# Copyright (C) 2009 Novell Inc. # This program is free software; it may be used, copied, modified # and distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public Licence, # either version 2, or (at your option) any later version. from __future__ import print_function from M2Crypto.SSL.Checker import SSLVerificationError from M2Crypto import m2, SSL, httpslib import M2Crypto.m2urllib2 import socket import sys import inspect try: from urllib.parse import urlparse, splithost, splitport, splittype, urldefrag from urllib.request import addinfourl from http.client import HTTPSConnection except ImportError: #python 2.x from urlparse import urlparse, urldefrag from urllib import addinfourl, splithost, splitport, splittype from httplib import HTTPSConnection from .core import raw_input class TrustedCertStore: _tmptrusted = {} def __init__(self, host, port, app, cert): self.cert = cert self.host = host if self.host == None: raise Exception("empty host") if port: self.host += "_%d" % port import os self.dir = os.path.expanduser('~/.config/%s/trusted-certs' % app) self.file = self.dir + '/%s.pem' % self.host def is_known(self): if self.host in self._tmptrusted: return True import os if os.path.exists(self.file): return True return False def is_trusted(self): import os if self.host in self._tmptrusted: cert = self._tmptrusted[self.host] else: if not os.path.exists(self.file): return False from M2Crypto import X509 cert = X509.load_cert(self.file) if self.cert.as_pem() == cert.as_pem(): return True else: return False def trust_tmp(self): self._tmptrusted[self.host] = self.cert def trust_always(self): self.trust_tmp() from M2Crypto import X509 import os if not os.path.exists(self.dir): os.makedirs(self.dir) self.cert.save_pem(self.file) # verify_cb is called for each error once # we only collect the errors and return suceess # connection will be aborted later if it needs to def verify_cb(ctx, ok, store): if not ctx.verrs: ctx.verrs = ValidationErrors() try: if not ok: ctx.verrs.record(store.get_current_cert(), store.get_error(), store.get_error_depth()) return 1 except Exception as e: print(e, file=sys.stderr) return 0 class FailCert: def __init__(self, cert): self.cert = cert self.errs = [] class ValidationErrors: def __init__(self): self.chain_ok = True self.cert_ok = True self.failures = {} def record(self, cert, err, depth): #print "cert for %s, level %d fail(%d)" % ( cert.get_subject().commonName, depth, err ) if depth == 0: self.cert_ok = False else: self.chain_ok = False if not depth in self.failures: self.failures[depth] = FailCert(cert) else: if self.failures[depth].cert.get_fingerprint() != cert.get_fingerprint(): raise Exception("Certificate changed unexpectedly. This should not happen") self.failures[depth].errs.append(err) def show(self, out): for depth in self.failures.keys(): cert = self.failures[depth].cert print("*** certificate verify failed at depth %d" % depth, file=out) print("Subject: ", cert.get_subject(), file=out) print("Issuer: ", cert.get_issuer(), file=out) print("Valid: ", cert.get_not_before(), "-", cert.get_not_after(), file=out) print("Fingerprint(MD5): ", cert.get_fingerprint('md5'), file=out) print("Fingerprint(SHA1): ", cert.get_fingerprint('sha1'), file=out) for err in self.failures[depth].errs: reason = "Unknown" try: import M2Crypto.Err reason = M2Crypto.Err.get_x509_verify_error(err) except: pass print("Reason:", reason, file=out) # check if the encountered errors could be ignored def could_ignore(self): if not 0 in self.failures: return True nonfatal_errors = [ m2.X509_V_ERR_UNABLE_TO_GET_ISSUER_CERT_LOCALLY, m2.X509_V_ERR_SELF_SIGNED_CERT_IN_CHAIN, m2.X509_V_ERR_DEPTH_ZERO_SELF_SIGNED_CERT, m2.X509_V_ERR_CERT_UNTRUSTED, m2.X509_V_ERR_UNABLE_TO_VERIFY_LEAF_SIGNATURE, m2.X509_V_ERR_CERT_NOT_YET_VALID, m2.X509_V_ERR_CERT_HAS_EXPIRED, m2.X509_V_OK, ] canignore = True for err in self.failures[0].errs: if not err in nonfatal_errors: canignore = False break return canignore class mySSLContext(SSL.Context): def __init__(self): SSL.Context.__init__(self, 'sslv23') self.set_options(m2.SSL_OP_NO_SSLv2 | m2.SSL_OP_NO_SSLv3) self.set_cipher_list("ECDHE-RSA-AES128-SHA256:AES128-GCM-SHA256:RC4:HIGH:!MD5:!aNULL:!EDH") self.set_session_cache_mode(m2.SSL_SESS_CACHE_CLIENT) self.verrs = None #self.set_info_callback() # debug self.set_verify(SSL.verify_peer | SSL.verify_fail_if_no_peer_cert, depth=9, callback=lambda ok, store: verify_cb(self, ok, store)) class myHTTPSHandler(M2Crypto.m2urllib2.HTTPSHandler): handler_order = 499 def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.appname = kwargs.pop('appname', 'generic') M2Crypto.m2urllib2.HTTPSHandler.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) # copied from M2Crypto.m2urllib2.HTTPSHandler # it's sole purpose is to use our myHTTPSHandler/myHTTPSProxyHandler class # ideally the m2urllib2.HTTPSHandler.https_open() method would be split into # "do_open()" and "https_open()" so that we just need to override # the small "https_open()" method...) def https_open(self, req): # https://docs.python.org/3.3/library/urllib.request.html#urllib.request.Request.get_host try: # up to python-3.2 host = req.get_host() except AttributeError: # from python-3.3 host = req.host if not host: raise M2Crypto.m2urllib2.URLError('no host given') # Our change: Check to see if we're using a proxy. # Then create an appropriate ssl-aware connection. full_url = req.get_full_url() target_host = urlparse(full_url)[1] if target_host != host: request_uri = urldefrag(full_url)[0] h = httpslib.ProxyHTTPSConnection(host=host, ssl_context=self.ctx) else: try: # up to python-3.2 request_uri = req.get_selector() except AttributeError: # from python-3.3 request_uri = req.selector h = httpslib.HTTPSConnection(host=host, ssl_context=self.ctx) # End our change h.set_debuglevel(self._debuglevel) headers = dict(req.headers) headers.update(req.unredirected_hdrs) # We want to make an HTTP/1.1 request, but the addinfourl # class isn't prepared to deal with a persistent connection. # It will try to read all remaining data from the socket, # which will block while the server waits for the next request. # So make sure the connection gets closed after the (only) # request. headers["Connection"] = "close" try: h.request(req.get_method(), request_uri, req.data, headers) r = h.getresponse() except socket.error as err: # XXX what error? raise M2Crypto.m2urllib2.URLError(err) # Pick apart the HTTPResponse object to get the addinfourl # object initialized properly. # Wrap the HTTPResponse object in socket's file object adapter # for Windows. That adapter calls recv(), so delegate recv() # to read(). This weird wrapping allows the returned object to # have readline() and readlines() methods. r.recv = r.read if (sys.version_info < (3, 0)): fp = socket._fileobject(r, close=True) else: r._decref_socketios = lambda: None r.ssl = h.sock.ssl r._timeout = -1.0 # hack to bypass python3 bug with 0 buffer size and # http/client.py readinto method for response class if r.length is not None and r.length == 0: r.readinto = lambda b: 0 r.recv_into = r.readinto fp = socket.SocketIO(r, 'rb') resp = addinfourl(fp, r.msg, req.get_full_url()) resp.code = r.status resp.msg = r.reason return resp class myHTTPSConnection(M2Crypto.httpslib.HTTPSConnection): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.appname = kwargs.pop('appname', 'generic') M2Crypto.httpslib.HTTPSConnection.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) def _connect(self, family): # workaround for old M2Crypto versions where the the # SSL.Connection.__init__ constructor has no "family" parameter kwargs = {} argspec = inspect.getargspec(SSL.Connection.__init__) if 'family' in argspec.args: kwargs['family'] = family elif family != socket.AF_INET: # old SSL.Connection classes implicitly use socket.AF_INET return False self.sock = SSL.Connection(self.ssl_ctx, **kwargs) if self.session: self.sock.set_session(self.session) if hasattr(self.sock, 'set_tlsext_host_name'): self.sock.set_tlsext_host_name(self.host) self.sock.connect((self.host, self.port)) return True def connect(self): # based on M2Crypto.httpslib.HTTPSConnection.connect last_exc = None connected = False for addrinfo in socket.getaddrinfo(self.host, self.port, socket.AF_UNSPEC, socket.SOCK_STREAM, 0, 0): try: connected = self._connect(addrinfo[0]) if connected: break except socket.error as e: last_exc = e finally: if not connected and self.sock is not None: self.sock.close() if not connected: if last_exc is None: msg = 'getaddrinfo returned empty list or unsupported families' raise RuntimeError(msg) raise last_exc # ok we are connected, verify cert verify_certificate(self) def getHost(self): return self.host def getPort(self): return self.port class myProxyHTTPSConnection(M2Crypto.httpslib.ProxyHTTPSConnection, HTTPSConnection): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.appname = kwargs.pop('appname', 'generic') M2Crypto.httpslib.ProxyHTTPSConnection.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) def _start_ssl(self): M2Crypto.httpslib.ProxyHTTPSConnection._start_ssl(self) verify_certificate(self) def endheaders(self, *args, **kwargs): if self._proxy_auth is None: self._proxy_auth = self._encode_auth() HTTPSConnection.endheaders(self, *args, **kwargs) # broken in m2crypto: port needs to be an int def putrequest(self, method, url, skip_host=0, skip_accept_encoding=0): #putrequest is called before connect, so can interpret url and get #real host/port to be used to make CONNECT request to proxy proto, rest = splittype(url) if proto is None: raise ValueError("unknown URL type: %s" % url) #get host host, rest = splithost(rest) #try to get port host, port = splitport(host) #if port is not defined try to get from proto if port is None: try: port = self._ports[proto] except KeyError: raise ValueError("unknown protocol for: %s" % url) self._real_host = host self._real_port = int(port) M2Crypto.httpslib.HTTPSConnection.putrequest(self, method, url, skip_host, skip_accept_encoding) def getHost(self): return self._real_host def getPort(self): return self._real_port def verify_certificate(connection): ctx = connection.sock.ctx verrs = ctx.verrs ctx.verrs = None cert = connection.sock.get_peer_cert() if not cert: connection.close() raise SSLVerificationError("server did not present a certificate") # XXX: should be check if the certificate is known anyways? # Maybe it changed to something valid. if not connection.sock.verify_ok(): tc = TrustedCertStore(connection.getHost(), connection.getPort(), connection.appname, cert) if tc.is_known(): if tc.is_trusted(): # ok, same cert as the stored one return else: print("WARNING: REMOTE HOST IDENTIFICATION HAS CHANGED!", file=sys.stderr) print("IT IS POSSIBLE THAT SOMEONE IS DOING SOMETHING NASTY!", file=sys.stderr) print("offending certificate is at '%s'" % tc.file, file=sys.stderr) raise SSLVerificationError("remote host identification has changed") # if http_debug is set we redirect sys.stdout to an StringIO # instance in order to do some header filtering (see conf module) # so we have to use the "original" stdout for printing out = getattr(connection, '_orig_stdout', sys.stdout) verrs.show(out) print(file=out) if not verrs.could_ignore(): raise SSLVerificationError("Certificate validation error cannot be ignored") if not verrs.chain_ok: print("A certificate in the chain failed verification", file=out) if not verrs.cert_ok: print("The server certificate failed verification", file=out) while True: print(""" Would you like to 0 - quit (default) 1 - continue anyways 2 - trust the server certificate permanently 9 - review the server certificate """, file=out) print("Enter choice [0129]: ", end='', file=out) r = raw_input() if not r or r == '0': connection.close() raise SSLVerificationError("Untrusted Certificate") elif r == '1': tc.trust_tmp() return elif r == '2': tc.trust_always() return elif r == '9': print(cert.as_text(), file=out) # vim: sw=4 et