${cmdline[off+remove]}" exit elif ((count-remove == off+1)) && test -z "${cmdline[off+1+remove]}" ; then builtin echo -n ATTRIBUTE_VALUES exit fi let remove+=2 ;; -*) if ((count-remove == off)) ; then builtin compgen -W "${opts[*]}" -- "${cmdline[off+remove]}" exit fi let remove++ esac done if ((remove)) ; then cmdline=(${cmdline[*]:0:off} ${cmdline[@]:remove+off}) let count-=remove let remove=0 fi done fi if ((count == 2)) ; then builtin compgen -W 'prj pkg prjconf user pattern attribute' -- "${cmdline[2]}" elif ((count == 3)) ; then if test "${cmdline[2]}" = user ; then user=($(users ${cmdline[3]})) builtin compgen -W "${user[*]}" -- ${cmdline[3]} else projects -- "${cmdline[3]}" fi elif ((count == 4)) ; then if test "${cmdline[2]}" = pkg ; then packages "${cmdline[3]}" -- "${cmdline[4]}" elif test "${cmdline[2]}" = attribute ; then builtin compgen -W "${opts[*]}" -- "${cmdline[4]}" packages "${cmdline[3]}" -- "${cmdline[4]}" elif test "${cmdline[2]}" = user ; then user=($(users ${cmdline[4]})) builtin compgen -W "${user[*]}" -- ${cmdline[4]} else builtin compgen -W "${opts[*]}" -- ${cmdline[4]} fi elif ((count == 5)) ; then builtin compgen -W "${opts[*]}" -- ${cmdline[5]} fi ;; wipebinaries) opts=(--help --all --unresolvable --broken --build-failed --build-disabled --repo --arch) if ((count == 1)) ; then builtin compgen -W "${osccmds[*]}" -- "${cmdline[count]}" elif ((count >= 2)) ; then for ((off=2; off<=count; off++)) ; do while test "${cmdline[off+remove]::1}" = "-" ; do case "${cmdline[off+remove]}" in --@(repo|arch)) if ((count-remove == off)); then builtin compgen -W "${opts[*]}" -- "${cmdline[off+remove]}" exit elif ((count-remove == off+1)) && test -z "${cmdline[off+1+remove]}" ; then hint="${cmdline[off+remove]^^}" builtin echo -n ${hint##*-} exit fi let remove+=2 ;; -*) if ((count-remove == off)) ; then builtin compgen -W "${opts[*]}" -- "${cmdline[off+remove]}" exit fi let remove++ esac done if ((remove)) ; then cmdline=(${cmdline[*]:0:off} ${cmdline[@]:remove+off}) let count-=remove let remove=0 fi done fi if ((count == 2)) ; then builtin compgen -W "${opts[*]}" -- "${cmdline[2]}" projects -- "${cmdline[2]}" elif ((count-remove == 3)) ; then packages "${cmdline[2]}" -- "${cmdline[3]}" fi ;; help) if ((count == 1)) ; then builtin compgen -W "${osccmds[*]}" -- "${cmdline[count]}" else builtin compgen -W "${osccmds[*]}" -- "${cmdline[2]}" fi ;; search) opts=(--help --all --binaryversion --baseproject --binary --csv --mine --maintained --maintainer --bugowner --involved --version --verbose --limit-to-attribute --description --title --project --package --substring --exact --repos-baseurl) if ((count == 1)) ; then builtin compgen -W "${osccmds[*]}" -- "${cmdline[count]}" elif ((count >= 2)) ; then while test "${cmdline[2+remove]::1}" = "-" ; do case "${cmdline[2+remove]}" in --@(binaryversion|baseproject|limit-to-attribute)) if ((count-remove == 2)); then builtin compgen -W "${opts[*]}" -- "${cmdline[2+remove]}" exit elif ((count-remove == 3)) && test -z "${cmdline[3+remove]}" ; then hint="${cmdline[2+remove]^^}" builtin echo -n ${hint##*-} exit fi let remove+=2 ;; --@(maintainer|bugowner|involved)) if ((count-remove == 2)); then builtin compgen -W "${opts[*]}" -- "${cmdline[2+remove]}" exit elif ((count-remove == 3)) ; then user=($(users ${cmdline[3+remove]})) builtin compgen -W "${user[*]}" -- ${cmdline[3+remove]} fi let remove+=2 ;; -*) if ((count-remove == 2)) ; then builtin compgen -W "${opts[*]}" -- "${cmdline[2+remove]}" exit fi let remove++ esac done fi if ((count-remove == 2)) ; then builtin compgen -W "${opts[*]} SEARCH_TERM" -- "${cmdline[count]}" fi ;; pr|prjresults) opts=(--help --show-excluded --vertical --repo --arch --name-filter --status-filter --xml --csv --hide-legend) if ((count == 1)) ; then builtin compgen -W "${osccmds[*]}" -- "${cmdline[2]}" elif ((count >= 2)) ; then for ((off=2; off<=count; off++)) ; do while test "${cmdline[off+remove]::1}" = "-" ; do case "${cmdline[off+remove]}" in --@(repo|arch)) if ((count-remove == off)); then builtin compgen -W "${opts[*]}" -- "${cmdline[off+remove]}" exit elif ((count-remove == off+1)) && test -z "${cmdline[off+1+remove]}" ; then hint="${cmdline[off+remove]^^}" builtin echo -n ${hint##*-} exit fi let remove+=2 ;; --name-filter) if ((count-remove == off)); then builtin compgen -W "${opts[*]}" -- "${cmdline[off+remove]}" exit elif ((count-remove == off+1)) ; then builtin echo -n EXPR exit fi let remove+=2 ;; --status-filter) if ((count-remove == off)); then builtin compgen -W "${opts[*]}" -- "${cmdline[off+remove]}" exit elif ((count-remove == off+1)) ; then status=(disabled failed finished building succeeded broken scheduled unresolvable signing blocked) builtin compgen -W "${status[*]}" -- "${cmdline[off+1+remove]}" exit fi let remove+=2 ;; -*) if ((count-remove == off)) ; then builtin compgen -W "${opts[*]}" -- "${cmdline[off+remove]}" exit fi let remove++ esac done if ((remove)) ; then cmdline=(${cmdline[*]:0:off} ${cmdline[@]:remove+off}) let count-=remove let remove=0 fi done fi if ((count == 2)) ; then builtin compgen -W "${opts[*]}" -- "${cmdline[2]}" projects -- "${cmdline[2]}" else builtin compgen -W "${opts[*]}" -- "${cmdline[count]}" fi ;; r|results) opts=(--help --format --csv --xml --watch --verbose --arch --repo --last-build) if ((count == 1)) ; then builtin compgen -W "${osccmds[*]}" -- "${cmdline[count]}" elif ((count >= 2)) ; then for ((off=2; off<=count; off++)) ; do while test "${cmdline[off+remove]::1}" = "-" ; do case "${cmdline[off+remove]}" in --@(repo|arch|format)) if ((count-remove == off)); then builtin compgen -W "${opts[*]}" -- "${cmdline[off+remove]}" exit elif ((count-remove == off+1)) && test -z "${cmdline[off+1+remove]}" ; then hint="${cmdline[off+remove]^^}" builtin echo -n ${hint##*-} exit fi let remove+=2 ;; -*) if ((count-remove == off)) ; then builtin compgen -W "${opts[*]}" -- "${cmdline[off+remove]}" exit fi let remove++ esac done if ((remove)) ; then cmdline=(${cmdline[*]:0:off} ${cmdline[@]:remove+off}) let count-=remove let remove=0 fi done fi if ((count == 2)) ; then builtin compgen -W "${opts[*]}" -- "${cmdline[2]}" projects -- "${cmdline[2]}" elif ((count == 3)) ; then builtin compgen -W "${opts[*]}" -- "${cmdline[3]}" packages "${cmdline[2]}" -- "${cmdline[3]}" elif ((count > 3)) ; then builtin compgen -W "${opts[*]}" -- "${cmdline[count]}" fi ;; diff|linkdiff) opts=(--help --missingok --link --plain --revision --change) typeset -i link=0 if ((count == 1)) ; then builtin compgen -W "${osccmds[*]}" -- "${cmdline[count]}" elif ((count >= 2)) ; then case "${cmdline[1]}" in linkdiff) let link++ ;; esac for ((off=2; off<=count; off++)) ; do while test "${cmdline[off+remove]::1}" = "-" ; do case "${cmdline[off+remove]}" in --@(revision|change)) if ((count-remove == off)); then builtin compgen -W "${opts[*]}" -- "${cmdline[off+remove]}" exit elif ((count-remove == off+1)) && test -z "${cmdline[off+1+remove]}" ; then hint="${cmdline[off+remove]^^}" builtin echo -n ${hint##*-} exit fi let remove+=2 ;; --link) if ((count-remove == off)) ; then builtin compgen -W "${opts[*]}" -- "${cmdline[off+remove]}" exit fi let remove++ let link++ ;; -*) if ((count-remove == off)) ; then builtin compgen -W "${opts[*]}" -- "${cmdline[off+remove]}" exit fi let remove++ esac done if ((remove)) ; then cmdline=(${cmdline[*]:0:off} ${cmdline[@]:remove+off}) let count-=remove let remove=0 fi done fi if ((count == 2)) ; then builtin compgen -W "${opts[*]}" -- "${cmdline[2]}" ((link)) && projects -- "${cmdline[2]}" elif ((count == 3)) ; then builtin compgen -W "${opts[*]}" -- "${cmdline[3]}" ((link)) && packages "${cmdline[2]}" -- "${cmdline[3]}" elif ((count > 3)) ; then builtin compgen -W "${opts[*]}" -- "${cmdline[count]}" fi ;; workerinfo) opts=(--help) if ((count == 1)) ; then builtin compgen -W "${osccmds[*]} ${oscopts[*]}" -- "${cmdline[count]}" elif ((count >= 2)) ; then if test "${cmdline[count]::1}" = "-" ; then builtin compgen -W "${opts[*]}" -- "${cmdline[count]}" else targets ${opts[*]} -- "${cmdline[count]}" fi fi ;; checkconstraints) opts=(--help --ignore-file) if ((count == 1)) ; then builtin compgen -W "${osccmds[*]} ${oscopts[*]}" -- "${cmdline[count]}" elif ((count >= 2)) ; then if test "${cmdline[count]::1}" = "-" ; then builtin compgen -W "${opts[*]}" -- "${cmdline[count]}" else targets ${opts[*]} -- "${cmdline[count]}" fi fi ;; *) opts=(--help) if ((count == 1)) ; then builtin compgen -W "${osccmds[*]} ${oscopts[*]}" -- "${cmdline[count]}" elif ((count >= 2)) ; then if test "${cmdline[count]::1}" = "-" ; then builtin compgen -W "${opts[*]}" -- "${cmdline[count]}" else targets ${opts[*]} -- "${cmdline[count]}" fi fi esac