- 1.4.0 - Command-line: - Add rootless build support to 'build' command for 'kvm' and 'podman' vm types - Print a hint to clean the build root after a failed build - Avoid adding a newline to prompt in 'wipe' command - Fix 'build' command to pass '--vm-type' option to the underlying build tool - Add '--just-print-buildroot' option to print build root path and exit to 'build' command - Add support for keep_packages_locked on request revoke - Import zsh completition made by Holger Macht and improve it - Use XDG locations in completion - Fix 'search' command to resolve '-B .' to the current project - Add '-M/--multibuild-package' option to 'checkconstraints' command - Allow constraints file with remote request in 'checkconstraints' command - Unify how the 'commit' and 'build' commands work with '--noservice' option - Fix 'request show' command to print superseded_by information - Fix 'service' command to support already documented 'r' abbreviation for 'run' - Configuration: - Implement 'exclude_files' and 'include_files' config options that allow skipping files in the 'checkout' command - Fix api_host_options for custom CAs (cafile and capath options work again) - Switch 'osc.conf.config' from dict to Options class with type checking - Rename conf.Options.build_type to vm_type to be consistent with obs build and osc --vm-type option - Update list of supported vm_type values in conf.Options.vm_type - Remove any duplicated code loading configuration from ENV - Library: - Add 'osc.util.models' module implementing an alternative pydantic-like data validation - Add 'osc.util.xdg' module for handling XDG paths - Fix handling empty vm_type in Store.last_buildroot - Spec: - Install zsh completion - Build and install oscrc man page - 1.3.1 - Command-line: - Fix string + int concatenation errors in 'build' command by using f-strings instead - Fix '--all' option in 'rebuild' command - Fix 'build' command when '--alternative-project' option is specified and the git branch cannot be mapped to a project - Stop suggesting that the working directory is git/mercurial/svn/cvs - Be helpful in deprecating commands - Configuration: - Add more config options among integer options - Library: - Fix GitStore to error out properly if there is no 'origin' remote in the git repo - print_buildlog: Remove control characters from build log before printing (CVE-2012-1095) - 1.3.0 - Command-line: - Add experimental support of Git SCM to the 'build' command - Add experimental support of Git SCM to the 'service' command - Make 'meta' command capable of editing attributes - Change '--add' option in 'meta attribute' command to skip duplicate values - Add an interactive option to display build log in 'request list -i' command - Add '--setopt' option for setting config options from the command-line - Fix '--prefer-pkgs' option for noinstall="1" packages in kiwi builds - Change 'checkout' command to print open requests only when running in an interactive terminal - Enhance '--force' option description in the 'request' command - Connection: - Fix crash when HTTP_PROXY env contains no auth - Library: - Add 'git_scm' module for handling packages that live in git scm rather than usual obs scm - Change pop_project_package_from_args() to use get_store() to support Git SCM - Change osc.build module to use 'store' object instead of calling core.store_*() functions - Use alternative project if specified in parse_repoarchdescr() - Fix xml indent() on Python 3.6 - Fix less pager by adding '-R' to LESS env - Improve print_msg() and migrate some arbitrary prints to it - 1.2.0 - Command-line: - Add 'repo' command and subcommands for managing repositories in project meta - Extend 'browse' command to open requests in a web browser - Add highlighting for 'osc diff' and similar commands - Fix 'api' command to stream output to avoid running out of memory - Fix printing utf-8 characters to stdout - Connection: - Fix ValueError: Cannot set verify_mode to CERT_NONE when check_hostname is enabled - Authentication: - Correctly handle passwords with utf-8 characters - Library: - Fix crash when submiting a SCM package which has no _link - Fix local service execution of scmsync packages - Detect target package by its full name, instead of assuming its origin is identical to the source package type - Other: - Spell openSUSE correctly - 1.1.4 - Command-line: - Change 'review list' command to display open requests (state: new, review, declined) - Fix running osc in an AppImage by switching to the correct working directory - Handle ProtocolError exception - Library: - Add 'req_states' parameter to osc.core.get_review_list() - Connection: - Fix grabber to work with old urllib3 versions that do not contain URLSchemeUnknown exception - 1.1.3 - Command-line: - Backup edited messages and notify user about them when osc errors out - Consider only open requests when listing requests with a given review state - Fix 'diff' command when no files are specified - Configuration: - Add glob support to the 'trusted_prj' config option - Library: - Fix core.xmlindent() to work with ElementTree objects - 1.1.2 - Command-line: - Add '--buildtool-opt' option passing options to underlying rpmbuild to the 'build' command - Fix 'diff' command to support diffing selected files only - Identify inherited packages in the 'dependson' command output - Bring the '--debug' option back to the 'buildinfo' command - Fix 'buildhistory' command by setting the type of the '--limit' option to int - Library: - Fix a traceback when failed to unlock a keyring - Don't retry on 400 HTTP status code in core.server_diff() - Clean-up the '.old' folder if an exception happens - Document 'popt' attribute in the _link template - Fix build.get_repo() to return only directory that contains 'repodata/repomd.xml' - Connection: - Retry on receiving the following HTTP status codes: 400, 500, 502, 503, 504 - Allow disabling retry on 400 HTTP status code - Fix urlgrab to skip mirrors with invalid scheme - 1.1.1 - Command-line: - Fix 'creq' command that wasn't working at all - Fix 'ls' command when listing all projects by setting project argument to '/' - Fix regression: Run interactive config setup on missing config or credentials - Append plugin dirs to sys.path to allow loading modules installed next to the plugins - Do not recurse into subdirs when loading plugins - Configuration: - Display apiurl when asking for a username or a password - If apiurl is not set in interactive_config_setup(), use apiurl from DEFAULTS - Library: - Decode entities in HTTPError message body - 1.1.0 - Command-line: - New class-based commands - Sort commands before printing help - No longer read plugins from /var/lib/osc-plugins - Configuration: - Do not error out on setting oscrc permissions if the file is owned by another user - Library: - Restore 'include_request_from_project' conf option functionality - Simplify how babysitter works with options and config - Prefer f-strings over c-style string expansion - 1.0.1 - Configuration: - Fix a cut&paste error in setting 'disable_hdrmd5_check' config option - Connection: - Set Content-Type of POST requests without data to 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' - 1.0.0 - Command-line: - Use '.' as a wildcard that resolves to a project or a package name from the current working copy, for example 'osc rdiff ./. -c ' - Add 'create-pbuild-config' (cpc) command - Add '--disable-build' option to the 'branch' command - Add '--disable-build' option to the 'linkpac' command - Add '-X/--extra-pkgs-from' option to the 'build' command - Add '--add' option to the 'meta' command that appends new values to the existing values - Replace '-q/--hide-legend' option in 'prjresults' command with global '-q/--quiet' option - Replace '--debug' option in the 'getbinaries' command with '--debuginfo' to avoid conflicts with the global '--debug' - Replace '--verbose' option in the 'build' command with '--verbose-mode' to avoid conflicts with the global '--verbose' - Replace '--version' option with 'version' command - Enable forwarding requests to the parent projects in 'rq list -i' and 'sr accept' commands - Make use of '-M/--multibuild' option consistent across the commands - Enhance '--force' option in the 'commit' command to allow deleting packages even if other packages depend on them - Print URLs and xpaths in the debug rather than the verbose mode - Fix 'add' command for github /archive/ URLs - Fix 'buildhistory' command to produce proper output using build_table() and a CSV writer - Fix 'linkpac' command to avoid copying a lock from a locked package to the target package - Fix 'setlinkrev' command to write a log message on setting a revision - Fix 'submitrequest' command not to error out on using an alias to apiurl - Fix 'update' command on project level for scm packages - Fix '--mine' option in the 'request' command to show only requests created by the user - Fix the documentation url in the 'maintenancerequest' and 'createincident' commands - Remove '--skip-validation' option from the 'commit' command - Remove '--oldpkg', '--oldprj' options from the 'rdiff' command - Remove 'create', 'list', 'log', 'show', 'decline', 'accept', 'delete', 'revoke' subcommands from the 'submitrequest' command - Remove '--seperate-requests' option from the 'submitrequest' command - Remove '--raw' option from the 'develproject' command - Remove '--maintained' option from the 'search' command - Remove 'deleteprj' command - Remove 'deletepac' command - Remove 'editmeta' command - Remove 'results_meta' command - Remove 'rlog' command - Remove 'rprjresults' command - Remove 'rresults' command - Configuration: - Add 'project_separator' config option - Add 'disable_hdrmd5_check' config option to ignore hdrmd5 mismatches - Remove 'plaintext_passwd' config option - Library: - Add Store class that will replace store_{read,write}* functions - Remove 'GnomeKeyringCredentialsManager' and related code - Remove Request.get_creator() method - Replace unmaintained cmdln.py with a custom code based on argparse - Replace core.findpacs() with Package.from_paths() and Package.from_paths_nofail() - Drop Python 2 support, Python 3.6 is the lowest supported version - Code cleanups, following PEP 8 and the latest best practices now - Improve handling of hdrmd5 mismatches - Handle uncompressed Debian packages - Replace arbitrary XML escaping code with xml_escape() - Fix race condition in using .old directory in Serviceinfo.execute() - Fix manual run of source service - Connection: - Switch http_request() to urllib3 and cryptography (drop M2Crypto dependency) - Warn when using HTTP connection, make HTTPS the default - Send HTTP header Accept: application/xml - Wait between retries - Authentication: - Support signature (ssh) auth including ssh-agent forwarding - Lock cookiejar to prevent unnecessary signature auth by waiting for a session cookie - Print user and apiurl when prompting for a password - Fix a crash when deleting a password - Known issues: - Commandline option values cannot start with '-', for example: osc build -x -vim Background: This is a limitation of underlying Python's argparse How to fix: Use '=' to join the option with its value: osc build -x=-vim URL: https://github.com/openSUSE/osc/issues/1227 - Commandline positional arguments no longer recognize '/' as a universal argument separator Background: This is an attempt to bring some consistency into argument parsing, reducing number of separators and value combinations How to fix: Separate / from / with a space URL: https://github.com/openSUSE/osc/issues/1272