from . import package as osc_package def forward_request(apiurl, request, interactive=True): """ Forward the specified `request` to the projects the packages were branched from. """ from .. import core as osc_core for action in request.get_actions("submit"): package = osc_package.ApiPackage(apiurl, action.tgt_project, action.tgt_package) if not package.linkinfo: # not a linked/branched package, can't forward to parent continue project = package.linkinfo.project package = package.linkinfo.package if interactive: reply = input(f"\nForward request to {project}/{package}? ([y]/n) ") if reply.lower() not in ("y", ""): continue msg = f"Forwarded request #{request.reqid} from {request.creator}\n\n{request.description}" new_request_id = osc_core.create_submit_request( apiurl, action.tgt_project, action.tgt_package, project, package, msg, ) msg = f"Forwarded request #{request.reqid} from {request.creator} to {project}/{package}: #{new_request_id}" print(msg)