Feature: `osc checkout` command Scenario: Run `osc checkout` on a project Given I set working directory to "{context.osc.temp}" When I execute osc with args "checkout test:factory" Then directory "{context.osc.temp}/test:factory" exists And directory "{context.osc.temp}/test:factory/.osc" exists And directory "{context.osc.temp}/test:factory/test-pkgA" exists And directory "{context.osc.temp}/test:factory/test-pkgA/.osc" exists And file "{context.osc.temp}/test:factory/test-pkgA/test-pkgA.spec" exists And file "{context.osc.temp}/test:factory/test-pkgA/test-pkgA.changes" exists And directory "{context.osc.temp}/test:factory/test-pkgB" exists And directory "{context.osc.temp}/test:factory/test-pkgB/.osc" exists And file "{context.osc.temp}/test:factory/test-pkgB/test-pkgB.spec" exists And file "{context.osc.temp}/test:factory/test-pkgB/test-pkgB.changes" exists Scenario: Run `osc checkout` on a package Given I set working directory to "{context.osc.temp}" When I execute osc with args "checkout test:factory test-pkgA" Then directory "{context.osc.temp}/test:factory" exists And directory "{context.osc.temp}/test:factory/.osc" exists And directory "{context.osc.temp}/test:factory/test-pkgA" exists And directory "{context.osc.temp}/test:factory/test-pkgA/.osc" exists And file "{context.osc.temp}/test:factory/test-pkgA/test-pkgA.spec" exists And file "{context.osc.temp}/test:factory/test-pkgA/test-pkgA.changes" exists And directory "{context.osc.temp}/test:factory/test-pkgB" does not exist # Unlike other checkouts, file checkout doesn't create any subdirs # and puts files directly in the working directory. Scenario: Run `osc checkout` on a file Given I set working directory to "{context.osc.temp}" When I execute osc with args "checkout test:factory test-pkgA test-pkgA.spec" Then directory "{context.osc.temp}/test:factory" does not exist And file "{context.osc.temp}/test-pkgA.spec" exists And file "{context.osc.temp}/test-pkgA.changes" does not exist Scenario: Run `osc checkout` on a package, use a file size limit Given I set working directory to "{context.osc.temp}" When I execute osc with args "checkout test:factory test-pkgA --limit-size=200" And file "{context.osc.temp}/test:factory/test-pkgA/test-pkgA.spec" does not exist And file "{context.osc.temp}/test:factory/test-pkgA/test-pkgA.changes" exists Scenario: Run `osc checkout` on a package in a specified revision Given I set working directory to "{context.osc.temp}" When I execute osc with args "checkout test:factory test-pkgA --revision=2" Then file "{context.osc.temp}/test:factory/test-pkgA/test-pkgA.spec" is identical to "{context.fixtures}/pac/test-pkgA-2.spec" And file "{context.osc.temp}/test:factory/test-pkgA/test-pkgA.changes" is identical to "{context.fixtures}/pac/test-pkgA-2.changes" Scenario: Run `osc checkout` on a package, place the files in a specified output directory Given I set working directory to "{context.osc.temp}" When I execute osc with args "checkout test:factory test-pkgA --output-dir=pkgA" And directory "{context.osc.temp}/test:factory/test-pkgA" does not exist And directory "{context.osc.temp}/pkgA" exists And directory "{context.osc.temp}/pkgA/.osc" exists And file "{context.osc.temp}/pkgA/test-pkgA.spec" exists And file "{context.osc.temp}/pkgA/test-pkgA.changes" exists # TODO(dmach): revisit this functionality # Working dir becomes a project dir, package goes into a subdirectory. # One would expect the package to go to the working dir. Scenario: Run `osc checkout` on a package, place the files in the working directory Given I set working directory to "{context.osc.temp}" When I execute osc with args "checkout test:factory test-pkgA --current-dir" And directory "{context.osc.temp}/test:factory/test-pkgA" does not exist And directory "{context.osc.temp}/.osc" exists And directory "{context.osc.temp}/test-pkgA/.osc" exists And file "{context.osc.temp}/test-pkgA/test-pkgA.spec" exists And file "{context.osc.temp}/test-pkgA/test-pkgA.changes" exists