#!/usr/bin/python # Copyright (C) 2006 Peter Poeml. All rights reserved. # This program is free software; it may be used, copied, modified # and distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public Licence, # either version 2, or (at your option) any later version. from core import * usage_general = """\ usage: osc [options] [args] OpenSUSE build service command-line tool, version %s. Type 'osc help ' for help on a specific subcommand. Most subcommands take file and/or directory arguments, recursing on the directories. If no arguments are supplied to such a command, it recurses on the current directory (inclusive) by default. Available subcommands: add addremove checkin (ci) checkout (co) diff editmeta help history (hist) id log ls meta platforms remove (del, delete, rm) resolved results results_meta status (st) update (up) """ % get_osc_version() def init(args): """Initialize a directory to be a working copy of an existing buildservice package. (This is the same as checking out a package and then copying sources into the directory. It does NOT create a new package.) usage: init """ project = args[0] package = args[1] init_package_dir(project, package, os.path.curdir) print 'Initializing %s (Project: %s, Package: %s)' % (os.curdir, project, package) def ls(args): """ls (list): List existing content on the server usage: ls # list projects ls Apache # list packages in a project ls Apache subversion # list files of package of a project """ if not args: print '\n'.join(get_slash_source()) elif len(args) == 1: project = args[0] print '\n'.join(meta_get_packagelist(project)) elif len(args) == 2: project = args[0] package = args[1] print '\n'.join(meta_get_filelist(project, package)) def meta(args): """Shows meta information usage: meta Apache # show meta of project 'Apache' meta Apache subversion # show meta of package 'subversion' """ if not args: print 'missing argument' print meta.func_doc sys.exit(1) if len(args) == 2: project = args[0] package = args[1] print ''.join(show_package_meta(project, package)) print ''.join(show_files_meta(project, package)) elif len(args) == 1: project = args[0] print ''.join(show_project_meta(project)) def editmeta(args): """Edit project/package meta information If the named project or package does not exist, it will be created. usage: editmeta FooPrj # edit meta of project 'FooPrj' editmeta FooPrj barpackage # edit meta of package 'barpackage' """ if not args: print 'missing argument' print meta.func_doc sys.exit(1) if len(args) == 2: project = args[0] package = args[1] edit_meta(project, package) elif len(args) == 1: project = args[0] edit_meta(project, None) def diff(args): """diff: Generates a diff, to view the local changes usage: 1. osc diff # current dir 2. osc diff file1 file2 ... """ args = parseargs(args) pacs = findpacs(args) for p in pacs: if p.todo == []: for i in p.filenamelist: s = p.status(i) if s == 'M' or s == 'C': p.todo.append(i) d = [] for filename in p.todo: d.append('Index: %s\n' % filename) d.append('===================================================================\n') d.append(get_source_file_diff(p.dir, filename, p.rev)) if d: print ''.join(d) def checkout(args): """checkout (co): Check out content from the server. usage: co Apache # entire project co Apache subversion # a package co Apache subversion foo # single file -> to current dir """ project = package = filename = None try: project = args[0] package = args[1] filename = args[2] except: pass if filename: get_source_file(project, package, filename) elif package: checkout_package(project, package) else: # all packages for package in meta_get_packagelist(project): checkout_package(project, package) def status(args): """Show the status (which files have been changed locally) usage: st st st file1 file2 ... """ args = parseargs(args) pacs = findpacs(args) for p in pacs: # no files given as argument? Take all files in current dir if not p.todo: p.todo = p.filenamelist + p.filenamelist_unvers for filename in p.todo: s = p.status(filename) if s == 'F': print statfrmt('!', filename) elif s != ' ': print statfrmt(s, filename) def add(args): """Mark files to be added upon next 'checkin' usage: add file1 file2 ... """ if not args: print '%s requires at least one argument' % cmd sys.exit(1) filenames = parseargs(args) for filename in filenames: if not os.path.exists(filename): print "file '%s' does not exist" % filename sys.exit(1) pacs = findpacs(filenames) for pac in pacs: for filename in pac.todo: if filename in exclude_stuff: continue pac.addfile(filename) print statfrmt('A', filename) def addremove(args): """addremove: Adds all new files in local copy and removes all disappeared files. usage: addremove """ args = parseargs(args) pacs = findpacs(args) for p in pacs: p.todo = p.filenamelist + p.filenamelist_unvers for filename in p.todo: if filename in exclude_stuff: continue state = p.status(filename) if state == '?': p.addfile(filename) print statfrmt('A', filename) elif state == '!': p.put_on_deletelist(filename) p.write_deletelist() os.unlink(os.path.join(p.storedir, filename)) print statfrmt('D', filename) def checkin(args): """checkin (ci): Upload change content from your working copy to the repository usage: ci # current dir ci ci file1 file2 ... """ init_basicauth() args = parseargs(args) pacs = findpacs(args) for p in pacs: p.todo = p.filenamelist_unvers + p.filenamelist for filename in p.todo: st = p.status(filename) if st == 'A' or st == 'M': p.todo_send.append(filename) print 'Sending %s' % filename elif st == 'D': p.todo_delete.append(filename) print 'Deleting %s' % filename if not p.todo_send and not p.todo_delete: print 'nothing to do for package %s' % p.name continue print 'Transmitting file data ', for filename in p.todo_send: sys.stdout.write('.') p.put_source_file(filename) for filename in p.todo_delete: p.delete_source_file(filename) p.to_be_deleted.remove(filename) p.update_filesmeta() p.write_deletelist() print def update(args): """Update a working copy usage: up up [pac_dir] # update a single package by its path up * # from within a project dir, update all packages up # from within a project dir, update all packages AND check out all newly added packages """ args = parseargs(args) for arg in args: # when 'update' is run inside a project dir, it should... if is_project_dir(arg): prj = Project(arg) # (a) update all packages for i in prj.pacs_have: args.append(i) # (b) fetch new packages prj.checkout_missing_pacs() args.remove(arg) pacs = findpacs(args) for p in pacs: # save filelist and (modified) status before replacing the meta file saved_filenames = p.filenamelist saved_modifiedfiles = [] for i in p.filenamelist: if p.status(i) == 'M': saved_modifiedfiles.append(i) oldp = p p.update_filesmeta() p = Package(p.dir) # which files do no longer exist upstream? disappeared = [] for filename in saved_filenames: if filename not in p.filenamelist: disappeared.append(filename) for filename in saved_filenames: if filename in disappeared: print statfrmt('D', filename) p.delete_localfile(filename) continue for filename in p.filenamelist: state = p.status(filename) if state == 'M' and p.findfilebyname(filename).md5 == oldp.findfilebyname(filename).md5: # no merge necessary... local file is changed, but upstream isn't pass elif state == 'M' and filename in saved_modifiedfiles: status_after_merge = p.mergefile(filename) print statfrmt(status_after_merge, filename) elif state == 'M': p.updatefile(filename) print statfrmt('U', filename) elif state == '!': p.updatefile(filename) print 'Restored \'%s\'' % filename elif state == 'F': p.updatefile(filename) print statfrmt('A', filename) elif state == ' ': pass p.update_pacmeta() #print ljust(p.name, 45), 'At revision %s.' % p.rev print 'At revision %s.' % p.rev def delete(args): """rm (remove, del, delete): Mark files to be deleted upon next 'checkin' usage: rm file1 file2 ... """ if not args: print 'delete requires at least one argument' sys.exit(1) args = parseargs(args) pacs = findpacs(args) for p in pacs: for filename in p.todo: p.put_on_deletelist(filename) p.write_deletelist() try: os.unlink(os.path.join(p.dir, filename)) os.unlink(os.path.join(p.storedir, filename)) except: pass print statfrmt('D', filename) def resolved(args): """If an update can't be merged automatically, a file is in 'C' (conflict) state, and conflicts are marked with special <<<<<<< and >>>>>>> lines. After manually resolving the problem, use usage: resolved """ if not args: print 'this command requires at least one argument' sys.exit(1) args = parseargs(args) pacs = findpacs(args) for p in pacs: for filename in p.todo: print "Resolved conflicted state of '%s'" % filename p.clear_from_conflictlist(filename) def userid(args): """id: show metadata about user usage: id """ if not args: print 'this command requires at least one argument' sys.exit(1) r = get_user_id(args[0]) if r: print ''.join(r) def platforms(args): """platforms: Shows platforms usage 1. platforms Shows available platforms/build targets 2. platforms Shows the configured platforms/build targets of a project """ if args: project = args[0] print '\n'.join(get_platforms_of_project(project)) else: print '\n'.join(get_platforms()) def results_meta(args): """Shows the build results of the package in raw XML usage: results_meta [platform] """ wd = os.curdir package = store_read_package(wd) project = store_read_project(wd) if args: platform = args[0] print ''.join(show_results_meta(project, package, platform)) else: for platform in get_platforms_of_project(project): print ''.join(show_results_meta(project, package, platform)) def results(args): """Shows the build results of a package usage: 1. results # package = current dir 2. results """ if args and len(args) > 1: print 'getting results for more than one package is not supported' print sys.exit(1) if args: wd = args[0] else: wd = os.curdir package = store_read_package(wd) project = store_read_project(wd) for platform in get_platforms_of_project(project): print '\n'.join(get_results(project, package, platform)) def log(args): """log: Shows the log file from a package (you need to be inside a package directory) usage: log """ wd = os.curdir package = store_read_package(wd) project = store_read_project(wd) platform = args[0] arch = args[1] print ''.join(get_log(project, package, platform, arch)) def history(args): """history: Shows the build history of a package (NOT IMPLEMENTED YET) usage: history """ args = parseargs(args) pacs = findpacs(args) for p in pacs: print ''.join(get_history(p.prjname, p.name)) def help(args): """help: Describe the usage of this program or its subcommands. usage: help [SUBCOMMAND...] """ if args: cmd = resolve_cmd_alias(args[0]) try: print cmd_dict[cmd].func_doc except KeyError: print 'unknown command \'%s\'' % cmd sys.exit(1) else: print usage_general def resolve_cmd_alias(cmd): if cmd == 'ci': return 'checkin' if cmd == 'co': return 'checkout' if cmd == 'st': return 'status' if cmd == 'up': return 'update' if cmd == 'list': return 'ls' if cmd == 'hist': return 'history' if cmd in ['del', 'remove', 'rm']: return 'delete' return cmd cmd_dict = { 'add': add, 'addremove': addremove, 'checkin': checkin, 'checkout': checkout, 'diff': diff, 'editmeta': editmeta, 'help': help, 'history': history, 'id': userid, # <- small difference here 'init': init, # depracated 'log': log, 'ls': ls, 'meta': meta, 'platforms': platforms, 'delete': delete, 'resolved': resolved, 'results': results, 'results_meta': results_meta, 'status': status, 'update': update, } def main(): """handling of commandline arguments, and dispatching to subcommands""" # which subcommand? if len(sys.argv) < 2: print "Type 'osc help' for usage." sys.exit(0) cmd = resolve_cmd_alias(sys.argv[1]) # more arguments? if len(sys.argv) > 2: args = sys.argv[2:] else: args = None # run subcommand if cmd not in cmd_dict: print 'unknown command \'%s\'' % cmd print "Type 'osc help' for usage." sys.exit(1) cmd_dict[cmd](args) if __name__ == '__main__': init_basicauth() main()