set -x set -e TOPDIR=$(dirname $(readlink -f "$0")) source "$TOPDIR/" # tweak configuration # hard-code hostname to "localhost" sed -i 's!^my $hostname = .*!my $hostname = "localhost";!' /usr/lib/obs/server/ # set signd server to "localhost" (workarounds the "will not proxy to myself" error) sed -i 's!^#server: .*!server: localhost!' /etc/sign.conf # limit number of workers sed -i 's!^OBS_WORKER_INSTANCES=.*!OBS_WORKER_INSTANCES="1"!' /etc/sysconfig/obs-server # enable xforward sed -i 's!^#use_xforward:.*!use_xforward: true!' /srv/www/obs/api/config/options.yml # configure passenger sed -i -E 's!^(\s*)PassengerRuby .*!\1PassengerRuby "/usr/bin/ruby.ruby3.1"!' /etc/apache2/conf.d/mod_passenger.conf # enable apache SSL server flag sed -i 's!^APACHE_SERVER_FLAGS=.*!APACHE_SERVER_FLAGS="SSL"!' /etc/sysconfig/apache2 # enable apache mods APACHE_MODS="passenger rewrite proxy proxy_http xforward headers ssl socache_shmcb" for mod in $APACHE_MODS; do /usr/sbin/a2enmod $mod done # create missing dirs, set perms mkdir -p /srv/obs/repos chown obsrun:obsrun /srv/obs/repos chmod 0755 /srv/obs/repos mkdir -p /srv/obs/certs chown root:root /srv/obs/certs chmod 0700 /srv/obs/certs # create a self-signed certificate for 'localhost' cd /srv/obs/certs openssl req -newkey rsa:4096 -x509 -sha256 -days 365 -nodes -addext "subjectAltName = DNS:localhost" -out server.crt -keyout server.key -subj '/CN=localhost' # copy server cert into osc's trusted certs mkdir -p /root/.config/osc/trusted-certs cp /srv/obs/certs/server.crt /root/.config/osc/trusted-certs/localhost_443.pem # configure mysql cat < /etc/my.cnf.d/obs-server.cnf [mysqld] bind-address = datadir = /srv/obs/MySQL [mysqld_multi] datadir = /srv/obs/MySQL EOF # mysql user's home mkdir -p /var/lib/mysql chown mysql:mysql /var/lib/mysql chmod 0700 /var/lib/mysql # datadir for OBS mkdir -p /srv/obs/MySQL chown mysql:mysql /srv/obs/MySQL chmod 0700 /srv/obs/MySQL # initialize database init_mysql start_mysql sleep 1 # set mysql superuser's password; user=root, password=opensuse mysqladmin -u root password opensuse echo "ALTER USER 'root'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED VIA mysql_native_password USING PASSWORD('opensuse');" | mysql # start srcserver (needed for OBS initialization) start_obs_srcserver # initialize the OBS database cd /srv/www/obs/api RAILS_ENV=production SAFETY_ASSURED=1 bin/rails db:setup writeconfiguration data:schema:load # fix perms chown -R wwwrun:www /srv/www/obs/api/log/ chown -R wwwrun:www /srv/www/obs/api/tmp/ # OBS api #systemctl enable memcached systemctl enable apache2 systemctl enable mysql # starting incl. all dependencies is expensive # let's start it only when needed # systemctl enable # OBS backend systemctl enable obssrcserver systemctl enable obsrepserver #systemctl enable obsdispatcher #systemctl enable obspublisher #systemctl enable obsscheduler #systemctl enable obsservice #systemctl enable obssignd #systemctl enable obssigner #systemctl enable obswarden #systemctl enable obsdodup #systemctl enable obsdeltastore #systemctl enable obsservicedispatch # OBS worker # systemctl enable obsworker